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160 votes
8 answers

How do I SSH to machine A via B in one command?

I want to access a computer, say machine A which is based in my university's network. However, this computer is only accessible via the internal network of the university, so I can not use SSH to this ...
nikosdi's user avatar
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87 votes
1 answer

How do I tunnel and browse the server webpage on my laptop?

I run a web app in one of my lab servers, and I have already setup X11 Forwarding on those machines. Other lab members can tunnel through SSH, and browse that web app on their local browser at home. ...
CppLearner's user avatar
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81 votes
6 answers

How can I make VirtualBox guests share the host's VPN connection?

Question When I start my VPN on my ubuntu desktop computer which acts as a router, the attached subnet loses internet connectivity, but is still accessible (LAN). Ideally, I would like to know how to ...
Programster's user avatar
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70 votes
2 answers

Reverse port tunnelling

I need to show somebody a website running on my local machine tomorrow. Normally I'd accomplish this by port forwarding on my local router but thanks to failing hardware and its replacement being ...
Oli's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

How do I route my internet through a SSH tunnel?

Old Q How do I setup an OpenVPN server without root privileges? Is there a way to setup an OpenVPN server without root privileges? E.g. with configuration files in my home directory? If yes, how do I ...
Oxwivi's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Use Remmina 1.2.0 with SSH tunneling

I'm using SSH tunnel and remmina client to connect to the remote machine. First I open the tunnel in my terminal: ssh -L 3309:<server_address>:3389 user@<aws_bastion> And then I just ...
Pavel K's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

SSH tunnel logging?

I have a computer running SSH that I would like to give my friends access to, but I do not want them to use my internet connection through SSH tunnelling (although I'd like to do so myself). Is there ...
Freyja's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How to prevent autossh from becoming stuck once in a while?

I am using autossh to build a reverse ssh tunnel but from time to time the tunnel stops working and I need to kill autossh and start it again. /etc/cron.d/autossh @reboot autossh -f -nNT -R 3269:...
sorin's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to set up ssh connection (acessible over internet, not LAN) using MTS MBLaze modem?

I have a MTS MBlaze USB dongle, with which I can connect to the internet. The question is, how do I set up a ssh connection accessible over the internet so that any one can connect to my PC through ...
TCSGrad's user avatar
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3 answers

ipv6 tunnel in Ubuntu 17.10?

I used to be able to do the configuration below with no issues in /etc/network/interfaces but now it's not picked up anymore. How do I configure a ipv6 tunnel now? I see see the new netplan software ...
Tek's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How may I do a SSH tunneling?

After reading an article about how cool can SSH be, I tried the solution given there about tunneling your connection. This is the very first time I try this. I've opened a terminal and typed: ssh -...
Rosamunda's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

How can I autostart a SSH -D tunnel at login for a SOCKS proxy?

I know that if I want to start an SSH tunnel ssh -d 9000 user@userserver This is one solution for a dynamic tunnel to be opened on port 9000 for a user named "user" on the host "userserver" ...
dalanmiller's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to share WiFi/hotspot over SSH tunnel

I have created a SSH tunnel on my laptop connected to LAN. I want to share the internet via WiFi/hotspot, but over the SSH tunnel. I mean any computer using this wireless should connect to the ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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2 answers

Route all traffic through SSH tunnel or equivalent? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I route my internet through a SSH tunnel? I just got a new laptop and put Ubuntu on it as a good way to force myself to learn Linux. This laptop will be going with me ...
Jess's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How to print over ssh?

I have the following configuration: P == U ---------------- W P is a HP Laserjet, connected to U, which is an Ubuntu 10.04 desktop machine with a standard gnome setup from the live cd. I just ...
mit's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can I use manual socks proxy for only specific sites?

I am using socks proxy with chrome. With dconf editor, I can add ignore-host so that browser connect this hosts without proxy. Now I want to do opposite of this. I mean I want to specify hosts so that ...
ibrahim's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

ssh-tunneled SOCKS proxy connection refusals on Firefox 47.0 / Kubuntu 16.04

I am having difficulty making connections to websites using Firefox over a tunneled SOCKS proxy. SOCKS4/SOCKS5 makes no difference. I set up the tunnel with ssh -D 1234 [email protected] ...
JD Baldwin's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Proxy tunneling failed: Proxy Authentication RequiredUnable to establish SSL connection

$ wget --2014-03-05 12:55:27--
user255093's user avatar
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How can I visit external website through ssh forwarding through a single port?

