I followed this tutorial https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/create-a-usb-stick-on-macos#1-overview. When I run ubuntu, or attempt to, it doesn't register the mac's mouse or keyboard. I had to get a pc keyboard and mouse, and then still can't get it to work. It keeps locking up. Anyway. The computer no longer registers the usb. I wanted to erase and try again. Can't. So ... I am going to buy a new ssd, but what format should I use? I think the one said in the tutorial isn't the correct one. If it is than I have no idea what went wrong.

  • 1
    You don't format a USB before writing an ISO to it, as the ISO contains a formatted image that overwrites whatever is on the USB-thumb-drive if written correctly. If you reformat the ISO during write (to change the format), you risk the install not working, or the thumb-drive not even being bootable due to changes made; so I suggest following the official tutorials. You didn't mention Ubuntu product/release, so we can't know if you used an appropriate tutorial. If you want to be sure validate ISO write askubuntu.com/questions/1467825/… etc
    – guiverc
    Commented 6 hours ago
  • 1
    Providing details of your mac will also allow us to better help you; did you start with an appropriate Ubuntu ISO for your unstated MAC hardware? as multiple Ubuntu products & architecture ISOs exist, just as there are multiple variations in apple MAC hardware (though fewer than what Ubuntu provides for)
    – guiverc
    Commented 6 hours ago


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