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Questions tagged [ubuntu-pro]

Ubuntu Pro is a commercial support package offered by Canonical. It includes 10 years of software updates for packages in the Main and Universe repositories, as well as kernel livepatching for selected kernel lines.

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73 votes
1 answer

What are ESM Apps, and how do they relate to Ubuntu Pro?

Since January 2023, there have been some questions mentioning ESM Apps, that seem to have caused confusion among myself and others (one example here). On running sudo apt update, users will get a ...
Artur Meinild's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu Pro pushing in software upgrade; how do I stop it?

every time I call software updater it offers me a bunch of files for which it wants me to enable Ubuntu Pro. I do NOT want Ubuntu Pro. IMO, there should be a button for "NEVER Install Ubuntu Pro -...
DanW58's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

What are the services 'apt-news' and 'esm-cache', and how do I disable them?

Recently, I've noticed that when I run sudo apt update, an extra 6 lines are written to my syslog each time: Jan 29 21:17:01 xb systemd[1]: Starting Update APT News... Jan 29 21:17:01 xb systemd[1]: ...
Artur Meinild's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

When will CVE message stop showing?

I'm still receiving the following upon sudo apt upgrade: # Canonical released microcode updates for both Intel (CVE-2022-40982) and AMD # (CVE-2023-20593). ‘Unattended upgrades’ provide security ...
jasmines's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Remove Ubuntu Pro From Update Screen

Recently after an update I'm seeing some additional greyed out items for Ubuntu Pro as well as an "Enable Ubuntu Pro" button on the software updater screen. I don't want to install Ubuntu ...
Ken's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Google Maps gone black

Bog standard Kubuntu machine, AMD 5950X + RTX 3080 ti, uses Ubuntu Pro for updates and has been working fine for the year I've owned it. This morning I did updates using Ubuntu Pro. The Google Chrome ...
LGTrader's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

With the release of Ubuntu Pro, Laravel Forge provisioned servers are left vulnerable

Since Canonical released Ubuntu Pro this year, they are now withholding some security patches for many common packages, including some that are included on Laravel Forge provisioned servers. I use AWS ...
jalipert's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Automatic reboot after Ubuntu Livepatch

When Ubuntu Livepatch has patched the kernel but recommends restarting to boot into the new version, a message appears in the motd like this: *** Livepatch has fixed kernel vulnerabilities. System ...
Look Out Explosive Woofy's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

All Ubuntu Pro security updates are listed in update-manager, can this be disabled?

After the last update of update-manager it now shows a long list of "Ubuntu Pro" updates which I may install after enabling it in the settings. As I am not in the target customer group for ...
Harald's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can I use Ubuntu Pro with an interim release?

I bought Ubuntu Pro for my Ubuntu Desktop 22.10. I first reached out to official Ubuntu sales departement as apparently Ubuntu Pro is not compatible with 22.10. They replied and said this: The machine ...
Greg Manset's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can Ubuntu Pro tokens be deactivated remotely?

Does Ubuntu Pro have any fine token management, such as remotely deactivating the token from a specific machine? Or is it even possible to see information on the computers that use your token? Is it ...
Halmela's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Who is snap_daemon & snapd-range-524288-root and

Snap_daemon & snapd-range-524288-root hacked into my computer as users, and messed it up not giving me access to change multiple programs to fix them. I deleted them as users along with their ...
MaryT's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Why am I getting ESM updates 1 year into a LTS release? [duplicate]

From my knowledge, ESM messages should not appear until 5 years into an LTS release but I am getting these messages when running apt upgrade. I removed apt ESM hook after backing it up and the message ...
Usermaxn's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do I detach a system added to my Ubuntu pro subscription?

I have 3 machines attached however I can only find 2 on my estate, is it possible to detach a token from the portal or get a list of machines? its possible the other server has been decommed and I ...
agreen0's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Ubuntu pro enable fips-updates fails

Ubuntu version: "Ubuntu 22.04 LTS" Pro version: 31.2~22.04 I try to enable fips-updates using pro. pro attach <subscritptionID> - This is successfull pro enable fips-updates - This ...
kmbharath bharath's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why has the latest Ubuntu Pro AMI and unsupported Kernel

Short The latest ubuntu pro AMI in eu-central-1 has an unsupported Kernel which has reached the end of its livepatch support. Which AMI should I use to start a recent, working LTS 22.04 Pro Ubuntu, ...
eigenbrodtm's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Conflict between broken ubuntu-advantage-tools and ubuntu-pro-client breaks update [duplicate]

