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Kubuntu: How can I disable password prompts when updating or installing software?

I'd like to disable the prompt that comes up when updating software in KDE Discover. I'm already a member of group sudo with the following line in sudoers: %sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL. When running ...
microbug's user avatar
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Ethernet Not Working After System Update on Kubuntu

I'm encountering an issue with my Ethernet connection after performing a system update on my Kubuntu machine. Following the update and a reboot, the Ethernet port has ceased to function, although Wi-...
Zap's user avatar
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kUbuntu 22.04 long time not used, update dist-upgrade, maybe did restart later 10 minutes says security updates ready. Why they didnt install in 1 go?

kUbuntu 22.04 long time not used, update dist-upgrade, maybe did restart later 10 minutes says security updates ready. Why they didnt install in 1 go? First time saw something like this, that ...
Kangarooo's user avatar
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Firefox snap stays version 99 in Kubuntu 22.04

On a secondary laptop I am running LTS Kubuntu 22.04 and the default Firefox snap - while for various reasons I don't use Firefox snap on my first laptop, the main one being that I can manage more ...
cipricus's user avatar
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Latest update to 20.04 - unrecoverable errors - ASPCI and UBSAN

Unfortunately I got hit by a major update error yesterday. Over 200 packages were pushed for Kubuntu 22.04. It basically bricked my system GUI - but I could use GRUB and get to a console and save the ...
Sam's user avatar
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Having trouble using update and upgrade for Kubuntu 22.04 [duplicate]

I am running sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade and getting the below error: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade Hit:1 jammy InRelease Hit:2 http://...
Potential_Lettuce's user avatar
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Failed Offline Update" - how to find which package failed

I have a Kubuntu 22.04.2 LTS machine using Ubuntu Pro which hung on an update a couple of weeks ago. The machine got shutdown and since then I am presented with a dialog box when I log in that says: ...
LGTrader's user avatar
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Update error after uninstalling Steam with apt

I use Kubuntu 23.04 After unisinstalling steam with "sudo apt remove steam*" and then "sudo apt autoremove", I want to update the system with the classic "sudo apt update, ...
m615's user avatar
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How to disable updates available message in Discover?

I am running Kubuntu 22.04. Sometimes, right after startup, Discover shows "Update available" in its tray icon. I update my system regularly from the command line, and don't want to see this ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
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System removed all packages after trying to install a new one on updated Kubuntu

Today I updated stable system Kubuntu 20.04 to Kubuntu 22.04. It was successfully and looked fine. But I noticied that I don't have Steam and tried to install by command: sudo apt install steam This ...
Rikitiki's user avatar
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System won't start after update is installed

I updated my Kubuntu from 21.04 to 22.04 and then updated it. Here is a screenshot with the list of updates: It installs everything and then demands to restart. When I'm trying to reboot the system ...
Alexander P's user avatar
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I am having issues upgrading 17 packeges in Kubuntu 22.04 [duplicate]

This happens when I upgrade Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done Calculating upgrade... Done The following packages were automatically ...
BestInfinity's user avatar
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Kubuntu 22.04 stuck in boot process even in recovery mode

My Kubuntu 22.04 stuck in boot process even in recovery mode. I suspect it has to do with the recent updates, because after installing them and shutting down, the system never reached login screen ...
David's user avatar
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Kubuntu 22.10 Grub won't update, syntax error

When attempting to update grub, I run into the same issue which prevents the update process from going through: Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub' Sourcing file `/etc/default/grub.d/init-select.cfg'...
CuriousAnubis's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Yarn producing GPG Error

I am trying to update my Kubuntu 22.04 LTS. This error occurs: 7 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them. W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The ...
feration48's user avatar
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How do I get rid of virtualbox so it isn't stopping me from updating via GPG error [...] NO_PUBKEY [...]?

I've found tons of guides on how to fix the NO_PUBKEY issue, but what I really want is to get rid of VirtualBox because I never got it working and don't need it yet. So I tried to get rid of it via a ...
DiogenesOfMiami's user avatar
6 votes
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When can I update 22.04 to kernel 6.1?

