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Monitoring user activity restricted to GUI apps

I wish to monitor what all apps were opened on the PC at any time. I mostly use it for operating GUI apps like chrome, vlc media player, etc. Specifically, I would like to know which app I opened at ...
IamThat's user avatar
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1 answer

Reskin Ubuntu to other OS (MS Windows, Android) Muscle Memory [closed]

I know there was a linux OS that was very similar to windows, so allow users to switch from windows more easily... As one of the issues with non-technical users is learning the command line or ...
maskin's user avatar
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0 answers

Is there a Tabbed Connection SSH Manager for Linux?

I am looking for a free tabbed ssh manager to replace GnomeConnectionManager. I liked SuperPutty in Windows. Is there any alternative? What would you recommend? Reminna is cool but doesn't seem to ...
Mr.P's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

What GUI-based, open-source software options are there for configuring ZFS?

In Ubuntu, configuration of settings such as the following can be done via console as mentioned in this question, including: Choice of compression algorithm Choice of the compression strength ...
Alfred.37's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

How to configure Dark Reader so that ThunderBird panes are dark?

I'm looking to configure Thunderbird so that all three panes are dark, as: However, after downloading and adding the Dark Reader plugin I get only a single pane dark. The list of messages is ...
Nicholas Saunders's user avatar
1 vote
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Active file sync in Linux

So, I've looked at a lot of file syncing tools out there: Syncthing, Rsync, Grsync, FreeFileSync, and nothing is exactly what I am looking for. When I used to run Windows I used GoodSync. What I liked ...
neech's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Best free Git GUI client for Ubuntu [closed]

Since all the Git GUI client questions are closed and there is no way for me to share this gem I found after abandoning my search and using Git CLI for a few months, I am creating a question and will ...
lxknvlk's user avatar
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1 answer

Alternative to Little-Snitch app-firewall or LuLu for Ubuntu in 2019

There is an almost identical question made back in 2012. Many things since them have changed in the Linux world and opensource software. I would like to get a software recommendation to solve the ...
George G.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Is there any GUI with terminals only?

I’m using Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (Bionic Beaver). Is there any graphical interface with terminals only? I wanted to use terminator to split the screen into 4 terminals, but I don’t need any other things, ...
TheUnknown's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Can I have a textual Alt-Tab functionality?

Once upon a time there was the fabulous window manager called "enlightenment". If you used it, and you hit Alt+Tab then you saw a small list of window titles below each other. Like this: user@...
guettli's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Way to get elementaryOS's picture-in-picture on Ubuntu [duplicate]

With version 5, elementaryOS introduced a picture-in-picture feature, allowing one to select any screen area and confine it to a floating rectangle above other windows. (Demoed here) Is it possible ...
Tin Man's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

looking for file catalog application (GUI) [duplicate]

I'm looking for a Linux application to catalog the files on my many external HDs and search them. I'm using Ubuntu, so i prefer a normal deb in the repositories but i can't find one. After some ...
Roelof Berkepeis's user avatar
1 vote
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Custom GUI with few lines like AutoHotkey

In AutoHotkey (Windows-only scripting tool), it is possible to create thorough graphical user interfaces with very few lines of code. You create a GUI and add or edit its elements. Any element can ...
phil294's user avatar
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Recommendation: GUI video to GIF editor

There are already questions on how to: Convert a video to GIF at the command line Record a screencast What are friendly, full-featured GUI editing tools to create a GIF from a video? Ideally, I'm ...
Tom Hale's user avatar
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GUI software to control applications' internet usage

I need a decent GUI software to control (set upload and download limits) the internet usage of applications dynamically. For example I want to limit google chrome's bandwidth to not go beyond 10Kbps ...
842Mono's user avatar
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Is there any file manager that tiles images with a best-fit UI like Google Image Search?

Linux is all about customizability, so I figure asking for help with this is fair game.
blaha's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Is there a GUI for the TLP Power management application?

I was wondering if somebody already programmed a GUI for the wonderful TLP power-management application?
helle's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

GUI alternative to WebHTTrack with similar functionality

I'm looking for other GUI alternative to webhttrack software with similar functionalities. Webhttrack is itself an alternative of the command line program httrack, but I'm not very happy using it. Is ...
Arafat Husayn's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

GUI tool for viewing and managing print queue?

Edit: For future visitors, here's a related answer which explains exactly how to do this quickly. I help this 75 year old man with Ubuntu (He's not very savvy). He freaks out at any mention of the ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is there a graphical interface for archive compression in Ubuntu?

On Windows, I have used the program 7zip for nearly all of my compression tasks in the past. Now, after switching to Ubuntu, I also installed this program from the Software Center. After completion, I ...
Prototype700's user avatar
28 votes
2 answers

GUI tool for formating to exFAT

I just formated a partition to exFAT using the terminal command sudo mkfs.exfat -n. Is it possible to do the same thing using a GUI? Before people comment that the Terminal command works just fine (...
Fiksdal's user avatar
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2 answers

GUI tool to securely overwrite whole hard drive

My friend has a Windows laptop that we want to totally wipe and then turn over to a hardware technician (whom we don't trust with the data on the hard drive.) I want to securely wipe, rather than ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
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4 answers

What standalone databases with GUI are available for Ubuntu?

I have googled for this information and I am simply lost. I just need a simple, standalone and a single table database with GUI. I tried Libraoffice base, but it keeps giving me an error "S1000 java....
ThN's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to change the location of the 'close' and 'minimize' window buttons?

I want to change the location of the 'close' and 'minimize' window. The default location is on upper left - and I want it to be on upper right. Screenshot attached
Yanshof's user avatar
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Can I install a GUI for firewalld?