I have a failed Ubuntu-pro installation on a 20.04 LTS (accidentally pressed the marketing button on the software updater), and now efforts to rectify this issue lead to dependency conflicts between ...
Toby B's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How do I get package updates from Ubuntu Pro

We installed tomcat9 and nginx from the Ubuntu package manager and soon realised that the package versions available didn't have the latest security and patches. We then subscribed to ubuntu pro esm-...
hoz's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

No Code - Ubuntu Pro on 20.04

I just purchased Ubuntu Pro for my 20.04 LTS desktop. When I go to the Software & Updates -> Enable Ubuntu Pro -> Enter code on, there is no code shown. Has anybody ...
Timothy C. Quinn's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu Pro ESM - Production [closed]

I have some production servers running 16.04 LTS on AWS. Is it recommended to enable Ubuntu Pro ESM on a production environment running version 16.04, or would it be advisable to wait before ...
user5679972's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu Pro tab in Ubuntu 23.04

I upgraded to Ubuntu 23.04 from 22.04 I have a subscription to Ubuntu Pro and whereas in 22.04 there was an Ubuntu Pro tab in Software & Updates, this is not the case in Ubuntu 23.04 so I wonder ...
Itnas's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to list all machines attached to a pro subscription?

I have just activated a private pro subscription and attached one machine. But my 'Pro Dashboard' lists two attached machines. How can I get a list of the attached machines from the dashboard?
Joerg's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Resolving SSL/TLS Connection Issues on Ubuntu 22.04 - issues with Dell Library

I was having some issues with SSL connections. It turns out OpenSSL was using libraries provided by Dell which caused compatability issues. While trying to attach Ubuntu Pro, I encountered: user@host:~...
Daniel King's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages Ubuntu 22.04

Getting this error sudo pro enable fips-updates: Failed running command 'apt-get install --assume-yes --allow-downgrades -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confdef" -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-...
Adarsh S's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Using Pro to apply specific USN

I’m looking at Ubunto Pro for a future work project. During testing I noticed that when I install a patch via USN it automatically applied the latest update for that package. For example: I wanted to ...
Francis's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Is it "illegal" to attach and detach ubuntu-pro licenses for the security updates? [closed]

I need to keep my servers update with the security features from "esm-apps" and "esm-infra" those updates can only be achieved via the ubuntu-pro licensing. If i detach the license ...
Gustavo Bonfim Guto4427's user avatar
0 votes
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Ubuntu Pro Enabling anbox-cloud-appliance

Image1 iI am enabling the anbox-cloud on my machine which is Ubuntu 22.04. but when I hit the command: sudo anbox-cloud-appliance init it fails with the following error: Error: running on desktop is ...
Aung Kaung Myat's user avatar
0 votes
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ubuntu pro: Downgrade from paid to free

I've retired and would like to downgrade my ubuntu pro from paid to free. I have one server on a subscription. What is the right way to do this? I don't see an obvious path in the ubuntu pro menu ...
Dow Hurst's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Why is Ubuntu 22.04 missing newer Tomcat packages? [duplicate]

I'm looking for information about finding, fixing, or understanding why Ubuntu 22.04 is missing "newer" Apache Tomcat 9 packages. Specifically, 22.04 only includes up to Tomcat 9.0.58. This ...
vegadarkmatter's user avatar
0 votes
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Failed to attach machine. see

Our managed service provider built a new ubuntu server with 20.04 LTS. I have been asked to apply the CIS benchmark profile for Level 1 Server to the server. I have an Ubuntu Pro account and I'm ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Snap directory full, automatic python update broke all python code

I enabled app updates in Ubuntu Pro on a 20.04 LTS box but any attempt to run python code breaks immediately on import. For example, entering import pandas as pd in a python3.8 shell returns a ...
Loggy's user avatar
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0 votes
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Can't login with domain user after ADSys installation - fetching policy fails, getting GPT.ini invalid argument error

I've implemented Adsys in a virtual environment containing a an ubuntu 22.04 pro and a regular ubuntu 20.04 and an AD server running windows server 2022. Before installing the ADSys the computers had ...
Ofri's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Ubuntu Pro on AWS | Temporary failure in name resolution

I created a new EC2 instance with Ubuntu Pro 22.04 image. After 1st access, I updated system packages and Audited/fixed using usg command. After usg fix command, I rebooted the system and upon 1st ...
Muhammad Laique Sario's user avatar
0 votes
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Ubuntu Pro: Another process is running APT

I am trying to enable esm-apps on my Ubuntu 22.04 machine (pro enable esm-apps), but it keeps on failing to update package lists 'Another process is running APT.' while 'apt update' is working ...
Zorono's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

VirtualBox Kernal issue, rleated to Ubuntu Pro? [duplicate]

I have kind of a new Ubuntu 22.04 and VirtualBox was working fine. I had Ubuntu Pro for this machine before, so activated it recently. But after one update, around a week back VMs stopped launching. ...
user227495's user avatar
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Slow Ubuntu after upgrade and update command.Any ideas what can be issue?

