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Custom Audit Logs from Applications

I am trying to programmatically generate custom audit logs from the applications I've written (C/C++), but currently cannot find the library/functions that would allow me to do so. I am aware of ...
Rice's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Inconsistency between unattended-upgrade and debsecan

To install security updates automatically I use unattended-upgrade: $ sudo unattended-upgrade -d | tail -1 No packages found that can be upgraded unattended and no pending auto-removals I also tried ...
Pablo Bianchi's user avatar
0 votes
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Up-to-date password manager with import CSV option

I just tried KeePassX with high hopes ( I see it referenced everywhere) only to find that it doesn't have an option for importing a CSV file. I have many passwords that are very long (50+ chars.) ...
Amolith's user avatar
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8 votes
5 answers

Detect port scans performed by own computer

I was told that my working PC is massively scanning the ports of somebody else's PC, which is not intended by me. How can I find out which program is doing that? Following the advice of ByteCommander'...
Dune's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Does something similar to "rvim" exist on Ubuntu?

I read here about how to safely edit a file using sudo, I do use sudoedit most of the time, however I would be interested to know if there is something similar on Ubuntu to rvim which is mentioned ...
user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Signature-based rootkit scanner?

Currently the only rootkit scanners I know of have to be installed on the machine before the rootkit so that they can compare file changes etc (e.g.: chkrootkit and rkhunter), but what I really need ...
user avatar
0 votes
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File/folder protection that even government cannot break [closed]

If I have some intellectual property file that under no circumstances my competition can view, what is the best and most secure way to protect them? I know that there are many encryption apps for ...
ubuntico's user avatar
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3 answers

Are there any good antivirus for Kubuntu/Ubuntu as of 2015? [closed]

OK, I do have to admit I am somewhat new to Linux,(I'm used to Windows), and that's why I'm asking all of these questions about Kubuntu. As of 2015, are there any good, FREE anti-virus programs for ...
user avatar
1 vote
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Using seahorse generated password files from command-line

Seahorse (aka Passwords and Keys) is a pretty cool application for general password management. It stores the keys in ~/.local/share/keyrings/. Is there some way for me to easily read/modify this ...
Aaron Schif's user avatar
1 vote
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Looking for network surveillance tool

I sometimes use / test software that cannot be found in the apt tree. The software comes from all over the internet. When executing the software I create an extra user for this particular software and ...
Melauki Mawi's user avatar
0 votes
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Modern Ubuntu home media, security, and automation center [closed]

I'm looking to set up a large computer to act as a home media center, a security system, and possibly home automation. I'd like the following features 64 bit support Modern (based on a recent ...
zeitue's user avatar
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Alternative Open Source software to GFI end point security

What are the GUI open source alternatives To GFI end point security for Windows? knowing that I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 64bit Thanks in advance...
Maythux's user avatar
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Are there any packages that do all the recommended configuration settings for a secured server environment?

I came across questions & articles like these: 1.) What Can Be Done To Secure Ubuntu Server? , 2.) How to prevent your website from getting hacked. which speak of many configuration settings for ...
Rajat Gupta's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

is there some sort of all-purpose logging tool I can download as a package?

As in, a tool that will give me easy to read logging information all in one convenient place, divvied up into categories. Logs for say, ssh daemon, user logins/logouts and other activity, installed ...
user's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

What automated intrusion notification/detection setup is good for home desktop use?

I've been using Linux for quite a while now and I always feel the need to have a passive software / script setup which can alert me of any suspicious network activities like scans, failed login ...
irenicus09's user avatar
76 votes
2 answers

Can I make the webcam take a picture when an incorrect password is entered?

I am using a laptop . I was thinking to have a support in my Ubuntu machine. When an incorrect password is entered, a picture is taken later revealing who has been trying to gain access. I have ...
twister_void's user avatar
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How to manage security cameras in Ubuntu?

I am setting up a server and chose ubuntu for the OS. The system will have 3 purposes, storing my wife's photography work, storing music for quick access to our entertainment system (will be running ...
Josh's user avatar
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Is file permission secured when it transferred from Ubuntu to Windows?

I am having 9GB text file which is encrypted . This file contains some confidential data . Which is on my system(Ubuntu) and my external HDD (ntfs) . This file get daily updated and then encrypted . ...
twister_void's user avatar
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How do I securely store passwords? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Password Management Applications? How do I securely store passwords in Ubuntu? Are there any tools available for this?
Tachyons's user avatar
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5 votes
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GUI program to shred or wipe files with options to make sure they are unrecoverable?

I have a quick question about file shredding. Is there any application with graphical interface capable of shredding files and folders? I know bleachbit has that feature but there are no options or ...
Neptunno's user avatar
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Is there an application or method to log of data transfers?

My friend asked me for some files that I let him take from my system. I did not see he doing that. Then I was left with a doubt: what extra files or data did he take from my system? I was thinking is ...
twister_void's user avatar
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Remote camera security

For Ubuntu 11.04 I need an application that will monitor and record 4 CCTV cameras w/sound. Need playback of the recorded activity with timestamp. It should be able to control zoom and camera angle ...
Ringtail's user avatar
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3 votes
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What Firewall, anti DDOS and anti Brute-Force managers exist in Ubuntu

I have heard of ufw and of course using iptables but is there any other firewall or port manager for incoming/outgoing connections. I am also looking for GUI based ones apart from terminal ones and a ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
18 votes
7 answers

What antivirus programs are available?

What antivirus programs are available for Ubuntu? We previously used Symantec Endpoint Protection but it does not work in Ubuntu.
Deepak Rajput's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I block a range of IPv6 addresses?

Are there any IP blocking applications or firewalls that support IPv6? The ones I know about (pgld, moblock (sunset?) , nfblock, iplist (looks old)) are only for IPv4.
bumbling fool's user avatar
11 votes
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Security camera system server

I'd like to setup a Security Camera system which is captures and stores video streams into Ubuntu Server From 2 wireless Cameras. Which type of motion-detecting wireless camera you suggested? Are ...
Achu's user avatar
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4 answers

Alternative to NetScanner

Is there a software alternative to NetScanner (which runs on the Windows platform)?
user's user avatar
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56 votes
17 answers

Can you recommend a password generator?

I was hoping someone could recommend a good password generator. Extra props to the person who can name one that gives you a mnemonic to remember it as well.
myusuf3's user avatar
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9 votes
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Vulnerability Scanner, nmap vs Nessus

I need a good vulnerability auditing tool for Ubuntu so I decided to try nmap I also recalled that there was a product that can do this kind of work called Nessus it is no longer available in the ...
Sabacon's user avatar
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10 votes
9 answers

What's the best way to store a passphrase?

I've recently enabled Ubuntu's encrypted /home/ directory features and I was asked to remember a passphrase in case I would need to recover the data manually. What is the best way to store this ...
Olivier Lalonde's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Best rootkit removal tool for a server?

and what schedule/sysadmin routine is recommended?
Aviah Laor's user avatar