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Questions tagged [software-recommendation]

Questions asking for specific applications that perform a given task or work with a given file format. Give details about the **purpose** of the software you want and your minimum **requirements** for it.

417 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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8 votes
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Unable To Change The Voice In Orca To Use Festival In Ubuntu 18.04

I am assisting a blind friend with the transition from Windows to Linux. We have installed Ubuntu-MATE 18.04. Unfortunately, he hates the default voice used by Orca, and we have thus far been ...
Nikli's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Easiest way to setup a SMTP server to receive mail?

I want to setup a SMTP server to receive all mails. I have only found mail sending software so far (like postfix). But I want to have software to make the server being able to receive mails. Bonus ...
user101579's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Assistive Technology for Hands Free Use

I'm looking for packages compatible with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS that facilitate using the computer without hands. Examples include: eye gaze tracking mouse software dictation software capable of coding ...
Chelsea's user avatar
  • 61
6 votes
2 answers

Pomodoro timer for LXDE

It doesn't have to be a dedicated pomodoro app. Just a regular timer counting the time down will do. There are some requirements though - It has to… : … integrate with lxde panel. Either via being ...
vucalur's user avatar
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5 votes
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Countdown Timer to a specific day beside the clock in Ubuntu Menu Bar

I have tried searching for a countdown timer app which shall count the number of days till a specific date (for example, Christmas) so that it is visible to me all the time but, I'm not able to find ...
Anubhav Sachan's user avatar
5 votes
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Playing BluRay discs

Things i Have tried. Playing Blu-Ray and HD DVD Video MakeMKV and DumpHD do not work. Playing Blu-ray using VLC Can linux play blu-rays VLC error. Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to ...
Neil's user avatar
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5 votes
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Are there dress making Applications?

There probably isn't but I envisage creating models of people and then dressing them with various clothes. Sort of virtual Barbie dress up. Its hard to visualize patterns on clothes and would like to ...
Myka's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is there a GUI app to setup and toggle hostapd?

Title says it all, I've tried wifi-hostapd-app but I always run into trouble while installing one of its dependencies, dnsmasq specifically. I read one of the workarounds is to disable Ubuntu's ...
Rayson Jimenez's user avatar
4 votes
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Graphical folding editor for JSON?

The Ubuntu repositories come with the package xmlcopyeditor, which installs XML Copy Editor; a nice, graphical folding editor for the somewhat outdated XML data file format. I am looking for a ...
Serge Stroobandt's user avatar
4 votes
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Accounting Software for Ubuntu other than GnuCash?

I have performed numerous searches looking for accounting software for Linux (I am running Ubuntu) and haven't found any good solutions. Maybe I am glossing over something? I have been using GnuCash ...
kellyvotrenom's user avatar
4 votes
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Record and play back mouse+keyboard

Can anyone suggest a program I can use as a keyboard and mouse recorder? I tried CNee/EZ macro but it is not working.
Reivax's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Alternative to xdotool which is already installed on Ubuntu

I need to use xdotool to quickly automate some click at specific locations of my screen. I could use the following script: #! /bin/bash sleep 0.5 xdotool click 200 150 sleep 0.5 xdotool click 200 175 ...
Tim's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to organise tabs in the Xfce Panel by workspace?

I am constantly using multiple workspaces for different types of programs and I would like to have them all visible on my Xfce Panel. The "tasklist" plugin has the option to show open tabs from all ...
Prototype700's user avatar
4 votes
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How to revert back to a full featured Totem release?

After upgrading to Ubuntu 16.04 I noticed that Totem (the default video player) is no longer portraying its sidebar, which includes the much useful stack playlist. I judged this to be a bug, but it ...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
4 votes
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convert svg or ttf to otf, eot, woff

I'm looking for a command line software/script for linux/ubuntu that can help me convert svg or ttf to otf, eot and woff formats. I've tried fontmin,webify, fontforge, eot-utils, sfnt2woff, ttf2woff ...
Talha Habib's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

DIALux alternative for linux?

I'm wondering if an alternative for DIALux lighting simulation software exists? It's really important for me as I replaced Autocad with Draftsight I still need DIALux without running it with ...
Mateusz Kowalewski's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

File transfer indicator applet?

