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2 answers

Screenshot utility

Seems like the default screenshot utility went through some features overhaul but have become a royal pain in the neck and significantly increased the clicks and typing required. Here are few details: ...
Pankaj's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Prevent Alt Tab menu overflow

When a lot of windows are open, the alt tab menu overflow. They just overflow and then I have to use left and right arrow buttons to navigate, not possible with a mouse pointer. Hence I would like to ...
Abhay Patil's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Does Ubuntu 20.04 have an app for multiple timers that allows configuring preset durations?

Does Ubuntu 20.04 have an app for multiple timers that allows configuring preset durations? In 18.04 I used one that looked like this: It crashed once in a while, but it mostly worked. Now it appears ...
MWB's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

Countdown Timer to a specific day beside the clock in Ubuntu Menu Bar

I have tried searching for a countdown timer app which shall count the number of days till a specific date (for example, Christmas) so that it is visible to me all the time but, I'm not able to find ...
Anubhav Sachan's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Tree Style File Explorer

Which is the best file explorer for tree style folder browsing in Gnome under Ubuntu 18.04? Earlier, file explorer under Unity in 16.04 used thi do it, but not in 18.04.
A.K. Pandey's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

KDEConnect or similar under GNOME

I'm a KDE-User (Kubuntu, openSUSE, ArchLinux) since years. I pretty like GNOME and I'm thinking about switching over to GNOME - but every time I think about it I think: "Oh hey, wait a moment, you can'...
PEAR's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is there a 'Power Monitor' for Ubuntu GNOME?

I am running Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 with GNOME 3.18, and there is one thing lacking, a power monitor tool which will display the status, the one in Ubuntu MATE looks like this: Ubuntu (Unity) also has a ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Seeing System Operations

I would like to have something like this to be at the back of my desktop. At the right most of the desktop you can see the operations of the system and any other thing. How can I incooporate this in ...
Mwalughabura's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Convenient Terminal GNOME Extension which hides and unhides when key is pressed [duplicate]

Ideally I would like a way of easily toggling it so that a Terminal window (or something of the sort) appears over the top of everything when I press a certain keyboard shortcut and then disappears ...
user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

How to search through all keyboard shortcuts that use a certain key?

I sometimes set keyboard shortcuts, but as there are so many keyboard shortcuts set on my system, it is hard to know what other keyboard shortcuts you might set off when setting and using a new one, ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to get an alert when my input volume is turned on and turn it off if I so desire?

As you can tell by the name, I am an extra paranoid Panda and in order to keep my bamboo safe I don't want my input volume to be on just in case if I get some spyware which listens to my sound input. ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Can I install a GUI for firewalld?

I have installed firewalld as it is more advanced than gufw, however I see that firewalld does not come with a GUI and I'm not going to be the only one using it so I am wondering if there is some sort ...
user avatar
25 votes
1 answer

How to tell which processes are uploading and downloading data (and how much)? [duplicate]

I can see in my System Monitor that data is being uploaded and downloaded, I can see in Etherape which sites it's connecting to and which protocol is being used. However without looking at the actual ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

On-screen keyboard for lock screen

As I am having some trouble at the moment with the lock screen and entering my password, I was wondering if there was some sort of on-screen keyboard which could be displayed to me on the lock screen ...
user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

What software can I use to convert images to other formats?

I am looking for an application which can do the following: Resize one or more images Compress images Rotate and flip images Rename multiple images using a progressive number or a prefix/suffix ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Interactive mathematical constructions application

I'm a big fan of maths, and I was wondering if there is some sort of interactive mathematical application which would allow one to?: Construct lines and shapes with points Calculate interior and ...
user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How to make your own font?

I've always wanted to make my own font, is there a font creating application which will have the following features?: Ability to draw fonts with different tools (similar collection of tools to GIMP, ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Change screen colour depending on time of day

I always go on my machine when it is light, lose track of time, and when I look outside again, it is dark. So I was wondering if there was some sort of app which would change the colour of your screen ...
user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Interactive Periodic Table

I love Chemistry and the Periodic table is very useful for me, however I can't remember all of the properties of all of the elements, so I was wondering if there was some sort of Periodic table ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Command-line breakout?

I love a good old game of breakout! Though I really hate GUIs and prefer TUIs and the command-line, so I was wondering if there is a command-line version of the game breakout? I searched in the Ubuntu ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Real-time planetarium

After finding this, I started wondering if there was some more real-time software out there which would cover a wider range to the software that I found there, or at least so that I could observe ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Real-time star map

I am running Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 with GNOME 3.18 and I was wondering if there is any sort of graphical application which shows you all the planets and stars etc that are above you (based on your ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Command-line IRC program? [duplicate]

I currently use xchat as my default IRC program, but I don't really like GUIs, I prefer TUIs, is there an IRC program out there which has a TUI rather than a GUI? I am running Ubuntu GNOME 15.10 with ...
user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Window 'grouping'?

I was just wondering, is there any way of 'grouping' windows? I mean, is there a way of joining the edges of two or more windows together so that when one is moved, the other moves with it, acting as ...
user avatar
29 votes
7 answers

Is there any software for visual display of disk space?

I'm looking for an application which allows me to see what is consuming the most disk space and also to delete the files from there.
empedokles's user avatar
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31 votes
3 answers

How to get multiple clipboards

I have been using Ubuntu for some time, but still haven't found what would be the most useful thing for me, a way of having multiple clipboards. So is there any software out there at all, or a built-...
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Sound by application controls

Are there any easy GUI controls that I can get access to which will allow me to set specific sound levels on certain specified applications in Ubuntu GNOME 15.04, running GNOME Shell, and GNOME 3.14? ...
user avatar
0 votes
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Terminal emulator with no header bar

I'm looking for a terminal emulator that lets me get the most out of my vertical space by getting rid of the header bar. I work in a GNOME environment and am mostly happy with gnome-terminal, but ...
skagedal's user avatar
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6 votes
7 answers

Is there a program that can put some kind of visual notification on my screen for use with the alarm clock app?

