I'm having a bizarre issue right now where in terminal (any terminal app does this) when entering sudo foo
the time to enter my password is only about 2 or 3 seconds, which makes it nearly impossible to type my password without copy pasting it. It looks like this:
sudo foo
[sudo] password for mirli:
ExamplePaSorry, try again.
[sudo] password for mirli:
ExamplSorry, try again.
[sudo] password for mirli:
I have not heard of anyone else having this issue, ever, and my friend who uses Arch (BTW) has not either. It seems to be a wholly unique issue. I have installed Kubuntu, Ubuntu, Pop!_OS; really, any distro that stems from Ubuntu seems to have this issue and it has persisted through repeated reinstalls.
I suspect this may be due to some sort of input issue, as the cursor blinks when awaiting my password, but does not accept any input from my keyboard, only enter, which causes me to have until the sudo task processes to enter my password on the next line.
I am new to Linux so please simply ask if you need me to do anything specific in the terminal and I'll try to get the results to you accurately.
[sudo] password for mirli:
will hang until I press any key. At which point I can start entering the password, which gives me about a 3 second window to enter, until it cuts me off and tells me I have an incorrect password. I have not tried a different keyboard, since I only have one, but as far as I know I haven't had issues with sending errant "enter" keystrokes before.