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Questions tagged [update-alternatives]

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Debian update-alternatives vs Red Hat alternatives

Since CentOS 7 is at its EOL, I am trying to migrate to Ubuntu. Many of our setups involve alternatives to be configured. In Ubuntu, there is no alternatives command but there is an update-...
leoOrion's user avatar
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Problem with update-alternatives and cpp after updating to 22.04

After updating from 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS, everything appears to be working fine, except if I run sudo apt upgrade I get the following issue: Setting up cpp (4:11.2.0-1ubuntu1) ... update-...
Colin T Bowers's user avatar
1 vote
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update-alternatives, is it *generally* usable?

These links: ... do not provide any direct insight into whether update-...
Hannu's user avatar
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configuring a flatpak app (BlackBox) as the default terminal

So I recently installed the BlackBox terminal. I like it, and would like to set it as the default terminal. However, it's installed through flatpak and when I try running sudo update-alternatives --...
yuvi's user avatar
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Why micro is not recognized as text editor in Ubuntu 22.04?

I installed micro with sudo apt install micro on 22.04 I want to use visudo with micro. export EDITOR=micro then next line visudo opens in nano. So, then I tried sudo update-alternatives --config ...
Pragmatic's user avatar
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Cursor doesn't respect theme when program is launched from command line

I installed breeze-cursor-theme with apt, and changed the default cursor theme via update-alternatives. Hence, update-alternatives --get-selections | grep x-cursor-theme returns x-cursor-theme ...
William4096's user avatar
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Why update-java-alternatives -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-17-amazon-corretto does not update jexec?

Ubuntu 22.04.2: I installed java-17-amazon-corretto and did the update-java-alternatives but I got an error compiling my project. Last time I had to fix the links that were not updated, (java 11 vs ...
Martin P.'s user avatar
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Why does `/etc/alternatives` being a symlink affect `apt`?

I've got the following Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu:22.04 # Step 1 RUN apt update && apt install -y wget # Step 2 # All your persistent configs are in /root. RUN mkdir -p /root/.symlinks/etc \ ...
user2468842's user avatar
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update-alternatives has no effect on the /etc symlinks?

I want python3 and python to both point to the current python3.10 . i can not get that to work for the life of me. Here are the current commands update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python $(...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
8 votes
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Difference between "select-editor" and "update-alternatives --config editor"

I'm looking at how Ubuntu selects a default editor, and I notice that to set the default editor for editing crontabs, I use select-editor while to set the default editor for visudo I use update-...
geckels1's user avatar
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UEFI update from UBUNTU - Acer Aspire 5 A515-54

I've got only Ubuntu 20.04 installed on Acer Aspire 5 and I want to update my UEFI (currently v1.11) because the screen will remain black once I close and open the lid and the only solution is to hard-...
tango's user avatar
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How to install Zlib 1.2.12 version as it is not available in apt package manager?

Zlib 1.2.11 version has been installed currently in my system but I need to upgrade it to 1.2.12. I tried to install via apt commands but apt doesn't have the 1.2.12 version. According to the apt ...
Arjun's user avatar
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Installation Java on Ubuntu 22.04 update-alternatives: warning:

Yesterday I have erased Windows and install Ubuntu 22.04 on Acer 8 yers old. With success. I need JDK Java 11 for development like Android Studio and others software. Here is the steps I produced to ...
Pamento's user avatar
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How do I set /usr/local/bin/python version to be 3.9 using update-alternatives?

update-alternatives --query python produces: Name: python Link: /usr/local/bin/python Status: auto Best: /usr/bin/python3.9 Value: /usr/bin/python3.9 Alternative: /usr/bin/python3 Priority: 0 ...
timbo's user avatar
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how to make a bash script that will autofill the words in given statement one by one? [duplicate]

this is the statement sudo update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/word" "word" "/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_version/bin/word" 1 where word needs to be replaced ...
Priyanshu Jangid's user avatar
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Unable to Update Kubuntu 20.04 [duplicate]

Pop up states: Cannot obtain lock E: Could not get lock/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend. It is held by process 2197 (unattended-upgr) W: Be aware that removing the lock file is not a solution and may ...
Chipmonk's user avatar
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How to update python in the correct way?