I need to ssh into my work computer, and then I need to connect to an external website (hosted entirely at another company) that my work has contracted with using my work machine. This answer says I ...
bime's user avatar
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3 answers

ssh tunnel and receiving Web pages through the tunnel

I've tried to create a tunnel torward a client passed through a server, using the following command ssh -X -f admin@IP_server -N -L 4444:IP_client:80 but when try to open client:80 by firefox ...
Riccardo Magrini's user avatar
5 votes
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Permission denied for ssh -R (tunnel)

I am trying to set up a tunnel between port 22 on my work computer (Ubuntu 19.10) to port 44455 on my computer at home (Ubuntu 18.04), so that I can ssh to my work computer from home. (Unfortunately I ...
bryanl's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How can I bring down this tun interface?

I can neither bring down nor delete this tun interface which is added on startup. Here's the output when I run ifconfig: eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 50:b7:c3:92:38:e2 UP ...
minmaxavg's user avatar
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How can I permanently delete tun interfaces

I am running Ubuntu 19.10 with openvpn 2.4.7, and over time I have accumulated 40 tun devices, which all show up when I log in. ifconfig confirms that they are all there. I have tried: doing sudo ip ...
KeyszerS's user avatar
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2 answers

How to seamlessly connect two LAN's?

I'm going to connecting two LAN's in some way, I imagine some form of VPN tunnel between the gateway/router on each side. Both routers have Ubuntu-server 10.04 installed, but the only vpn-like ...
LasseLuttermann's user avatar
4 votes
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From WAN, VNC fails to connect through ssh 5900 tunnel if not also proxied locally

On my local network, I can VNC-over-an-ssh-tunnel quite easily. I wish to do the same from abroad. The server is set up to accept WAN-side ssh connections, and this works reliably. The problem is, ...
Tfb9's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18 Server GRE tunnel with netplan?

How do I create a GRE tunnel with netplan? Previously in /etc/network/interfaces, I would do.. iface gr0 inet manual pre-up ip tunnel add gr0 mode gre remote local dev ens33 ...
adilias3's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Creating a persistent reverse SSH connection from remote server to home client

I have a home client I would like to connect to over SSH from my remote Ubuntu server. currently I create a cron job that persistently calls out from my home client to my remote server. So far I have ...
Ctpelnar1988's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I set up an SSH SOCKS proxy with Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager?

Generally I use this command to create a local Socks proxy via SSH Tunneling ssh -ND 7777 -i google.pem [email protected] Then i configure my applications to use Socks proxy on localhost (i.e. 127.0....
BigSack's user avatar
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OpenVPN with IPv6

I have a tun OpenVPN server running in routed mode which was set up on a Ubuntu server and I know that Ubuntu's build of OpenVPN has support for the IPv6 for quite a while now but it didn't get much ...
Flint's user avatar
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How can I find and remove 6to4 from my system?

Last week I installed Miredo and configured my system to handle IPv6 through 6to4 tunneling. It was easy and it worked well. So I decided I'd give Hurricane Electric's IPv6 connection a try. I've ...
Kelley's user avatar
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2 answers

Connect to a server through tunnel like WinSCP

I'm migrating me from Windows to Linux. I've installed an Ubuntu (14.04.01) and I usually did this: myPc (tunnel) -> machine A -> machine B With the opcion "tunnel" in advanced options in WInSCP. ...
maiky_forrester's user avatar
3 votes
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Traffic not tunneling through NetworkManager VPN Client, but vpnc works fine

I'm trying to connect to a VPN using the NetworkManager Cisco VPN client, and everything seems to be going fine when connecting. I click connect, the NM icon on the top panel displays the connecting ...
ladaghini's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating TUN device for IPSEC

Is it possible to create a separate device (like tun made by openvpn) for ipsec? If yes how can I do it?
bonzi's user avatar
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0 answers

I can't create ssh chain tunnel

I have two remote Ubuntu servers - vps1 and vps2. I want to create ssh tunnel for Firefox, that runs on my PC, to connect first to vps1 and then from vps1 to vps2. This doesn't have to be implemented ...
user1800997's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