I run a node on the desktop version of Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS. In the terminal, I perform updates and upgrades using the apt command. After the last update, I received additional updates for Ubuntu PRO, ...
DavorT's user avatar
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0 answers

Is it possible to remove or disable the esm apps in software update GUI format, since I don't have Ubuntu Pro, more info in the post

I have something curious that I would like to get answer, say everything works fine, but I don’t have Ubuntu Pro, however, when in software and updater (I’m using 22.04.03 Lts), I hit update, I get ...
Perezoso23 Perezoso's user avatar
0 votes
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5.15.0-1051-realtime kernel release notes

On my 22.04.3 LTE machine I have upgraded the kernel from 5.15.0-1050-realtime to 5.15.0-1051-realtime. Where could find I a document summarizing the fixes and changes between two subsequent kernel ...
Andrew Sergeev's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How to fix this giltch on ESM for Ubuntu 22.04?

I recently installed Ubuntu 22.04 alongside Windows 10 and applied for a free personal subscription to Ubuntu Pro, but when I completed the steps to enable ESM with Ubuntu Pro, it showed as 31/12/99 ...
Arth Mane's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Certificate error trying to attach Ubuntu Pro token

I am trying to enable Ubuntu Pro (free subscription) on a virtual machine with Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS. When I run the command sudo pro attach <My token>, I got the error message: Failed to connect ...
Emiliano's user avatar
0 votes
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Landscape showing 1 computer has ESM disabled

Landscape shows 1 computer has ESM disabled The computer in question appears to have ESM enabled I tried to reattach my pro subscription and even renamed /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage and /var/lib/...
Daniel Wolk's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04, Pro installed, but getting: "Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications is not enabled." message

It is installed, and the services are enabled. Do you have any suggestions about how to fix it?
Jwaltrip4's user avatar
0 votes
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Need to know about Ubuntu PRO [duplicate]

I have 18.04 LTS and I'm thinking of attaching the Ubuntu PRO token that I have received. I would like to know if there are any caveats to it or will change anything in the VM if I attach the Ubuntu ...
newtoStack-J's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can't attach canonical-livepatch with my token

I just successfully installed and configured an Ubuntu Core 18 image for Intel Dawson Canyon and June Canyon NUC by following this official guide to run (mainly) my Nextcloud instance. The choice of ...
cm-t's user avatar
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SELinux enforcing blocks network interface

I have installed SELinux on an Ubuntu Pro Server with the following packages: policycoreutils, selinux-utils, selinux-basics, auditd. The problem appears when I set SELinux policy to "enforcing&...
SirMastroBirraio's user avatar
0 votes
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message when connecting to a VPS

When connecting to a VPS, it gives me a message: Enable ESM Apps to receive additional future security updates. See or run: sudo pro status As I understand it, this message is ...
ZeN's user avatar
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Ubuntu pro subscription is not updating esm-apps

I keep get invited to opt in to esm-apps because I have apps which have updates. But I have subscribed. Ubuntu 22.04 Each time I get this: [~/blog] [] $ sudo apt dist-upgrade Reading package lists... ...
Tim Richardson's user avatar
0 votes
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Ubuntu Pro Image

for a use case I need a pre-hardened (using Ubuntu Pro) ISO-image for an edge device. Is something like this available? I can only find cloud-images or the way of "attaching" the pro license ...
Lasklu's user avatar
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Livepatch shutting down the entire User runtime, just to check for patches

After enabling Ubuntu Pro, I have been noticing my services were going down randomly. after investigating, it turns out the Docker rootless service is being shutdown by Livepatch. it looks like ...
linuxlover2022's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Upgrading to Ubuntu Pro. Where is the token?

I am running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and it will expire in 4/23. I'd like to upgrade my workstation to Ubuntu Pro workstation, no support. The instructions say to run: sudo ua attach TOKEN But where do I ...
richie's user avatar
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