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apt update unable to connect after kernel upgrade

Ubuntu 24.04 (upgraded from a long sequence of earlier releases). I recently updated from 6.8.0-31-generic kernel to 6.8.0-35-generic. After restarting the system, apt update could no longer connect ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Cannot initiate the connection to (2001:760:ffff:b6:4:100:0:70). - connect (101: Network is unreachable)

I'm setting up a new Ubuntu 20.4.6 LTS installation on a PowerEdge R230. All went fine, except for the fact that when i try to run a sudo apt update i get this error : Cannot initiate the connection ...
Carburio's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

WSL doesn't seem to connect to network at all

System details: Windows 11 Pro Official ISO image from Microsoft's website + Christitus WinUtil to create a custom image (used to remove bloatware) Problem details, to summarize the problem here are ...
Akaidi's user avatar
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1 answer

Ethernet Not Working After System Update on Kubuntu

I'm encountering an issue with my Ethernet connection after performing a system update on my Kubuntu machine. Following the update and a reboot, the Ethernet port has ceased to function, although Wi-...
Zap's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

The Internet works fine until Ubuntu wants to perform an update! [duplicate]

I'm able to connect to the Internet (I'm typing this message on the same machine) but Ubuntu won't connect to my net connection when trying to update the OS and software, both via the GUI and via the ...
Anthony Nash's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

apt-get update problem

When i connect to my phone hotspot on my pc it connect normally and internet is ok but when i use the command sudo apt-get update doesn't work some errors appears, but when i use another phone it ...
Ahmed Amine Herzallah's user avatar
0 votes
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Error messages: openjdk-8 connection failed/timed out [duplicate]

I am facing a challenge with this error, and I would greatly appreciate any assistance. Everything runs smoothly when I execute sudo apt update, displaying the message "27 packages can be ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Proxy For apt update Not Working

i Recently Restart my ubuntu 22.04 and when i Run want to update OS with : sudo apt update I Get Proxy Problem Connection : 0% [Connecting to proxy_address] [Connecting to proxy_address] [Connecting ...
Mohammad Mahdi Moghaddam's user avatar
0 votes
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how to set up proxy for ubuntu on ssh with private key file [duplicate]

i have an ec2 instance with ubuntu 22.04 and i connected with ssh using the password file but i need to set up the proxy in order to use sudo apt update, how can i set this up if my password is a ppk ...
Mega's user avatar
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Error message when trying to install IHRIS sofware

i am trying to install a medical software called "IHRIS" but when running the command in ubuntu i am getting the following error message. How do i go about it. Kindly assist. Thank you. ...
ojo wale samuel's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

cant sudo apt update due to a connection failure [duplicate]

Cannot initiate the connection to (2001:67c:2178:8::13). - connect (101: Network is unreachable) Could not connect to (, connection ...
yedica5962's user avatar
1 vote
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Internet connection keeps dropping after update

After a manual update on my system a couple of days ago I'm loosing my internet connection every few minutes. I've got dual boot and Windows does not seem affected, so I'm pretty sure the hardware is ...
Jorge's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

GitHub Actions runner cannot access

I'm building containers from GitHub Actions. I'm using Ubuntu Jammy (latest LTS, 22.04). Since few hours, the GitHub Actions runners cannot any more access to the domain hosting the Ubuntu packages ...
Clémence's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu update and upgrade fails majorly with the main component

Both ubuntu update and upgrade fails irrespective of mirrors used for the main component with the following errors. This prevents the system from being up to date and installing new packages. Update ...
Bhargav Das's user avatar
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Cant connect to my visible network

My ubuntu did an automatic update and now my laptop wont connect to the internet. It shows visible networks but will not connect to them. Help! I am a newbie and learning to use and navigate Linux. I ...
TxTonya's user avatar
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1 answer

What is port for and why is the connection refused on it?