I have ever updated my python version without problem but I did note that for an unknown reason my OS is not working well when I do change my python version using `sudo update-alternatives --config ...
Leonardo Ferreira's user avatar
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Showing different version of python in different user

I have installed different versions of python in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I have added those versions in 'update alternatives' for switching to a different version. When I switch to another python version ...
Tanvir Rahman's user avatar
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dpkg gnome-settings configuration errors after installing gnome 40 on Ubuntu 21.10

I ran the following command to install GNOME Vanilla on Ubuntu 21.10: sudo apt install vanilla-gnome-desktop This worked successfully and I was able to log into GNOME 40.4. But I got a random dpkg ...
Netherquark's user avatar
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Fatal Python error: init_import_size: Failed to import the site module

Problem I am running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. I have both Python 3.8 and Python 3.9 installed, although Python 3.8 is broken. When I type the command python3.8 into my terminal I get the following: root@...
Noah Broyles's user avatar
11 votes
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How to properly install Temurin JDK with update-alternatives [duplicate]

I wanted to install Temurin JDK both 8 and 11, I installed them by these steps wget
poqdavid's user avatar
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Can't Update to New Version of Ubuntu [duplicate]

I've been running my head into this wall for about a week now, any help would be appreciated. I'm trying to rescue this old ubuntu machine that I have, but I'm not making much progress. Let me fill ...
Tim's user avatar
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Make alacritty the default terminal permanently

Currently I use alacritty as default terminal emulator. On any given day this is the output of update-alternatives: $ sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator There are 7 choices for the ...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
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How do libatlas3, liblapacke, and libopenblas0 interact in Focal? [duplicate]

I'm trying to figure out the interaction between the following library packages: libatlas3-base liblapacke OpenBLAS libopenblas0-openmp libopenblas0-pthread libopenblas0-serial It looks like the ...
KJ7LNW's user avatar
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How do I add my script and desktop file so it's configurable as a preferred application?

I'm trying to set up a URL router script that looks at urls and opens them with a different browser instance (firefox profile in my case) depending on the result of pattern matching performed against ...
mc0e's user avatar
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Changing terminal emulator from gnome-terminal to kitty breaks some functionality

I've switched from gnome terminal to kitty. I ran sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator and selected my terminal. However, some actions still ran using the default gnome terminal. I ...
makerio's user avatar
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Failed to start Open vSwitch Forwarding Unit

Tried to install openvswitch-switch-dpdk on ubuntu 18.04 (in vmware) following this instructions: But after running this command: sudo update-...
Mohammad Siavashi's user avatar
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OpenMPI - Update alternatives

I have troubles with openmpi crashing. The installed/repository version is "mpirun (Open MPI) 3.1.3". Consequently I have locally built a "mpirun (Open MPI) 4.1.0" which does not ...
Torben's user avatar
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Is it possible to start other software manager than Discover in Kubuntu when clicking the update button in the panel?

Discover software manager has greatly improved, but I still prefer the snappy and simple application Apper. The command apper --updates opens Apper, searches for updates and displays them. Could I ...
cipricus's user avatar
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Gettting "The snap command lets you..." when running "x-www-brower" but running "/snap/bin/firefox" works

I'm trying to use the snap firefox as my default browser but when I try to run the default x-www-browswer it appears snap is running. $ ls -a /snap/bin/firefox /snap/bin/firefox $ ls -l /snap/bin/...
Sam's user avatar
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Problem with update-alternatives: Trop de niveaux de liens symboliques

I was intstalling some stuff in the computer: sudo apt install gettext intltool python3-gi python3-cairo python3-distutils python3-dbus python3-xdg libglib2.0-dev libglib2.0-bin gir1.2-gtk-3.0 gtk-...
raulbethencourt's user avatar
12 votes
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`update-alternatives --list editor` does not show editors installed via `snap`

$ update-alternatives --list editor /bin/nano /usr/bin/code /usr/bin/vim.tiny update-alternatives --list editor does not show nvim which I installed using snap. Even though my PATH variable contains /...
Akash Karnatak's user avatar
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Unable to open terminal after messing with pre-installed Python

I installed Python 3.9.0 by following the instructions from Unfortunately, I tried a not recommended instruction. ...
mahdi khrrousheh's user avatar
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Update Ubuntu Server on Raspberry Pi microSD card offline

I'm using the Raspberry Pi Imager tool to flash Ubuntu Server 20.04.1 LTS ARM 64-bit onto a microSD card. Then, I take that microSD card and insert it into a Raspberry Pi 3 B+. After that, the ...
Trevor Sullivan's user avatar
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MySQL, my.cnf and /etc/alternatives

History (the question is in 2020 below) 2018. After the fresh install of 18.04, two years ago, I wanted to use my /etc/mysql/my.cnf setup from 16.04 to get things back to what they were. But the MySQL ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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How to install openjdk-14-jdk on Ubuntu 16.04?

