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Questions tagged [zooming]

About zooming in or out, including magnification tools.

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72 votes
7 answers

How can I disable Alt-Scroll zoom in XFCE4 (Xubuntu)

In XFCE4 desktop environments, alt+scroll wheel zooms my entire desktop. I'm finding this very annoying because sometimes I flick the scroll wheel to go to the top of a document then press the alt key ...
StrongFish's user avatar
51 votes
5 answers

How to keep zoomlevel in Evince constant after clicking a link?

I really love how Evince works but this little thing is annoying me so much. When I select a title or a subtitle from the table of contents it shifts the zoom. On windows it was just easy as pie with ...
c.k.'s user avatar
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46 votes
7 answers

How to zoom in & zoom out

While using 10.04 and the previous versions I used to put Ctrl+F6 to zoom in and subsequently Ctrl+F7 to zoom out. Now (using 11.10, Unity) I can't even find the options to zoom in and zoom out in the ...
stanimir's user avatar
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41 votes
3 answers

How to zoom in and out of text in Gedit?

I am using Ubuntu 11.10. This seems to be an easy question, yet I cannot find an answer anywhere. On pre-unity Ubuntu, I was using gedit-zoom plugin to zoom text in editor window in/out, either with ...
Greg V.'s user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Can evince pdf reader be setup to do larger zoom than 400%?

PDF documents are usually vector graphics and can be zoomed infinitely. Some PDFs like infographics contain a lot of information and need a large zoom to read them. Why can evince not zoom over 400%? ...
arauzo's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Why is LibreOffice so slow when used in Ubuntu 16.04?

The Problem I'm using LibreOffice in Ubuntu 16.04, and the program is considerably slower than in e.g. Windows 8.1 and Debian 8. This shows up in particular when I change the zoom level in ...
Francesco Mirrione's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Terminal Command to Zoom

I've been looking for this for a while, and I can't find it anywhere. I need to be able to zoom (equivalent of ctrl + shift + '+') via the terminal. I've tried xdotool, but do not know how to get it ...
AmagicalFishy's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

How to activate super+scroll to zoom?

In maverick, and I belive many old ubuntus, one could zoom in and out by holding super and scrolling with the mouse, but that doesn't work in Natty. How do you activate that again?
Konstapel Kask's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Is it possible to have different zoom for each display for dual-display configuration?

It seems for me like it isn't possible, as zoom is changed for both displays simultaneous in "Displays" tool. ubuntu 18.04, nvidia, one display 4K other 2K I want to have 200% zoom on 4K display and ...
mirec's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Control compiz zoom from the command line

I'm downstairs on my phone trying to VNC into my desktop upstairs but earlier today, I zoomed in with compiz on one of my screens so it makes using that screen over VNC almost impossible. Now I could ...
Oli's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Is there a better way to zoom in?

I'm looking for a better way to zoom in, rather than using the default accessibility zoom in option because it's really buggy. Is there a better alternative? Edit: Just to clarify, I'm talking about ...
CottonTheButton's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Nautilus - How to apply Zoom on the filenames? Not just on the thumbnails

I'm looking to edit the way for nautilus to handle the zoom. Since Ubuntu 13.04, when you use the zoom in nautilus it only changes the thumbnails/icons size, and the filename text stay the same. Is ...
Romain Fluttaz's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

How can I zoom one specific window in KDE?

In my high resolution laptop display I defined the font to 230 dpi so everything looks fine but some apps that are running in java. Is it possible to display a specific desired window scaled in ...
rubo77's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Zoom desktop tool for Ubuntu 14

I need a "zoom tool" for the entire screen because I want to control a bar with the mouse (time bar, like youtube) from an web-based audio player. The problem is that this player is too small and ...
fedeman's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Is there anything that allows me to smoothly zoom in with a trackpad

I've googled to hell and back about this and I cannot find any information. Is there A browser An Extension Any program That allows me to smoothly zoom a Webpage with a pinching gesture on my ...
Leonardo Petrucci's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to zoom in while screencasting?

Is there a way I can zoom in where the cursor is, while screencasting, something like this: I presently using kazam on Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit for screencasting. Good alternatives which allow this ...
jobin's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How do I adjust display size, not resolution?

