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Questions tagged [vsftpd]

The "Very Secure FTPD" is a *nix (Unix, Linux) FTP Server.

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36 votes
11 answers

Error message "500 OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot()" - keep user jailed

So far I have been unable to keep an FTP user jailed to their website directory. Is there a solution that both fixes this bug and keeps the user jailed to their directory? My vsFTPd settings that I ...
Chris Hough's user avatar
28 votes
4 answers

How to setup virtual users for vsftpd with access to a specific sub directory?

I need to be able to add a virtual users to vsftpd that only have access to a sub folder. The reason why I want to use virtual users is I only want to have 1 real user on the server. The FTP ...
Avenyet's user avatar
  • 864
24 votes
3 answers

vsftpd log file location?

Can someone tell me where is located the log file for vsftpd? I'm trying to learn how to install and configure a ftp server and I can't seem to find the log file. Can anybody tell me how to configure ...
Caranfil Alegzandru's user avatar
20 votes
6 answers

Why does terminal auto complete sometimes not suggest anything for the `services` command?

Sometimes, when I type a command on the terminal, the terminal's autocomplete does not work, even if my command is not wrong. For example, take look to this: sudo service vsftpd status sudo and ...
Mohammad Reza Rezwani's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

VSFTPD 553 error: could not create file

Fresh LAMP server setup with Ubuntu 12.04 and VSFTPD. I'm trying to access the /var/www folder (web root) with FTP user. I created a new user ftpuser and added it to the www-data user group created ...
Aram Boyajyan's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

How to change vsftpd's default directory to / instead of the user's home directory?

I currently have vsftpd installed in such a way, that when a user, say for instance my account frederik authenticates, I will be directed to my home directory /home/frederik/. This is a problem for ...
Freya's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

sshfs giving "remote host has disconnected"

I am trying to mount an sftp connection into a folder using sshfs with the following command which throws an error. ~$ sshfs [email protected]:/ testfo remote host has disconnected The same error ...
Slava Knyazev's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

vsFTPd stopped working after update

I have just updated to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) from Ubuntu Server 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot). It updated my vsFTPd installation, and it seems that something has changed :/ I use PAM ...
Goulash's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

FTP Permissions read but not write

I made a personal FTP server on an old laptop but when I connect I can only read/download no upload. How do I change this? Thanks for the help in advance I am use vsftpd
user156980's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

how to change vsftpd default port?

so here's the deal. I have vsftpd installed and am looking to change the default port to something other than 21. I've checked /etc/vsftpd.conf and can't find a setting to change the default port. I'm ...
Bryan's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

Where is vsftpd.conf?

I have a 11.04 x86 server. I ran sudo apt-get install vsftpd and that was successful. But I cannot find the vsftpd.conf file anywhere. I thought it was supposed to be in /etc/vsftpd.conf.
Nik's user avatar
  • 241
14 votes
5 answers

VSFTPD configuration problems with 12.04

So I upgraded my Ubuntu Server to 12.04 LTS today and now VSFTPD wont work. I think it is related to this VSFTPd stopped working after update However, unlike the asker in that post, I am not getting ...
Austin's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

How to create a user for ftp server?

I'm using vsftpd. I need an ftp server for my web server, I can login under my account of course, but I can't do the main thing it's meant for and add/edit/remove files in my var/www directory. ...
NardCake's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

vsftpd - GnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received

How can I fix this error when I try connecting to the ftp server on filezila: GnuTLS error -15: An unexpected TLS packet was received. And this error on sublime ftpsync plugin: ssl.SSLError: [SSL: ...
Francisc I.B's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

VSFTPD installed, but I can't restart/stop it

I've installed VSFTPD on my VPS running Ubuntu server 10.04. When connecting using FTP clients such as Filezilla it's working perfectly. However when I use my Drupal's native FTP client to update the ...
Michael Yap's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Why vsftpd doesnt work when pam_service_name=vsftpd?

I did a vsftpd setup on my home server. I got some authentication error so I searched through this forum and got a solution. This solution worked for me As in the solution. the default setting ...
Anbu's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to list all FTP-users?

