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184 votes
6 answers

How do I increase the size of swapfile without removing it in the terminal?

Is there a way to increase my existing "swapfile" without having to destroy and re-create it? I would like to up my swap space from 1GB to 2GB. Currently it is set up as such: $ sudo swapon -s ...
Dave's user avatar
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94 votes
7 answers

How do I mount an SD card?

My computer has an SD card slot. When I put a working SD card into the slot, nothing happens. When I put a CD or DVD in, or plug in a USB drive, the medium is mounted and available. Is there something ...
lofidevops's user avatar
  • 21.1k
40 votes
4 answers

Can Google Drive desktop be used on Ubuntu?

I'm thinking of switching my operating system from Windows and I use Google Drive desktop with all of my video work.
Jack Gilmore's user avatar
37 votes
2 answers

Is a 40GB SSD practical to use for ' / '

I was lucky enough to be given a 40 GB SSD as a Christmas gift; and, given the inherent speed of these drives, decided it would be best used as the / partition; but then it occurred to me that this ...
David Thomas's user avatar
15 votes
9 answers

Is there a Gmail Drive?

is there the gdrive in ubuntu? like windows have. Or similar
La Ode Adam Saputra's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Duplicity - storage location not available, waiting for Google

I recently upgraded Ubuntu from 17.10 to 18.04 LTS and used my usb key as a backup for my files. Now that I am on Ubuntu 18.04, I have a problem with duplicity. In fact, when I run the restore process,...
Harpartap S C's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Disk has 1TB but I can only use 7.7GB [duplicate]

I bought this computer one year ago and it came with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I used the computer as it came and I didn't have problems until now when I can't even download photos because the storage is full....
Olariu Bgd's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How file system block size works?

All Linux file systems have 4kb block size. Let's say I have 10mb of hard disk storage. That means I have 2560 blocks available and let's say I copied 2560 files each having 1kb of size. Each 1 kb ...
Srimanth Duggineni's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Why is my external USB hard drive sometimes completely inaccessible?

I have an external USB hard drive, consisting of an 1 TB SATA drive in a Rosewill RX35-AT-SU SLV Aluminum 3.5" Silver USB 2.0 External Enclosure, plugged into my SONY VAIO VGN-NS310F laptop. It ...
Eliah Kagan's user avatar
11 votes
9 answers

USB Storage Device Automount

Under Ubuntu 10.04 one of the problems which appeared is that USB devices would no longer automatically mount when plugged in. Normally I would get a pop up message asking what application I wanted to ...
matt-oakes's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

How to deal with snap using a lot of storage space?

I have Ubuntu installed. I have a partitioned disk with a root / partition of 20 GB and a /home partition of 60 GB. I thought that this would be enough for Ubuntu, but snap is using a lot of storage ...
Harm's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes
2 answers

Is there an upper limit to Ubuntu One Storage Subscriptions?

At Ubuntu One Services it is possible to purchase 20GB of additional storage space for $29.99/year. There is also a box which appears to work as a sort of quantity selector. My question is: Is there ...
Lewis Goddard's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

SD card doesn't work well under Ubuntu, but does well under Windows

I own a laptop with a built-in card reader. For the past year or so, I've been coping with a curious problem that seems more software related than hardware. I run a dual-boot of Windows 7 and Ubuntu ...
user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Changes to SD card undone after re-mount (e.g. deleted files re-appear)

After having a corrupted file system on my SD card due (probably due to unsufficient power supply) I want to make a new filesystem. (e2fsck fails, log below.) However, any file-related changes on the ...
chs's user avatar
  • 193
8 votes
2 answers

Where exactly are programs and files saved on a non-persistent live system?

Recently, I needed to test various kernel boot-options with a live system and had to install a program to check system information on every boot (I did not have a USB drive available and the CD was ...
Prototype700's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Recommended storage scheme for home server? (LVM/JBOD/RAID 5...)

Are there any guidelines for which storage scheme(s) makes most sense for a multiple-disk home server? I am assuming a separate boot/OS disk (so bootability is not a concern, this is for data storage ...
j-g-faustus's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is it safe to delete /var/lib/snapd/snapshots?

