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Questions tagged [two-factor-authentication]

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16 votes
2 answers

How can I further secure my system using 2 factor authentication?

The title pretty much says it. I have been hearing more about 2 factor authentication, one-time passwords, hard-tokens, and other improved security features. With the decreasing security of using just ...
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14 votes
4 answers

Generating TOTP for 2FA directly from the computer (no mobile device)

On Ubuntu 22.04.2, I would be glad to ear about a native and secure way to generate TOTP codes for using in any given application which needs 2FA. Do you know an open-source way of doing that directly ...
s.k's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

how to setup two factor authentication in Ubuntu for Ubuntu users using Google authenticator?

How to setup two factor authentication in Ubuntu for Ubuntu users using Google authenticator (It can also be setup for non Google accounts)?
Hrish's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Luks two-factor authentication

is it possible to create an encrypted partition with a two-factor authentication ( decryption with password and keyfile ) with LUKS, like in truecrypt?
Steve's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Cisco Anyconnect not working on Ubuntu 18.04 with two-factor authentication

I'm trying to get Cisco Anyconnect working on a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04. The vpn I'm connecting to requires 2fa, using Duo Mobile push or a text code. The program connects fine, and I enter my ...
user3037237's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Okta Verify 2FA authentication for Ubuntu

Under a new security policy, my company is forcing employees to install Okta Verify on all devices for 2FA authentication. Up until now, I've been happily using Ubuntu and authenticating via the Okta ...
D_AskUbuntu's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

google authenticator for certain users

After enabling Google authenticator (2 step authentication) on one of my testing servers running ubuntu 16.04 (LTS), I noticed I couldn't login anymore with a user who doesn't have a google ...
user1116942's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Graphical file manager with support for SSH'ing into duo 2FA protected server?

I used to be able to use nautilus and go to the location bar and "ssh://[email protected]" into a remote server and do things like drag and drop files. However, that remote server added two-factor ...
orangenarwhals's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

A two-factor authentication app that runs on Ubuntu?

Most two factor authentication apps are available for Android or iOS. I do not use a smartphone. Is there a two factor authentication app that runs on Ubuntu?
orschiro's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Adding Two Factor Verification to Ubuntu Server SSH login

I have an Ubuntu server that I have physical access to and is currently only accessible via the local area network. I am considering allowing myself to connect remotely and - whilst I realise a ...
Huw's user avatar
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2 answers

NetworkManager does not support 2FA TOTP for openconnect/AnyConnect VPN

I have been using the NetworkManager with my Unis' VPN for years, and it used to work. Now they introduced multi-factor authentification using TOTP and I can't connect anymore. I tried to setup the ...
Mars's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Authy Desktop client - syncing token labels and icons across devices

Is there a good solution for syncing Authy token labels and icons across devices? Multi Device Sync has made Authy a vast improvement for me over gAuthenticator and dedicated security fobs. On iOS, ...
smcnally's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

2FA with Ubuntu 18.04

I'm using 2FA on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS with Google Authenticator. I added auth required nullok to /etc/pam.d/common-session and correctly set up Google Authenticator. The ...
florian's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Happlink Plug-up FIDO U2F Security Key. Why it doesnt work immediately in Ubuntu

Ubuntu 12.04LTS Happlink Plug-up FIDO U2F Security Key. Why it doesn't work immediately in Ubuntu. What shall I do with it?
Alex's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

SSH key-based auth asks for password on first login [duplicate]

I have a fresh Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS system and have noticed that key-based SSH authentication asks for the account's password the first time I login to the machine and subsequent SSH attempts work ...
berto's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Apparmor enforce mode prevents Firefox from reading U2F security key

When the default apparmor profile for Firefox is set to enforce mode, it blocks access to security keys. Disabling the profile restores access. Rules that I've tried and failed: /sys/devices/** r, #...
Eric L's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Can't access server, 2FA rejecting verification codes and back-up codes don't work

I have just configured the google-authenticator 2FA for a server I have and am now unable to sign in as the connections are being rejected by. I get the following message: Received disconnect from ...
mada360's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Google 2-way & XRDP?