I need to get all FTP-users, but I dont understand how to get (list) all FTP (vsftpd or proftpd) users, is there some solutions about this?
Igor's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to enable a user to login through FTP?

I have installed vsftp on Ubuntu 10.10. I want to give the user FTP login privilage .
Gaurav Butola's user avatar
7 votes
7 answers

vsftpd-cannot read config file even when file exists

I'm on Ubuntu 15.04 and I just installed vsftpd. When I run the command service vsftpd status, I get the following output: vsftpd.service - vsftpd FTP server Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/...
cgifox's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

vsftpd not starting

I have installed vsftpd on Ubuntu Raring Ringtail, and made a few changes to the config file. When I try to run with these changes, the service never starts. Reverting to default config, the service ...
Luke's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

500 OOPS: cannot change directory: /home/user/public_html, VSFTPD error

I setup VSFTPD on my Ubuntu server 12.04, it worked very good. Until I tried to change the permissions of the user so the user couldn't go in the / directory and only in the directories inside /home/...
tversteeg's user avatar
  • 195
6 votes
3 answers

what is ftp username and password for vsftpd?

I installed VSFTPD on ubuntu 12.04, and now how do I log in? Which username and password do I use? I tried using root and the password for root, but that didn't work.
Thomas's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

vsftpd installation not working on virtual server as of 14.04

The process I have used for installing vsftpd since 12.04 no longer works. I get the error stop: Unknown instance when restarting the service. I believe this means the configuration is wrong, but I ...
roydukkey's user avatar
  • 131
6 votes
3 answers

Enable FIPS 140-2 in ubuntu

I have Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS server. Mainly I am running an SFTP server (OpenSSH_5.9), Vsftpd server (vsFTPd 2.3.5) and an IBM Message queue. My client want this server to be FIPS 140-2 certified, about ...
Midhun Jose's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Trying to connect to vsftpd, Failed to retrieve directory listing

Something is really not working here. I have the following error in using FileZilla to connect to a remote machine running vsftpd: Command: LIST Error: Connection timed out Error: Failed to ...
ajhcasual's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Lost sudo privileges [duplicate]

Last night I was working on installing vsftpd on my Ubuntu 12.10 server. I shutdown last night and when I booted up this morning I seemed to have lost the abilities to sudo anything. It just says, "** ...
Gamegoofs2's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

a scenario which depict vsftpd

I downloaded vsftpd, install and config based on this link How to Set up an FTP Server in Ubuntu Linux On my Ubuntu 12.04. But the question is how to test that? I want to learn how to use vsftpd and ...
Mohammad Reza Rezwani's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

vsftpd will not start with SSL enabled

I am having a problem trying to set up an FTPS server on my Ubuntu Server 13.10 machine. I have vsftpd installed. When I try to start the service using sudo service vsftpd start I get : vsftpd ...
ColLeslieHapHapablap's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

VSFTPD Passive Mode doesn't work Behind NAT

Hey guys so I am trying to allow my friends to connect to my ftp server (I am hosting it on Ubuntu Server 15.04), so I set the pasv_address in the configuration and the port range in the configuration ...
Derek Lesho's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

vsftpd: 500 OOPS: config file not owned by correct user, or not a file

As it is in the topic the problem is with vsftpd. For some time i used it normally and everything worked good. But once i started vsftpd and it gave out the message: 500 OOPS: config file not owned ...
fruit_alchemist's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

VSFTPD not working

I followed instructions and other instructions too but because it is not user-friendly, the ftp server is not working. # This option specifies the location of the RSA key to use for SSL # encrypted ...
Niklas Rosencrantz's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How to create an FTP account for one folder?

I have a folder: /srv/ftp_folder How would one go about setting up an FTP account with upload/download for that folder only with no other access?
Otoris's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Uninstall then install makes vstpd service unrecognized, vsftpd: unrecognized service

I installed vsftpd on my server using this and this link. But due to this error I followed the solution and tried to update the vsftpd. But because of some configuration problem it was not functioning ...
salmanwahed's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Configure vsftpd to chown uploaded files

I have vsftpd up and running on my Ubuntu server. This is a development server and I want to be able to FTP my code directly to the directory which Apache is serving out. As most of you know, www-...
user132770's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to change default ftp directory?