I have my Ubuntu 11.10 PC plugged into a TV using an HDMI input. The edges of the screen get cut off, and I can't adjust the television's settings for HDMI. I can adujust the "position and size" on ...
CJJ's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Kubuntu screen magnifier doesn't follow the cursor

I'm a sight impaired and use Kubuntu. I'm really happy with it but have a little problem. When I write a document or an e-mail, I have to use the screen magnifier, and it doesn't follow the cursor ...
Belén's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How do I zoom in one window in Unity

I'm trying to zoom in (or scale up) one window on the Macbook Pro with HiDPI/retina screen in Unity on 12.04. This is useful for some applications that doesn't allow the font size etc. to be changed. ...
hengestone's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Zoom a Single Window

I have a 4 k display which is great. I can fit a lot of stuff in there and most applications have a big enough font which can be easily read even in a quarter of the intended area (when designed for ...
UTF-8's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Scrolling and display problem (bug?) in LibreOffice 3.6 and above [closed]

This problem started with a new version of LibreOffice, (the one with the new green splash screen instead of the old white one) and continued up to the latest 4.x versions. My documents are ...
5 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu file manager with more zoom

I want to go over a folder with images and copy some of them to a different folder. I am working on a laptop screen and I want to see the image thumbnails zoomed bigger. I tried the file managers I ...
balki's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How do I disable the long press Super key from showing the shortcuts window?

Note this is the long press and not the one for the short press as mentioned here How do I disable the Super key? The super key has been a modifier long before Unity came, and I have used it on ...
pt123's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to disable Synaptics pinch-to-zoom support in evince (PDF viewer)?

My friend experiences this bug: But most of the time zoom is activated unintentionally when using two-fingers scrolling on a Synaptics ...
int_ua's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Side by side image comparison in Linux

Is there any way to view and compare images side by side with the ability to zoom and pan on one image and get the same view on another image (synced views)? In Windows this can be done using ...
NESHOM's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How do you zoom in Ubuntu Natty? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to activate super+scroll to zoom? Before update my Ubuntu to Natty, I zoomed in-out the screen using the Winkey + mouse wheel. Now, how can in zoom in-out with Natty? ...
diegocaro's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to emulate pinch-zoom?

I'm looking for a way to emulate pinch zoom in either an android emulator(android SDK-less desirable) or a (preferred) native Ubuntu web browser that I can resize to a specified size for initial ...
RobotHumans's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Is there a magnifier for Ubuntu 18.04?

I've just upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04. I am half blind and used to love the compiz config tool and the way it could be configured to the keyboard. Does 18.04 have anything that comes close to ...
fernny500's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to enable 2 finger touchpad pinch to zoom gesture (not ctrl+/-) Ubuntu 19.10?

It seems in 19.10 the touchscreen 2 finger zoom is finally working correctly out of the box. So why is same behavior not on the touchpad? Is there any driver, software, Ubuntu flavor, Linux ...
Andrew Lin's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do I zoom 200% in feh without having to use fullscreen?

This works: feh --zoom 200 --full-screen picturius.png I need the same without full-screen: feh --zoom 200 picturius.png # this does not work Have you an idea where I am wrong?
xerostomus's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

The zoom tool does not work in Pinta

The zoom tool does not work in Pinta. Holding Ctrl and scrolling does nothing. The buttons "Zoom in" and "Zoom out" have no effect. Nothing happens when I type in a zoom percentage. Other than that ...
Stéphane Tréboux's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do I disable anti-aliasing in Compiz Zoom?

When using the Zoom function of Compiz, the zoomed-in pixels are anti-aliased (smoothed), which I guess is helpful for accessibility, however I want to actually see an accurate representation of the ...
nickf's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Different partial zooms using keyboard

When coal was young I was using fvwm (or maybe tvwm?) which allowed me to define many different zooms and control them using keyboard, something like Super+left: make the window fill the left half of ...
maaartinus's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Desktop icons default zoom level change regularly from 'small' to 'large'

My question is directly related to How to change desktop icon size? and accepted answer. Desktop icons zoom level randomly keep changing : $ dconf read /org/gnome/nautilus/icon-view/default-zoom-...
mxdsp's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to add zoom in and out buttons on Evince's toolbar?

is there a way to add a "zoom in" and "zoom out" button in evince's panel? The scrolldown menu with 100%, 85%, fit to screen etc. is not very userfriendly. Unfortunately I can't find a settings menu....
Nooster's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to zoom desktop without Compiz?