I note that kernel version 6.1 has been released, but it is not yet in either the mainline repository or the kubuntu update repository. Hope it is available soon because earlier kernel versions don't ...
actor39's user avatar
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Unable to install libgl1-mesa-dri

I am unable to install libgl1-mesa-dri via the terminal or Kubuntu Discover. Attempting to do so via the terminal returns the following: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done ...
Logan's user avatar
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Kubuntu update yeilds, "no metadata URIs for vendor-directory"

Kubuntu 22.04 with backports (upgraded from Kubuntu 20.04 with backports). When I use Discover to install updates, I get a momentary pop-up in the Discover window that reads "no metadata URIs for ...
Sturge's user avatar
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How to revert to libreoffice 6 from libreoffice 7?

I wanted to try libreoffice 7, however, the application crashes and it does not open even after running safe mode and restoring the profile This solution I found here. I am using kubuntu focal fossa. ...
Christ14n97's user avatar
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Missing method driver drom for apt on kubuntu 22.04

I have a relatively fresh install of kubuntu 22.04 lts. I have made very few changes to apt other than add a few repositories for third party applications. However recently while running a system ...
AlexBV117's user avatar
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How do offline updates work?

I'm in Kubuntu 22.04 and I have used this relative new (at least to me) feature of "offline updates" which basically forces you to restart in order to apply the update the way Fedora and ...
cipricus's user avatar
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Show available updates immediately on login, not after 5 minutes

When I start my PC (Kubuntu 22.04) and log in, it checks for updates and, if there are any, shows a notification. However, this only happens after 5-10 minutes when I'm usually in the middle of ...
S.T. Veje's user avatar
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upgrading to latest release of kubuntu, but holding a package back

I installed Kubuntu 20.1 (groovy) on my laptop which is an asus UX303U around a year ago, and I now want to upgrade to the latest release that still offers support. The groovy version was an old one ...
mikeraffone's user avatar
-5 votes
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Is it possible to schedule Firefox to ONLY update when I boot Kubuntu?

I'm getting real tired of Firefox just randomly deciding that nothing is going to load until I restart the browser because it updates itself without asking me first. Instead, I want it to only update ...
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Am using Kubuntu 20.04 and no KDE Plasma 5.18 no update to 5.24

I sent a bug report and was told that I needed to update from KDE Plasma version 5.18 to 5.24 as the bug had been fixed. I update everyday almost, whenever updates are available. Tried to find a way ...
myviolinsings's user avatar
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Unable to find files and desktop settings after updating Kubuntu in the software center

I am using Kubuntu 21.04. I just update (not upgrade) Kubuntu from default software-center. After a successful update, I tried to access my local files stored in another drive (128GB), but that ...
Abhishek Kamal's user avatar
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Update-notifier package doesn't notify on Kubuntu

Last week I installed Kubuntu and didn't like to update my packages through plasma-discover. I've really liked Ubuntu's update-notifier package, which also exists on Lubuntu (update-notifier-qt) and ...
Lefteris Garyfalakis's user avatar
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Problems updating Kubuntu 20.04.02 Focal Fossa - Many error messages

I have a problem updating my system. For some reason error messages are being displayed in Spanish even though I don't use it. This is the error message what I got in terminal E: El repositorio «cdrom:...
El Señor Gato's user avatar
2 votes
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Why Ubuntu does not update all packages when I run sudo apt-get upgrade?

I use Kubuntu and I use to update the system with the terminal running sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade. The system download and install packages. However, sometimes after updating the ...
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Upgrade Kubuntu from 20.04 to 20.04.02 LTS

Hi what is the correct way to do this upgrade? I did google and looked on youtube, but did not find any guide on that specific subject.
Martin Andersen's user avatar
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Downgrading kubuntu backports to official repositories: could not find package list for PPA

I have added the Kubuntu backports PPA. This somehow messed up my system. Now I want to remove the PPA and downgrade all the packages to the version provided in the official repositories. I followed ...
robertspierre's user avatar
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Standby problems vs specific kernel version - Kernel regression?