In gnome-shell when you do a file transfer you get a icon appear in the bar at the top, I know in unity it shows you the information in the unity Launcher, but I have that set to autohide, so I was ...
Hailwood's user avatar
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3 votes
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Jukebox Software/Distro

I've seen a couple older threads that don't provide any answers still in active production so I thought I would ask again. I am looking for a jukebox I can install on ubuntu, or I would even take one ...
Chris Galati's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is it there a Terminal User Interface USB Disks Manager?

I have seen enough answers on how to mount USB Disks via command line but I would like to know if is it there a text tool for managing the USB Drives. Scenery I own a server in a remote place. The ...
Geppettvs D'Constanzo's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there any circuit simulator for Ubuntu 21.04?

I am using Ubuntu 21.04. Previously I used DSCH (of microwind) in other operating system. Now I am searching for circuit simulator for my Ubuntu.
Abdullah Al Mahin's user avatar
3 votes
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Does Ubuntu 20.04 have an app for multiple timers that allows configuring preset durations?

Does Ubuntu 20.04 have an app for multiple timers that allows configuring preset durations? In 18.04 I used one that looked like this: It crashed once in a while, but it mostly worked. Now it appears ...
MWB's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is there a CLI IRC client with a GUI?

Some CLI apps, like htop, do a great job at providing you with a UI for configuring it. This way you can do some customizations just using the keyboard and/or mouse (!), without spending spending a ...
jerkstorecalled's user avatar
3 votes
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Chip Genius for Ubuntu

Do we have something like Chip Genius software to reset the USB drive? I have few USB sticks which are having some read only error. I tried fixing it with Gparted, Disks utility and a few other tools ...
Rasool's user avatar
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Ubuntu screen recorder with changeable camera background

i have seen this video: so i think is there any kind of Ubuntu recorder to do this camera background remover at the recording time, in Ubuntu. As which i think there is none by this effect, it can ...
Soheil Paper's user avatar
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To-Do List sync via CalDAV

I am using the Gnome To-Do app and want to sync my CalDAV to-do-lists. My To-Do Lists are safed on an hosted Open Xchange Server (via CalDav) so I could not set it up as a Ubuntu Online Account. I ...
yann1ck's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
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Is there a simple image processor that can reduce image color depth (convert 24-bit RGB to 2, 4 or 8-bit indexed color)?

I have a need for a quick/easy image processing application under Ubuntu 18.04 that will allow me to view, crop, scale down and reduce color depth/color mode (number of color bits per pixel) - with ...
Thomas Hunt's user avatar
3 votes
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Do any PDF merging utilities preserve the PDF/A format?

I need to merge multiple PDF files which are in the PDF/A format (used for long-term archiving). The input files are all PDF/A-1a documents created with LibreOffice Writer, and the merged output must ...
Tom Brossman's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Terminal emulator with keyboard scroll-copy-paste

There are many terminal emulators for Linux with different nice features, but I'm looking for a KEYBOARD scroll-back, copy and paste. Is there a terminal emulator capable of doing that? Because ...
xaxa's user avatar
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extract embedded barcode from a PDF

When I try to use "pdfimages" to extract barcode from PDF, for example, this one. Initially, I thought these barcodes are images, but maybe not because based on my test pdfimages is not able to ...
user276851's user avatar
3 votes
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Minimal X web browser with JavaScript support

I need to use a browser via ssh -X (that is, X rendering is allowed via ssh), but the browser should be as lightweight as possible, since the connection is not very fast then I need to minimize the ...
GeekInDisguise's user avatar
3 votes
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GNOME Shell extension for different applications in Dash by workspace?

I'm looking for a GNOME Shell extension that will make it so that there are different applications showing up in the Dash depending on which workspace I'm on. Essentially, I want favorites segmented ...
Jay's user avatar
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Extract text from image

I am looking for software that recognizes text within images. I tried out all of the tools mentioned here (gocr, fuzzyocr, libhocr0, ocrad, ocrfeeder, ocropus, tesseract-ocr, cuneiform). My input was ...
Socrates's user avatar
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3 votes
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Are there any packages lets one to learn shell interactively via terminal?