I installed the 2-Way login like in this manual: how to setup two factor authentication in Ubuntu for Ubuntu users using Google authenticator? So now I'm trying to get it working with XRDP. I ...
Minky's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Cannot login with two-factor SSH [duplicate]

In response to the users that flagged this as a potential duplicate, it is not. I have a SSH hardening solution, which I got off Canonical's ubuntu tutorials and is commonly repeated, but it isn't ...
Jason's user avatar
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0 answers

Google Authenticator not giving correct verification code

I'm setting up a google authenticator for a linux image that i'm creating. Every time it gives me a verification code it's different to what my phone gives me. My question is because this is time ...
Bad programmer 's user avatar
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Seems 2FA login authentication is trivial to bypass on Ubuntu. What am I missing?

I was considering setting up 2FA on Ubuntu with libpam-google-authenticator as outlined in this article. However, it seems this method can be completely bypassed by entering GRUB rescue mode and ...
jophuh's user avatar
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SSH using Google auth TOTP and pubkey still Requiring password

I'm using Google Auth setup by following this guide on and a pubkey (generated with ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096) to ssh into a new Ubuntu server I have setup. └─$ ssh -i .ssh/ubuntuServer ...
Medic Behind You's user avatar
1 vote
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Password does not work after setting up google-Authenticator 2fa

Hi I have a server at home that I often connect to from my school but I wanted to give it an extra security boost. I followed this tutorial,, ...
Scott Styslinger's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Passwordless Login to Ubunto 20.04 with FIDO2

So i've setup passwordless thru FIDO2 by adding auth sufficient authfile=/home/me/.config/FIDO2/u2f_keys having followed the instructions on the yubico page to generate the u2f_keys code It'...
Dan D's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Need help on google authenticator on ubuntu

I have Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS where I have successfully installed Google authenticator for MFA authentication, now I need a help on the steps of authentication, my goal is this: If a user has no ssh-key ...
Umar Draz's user avatar
1 vote
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SSH Challenge response in Thunar or Nautilus? [closed]

So I have a project where I need to access a server with SSH that has both priv/pub key and 2FA challenge response verification enabled. The following works: Command Line SSH access Using WinSCP in ...
m_krsic's user avatar
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SSH won't ask me for password AND then 2FA OTP (QR)

I've being trying to set up my first ever (minimal?) Ubuntu 20 VPS and I have reached a learning point where I can secure and tune control for other users. I have being trying so far to setup 2FA from ...
biyinan221's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

use github with yubikey without phone

I am using Xubuntu 18.04 and wonder if there is a way to use Two-factor authentication with github but without a phone. Currently I need to enter the verification number that is shown on my phone/nfc/...
Jeno's user avatar
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0 answers

Can remmina work with authenticator apps?

Set up my Ubuntu 18.04 droplet to use google-authenticator for ssh logins. It works well, but I can't see how to configure remmina to work with the authenticator. It prompts for a password instead and ...
Organic Marble's user avatar
1 vote
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Ubuntu One 2FA lost device removal

I lost access to my Google Authenticator app and my backups aren't working...lesson learned. Now I need to remove the 2FA device from my Ubuntu One account but of course you have to have the device ...
Michael Sandman's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Ubuntu google authenticator only for ssh not physical machine [duplicate]

I set up google authenticator for ssh login, and it works fine. However, when restart the computer and login form the physical machine, it requires the google autheticator code also - is it possible ...
sumade's user avatar
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0 answers

Two user authentication to use command

This might seem weird but I'm trying to find a way to have a double authentication requirement for the use of certain specific command on my server. For example, rebooting the machine would require ...
Francis Grégoire's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Avoid verification code request when using sudo using Google authenticator

I've just activated the two factor authentication using Google authenticator and I'm now required to provide the verification code any time that I use sudo. How to avoid the authentication step when ...
Max Cohen's user avatar
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1 answer

Still being Prompt for Password After enabling Public Keys

When I added my public key into my .ssh/user/authorized_keys file and I saved and restarted my server it gave me this error: initctl: Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/...
questions's user avatar
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2 answers

How to require 2FA for local Ubuntu login?