I use the 'alarm-clock-applet' to notify me every so often to take a break from looking at my screen and give my eyes a bit of a rest. The interface is clunky, but it works. One issue I'm having, ...
Questioner's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

PCB software available for gnome

I'm looking for PCB software in Ubuntu. Ideally I want to design a circuit without needing it to be really specific. I cannot seem to find any software available. Any suggestions?
Phorce's user avatar
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2 votes
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Universal (across DEs) file indexing (desktop search) and launcher?

I am running Ubuntu 13.04. I often switch between Gnome and KDE. Each has a desktop search and launcher. In Gnome, search box on hitting Windows key is supposed to provide search results (including ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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1 answer
3k views and Google Apps email notifier for gnome-shell?

So, pretty basic question, I use for some work email, I use multiple Google Apps emails for different things. I don't use an email client, I just use the different webmail interfaces, ...
Hailwood's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

What additional thumbnailers are available and how do I install them?

Question: Ubuntu's file manager, Nautilus, comes with a wide support for file previews. These thumbnails are handled by helper programs called thumbnailers. The number of thumbnailers that come ...
Glutanimate's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Clipboard manager with "history paste" support?

I am looking for a clipboard manager, but I don't want one that just keeps a list so I can select an item to bring it to the front of the clipboard, nah, that's too easy. What I am looking for is a ...
Hailwood's user avatar
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4 votes
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File transfer indicator applet?

In gnome-shell when you do a file transfer you get a icon appear in the bar at the top, I know in unity it shows you the information in the unity Launcher, but I have that set to autohide, so I was ...
Hailwood's user avatar
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Gnome utility to limit computer use?

I used to use a utility in gnome2. I would set it for ever hour or so, lock the screen for ten minutes. It was great; it couldn't be turned off or disabled and really helped me break away from the ...
Sasha Shepherd's user avatar
77 votes
5 answers

Is there a shell-independent HUD-like menu search tool for Xfce/GNOME/Cinnamon?

The Ubuntu Heads-Up Display (HUD) - you love it or you hate it. Personally I rather like a classic desktop, so I use Xfce or GNOME-fork Cinnamon, and I'd like to keep those menu's where they are. But ...
Redsandro's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Can I annotate the screen in Gnome Shell?

Anyone know a plugin or application that emulates the Compiz Annotate functionality in Gnome 3? Annotate is the plugin that lets you draw on the screen.
mtdb's user avatar
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25 votes
7 answers

A light alternative to gnome-system-monitor?

As I'm programming a little game, I often use gnome-system-monitor to check if there's any memory leak in my program. But the monitor takes too much lime to launch and is pretty slow. Could you ...
halflings's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu One indicator for GNOME Shell panel?

Is there any shell extension for an Ubuntu One indicator in the top panel for gnome 3 shell?
OmegaDestroy's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Drop down terminal as smooth as gnome-shell's 'looking glass'

Is there a drop down terminal as smooth as gnome-shell's 'looking glass' that has a normal bash shell? Gnome-shell's looking glass (alt+f2 then lg then enter) is so smooth. I'd like to see a simple ...
winchendonsprings's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

tortoisegit for ubuntu

Are there any alternatives to ToroiseGIT for Ubuntu? I'm looking for something to integrate GIT with nautilus in the context menu. Like TortoiseHG used to (replaced with HG scripts)
zeitue's user avatar
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44 votes
10 answers

What's a simple "colour picker" app for GNOME?

I need a small tool to ‘pick’ a colour anywhere on the screen (so that I basically get the hex code for it). Earlier, I've used KDE's KColorChooser for this. According to this page, "Gpick" sounds ...
Jonik's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Is there any image application that can crop images that is faster/lighter than GIMP?

From a screenshot I want to cut only the part that is important. I do know I can do it using GIMP, but GIMP is very slow to start. Is there any image application that can do it faster?
UAdapter's user avatar
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List of GNOME 3 applets and gnome-shell extensions

I installed Ubuntu 11.10 on one of my systems and I am using gnome-shell. I miss some tools for showing weather, unread mail, net speed, cpu temp, and system monitor. Are there similar indicators as ...
type's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What's a good fullscreen launcher for the Gnome2 desktop?

I like elementary' s Slingshot, but as you can see from this screenshot, it doesn't correctly show all of my applications (you can see Synaptic on the Unity Launcher but not in Slingshot; generally ...
Tigull's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Multimonitor menu bar

Does anyone know of a way of extending the menu bar from one screen all the way across to the other, so that the gnome menu bar spans both/all monitors? I'm basically looking for something similiar ...
Mark D's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Software for free netcafe (so computer tracking software)

I'm working in a small council. Here is some Ubuntu (with GNOME - no KDE) based workstations in our library. Using the computers is free now, before it was only /hour, what is not a high cost. I'm ...
antivirtel's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Photo album making software

Looking for some good software for making photo albums for my personal use. Seen some good programs in windows that generate flash albums.
user16989's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Looking for a simple outliner

Back in the day i used OmniOutliner a lot. Is there something like that for GNOME? Google suggested me Gnome Outliner and a friend of mine mentioned TreeSheets. But is there something else?
DerKlops's user avatar
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