I am trying to upgrade my system from Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu 22.04. After sudo apt update, sudo apt upgrade, sudo apt dist-upgrade, sudo apt autoremove and sudo apt install update-manager-core I run ...
e7min's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

apt-get update not working in Ubuntu 20.04 WSL1

So I recently installed Ubuntu WSL1 in my company PC and ran this command to update my installation, It seems ping is successful but "apt-get" fails to connect and download. I need some help ...
rishabhk28's user avatar
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1 answer

Intel Wireless-AC 9560 160MHz wifi adapter not working in ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS after the last update

I have dual boot system with win 10 pro and in ubuntu my wifi adapter is not even recognized when I first boot, only after a reboot. it has been working well until now. any help would be appreciated!
Cipri Moshu's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS : cannot access fixed IP addresses after recent update

Been running Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS successfully for the past 6 months. All of a sudden I do not seem to be able to access any of the fixed IP addresses on my network anymore. Specifically : 1] I cannot ...
Yves's user avatar
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1 answer

How to copy the kernel available in live usb to the system ubuntu installation?

I have Ubuntu 20.04 LTS installed in my system, with the 5.15.0-56-generic and 5.15.0-53-generic kernels available. I am having issues with my wifi drivers using these kernels and want to downgrade to ...
momo's user avatar
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2 answers

No network after latest update: Ubuntu 22.04

Running the latest 22.04 on a Lenovo Legion 5. Yesterday applied a regular update, including to the kernel. Afterwards was presented with another update. Said yes, but it went into an update loop ...
Ken Spagnolo's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to control when daily automatic update happens?

On Ubuntu server 22.04, how do you control when the automatic daily update check happens? One of my servers doesn't have internet access during certain (known) periods. When the automatic update ...
Grant E.'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Blocked from accessing the internet?

I am not sure ... but as I updated Ubuntu 22.04 & its kernel & restarted, I am being blocked from accessing the internet; though I am connected & can access & login the router's admin ...
maan81's user avatar
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Lost network access after updating (22.04.1)

I have a computer that I use as a home server that runs ubuntu server. Prior to this the last time the computer was updated was around 1 week ago. Today (2022/09/25) I performed an update and lost the ...
RebuildTidy's user avatar
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Sudo apt-get update command to restore my Ubuntu 22.04 system cannot acces the archives on either system of Network

Trying to reboot my failed Ubuntu 22.04 system failed in recovery mode. Trying to update the kernel with the sudo apt-get update command fails because it could not access the required files in the ...
Max Kopijn's user avatar
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Update possibly ruined my setup

I was running what I believe was ubuntu 18.04...(SEE COMMENTS AT BOTTOM) I dont honestly remember the version at this point. Today I updated to Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS Prior to the update everything was ...
TheNordicGoat's user avatar
5 votes
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Cannot do 'apt update' - IP address not found - no release file [closed]

I am trying to install a package (make) on my Ubuntu 21.04 server. $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 21.04 Release: 21.04 Codename: ...
Nick Gammon's user avatar
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Ubuntu (20.04LTS) update breaks Bluetooth connection

I'm working with PyBluez, and after the recent Ubuntu update, I could not establish (low-energy) connection between my Bluetooth adapters anymore. Here is the update log: Start-Date: 2022-07-06 15:28:...
Marko Milardić's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

101: Network is unreachable when i run sudo apt update [duplicate]

I try to run sudo apt update but it's not working Get:2 focal-security InRelease [114 kB] Err:3 focal-backports InRelease Cannot ...
NotEasy's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Downloading Constantly "/.local/share/kite/current/kite-update"

I have kite downloading a large amount of data "/home/$$$/.local/share/kite/current/kite-update ". What is this kite responsible for and why is it always downloading data. "/home/$$$/....
Muhamad Nady's user avatar
5 votes
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WHY RTL8821CE or WIFI is Removed during Kernel Update on 20.04.4 LTS

My question is two fold. Why does a kernel update knock out my WIFI? I am interested in the details please, the mechanism that is at work to knock it out. Is there a way I can keep this from ...
xtrchessreal's user avatar
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Update error message contradicted by settings

Opening Ubuntu Software I get a banner warning, "Automatic Updates Paused". When I click the [Find Out More] button (top right) I get this pop-up: When I click [Open Network Settings] ...
The William's user avatar
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How I can update DNS in /etc/resolve.conf from /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail without rebooting system