First off I am visually impaired and I have used various Windows-based screen zooming applications. Compiz Advanced Desktop Zoom is fantastic but it totally murders my Wine applications. Turning off ...
user87239's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to mousewheel zoom the whole desktop in ubuntu budgie

I can't remember what version of ubuntu i used 3 or 4 years ago, but it had a feature where i could zoom in and zoom out the whole desktop with the mousewheele, like MAC does(i don't know if they can ...
Yassine Bridi's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to get different size icons on desktop and in folder window (16.10)?

After an upgrade from 16.04 to 16.10 I have found that changing the size of the icons in a folder window changes the size of the icons on the desktop. This is a new behaviour AFAIK. Is there a ...
Richard Quint's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Launch a program at double the zoom

I've got a high DPI screen and certain applications (Skype, Gimp, Inkscape) show tiny icons. The rest of the system seems ok, so I'm just wondering if it's possible to launch a program zoomed in 2x, e....
EoghanM's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

zoomed in login window

My niece was hitting the keyboard while the computer was at the login window, a few seconds later the login page was zoomed in like crazy as you can see. I tried hitting ctrl and scrolling up and ...
jim tik's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Xubuntu 14.04 conflicting Alt+Scroll behavior

Alt+Scroll is in Xubuntu overloaded to have two behaviors: alter window transparency when mouse is positioned on title bar, or zoom otherwise. When I position the mouse cursor on a window title bar ...
Kile Kasmir Asmussen's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu 18.04 - how to configure zoom

Im currently using Ubuntu 16.04 with compizconfig-settings-manager for zoom and invert colors. I now installed Ubuntu 18.04 on another drive, i wanted to try it out and seems like the zoom works quiet ...
Kenneth.S.B.'s user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Title bars and menus have become too small, but everything else too big

I just restarted my computer (I installed Git LFS, if that's related at all) and now my title bars, menus, desktop icons, etc. are too small and the contents of most of my windows are too large. I've ...
Omegastick's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Solutions for couch surfing

Using Ubuntu to consume media such as watching TV, movies, or listening to music, one occasionally wants to surf the web off the couch or control other applications with the computer screen standing ...
type's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Zoom with Control+Mouse-wheel in Ubuntu 22.04 (Gnome)

In most applications, Control+Mouse-wheel allows one to zoom in or out (e.g. Firefox, LibreOffice, Evince, etc.). After upgrading from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04, Gnome seems to catch the event and ...
Matthieu Moy's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to smoothly desktop Zoom-in/out with Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS on iMac late 2014?

I know there are currently a bunch of requests on this subject, e.g. How to zoom in & zoom out - I have an iMac late 2014 with recognized GPU and decided last week (march 2021) to install and use ...
Fabio's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Zoom in-out problems in Ubuntu 20.04

I have Ubuntu 20.04 installed and having problems with zooming or out function. When I activate zoom it generally zooms in the whole screen but I only want a zoomed in image of a small area of a ...
Piyush Mhatre's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Screen zoom (accessibility settings) not working, how to fix it?

I recently noticed(Ubuntu 20.4.1 LTS) that my screen zoom function is not working smoothly as it used to under Universal Access Settings. It does turns ON the screen zoom functionality but, it's very &...
Barry Barab's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can't zoom with Thinkpad T480s touchpad in 18.04

Zooming with a pinch gesture on the touchpad of my Lenovo Thinkpad T480s does not work. Does Ubuntu 18.04 LTS support it? I tried fusuma but it didn't help. How may I troubleshoot this?
milz_miliz's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Disable zoom on GDM, Ubuntu 18.04 [duplicate]

Ubuntu seems to detect that my laptop has a high resolution screen and, by default, sets everything to a 200% zoom. I prefer to set this back to no zoom, but with larger font sizes. This was no ...
Karl's user avatar
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