I am looking for a package/application that runs without gui(through terminal) that will help me learn shell via providing instructions and informations regarding to the lesson topic by printing text ...
etka's user avatar
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Are there any automatic time trackers for KDE desktop activities?

I'm using KDE activities for my few tasks. And I have to track time for each of them. Is there any time tracker software for KDE which can automatically track time for different activities while I'm ...
Corvax's user avatar
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Dwell clicking software that supports right-dragging and allows to define shortcuts for Kubuntu

Is there any dwell clicking software for Kubuntu 14.04 LTS x64 or Kubuntu 16.04 LTS x64 that supports the following features: left and right-dragging double/triple click a shortcut can be defined to ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Simple Speech Recognition

Is there a simple speech recognition program where you can say a command and that that command will be executed in the terminal? It must be simple to install/setup/configure and it must be a small ...
wb9688's user avatar
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3 votes
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Subdownloader is not working anymore

It was a great application once, but for me at least it hasn't worked for the last several months. I can search for subtitles, but when I try to download one, it always displays the message Unable to ...
user1362452's user avatar
3 votes
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LREC File Format In Linux

Is there an application to open the LREC file format(Inter-Tel Web Conference Recording.) on Linux
Ossama Nasser's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there any GTD or ToDo application that supports both Android and Ubuntu?

I am looking for a GTD or ToDo application for both Android and Ubuntu that provides following features: Can be used simultaneously on both - Linux and Android with the option of automatic ...
birkopf's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

is there some sort of all-purpose logging tool I can download as a package?

As in, a tool that will give me easy to read logging information all in one convenient place, divvied up into categories. Logs for say, ssh daemon, user logins/logouts and other activity, installed ...
user's user avatar
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3 votes
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Dawing crystal structure

I need to draw a face centred cubic (FCC) and one zincblende crystal structure. Which software shall I use to draw those on Ubuntu ? Thanks
cosmicraga's user avatar
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CPU undervolting GUI software?

I have Lenovo B580 laptop with core i3. I've followed tutorial to install phc kernel and then phc software to undervolt but this soft is too complicated. Is there any other program whitch is able to ...
mirom's user avatar
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3 votes
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What is the best open source middleware for Ubuntu?

I'm looking for best middlewire software for Ubuntu (like Jboss for Redhat). I need a middlewire for deploying Ubuntu on enterprise environment. Hope this answer gonna be helpful for many people.
tuxtu's user avatar
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Qute -- Worthy or what's its analogue?

Friends, I wanted to use Qute on my Ubuntu 12.04. There are a couple of problems: It relies on a dead project. One has to compile the files there. The question now is: is it worth the pain to ...
kan's user avatar
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3 votes
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Lightweight image-viewing app to slideshow images and animated gif in random order

I am trying to find the lightest possible image viewing program to perform a very specific task. I have a large folder of images in various formats (jpg, png, gif). I want to view these images in a ...
southpointingchariot's user avatar
3 votes
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App indicator for software RAID running degraded?

Anybody know of a Unity indicator that will indicate if any of my software RAID arrays are running in degraded mode? Really would be awesome...
Dave's user avatar
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How can I block a range of IPv6 addresses?

Are there any IP blocking applications or firewalls that support IPv6? The ones I know about (pgld, moblock (sunset?) , nfblock, iplist (looks old)) are only for IPv4.
bumbling fool's user avatar
3 votes
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How to open .mrc files

I've just downloaded some .mrc files. But I couldn't find the right application to open it. I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 What application should I have to open them?
Edelweiss Rawa's user avatar
3 votes
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Is file permission secured when it transferred from Ubuntu to Windows?

I am having 9GB text file which is encrypted . This file contains some confidential data . Which is on my system(Ubuntu) and my external HDD (ntfs) . This file get daily updated and then encrypted . ...
twister_void's user avatar
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Seeking PDF Reader for Linux with Translation, Highlighting, Note-taking, and Pen Writing Capabilities

Hello Ubuntu Community, I'm currently in search of a comprehensive PDF reader for my Linux system that offers a range of functionalities beyond basic reading. Specifically, I'm looking for a PDF ...
Ali's user avatar
  • 31

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