SSH Tunnel can't connect through existing tunnel -- chanel3: open failed: administratively prohibited

I am following this tutorial and I have gotten past the part where I create a tunnel from my local computer (Host B) to a remote computer (Host A) with ssh -L 19922:HostA:22 HostA however, when I ...
ohnoplus's user avatar
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0 answers

How to create a tunneling connection for remote screen sharing

I have the following setup: My Computer --> ISP Router --> Internet --> Company ISP Router --> Company Router --> Switch --> Company Server. Using Teamviewer I can share the Company Server with My ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to tunnel Synergy over SSH?

Pretty straight forward. How do i tunnel Synergy over ssh? I need to connect client to server over a ssh tunnel to have a more secure connection.
Jacs's user avatar
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2 answers

Tunneling & Bypass proxy

are there any software for ubuntu to tunneling/bypass proxy (HTTP/S, SOCK4/5). Like "Proxifier" on windows ?
hardianto's user avatar
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ip tuntap add gives "open: No such file or directory"

I'm inside a dockerized ubuntu 20 and trying to run the command below, but I get this error: sudo ip tuntap add dev tun0 mode tun user `id -un` open: No such file or directory tried this: https://...
Guerlando OCs's user avatar
2 votes
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SSH Into Server Behind VPN

I have two servers, server A and server B. Server B is acting as a VPN for server A. I am trying to figure out a way from a 3rd computer to ssh directly into server A even though it's behind server B'...
Charles S's user avatar
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Host to Host SSH Tunnel

I want to create a full SSH tunnel between two Ubuntu 12.04 servers, (I found out about SSHuttle but because of a bug in the handling of file descriptors it will crash under high load) very much like ...
Ba7a7chy's user avatar
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What does the @ sign mean after a tunnel interface?

I previously asked a question on setting up a ipv4 to ipv6 tunnel. I answered my own question and this is configuration output from my previous question here 4: ...
Tek's user avatar
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How can I keep SSH connection alive?

I use Ubuntu 14.04 on my server and I've added these lines into /etc/ssh/ssh_config: (as it's mentioned here) ServerAliveInterval 300 ServerAliveCountMax 2 ClientAliveInterval 300 ClientAliveCountMax ...
Martin AJ's user avatar
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3 answers

mysql workbench failed to connect to server over ssh tunnel after server upgrade to ubuntu 16.04

I had an active connection in MySQL Workbench to my Ubuntu 14.04 over ssh tunnel for last two years without any problem. But after Ubuntu upgrade to new 16.04 I keep receive following error: 13:41:56 ...
Hamid's user avatar
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1 answer

How to avoid all internet traffic going through VPN connection when established

I am trying to resolve the following problem: I need to be connected to my company's Mikrotik router to reach company's NAS server. It works well. But if I stay connected all the time then all my ...
Peter M's user avatar
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SSH Tunneling Suddenly Not Working

I have a home PC running Ubuntu 12.10. In order to make sure that my data isn't being monitored in public, I had in the past used a subscription VPN service. I decided to research alternatives and I ...
Eddie12390's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How can I create GIF tunnel in ubuntu

I am able to create GRE tunnel in ubuntu. But I know that GRE cannot carry layer2 traffic, that's why I want to use GIF tunnels instead. How can I create GIF tunnel in ubuntu ?
Ahmed Hussein's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Transparent VPN Server that can connect to Windows

I have a hosted Ubuntu server with a few extra global IP addresses assigned to subinterfaces (eth0:0, eth0:1). They're inside the same block as the primary IP address assigned to eth0 and are all ...
David Schwartz's user avatar
2 votes
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PPTP Split Tunnelling

I have VPN on Linux with PPTP protocol. What I want to do is some kind of split tunnelling, which means that I need to use my real IP on some specific internet software, and use the VPN on the rest of ...
DeviL54's user avatar
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1 answer

How to connect (FTP) to remote server via my Ubuntu VPS

My problem is quite specific: I need to connect (FTP) to a client's server from my PC (Ubuntu 16.10) but my PC has dynamic IP and the client's server has IP filtering on. I have my own VPS (Ubuntu 16....
Juraj.Lorinc's user avatar