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Questions tagged [software-recommendation]

Questions asking for specific applications that perform a given task or work with a given file format. Give details about the **purpose** of the software you want and your minimum **requirements** for it.

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727 votes
82 answers

What Application Indicators are available?

This question exists because it has historical significance, but it is not considered a good, on-topic question for this site, so please do not use it as evidence that you can ask similar questions ...
645 votes
28 answers

How can I record my screen?

How can I record my screen on Ubuntu? The app I'm looking for has ideally all of these features: Can record in a format that can be played back easily on any platform and/or accepted by YouTube or ...
564 votes
13 answers

How to convert PDF to image?

I have requirement of converting PDF pages to images. There is a background image with some text in my file, and when I save it as an image only the background image gets saved. Is there any software ...
Deependra Solanky's user avatar
419 votes
30 answers

What kinds of desktop environments and shells are available?

This question exists as it fills a specific criterion. While you are encouraged to help maintain its answers, please understand that "big list" questions are not generally allowed on Ask Ubuntu and ...
343 votes
39 answers

Comparison of backup tools

This question exists because it has historical significance, but it is not considered a good, on-topic question for this site, so please do not use it as evidence that you can ask similar questions ...
323 votes
7 answers

Simple image editor?

I want something similar to "preview" in macs. For example: I want an image editor that ONLY does simple adjustments like increase/decrease contrast, saturation, exposure, color tinting.... rotate, ...
mandy's user avatar
  • 3,251
308 votes
13 answers

What software can I use to view epub documents?

What software can I use to view .epub documents?
Olivier Lalonde's user avatar
285 votes
27 answers

How can I highlight or annotate PDFs?

Currently I need to highlight certain sections in PDFs, or add annotations (comments/notes). These modifications would need to be saved. What tools are out there to do this on Ubuntu?
ssanj's user avatar
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264 votes
12 answers

What PDF viewers are available for Ubuntu?

Every second e-mail I get suggests to download Adobe Acrobat reader, but doesn’t provide a Linux version. Which PDF Viewer are there available for Ubuntu? I’m fine with partial solutions, a ...
256 votes
12 answers

Extracting embedded images from a PDF

Before I started using Ubuntu I used Nitro PDF reader to automatically extract images from PDF files. Is there a PDF reader for Linux that does this? I would like to be able to extract images faster/...
1kb's user avatar
  • 2,983
242 votes
22 answers

What to use to quickly cut Audio/Video

If just need to crop Audio/Video from a longer track, what can I use? I tried OpenShot, but I find the export video slow, perhaps its compling all the "layers" into a new movie? Perhaps I just need a ...
Jiew Meng's user avatar
  • 10.4k
229 votes
13 answers

Is there a GUI client for Git?

I am using git for version control of various projects. Is there GUI software for navigating through commits and branches of a project and for retrieving versions in git projects?
Matoeil's user avatar
  • 2,487
212 votes
28 answers

How do I download a YouTube video?

What are instructions on how to download videos from YouTube? Notice: Terms of Service Violation Please be aware that by following any of the answers below, you will be violating YouTube's Terms of ...
206 votes
14 answers

Is there a lightweight tool to crop images quickly?

I need to crop images often - photos, printscreens, etc., and loading gimp for such a simple task takes way too long. Can you recommend a faster alternative?
Justinas Dūdėnas's user avatar
203 votes
16 answers

Is there a Google Drive client available?

I'd like to install a Google Drive client for Xubuntu (12.04). I'm getting non-English Google results, and I didn't find grive in the Xubuntu repositories. Does anyone know of a client that works ...
Eyal's user avatar
  • 5,035
199 votes
6 answers

Any app on Ubuntu to open and/or convert HEIF pictures (.HEIC, High Efficiency Image File Format)?

A certain cellphone maker has changed the default format of taking pictures to HEIF (.HEIC, High Efficiency Image File Format), without asking the users (although there is still the option to use jpeg/...
Filbuntu's user avatar
  • 13.2k
190 votes
5 answers

Is there a power saving application similar to Jupiter?