I have installed firewalld as it is more advanced than gufw, however I see that firewalld does not come with a GUI and I'm not going to be the only one using it so I am wondering if there is some sort ...
user avatar
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Real-time star map

I am running Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 with GNOME 3.18 and I was wondering if there is any sort of graphical application which shows you all the planets and stars etc that are above you (based on your ...
user avatar
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Bitcoin miner for Ubuntu? [duplicate]

I use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I was wondering if there are any good Bitcoin mining software with a GUI that is easy to understand. Can anyone help me out?
Hackaholic's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

GUI tool to set the screen brightness

What GUI tool can I use to set the screen brightness?
Maythux's user avatar
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Bluetooth manager for sending/receiving files?

From the Bluetooth managers, I know of blueman (which I can't use because of a known bug whereas it fails to receive files) and gnome-bluetooth (which I'd rather not install because of the number of ...
landroni's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

How to easily install any GPG GUI on Ubuntu that actually works?

I am trying to install any GnuPG GUI for easy encryption/decryption of text, and I feel like I am in bizarro world where nothing works at all. On Mac OS X, I use GPGTools and it works flawlessly, so I ...
Karel Bílek's user avatar
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Creating interactive prototypes in Ubuntu

I will be working on Ubuntu as a UX designer and was wondering if any other UXer in the same situation can recommend software to produce fairly advanced interactive prototypes. I'm thinking something ...
valit's user avatar
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45 votes
3 answers

Is there any GUI application for command rsync?

I am currently synchronize between local folders in my computer by following command: rsync -av --delete "[source]" "[destination]" Now I want to do this via GUI. so, Is there any GUI available for ...
APLUS's user avatar
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Is there a standalone graphical application for configuring Network Manager?

I was working through a kiosk computing question yesterday. Somebody is trying to deploy Ubuntu as a single-application appliance in a way that they can hand the machine to a client and it'll let them ...
Oli's user avatar
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52 votes
6 answers

Are there any GUI apps that can create .desktop files?

My question is simple. Is there any fast and easy way of creating .desktop files for shortcuts? For example, I think you can right click and create .desktop shortcuts in Linux Mint. I already know ...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Simple GUI to display static text informations

I would like to know if there is a way to write or modify a simple program (I don't really care what language it'll use) that can be launched in GUI mode and will display formated text and URL that ...
MrVaykadji's user avatar
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2 answers

Equivalent to Windows' "Disk Space Fan"?

I used this program a fair bit back in Windows. What's something vaguely equivalent?
Owen_AR's user avatar
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Anything that converts GUI actions to commands to be sent to remote ubuntu via SSH? [duplicate]

Is there anything that would allow me to run a GUI on client side of SSH(ie on windows)& that would convert the GUI actions made to corresponding commands to be sent via SSH client(in my case ...
Rajat Gupta's user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

Is there a Linux file manager with a proper drop-down tree view? (like finder in OS X)

As a happy Linux user for almost a year now, this is the bane of my existence. Does the Linux community hate tree views for some obscure reason? I don't mean a tree view in the side panel. That's ...
o_o_o--'s user avatar
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172 votes
18 answers

What system monitoring tools are available?

I am looking for system monitoring tools which are GUI and CLI or web-based which include basic functions such as: CPU Usage Ram Usage Swap Usage Disk Usage ( Space / I/O ) Heat Monitoring I know ...
Qasim's user avatar
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4 votes
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GNU Fortran 95 compiler GUI? [duplicate]

I am new to Ubuntu & Linux. I installed GNU Fortran 95 compiler.I use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS I want to run a code in fortran 90. Where do I go to run the code? Is there a GUI for that? I cant find ...
user136973's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is there an archiver/ file manager providing multiple information during archive extraction?

I would like one that would provide during action some more information like percentage and speed. When archives are big the process takes a lot of time and resources, and the computer seem to lag, ...
user avatar
229 votes
13 answers

Is there a GUI client for Git?

I am using git for version control of various projects. Is there GUI software for navigating through commits and branches of a project and for retrieving versions in git projects?
Matoeil's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a graphical pager with syntax highlighting?

Is there a graphical application in the repositories which has keyboard controls like the command-line application "less" and also has syntax highlighting? I would like it to have arrow keys that ...
nlognfan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a GUI to `visudo`?

Quite simply, is there a GUI to visudo I can recommend to other users, and use for myself? I have to set up a system where over 50 users have different sudo privileges and I need to juggle them all.
nanofarad's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

What is a simple, free SOAP client (GUI)?

On Windows I would use SoapUI, which can be run on Ubuntu either as a standalone application (see instructions on how in this question) or as an Eclipse plugin. Is there any other GUI available - ...
Eyal's user avatar
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73 votes
13 answers

What is a good MongoDB GUI client?

I've been using Rockmongo on Windows - it's a php based web tool. But on Ubuntu (12.04) it's behaving funny - queries timing out often - and I'm looking for better clients. Does anyone know anything ...
Eyal's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is there a GUI to convert/extract images to/from pdf?

I am looking for something like a graphical interface / front end for Imagemagick or a simpler application that would allow converting/extracting images from pdf files through the interface (not in ...
user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

What Graphical Logfile Analyzers are available?

does anybody know a good graphical logfile analyzer for (mainly) syslog messages from ubuntu? maybe one that converts the text-based messages in objects to sort/group/filter messages like windows' ...
Achim A's user avatar
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Recuva-like software for Ubuntu 11.10 [duplicate]

Recuva is a Windows application used to undelete files Piriform Recuva. It has a nice GUI and is very dependable. Is there anything similar for Ubuntu?
kernel_panic's user avatar
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Are there any GUI equivalents of "Initctl"? [closed]

Are there any GUI equivalent of Initctl, I have tried boot-up Manager In short I was looking for some advanced GUI based daemon control tool.
user7044's user avatar
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