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Command-line utility to find and prompt to delete duplicate images (including resized ones) similar to fdupes? [duplicate]

I am looking for a command-line utility to find duplicate images (including resized ones) and prompt me to choose which one to delete. My cloud backup process seems to generate photo duplicates, some ...
Timotheos's user avatar
  • 121
0 votes
0 answers

Software for building mosaics from irregular shapes

Do you know any software that can build mosaics resembling original picture from collection of irregular shapes? Something doing what 'real' mosaic actually is. Let's say source shapes are given in ...
Nikolay Kovshov's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What are the free Image processing tools available to manipulate image regions and entire pixels?

I am working on an image task where I have to manipulate the regions and pixels in images. I need the tool to do 3 major task: Draw a rectangle box on the image Pick any pixel colour from the image ...
Deshwal's user avatar
  • 113
2 votes
1 answer

Looking for software simimar to Cam Scanner

I have a lot of pictures from an historical archive. I need to crop them and to flatten them or to apply some perspective. Also, I'm looking for a software that allows me to work this with a great ...
Jorge Luis Ávila Escamilla's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Get printer-ready black text on white background in scanned pdf files (remove grayscale or color background)

How can I turn photos of paper documents into a scanned document? is related, but not the same, as I'm talking about pdf files. The processing of images seems complicated in the answers under the ...
cipricus's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

How to bulk convert NEF/RAW images to JPG and remove original images?

I want to convert all NEF/RAW image files to an image format that could be easily opened without additional tools. I thought about using ImageMagick's convert tool as mentioned in How can I convert a ....
matandked's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Image viewer that can display all ICO sizes in a file

What are the image viewers available in Kubuntu that are able to display all ICO sizes in a file? In Windows 7 Picture Viewer, I can use PAGE UP / PAGE DOWN to navigate on the "mipmaps" (or ...
geekley's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Application for simple and quick drawings

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and I need you to suggest me an application to make simple and quick drawings. I need the application to support common image formats and allow me to quickly add text, crop, ...
emil.zimmer's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Good program to cut out image regions manually

I have to process several hundred images manually. The work consists of cutting out square regions from the pictures. I want to save these regions. When saving, there should not be any loss of quality....
Gilfoyle's user avatar
  • 119
2 votes
2 answers

Software to seamlessly edit multiple images

Format of my mom's old PC is overdue, W7 is slow and choppy and I'd love to show her how fast her laptop can be with a lightweight Ubuntu distro. But my mom is really used to Microsoft Office Picture ...
m_slaav's user avatar
  • 21
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GIF maker for 18.04 without losing quality

I am looking for a GUI tool like GIMP to create animated GIFs from PNGs. I tried GIMP 2.10. The quality of GIF is low in it. Perhaps to reduce the size of GIF, but there are burrs on the side of the ...
user227495's user avatar
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Which image viewer from Ubuntu repositories supports image auto rotate based on EXIF?

I have used Fastone Image Viewer on MS Windows for long time. One of its great features was image auto-rotation based on EXIF attributes. So viewer rotates image to show it in correct orientation. ...
N0rbert's user avatar
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Is there a simple image processor that can reduce image color depth (convert 24-bit RGB to 2, 4 or 8-bit indexed color)?

I have a need for a quick/easy image processing application under Ubuntu 18.04 that will allow me to view, crop, scale down and reduce color depth/color mode (number of color bits per pixel) - with ...
Thomas Hunt's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Simple image editor tool to draw a simple box/rectangle in an existing image [duplicate]

I need a simple image editor tool to draw a simple box/rectangle in an existing image, and probably write a simple text in it. A similar but not the same question has been asked here before: Simple ...
Sabrina's user avatar
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What software can I used to open SGI images?

I have an image file which is in sgi format. $ file image.sgi image.sgi: SGI image data, RLE, 3-D, 280 x 200, 4 channels How can I open it?. Tried using eog but it doesn't ...
Gowtham's user avatar
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2 answers

What program can I use to convert RAW images from my Sony camera to jpeg?