I had to reinstall Spotify because of an issue, which is now resolved but something else came up. I was notified that my root partition was filling up and I realised that in /var/lib/snapd/snapshots, ...
Jasper Nygaard's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Virtual RAM folder in Ubuntu?

I would like to have a folder mounted as temporary, which is actually my RAM. This is so that, for example, I could copy a movie into my RAM, unplug my external drive, and then watch it. Can this be ...
Patrick's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Moving home/user directory to another drive?

I'm installing a SSD and to save space I want to move my user folder to another drive, is there a way to do that?
zShell's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Why can't I buy more storage?

Im trying to buy 2x20G of storage but when I try it says "Sorry something went wrong".
Nhimself's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Where is the storage location of Ubuntu terminal in Windows 10? [duplicate]

I have installed Ubuntu terminal(Ubuntu app) in Windows 10, I have enabled the Windows Subsystem for Linux. The problem is that I cannot find the path where the files that I am using are getting ...
thirumalaidevi ramya's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to grow a luks-encrypted external raid5 array?

I'm planing to buy an external raid array (hardware raid5). My intention is to outfit it with 4 disks initially and encrypt it using luks and dm-crypt. My question is: Will I be able to hot swap disks ...
con-f-use's user avatar
  • 18.9k
5 votes
1 answer

What is Ubuntu One?

are there any paid subscriptions available for Ubuntu One? What additional features does it have?
akshatj's user avatar
  • 13.2k
5 votes
1 answer

Understanding disk space using WSL2

Complete novice here, so please tell me if this should be posted in a different forum. If the answer is already available online, I haven't been able to find it in my searches. I set up Ubuntu 20.04 ...
a11's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Is there are way to read a windows storage space from Ubuntu?

I have a windows storage space setup on my windows 10 instalation. The storage space includes only a single NTFS drive (sdb) and the drive is only used for storing media, windows is installed on a ...
0x6C38's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How can I get a redundant filesystem which grows easily?

I want to use Ubuntu Server on a computer which I want to use for my backups. I would like to be able to add extra disk space if that would be required in the future. Basically, I like what the Drobo ...
user9713's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

How can I safely remove the ~/Snap folder?

I'd love to delete the Snap folder in my home. It takes 97 GB of space. No package manager should be allowed this amount of space in the /home mount point! How can I safely delete Snap and all its ...
Eamon's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is there an item limit for the file explorer?

This is a question regarding Xubuntu 14.04. Very long story short, I had to use the program recoverjpeg to restore some photos that I forgot to back up after a fresh install. This resulted in 850k ...
dronkmunk's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Show disk usage in Nautilus/Thunar

Is there a way (or an extensions) to display disk usage/remaining disk space, in Linux file browsers (Nautilus/Thunar) like what happens in Windows when you open My Computer/PC. I know conky can do ...
Moyo Freeman's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can I find out the EXACT storage space of my USB drive?

I'm planning to burn a Windows 8 image on my USB. Win is 3,9 GB, and so is my USB, according to Files > USB > Properties, but how can I tell the exact storage size of my USB, in case Windows is few MB ...
Arynn's user avatar
  • 263
4 votes
2 answers

btrfs for deduplication and compression at the same time?

I'm thinking about using btrfs functions for both deduplicate and compress my storage... My question is: is it efficient? I mean, does it deduplicate AND compress at the same time efficiently?! I'm ...
ThiagoCMC's user avatar
  • 829
4 votes
2 answers

Errno 28 No space left on device even though there is space

Hi I am fairly new to ubuntu, and today when I tried to open jupyter notebook I got the following error: myname@My-Laptop:~$ jupyter notebook [I 2022-08-08 07:58:41.188 LabApp] JupyterLab extension ...
codinggirl17's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Cannot remove /snap directory even after removing snapd

I prevously removed snapd, however, the /snap directory is still there, and consumes a lot of space. How to remove it? I tried sudo rm -rf /snap, but that says rm: cannot remove '/snap/path/to/file': ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to make journald increase logs storage capacity?