There are directions on configuring 2FA for SSH. However, I'm interested in mandating 2FA for logal sign in. For example, normally, the login might look like this: ubuntu login: cocomac Password: ...
cocomac's user avatar
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How to enable Yubikey 2FA using pam_u2f, for gnome desktop privilege elevation?

Yubico's own docs do a pretty great job of documenting the process for enabling 2FA for pretty much every privilege escalation scenario (sudo from a terminal, gdm login, etc.): https://support.yubico....
David Shepard's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Trying to configure SSH server to use Google Authenticator 2FA on 22.04.3 Ubuntu Server

I followed this guide here to configure the first part after setting up Google Authenticator on the system. I couldn't log into my ...
James x1080's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Deactivation of the possibility to deactivate 2FA via rescue mode (linux) - 2FA PAM module it doesn't make sense

I got interested in 2FA to log in for linux os ( PAM google authentificator) The problem is that from the rescue boot level it can be easily disabled which means that if someone has physical access to ...
xaveti's user avatar
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Permission denied after two factor authentification activation

I followed instruction on this tutorial to get two factor authentification on ssh. But since, I've done it, I get a permission denied when I try to connect using the usual user. I'm using Ubuntu ...
ジョーゼフマーシアル's user avatar
0 votes
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WEBDAV Securit - 2FA ubuntu server

at the moment I'm creating a server based on WEBDAV and I have a question: Is it possible to add 2FA to my network map drive or some other type of additional intrusion prevention? Apart from the ...
Oskar Sokolowski's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu Problems with Pam Google Auth

I had a working OpenVPN server that used Google Authenticator for TFA. It was working perfectly fine for well over a year. Just last night/today it stopped working. I managed to track down the auth....
drg's user avatar
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SSH login does not work after enabling 2-factor. Getting failed to read ".google_authenticator"

I have a server running Ubuntu 20.04 and I wanted to try to set up 2 factor authentication to secure SSH logins. I logged in to my server, and followed this tutorial:
birgersp's user avatar
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Remove DUO auth completely from ubuntu server 18.04 - two factor auth

I have an Ubuntu 18.04 server with DUO authentication. This DUO interferes with my capistrano deployment (rails app) For such, I have removed duo auth with sudo apt-get remove duo-unix Then I logged ...
cratag's user avatar
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2 answers

How to provide two-factor authentication in Kubuntu without a phone

Is it possible to use two-factor authentication on a Linux laptop running Kubuntu 18.04 without using a phone at all? If so, how? I'm able to authenticate on my phone without any particular ...
Paul A.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How to disable FIDO authenticator?

Whenever I run the command ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa, I get a prompt asking for the FIDO authenticator pin. How do I disable the FIDO authenticator?
besrabasant's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why does this users does not need PAM two factor Authentication for logging in?

I inherited a system from a departed colleague. He setup two factor authentication on the system, except for user root and ftpupload. However, there is this particular user who has SSH access but does ...
user1034912's user avatar
0 votes
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Multi-factor Voice Authentication

Was wondering if one could set up Multi-factor Voice Authentication along with traditional OTP based 2FA for logging in to their GNU/Linux, and superuser escalations. There are some posts from about a ...
computronium's user avatar
0 votes
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Is it possible to login from a cell phone

I want to login to UI from another device. Google authentication satisfies me but it does not work perfectly. I would like to work it as the finger login works. I am working on HP and I have problems ...
Victor Shelepen's user avatar
0 votes
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Avoid providing verification code request for specific time using Google authenticator

I've just activated the two factor authentication using Google authenticator and I'm now required to provide the verification code any time that I'm logging to the system. How to avoid the ...
chrisprz's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Does Ubuntu really not support Google 2-factor authentication?

I have spent the best part of a day trying to get Ubuntu 17.04 to work happily with Google 2-factor authentication. I found that with 2FA turned on in my Google account settings I could add the ...
zer0aster's user avatar