I'm trying to install the Jupiter power settings app but, I read it is no longer compatible with the new kernel. Is there a similar program or a way to manage the power settings on 13.04?
Michael Scott's user avatar
189 votes
21 answers

Is there software that can fill PDF forms?

I have some PDFs which are actually forms, with fields to fill. Is there some software that can fill those fields?
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
180 votes
11 answers

Command line tool to crop PDF files

I am looking for an open source command line tool to crop PDF file just like we can do in Adobe Acrobat Pro. I have tried PdfTk, ImageMagick, PyPDF, and GhostScript—all with no success so far.
Rakesh's user avatar
  • 2,084
178 votes
13 answers

What alternatives for sticky notes are available?

I like the Sticky Notes very much, they are always on the desktop. But I can't find it in Ubuntu since 12.04. Other programs like gnotes & Xjournal are not giving a feature to stay on the desktop....
Raja G's user avatar
  • 103k
172 votes
18 answers

What system monitoring tools are available?

I am looking for system monitoring tools which are GUI and CLI or web-based which include basic functions such as: CPU Usage Ram Usage Swap Usage Disk Usage ( Space / I/O ) Heat Monitoring I know ...
Qasim's user avatar
  • 22.1k
162 votes
12 answers

How to measure GPU usage?

Using the top command in the terminal lists processes, sorted by their CPU usage (and you can change it to sort by another parameter) Is there an equivalent for the GPU? This fellow is asking about ...
xxjjnn's user avatar
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159 votes
20 answers

File and directory comparison tool?

I'm looking for something that will compare directories and files like Beyond Compare does for windows. Its mainly for use of source control, but I need to use it for deployment as well.
DevelopingChris's user avatar
153 votes
12 answers

A command-line clipboard copy and paste utility?

In Windows I used command-line clipboard copy-and-paste utilities... pclip.exe and gclip.exe These were UnixUtils ports for Windows (but they only handled plain text). There were a couple of ...
Peter.O's user avatar
  • 24.8k
148 votes
5 answers

What is the equivalent of the "tracert" DOS command?

tracert is a command in MS-DOS command prompt to trace the route to an IP Address. Is there any command in the Gnome Terminal equivalent to this?
Vipin Verma's user avatar
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141 votes
13 answers

What are the alternatives to Notepad++ on Ubuntu?

I use Notepad++ on Windows 7 and I want to know if there is a good substitution for it on Ubuntu. I want something that is good for editing html files.
user171010's user avatar
  • 1,419
136 votes
12 answers

Is there BitTorrent software that runs in a terminal?

I want to deploy it on my VPS server to download resources quickly. This could save me a lot of time since some resources are in a foreign country,
134 votes
9 answers

Software to read a QR code?

I saw a QR code reading a book, but I don't have a smart phone to decode it. So I just took a picture of it and saved the picture to my PC. I downloaded libdecoderqr0, libdecodeqr-dev, and libdecodeqr-...
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 10.2k
133 votes
15 answers

Tool to add shapes, annotations and text using templates to images

Often I need to annotate (draw some arrows, lines, basic shapes like squares, ellipses etc and enter some text) on top of pictures (JPG, PNG images) and screenshots (again png images). I would also ...
koushik's user avatar
  • 5,082
130 votes
25 answers

Any command line calculator for Ubuntu?

I am looking for a calculator which can do calculations in the terminal itself, without any other extra prefixes and suffixes. For example: If I typed something like 10000-9000 in the terminal, the ...
Raja G's user avatar
  • 103k
130 votes
9 answers

Torrent client for the command-line? [duplicate]

Yesterday one of my friends asked me if there is some torrent client that runs on the command-line. I had no answer for him, but I think that you have some.
Wolfy's user avatar
  • 7,950
126 votes
24 answers

What IDEs are available for Ubuntu?

This question exists because it has historical significance, but it is not considered a good, on-topic question for this site, so please do not use it as evidence that you can ask similar questions ...
123 votes
15 answers

How to text-to-speech output using command-line?