I have a Sony camera and need to know what app to use to convert my RAW images into jpegss. My camera is a Cybershot RX100 and my version of Ubuntu is 18.04.2 LTS.
Carol Hall's user avatar
1 vote
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Software to work with/view QuickTime Player panoramic images format

I use Ubuntu Studio 18.04.1 LTS. I have some panoramic views (mosaic images) made to be seen with QuickTime Player (from Apple), app we can use with WineHQ. I'm talking about .mov files which has a ...
Juan's user avatar
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Tool for manually labelling images

I have some blobs on a uniform background. I want a tool such that, when I click on an individual blob, it can detect its boundaries from the background, and paint it white. The blobs have distinct ...
Baron Yugovich's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is there an applet like Haste but for images?

For quick simple image hosting to post on forums and such?
Glass Wizzard's user avatar
4 votes
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Side by side image comparison in Linux

Is there any way to view and compare images side by side with the ability to zoom and pan on one image and get the same view on another image (synced views)? In Windows this can be done using ...
NESHOM's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Image viewer for renaming the current image

I have a set of images with the date printed on them and I was wondering if anyone knows about an image viewer with the possibility of renaming while looking at the image, to make it faster and to ...
Agaton's user avatar
  • 71
4 votes
2 answers

Looking for a bitmap editor for screenshots

I've started using scrot for screenshots; this works beautifully, but occasionally I need to edit screenshots to blur personal information add text add arrows add a box around something I'm looking ...
Barton Chittenden's user avatar
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Image processing on opencv c++ tool suggestion

I'm starting Digital Image Processing with opencv and c++. What would be the best application for image processing with opencv c++? Please give me suggestion on that. Research: I do some ...
Jahirul Sourav's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What programs support PAM image format?

I am interested to know what programs (particularly image viewers, editors and converters) support the PAM imageformat. So far I've tested 16 viewers (Eye of Gnome (eog), Eye of MATE (eom), Eyesight, ...
Rusty Bludgeon's user avatar
1 vote
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Import images from camera like Shotwell

I really like the way Shotwell imports images (copy to YYYY/MM/DD folder structure), but I really don't like Shotwell as a program (endless lib scanning) and don't use it to manage my pictures. Is ...
Fabio Bruna's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How can I convert (really) old files in Microsoft Paint format (.MSP) to a usable format?

While recapturing the data from a bunch of old archives on 3.5" floppy disks, I have run into a few disks of pictures stored in the MSP format. I'm pretty sure this is from an ancient version of ...
Chris Koeritz's user avatar
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Preserve image size when converting images to gif

I have bunch (1761) photos, in a folder, and I want to convert them to a gif. They are a variety of sizes, and I would like those sizes preserved. I issued the command, convert -delay 1000 -loop 0 *....
j0h's user avatar
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2 answers

Get brightness value for a picture

I use openHAB and want to use an old mobile phone as an day/night indicator. I have installed a webcam app and it is filming the sky. I can get the latest shot via http://[ip]/shot.jpg. Can I get a "...
Motte001's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make an image from a screenshot more clear?

I took screenshot for an image have numbers I couldn't see any of this numbers when I insert it in LibreOffice. How can I make this image more clear? What are some applications in Ubuntu that can do ...
user1's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there any good software to correct scanner defects?

I have an old scanner that apparently has some defects. When I connected it to my Linux laptop and scanned a white A4 paper I got this. But with Windows Fax and Scan I got this which is almost okay. ...
Ibraheem Moosa's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What free software can I use for GoPro fisheye lens correction?

What free software can I use on Ubuntu (or Windows) to correct GoPro fisheye lens effect on a video (or at least an image)?
ArekBulski's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is there any image editing software that can open Microsoft DirectDraw Surface files in Ubuntu?

I need an editor that can open, save and edit Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (.dds) files. I know Paint.NET can open them, but well, it's .NET, so... GIMP doesn't seem to open them and I can't find a ...
Megalegacy's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Recommendations for a simple screenshot annotation tool? [duplicate]

I am looking for a simple screenshot annotation tool with the following features: Crop Resize Blur Draw shapes and lines Add text
orschiro's user avatar
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Program with particular MS Paint feature?