In the last year my PC suffered from increasing problems while going into standby. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it failed. Each kernel update added to the failure chances. For some time I could work ...
Silicomancer's user avatar
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PPA hiccup or broken PPA? Kubuntu

I have several issue and at the moment I assume a PPA is the case of it. I have disable every PPA, except the PPA from Cononical (Main), no universe, multiverse and restricted and no additional one. ...
WaterOfDark's user avatar
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Staring (K)Ubuntu works only in recovery mode

my system was running fine till Wednesday (9 Dec). After some updates over the day, i restarted my system and I was not able to start it normally. I can start normally from the recovery menu, other ...
Deepwater's user avatar
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kubuntu 20.10 won't Start: xsession warning unable to write to /tmp

My Kubuntu 20.10 won't let me log in. It says: xsession: warning: unable to write to /tmp; x session may exit with an error I think the system updated it's kernel before it happened. What can i do to ...
Philipp_D's user avatar
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Ignore idividual (non-security related) updates fron Discover in Kubuntu 20.04 LTS

Before I get flamed.. I don't want to ignore important security updates or updates for any programs that could be security risks or compromised. Just programs I use for note taking or music production ...
Fatty Wompus's user avatar
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After updating Kubuntu 20.04 to the latest, login results in system halt

board is ROG Strix Z390-F Gaming, with latest BIOS update Intel i9 9900K RAM: 32GB Dual Channel G-Skill Trident Z RGB (F4-3200C16-16GTZR x2) Graphics: NVidia GeForce RTX 2080 Super (8GB) The system ...
jasoncollege24's user avatar
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The repository ' focal Release' does not have a Release file [duplicate]

I was trying to get a repository to install Ukuu for the new Kernel and I noticed this message: The repository ' focal Release' does not have a ...
eneko valero's user avatar
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When will I be able to upgrade from Kubuntu 18.04 to 20.04? (not as a forced upgrade to a dev repo)

After a little research - I figured that Kubuntu 20.04 has better performance (Linux Kernel 4.15 to 5.4) and is currently in a stable position. I currently have Kubuntu 18.04 LTS and want to update it ...
Kar19's user avatar
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How to enable automatic updates (all) on Kubuntu 20.04

I would like that Discover in my Kubuntu fully and automatically installs all updates in the background. I looked into Muon and set the opion active: "Install security without confirmation". ...
Mathew Chateau's user avatar
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Kubuntu 20.04.1 application updates [duplicate]

I installed applications such as : Stacer,Latte,Sweeper,ONLYOFFICE,easyTAG,Files,etc. through software center Discover. I noticed that some of them are not updated to the latest stable version. My ...
tt177's user avatar
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Does KDE desktop recieve updates in Kubuntu?

I'm new to Kubuntu. Somewhere I read that Kubuntu only receives updates for those parts/packages which are shared with Ubuntu. Does this mean that there will be no updates for bugs in KDE desktop?
apadana's user avatar
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Why are fonts not rendering in GIMP? [duplicate]

After updates, some text is not rendering. I think it is in the form of binary. Here's a screenshot of the issue in GIMP.
Samuel Selowsky's user avatar
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Some indexes failed to download

When trying to run sudo apt-get update I'm getting an error which says Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead., I've tried all the solutions mentioned ...
ansme's user avatar
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How to disable automatic updates on Kubuntu 20.04?

I would like to disable automatic updates in kubuntu 20.04. I disabled it on Muon package manager, but Discover still getting updates and showing notifications. Thank you.
Bloomer's user avatar
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Simultaneous Downloads via APT [duplicate]

I've been wanting this forever, but today is the first time I've ever noticed apt downloading more than one update at a time: Is this now a thing? Where can I read more about the extent of this new ...
Lonnie Best's user avatar
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How to activate Emoji Picker in KDE Plasma 5.18 on Kubuntu 19.10

I am wondering about the new update on KDE Plasma 5.18.0, there are some improvements and new features as mentioned here. There is one thing that I am interested in, named Emoji Picker. The official ...
fsevenm's user avatar
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Cannot obtain lock in Kubuntu

When ever I connect with the Wi-Fi, it asks wallet password. Is that holding the lock resource? Or should I update from the terminal? The actual error is shown at the bottom of the picture. https://...
S14321K's user avatar
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Cannot update Kubuntu after migration from 19.04 to 19.10

Few days ago I successfully upgraded the Kubuntu from 19.04 to 19.10. After migration to new version, I cannot find any app which allows to download and install new updates. Before migration ...
Raziel79's user avatar