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Questions tagged [xinetd]

xinetd, the eXtended InterNET Daemon, is an open-source daemon which runs on many Linux and Unix systems and manages Internet-based connectivity.

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4 votes
1 answer

Should I use inetd or xinetd?

I see openbsd-inetd is installed by default but there are quite a few mentions of xinetd in AskUbuntu. I have a custom service to install. inetd would provide all the features I need. Should I be ...
Chris Good's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to start vnc server on-demand (not on boot)

I have a vps which has the basic xfce environment & tightvncserver installed. I would like to have tightvncserver automatically start whenever I initiate a connection to the port it runs on (in ...
QRohlf's user avatar
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1 answer

TFTP server not working [closed]

I'm trying to set up a TFTP server using xinetd but I haven't had any luck so far. I have installed the following packages: xinetd, tftpd, tftp. After that I changed the /etc/xinetd.d/tftp so that ...
Davi S Evangelista's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I set VNC Server so that on system reboot it is auto started?

I was trying to make a VNC server in my Ubuntu 11.04, which can allow me to login even system reboots. Therefore, I have tried as following, but from vncviewer I can't connect. Server listening ...
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2 votes
1 answer

Unable to locate package xinetd

I tried to install xinetd by the command sudo apt-get install xinetd. I got this error message Unable to locate package xinetd Why? Isn't it supposed to be under init.d folder?
Shira's user avatar
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0 answers

xinetd on Kubuntu 12.04 [duplicate]

Does xinetd comes pre-installed with Kubuntu 12.04? If so, where is the xinet.d directory? And if not - how do the network processes, that should be awaken by xinetd, work without it?
Guest's user avatar
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1 answer

Why netstat lists xinetd IPv6 TCP listen port, but not IPv4 port?

On a Ubuntu 18.04 machine, I installed xinetd and inetutils-telnetd to serve TELNET clients, and it works well, accepting both clients from IPv6 clients and IPv4 clients. One thing I notice is: ...
Jimm Chen's user avatar
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2 answers

My Linux book has many references to xinetd but I can't find it?

Can't see it anywhere, is it called something different?
Michael Durrant's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

tftpd on xinetd, not able to serve files Error `tftpd: unknown option -?`

I'm trying to serve a connection of tftpd (using xinetd) and I'm getting this error $ sudo systemctl status xinetd "tftpd[18566]: unknown option -?" After establishing the connection from a ...
freddie_ventura's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

dconf errors in xinetd output stream

I have a custom xinetd server process that formerly worked, but it now generates errors when dconf warning messages are printed into the output stream. I think it is a configuration issue, but I can't ...
erixoltan's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Telnet not working on Ubuntu 20.04

I want Ubuntu to be telent server, for which I installed telnetd: ngadre@in01-7h4wrf3:~/Documents/release6.6.1/caos$ sudo apt install telnetd -y [sudo] password for ngadre: Reading package lists... ...
RootPhoenix's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

SSH into server running xinetd throws error "kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer"

I have two servers running ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS with openssh-server 1:8.9p1-3ubuntu0.1 installed. And on both servers I have installed the same admin user. I want to test the legacy superdaemon xinetd ...
Thomas Grusz's user avatar
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production remote graphical login

I have been doing a lot of searching for how to set up Ubuntu to allow remote users to graphically login. Most of them have you set up a vnc server per user. This is idioc in a normal production ...
Carl's user avatar
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1 answer

telnet file not found in etc/xinetd.d

$apt-get install -y telnetd $apt-get install -y xinetd $ls /etc/xinetd.d telnet is not found Kindly help.
King Satan's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is rlogin running or not?

I accidently connected to my server using rlogin instead of SSH. The connection worked. "rlogin username:" was displayed directly followed by "Network error: Connection refused". I am wondering if ...
Bobface's user avatar
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1 answer

xinetd starts too early

When xinetd starts when the server boots, it complains that the IP sepecified in one of the service descriptions isn't available. My IP for eth0 is not configured in /etc/network/interfaces, but in ...
Gene Vincent's user avatar