How I can update DNS in /etc/resolve.conf from /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail without rebooting system I made below entries in file root@server1:/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d # cat tail ...
N S's user avatar
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2 votes
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Ubuntu 20.04 on server: 'apt-get update' reports that it fails. Cannot reach

Looking around these forums and elsewhere I find that this is a common issue, however the proposed solutions have not been helpful and thus I ask in hopes that someone might be able to have the right ...
OmniOwl's user avatar
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Wireless WIFI is disabled and the system stutter after an update in Ubuntu 20.04

After installing ubuntu 20.04 (dual boot with windows 10), I've connected to WIFI and ran "Software Updater". After a reboot, the system is Unable to detect any WIFI networks and started to ...
eranww's user avatar
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Speeding up apt update by changing the nameservers on Ubuntu21.10 (impish)?

I just installed Ubuntu Impish on my work laptop. I was wondering why my apt update was being so slow. After digging a bit I found that someone proposed to change the name server to have it pointed ...
browser-bug's user avatar
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Error showing when I entered command "apt update" [duplicate]

Hit:1 focal-security InRelease Hit:2 stable InRelease Err:3 focal ...
Code with Chikun's user avatar
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Last update broke WiFi connection on my Thinkpad E595

After updating system last night (to 21.10) I lost my wifi connection. The system GUI shows only bluetooth and something that looks like wifi, but probably is bluetooth instead (see the screenshot). ...
Faire's user avatar
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A TLS fatal alert has been received with apt

When I run sudo apt update this return "A TLS fatal alert has been received" to the repositories on https. Err:6 focal Release ...
Maske's user avatar
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Unable to update ubuntu 20.04 on EC2 owing to timeout [duplicate]

I've got what could either be a problem with an EC2 instance or with ubuntu 20.04. When I run sudo apt-get update I eventually get: Failed to fetch http://eu-west-
goose's user avatar
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Restricting access to UK IPs without sacrificing Ubuntu's functionality

I have a customer who restricts outbound traffic to anything outside of the US. Just came up today. I realized that actually points to an IP address that falls within Canonical's ...
user3447014's user avatar
2 votes
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Ubuntu 20.04 lagging and behaving badly after I halted an update midway. Also, internet dongle & tethering are not detected

In my Ubuntu Software Updater, I ticked some random updates that were available and clicked 'install'. But midway during the downloads I cancelled the update and powered off my system. Until before I ...
Abhigyan Prakash's user avatar
7 votes
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Wireless adapter unclaimed after update and reboot

I run Ubuntu 20.04 and this script every day: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt -f install && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean &&...
Micah Parks's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS update psad+fwsnort rules block canonical ip

I am trying to update and I get the following error from synaptic: W: Failed to get
cjfjavier's user avatar
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Can't update (404 Not Found [IP: 80]) [duplicate]

I'm running ubuntu on a raspberry pi 4 (8GB) and I cannot for the life of me get it to update because I think it can't find 80 for some reason even though I can go there through my ...
Hitch S's user avatar
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Continuous "Temporary failure resolving repositories"

Since I moved country (i.e. to say different location, new network, etc. but same machine) I have problems updating the package list. It does not matter if I run sudo apt-get update or sudo apt update ...
Stefano_g's user avatar
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Cannot connect to Internet over Ethernet

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 20.04 from 18.04, and my Ethernet connection is not working. When I was using 18.04 everything was working fine, but since the upgrade I can't get a wired connection to ...
Josh Majors's user avatar
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Why is down?

I'm from Turkey and updating and or such was working before until today or the other day it broke. It was saying a temporary DNS error when connecting to I tried connecting to ...
Mustafa Öncel's user avatar
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Firefox not loading some sites [duplicate]

Hello after the update and upgrade on my Ubuntu, the firefox is not loading specific websites like stackoverflow, askubuntu and such sites. It loads other sites like and also able to play ...
Shobhit Tewari's user avatar
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Networking Gone After Update

Running Xubuntu 20.04.01. Got the popup this morning that updates needed to be installed so I clicked okay and rebooted when finished. After reboot the network is gone and the server is a large brick ...
Game Poop's user avatar