I would like to have persistent logs via journald. I created /var/log/journal and reloaded the service. Now logs are saved on the disk. But the log size limit is low. I added /etc/systemd/journald....
4xy's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Log file eating up whole space in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Fix?

I have recently got into Linux and it's dual booted in my pc with windows 10. I installed a few files in Ubuntu 16.04 and a space of 41 GB is allotted for Ubuntu in my pc. But all of a sudden a prompt ...
twodee's user avatar
  • 232
4 votes
1 answer

Try Ubuntu - Where does it store my files?

I am wondering, when you select the option of just "Try Ubuntu" instead of installing, where does Ubuntu store the files that you download / copy / save? I right click in the Home folder, and it ...
bloodfire1004's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How do I get Skydrive working?

Does anyone know how to make Skydrive desktop tool work with 12.04?
jredkai's user avatar
  • 505
4 votes
1 answer

Multipath only sees 2.0T of 4.8T

I have been given 4.8T of SAN storage to my Ubuntu 10.04 64Bit server. multipath only sees 2.0T. Is this a limitation of Ubuntu or Multipath; or am I doing something wrong? Example output: ...
user7054's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Multiple gnome files in /snap

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS desktop and checking my storage usage. I have four files in /snap named gnome 3-38-2004, gnome 3-34-1804, gnome 3-28-1804, and gnome 3-26-1604. Do I need all of them?
John Stephens's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to manage imported certificates?

I've got a X.509 certificate file (with a .der file extension) of a certificate authority that I want to trust (it's required to connect to my academic network). When I double-click on a .der file I ...
falconepl's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can't access any storage devices on 12.10

Hi I've just started using Ubuntu 12.10 (today!) my first time with any non-windows OS. I wanted to retrieve some files after windows stopped working. I boot Ubuntu from a USB and it seems to work ...
Michael's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Disk space suddenly 100% used? [duplicate]

I'm trying to identify why, suddenly, 100% of our disk space is in use. I have already rebooted but the issue persists. Here are the outputs of some commands that are showing some strange (for me) ...
dannymcc's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do I enable low disk storage warnings?

I haven't been getting any low disk space warnings even though nautilus tells me I've got little space left (varies between reporting 1.4G free to complaining that it's unable to save a small file ...
Paul G's user avatar
  • 39
3 votes
2 answers

does btrfs/ZFS make ECC RAM obsolete?

ECC RAM is recommended to be used in a server in order to minimize/prevent data corruption. Would ECC RAM be obsolete if your server uses btrfs (or ZFS) as filesystem (which both are said to prevent ...
vrms's user avatar
  • 511
3 votes
1 answer

How to find superblock?

I am trying to find the superblock with dumpe2fs command, but with this output there is no information about superblocks.
Ani's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
2 answers

Change where basket saves notebooks?

Currently I am trying to use Basket but, I can't find the place where it lets me change where my Baskets are stored. I need to keep them encrypted from prying eyes and want them located in /media/...
redcodefinal's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Fake RAID (dmraid) not seeing new SATA drives

I have three drives in my machine, one SSD with 32GB and two 1TB drives, attached to an Intel 82801JI (ICH10) SATA AHCI Controller. The problem is, that I can access only one of the 1TB drives when ...
rausch's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Sd card bigger than 2gb is not recognized in ubuntu 12.04

When I insert a card up to 2gb it is immediately seen by the system but if try it with bigger one it's not seen. I presume the issue is not due to the card reader itself as it reads all cards under ...
dex1's user avatar
  • 35
3 votes
1 answer

How is disk space shared from nodes when using Ubuntu Cloud?

I'm thinking about setting up a private cloud using Ubuntu with 2 nodes, but I don't quite understand how disk space from each node is handled in the cloud. Can somebody explain how (and if) the disk ...
mahok's user avatar
  • 33
3 votes
0 answers

Cloud init - storage configuration

I have two problem in the section of the storage (user-data file) 1. When I try to increase the /dev/sda2 with Gparted I cannot do it because the creation of the volume boot. ( see picture bellow) 2. ...
HELLBOY's user avatar
  • 67

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