I have been looking for an image editing program with a extremely convenient feature from Microsoft Paint. MS Paint allows you to hold the right mouse button while erasing over a region to erase ONLY ...
Mr. Squirtle's user avatar
3 votes
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RAW image viewer with rating capability?

An image viewer that Can display (the embedded JPG inside) RAW files. Supports rating images and can write the ratings into the files. Does not need to "import" the images. I don't know any. ...
Reza's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How can I convert a .jpg or .png image to .raw format?

Is there any software that converts JPEG or PNG to RAW? I have been looking around and I've only found applications that do the reverse.
Victoralm's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

What software can I use to convert images to other formats?

I am looking for an application which can do the following: Resize one or more images Compress images Rotate and flip images Rename multiple images using a progressive number or a prefix/suffix ...
user avatar
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What's the best image compressing software for Ubuntu?

I need an application I can use to compress pictures without losing the quality. I've heard about Trimage and GIMP.
user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Software to automatically remove background from images?

Are there any Ubuntu alternatives to photoscissors, which makes it easy to remove the background of an image? I'm currently using GIMP in different ways to do the same but for some images it takes a ...
Ben Andersen's user avatar
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How can I convert images of pdf files to text?

I am looking for a way to convert images of a PDF to a real text file. I have tried using Okular, GSCAN2PDF, GIMP, ImageMagick and XPDF but I am having problems with all of them, maybe because I don'...
Mohamad sinno's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Faststone Image Resizer equivalent for Ubuntu

I am moving over to Ubuntu from Windows (gradually) and have used Faststone Image Resizer for Windows for a while and found it very good. Is there an equivalent piece of software for Ubuntu that ...
Gman's user avatar
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37 votes
8 answers

Convert thousands of .pngs to animated .gif, `convert` uses too much memory

Many of the questions asking how to create an animated gif from a set of png images suggest to use a variant of ImageMagick's convert command: convert -delay 2 -loop 0 *.png animated.gif However, I ...
dotancohen's user avatar
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3 answers

What would be a good way to scale and align various scanned images using common points?

I have a number of images of scanned maps. These maps all fit together in two dimensions. Is there a good tool I can use to specify points common to two overlapping images that'll then scale and ...
d3pd's user avatar
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Photography post processing for slideshows to music

I am migrating from Windows to Linux and have a question about post-processing software. I already use GIMP / G'MIC. Creating a Slideshow To Music On Windows I use pictures2exe, a rather neat bit of ...
Phil Howcroft's user avatar
65 votes
5 answers

How do I convert a PNG to SVG?

I'd like to be able to crop SVG chemical structures, completely (see this question), that were created using MarvinSketch and I think I might have thought of a solution; I use MarvinSketch to create a ...
Josh Pinto's user avatar
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9 votes
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Mass conversion of images to GIF

I have created over 600 images from a simulation I ran. I want to convert these images into a GIF format. Can you provide me a way to do so and one that allows me to show each image for >1second.
user277529's user avatar
1 vote
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Are there any pieces of software available on Ubuntu for the conversion of a series of image files into an animated gif file? [duplicate]

Before you mention this question Tool to convert a sequence of numbered PNG files to an animated GIF? I would like to say I'm a total noob when it comes to ubuntu (I know I have 1375 rep but I have ...
Josh Pinto's user avatar
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16 votes
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How can I remove the gray-scale page background of a PDF document scan while preserving the text? (Binarization)

My PDF contains 600 pages with images of text. It has 2 layers. Layer 1: Background colour image Layer 2: Text image I would like to remove all background image layers in the total PDF file as ...
Raghu G's user avatar
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How can I share images on Facebook via default image viewer

Can I share images directly from Ubuntu 13.10 default image viewer? Or are there any other applications that can do it? I don't want to open a browser, navigate to Facebook and upload there.
codefreak's user avatar
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Is there any image viewer with one-click rotation?

I am searching for a simple image viewer, like Shotwell or Eye of GNOME, but I need it to save the image every time I rotate it. Is there an image viewer which will save the image automatically? I am ...
Aslanex's user avatar
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