How to get speech output from entered text by using command-line? Also facility to change speech rate, pitch, volume etc using simple command.
Pandya's user avatar
  • 36.1k
122 votes
16 answers

Natural Sounding Text to Speech?

I am looking for some easy to install text to speech software for Ubuntu that sounds natural. I've installed Festival, Gespeaker, etc., but nothing sounds very natural. All very synthetic and hard to ...
I Heart Ubuntu's user avatar
120 votes
7 answers

converting epub files to PDF format

I would like to know the ways in which epub files can be converted to pdf in ubuntu. Any method, GUI or command line conversion is fine as far as my epub gets converted to pdf. Thanks.
palerdot's user avatar
  • 1,795
120 votes
12 answers


Does anyone have any good ideas as to native MySQL GUI clients for Ubuntu? So far I've tried MySQL Workbench, which never seemed to work properly, phpMyAdmin which I found a bit slow, and Navicat ...
richzilla's user avatar
  • 12.1k
117 votes
16 answers

What screenshot tools are available?

I have noticed that many people use images in their Ask Ubuntu answers. What software are people using?
116 votes
23 answers

Which Time Tracker application do you recommend?

I have to do three or four jobs a day, and each has several parts. I want a time tracker tool to help me know how much time I've spent on each part and each job overall. I've found some like gnotime ...
113 votes
9 answers

How do I check system specifications?

I am total noob in Linux. I wanna know what is the equivalent of "My Computer" in Ubuntu 11.04. I want to check my computer specs such as Processor Speed, Memory, and etc. Whenever I check properties ...
Moron's user avatar
  • 2,085
111 votes
17 answers

Microsoft OneNote alternative?

Is there any program for Linux that has about the same functionality and usability as Microsoft OneNote? At the moment I am checking out Basket (for KDE), that seems to point to the right direction, ...
YSN's user avatar
  • 2,349
110 votes
9 answers

Is there a GUI designer for Python?

Is there a GUI IDE for programming Python just like Java has NetBeans? I wanted one where we could drag & drop test boxes & labels just as we do with Swing components using NetBeans or Eclipse....
Roshan's user avatar
  • 1,203
108 votes
5 answers

Coolest looking terminal IRC client [closed]

I am looking for a IRC client for the terminal that has colors, user list and just generally looks awesome ;) Any recommendations? There are loads of IRC clients in the repositories and I don't want ...
107 votes
9 answers

How to search for strings inside files in a folder?

Is there any utility to make searches for a string inside ASCII files to avoid command line searches? How to make a command line search, for example for the string "test" inside all files in the ...
Nuno's user avatar
  • 1,187
104 votes
9 answers

Please recommend a hex editor for shell

Can you recommend a hex editor that can be run from shell? I need to be able to edit not only view the content.
Aviran's user avatar
  • 1,191
102 votes
3 answers

What are some good GUI diff and merge applications available for Ubuntu?

What are some alternatives to WinMerge and the pros and cons of each?
Judge Maygarden's user avatar
101 votes
9 answers

What's the best, simplest OCR solution?

I'd like to scan a good amount of papers I have lying around, with the least possible hassle. I would like to convert them to images using Simple Scan, then convert them to text using OCR. Is there a ...
Bou's user avatar
  • 4,502
100 votes
7 answers

How can I find duplicate photos?

What can I use to find duplicate photos, including photos that have been resized?
ændrük's user avatar
  • 77.2k
99 votes
8 answers

How can I download an entire website?

I want to download a whole website (with sub-sites). Is there any tool for that?
UAdapter's user avatar
  • 17.7k
99 votes
17 answers

How to view CHM files?

How to view CHM files in Ubuntu?
Olivier Lalonde's user avatar
97 votes
7 answers

Is there an offline command-line dictionary?

Is there any command line offline dictionary? I know that there are some like StarDict and Artha but how about one in the command line? Also, I tried dict but it is an online dictionary.
PALEN's user avatar
  • 1,101

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