
I'm trying to install Ubuntu for the first time. I downloaded the Ubuntu 24.04 iso file and created a bootable USB using Rufus on Windows but when trying to install the Ubuntu, I'm facing System program problem detected. Why is it happening and how to resolve it? After formatting the data from it, I tried to make the USB bootable repeatedly, but I still got the same error.

error screenshot

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  • 2
    Your question is not clear. If you have used Rufus it makes a bootable USB and puts the ISO file on it. So what does tried to make the USB bootable mean? BTW Did you verify the ISO before making the boot media? ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-verify-ubuntu#1-overview
    – David
    Commented Jun 25 at 16:34
  • Please show log to know the problem, and update your question. Commented Jun 25 at 16:49


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