When I connect with FTP using a pem file it is connecting fine and by default, it is showing this directory: /home/ubuntu Now I am trying to change the /home/ubuntu directory to /var/www/...
Mr world wide's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I restart vsftpd?

I am using Lubuntu. I have installed vsftpd using sudo apt-get install vsftpd That ran all ok. However when I try to retstart the service with the following it cannot find it: sudo /etc/init.d/...
Robbo_UK's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

how to hide hidden directory on ftp client

I have used vsftpd to create ftp server.I am using ubuntu 12.04 desktop version.I have issue with hidden file, When I access server through FTP client its shows all the directory including hidden ...
Nitin's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Connection to FTP Always Refused

I have a computer running Ubuntu Server 16.04. I have set up webmin which works great. Webmin is using its own port and I can connect to that no problem both within my local network and remote ...
JonSpade's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

"lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions" and ipv6 disabling?

There are lots of "lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions" in var/log/messages . I googled and find it is ipv6 releated, so I tried to disable ipv6. I added the following lines to /etc/sysctl.conf net....
Smartkid's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers
22k views must be installed for pthread_cancel to work

I upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 today and when I was about to login to my ftp (which is running vsftpd) i got an error: must be installed for pthread_cancel to work I have upgraded and ...
Patrik's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

UFW stopping FTP directory list

I have multiple users for my vsftpd instance that users can connect to. User1 home directory: /ftp/user1 - works fine User2 home directory: /ftp/user2 - works fine User3 home directory: /ftp - works ...
JeremyC's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Restrict user to a directory vsftpd

I'm kind of new with Linux Ubuntu. I followed this guide. My user: jer is still able to see files by going back from his directory and open stuff and copy things. The thing that I found good is that ...
Shikhar Baheti's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

I can't login as anonymous user to vsftpd server

I use ubuntu 13.10 as server and I have installed virtualbox .I install win 7 , win xp , fedora 19 in vbox as clients . Now I install vsftpd on Ubuntu 13.10 . When I want to connect to vsftpd from ...
Behrooz's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes
1 answer

Multiple sftp users and access to a /var/www subdirectory

I have some users on my Ubuntu server with vsftpd installed. The server is used as web server and has a shared sftp directory that is accessed by public clients (by giving them the user and password). ...
Milos's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can't connect to FTPS on port 990

I am very much new to Linux platform. As I wanted to setup a FTP server using Ubuntu, I installed it and configured the FTP in it. Everything was fine before I enable SSL in vsftpd config file. Apart ...
user294264's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

vsftpd - Illegal PORT command

I'm using a Ubuntu Server on a VirtualBox machine. Apache and SSH are working, but FTP after successfully connect to the server and login, it sends a error message: - Command: PORT 127,0,0,1,180,221 ...
Kenny's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How can I load the `vsftpd` daemon at system-boot, but have it "start" in a "stopped" state?

Because I only occasionally need to run an ftp server (vsftpd, in my case), I would prefer to just have it fully active only when the need arises. This suggests two possibilities to me, but I don'...
Peter.O's user avatar
  • 24.8k
3 votes
3 answers

FTP account for just one directory

Background information: I'm using Serverpilot to manage my Ubuntu server which doesn't provide any FTP service. There is a user: serverpilot With the home directory: /srv/users/serverpilot/ And ...
Roy's user avatar
  • 83
3 votes
1 answer

Install FTP server with support for virtual users

I'm trying to install an FTP server on Ubuntu 11.04. I've installed vsftpd, but I had no success in getting it to work with virtual users. I want to be able to have give fake users and direct them to ...
Amir Ashkenazi's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

vsftp: don't allow ftp user to move up in a directory tree

I am using vsftp on Ubuntu 14.04 and have create a user using this command: sudo adduser ftpuser --home /var/www/wp-content/uploads The user has permission to see /var/www/wp-content/uploads but ...
Garry's user avatar
  • 31

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