I already tried to add such repos, but it didn't add 14th version: add-apt-repository "deb $(lsb_release -sc) universe" add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa ...
pavelety's user avatar
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Change default terminal to tilix terminal using shortcut

On Ubuntu whenever I click Ctrl+Alt+T, it will open the default terminal of Ubuntu. Now I want this shortcut to open my tilix terminal. How can I do this?
Muhammad Iftikhar's user avatar
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Open directories default app

When I use any program that tries to open a directory it uses wrong applications; it currently uses non-explorer visual-studio-code and I have no idea why. I tried to setup Nautilus as the main app, ...
manolius's user avatar
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How to use Octave from repositories with OpenBLAS compiled on my computer?

It has been suggested that using Octave with OpenBLAS compiled in my own computer (rather than precompiled OpenBLAS from repositories) will make the computations faster. I installed GNU Octave (4.2.2) ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
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Show Raw Contents of update-alternatives

I'm wondering if there's a way to show the raw contents of sudo update-alternatives --config <resource>? I've been doing quite a lot of troubleshooting getting some installs correct and I cannot ...
Joel's user avatar
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I cannot set default java with update-alternatives

I have installed three Versions of Java. I tried to set a default option with update-alternatives. However, it didn't change the default. What am I missing? I know that one is from JRE and the other ...
E Todt's user avatar
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Where can user inform Ubuntu Snap Store to update snap from third-party?

Where can user inform Ubuntu Snap Store to update snap from third-party? Example: Oracle provide VirtualBox latest statble version for Ubuntu. But Ubuntu SnapStore provide old version. So Where ...
SamSol's user avatar
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broken apt package in python [duplicate]

I installed Python 3.7.5 on my Ubuntu 18.04 and I updated alternatives for python and python3 to Python 3.7.5. After that I had a lot of problems. When I use sudo apt-get update or sudo gdebi ...
Mohammad Alipour's user avatar
4 votes
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`apt-get install` without running `update-alternatives` (or specifying own priority)

Is there a way to install a package using apt-get install without update-alternatives being invoked? Or at least being able to specify your own custom priority for the new links added by update-...
Marcono1234's user avatar
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update or upgrade ubuntu pc from another computer on the local workgroup network

How to share updates between ubuntu computers on the local workgroup network Any option like windows 10 os?
worldopendirectory's user avatar
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Installing customized GDM theme: Replacing ubuntu.css vs Using "update-alternatives --install .... gdm3.css"

I installed a customized css file for the GDM of Ubuntu 18.04 via 2 approaches. Surprisingly, they gave different results: Approach (A) I saved my customized GDM css file as /usr/share/gnome-shell/...
Sun Bear's user avatar
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How to assign a priority number to "update-alternatives --config gdm3.css" in a single cmdline?

I am able to run these commands in the terminal: $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gdm3.css gdm3.css /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/mytheme/mytheme.css 10 $ sudo update-...
Sun Bear's user avatar
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How can I install multiple version of clang/llvm?

I added the repo from llvm-apt. It contains llvm7 and llvm8. I want to install both versions. The main packages are installed fine. However, there is a problem for libc++, since both packages want to ...
Wang's user avatar
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Why doesn't MATE respect `x-terminal-emulator`?

Running Ubuntu Mate 18.04.1, pretty vanilla install. Am trying to make Tilix my default terminal emulator. Have set it as per update-alternatives: me@mine:~$ sudo update-alternatives --config x-...
Bridgey's user avatar
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Deepin-terminal not showing up in x-terminal-emulator list

Following this post I tried this command: sudo update-alternatives --config x-terminal-emulator But it doesn't list the deepin-terminal: There are 2 choices for the alternative x-terminal-emulator (...
Washington Guedes's user avatar