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Which SIP-Client or SIP Phone is supported by Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS or 19.10?

I recently switched from Windows to Ubuntu and it's hard to stop loving the new change. I need help in regards to finding an SIP phone which is compatible with Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS or 19.10, and ...
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1 answer

Is Ubuntu and Kubuntu same in hardware compability?

So I found out that my video card only supports Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS, 14.04.2. So I've decided to install Kubuntu 14.04.2, will there be any compability problems or am I good to go? I just really like ...
Ezard's user avatar
  • 93
0 votes
3 answers

How to make an image from a screenshot more clear?

I took screenshot for an image have numbers I couldn't see any of this numbers when I insert it in LibreOffice. How can I make this image more clear? What are some applications in Ubuntu that can do ...
user1's user avatar
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What are some appropriate & light PDF Viewers for Heavy PDFs?

I am currently using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, alongside Windows 7. I have some big and heavy pdf documents, nearly 70-80 MB. On some suggestions throughout the internet, I downloaded MuPDF. But MuPDF fails ...
Vivek Panwar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Software for monitoring broadband quality over time?

Afternoon, Is there software available for monitoring our broadband quality over time? Our dsl internet connection drops off a couple of times a day, usually for only a short period of time, but ...
KeepingUp's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there an iphone-like reminder app for ubuntu desktop?

Is anyone aware of a iphone-like reminder app for Ubuntu?
pyler's user avatar
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Anything akin to Silver Efex Pro for processing high quality B&W on Ubuntu

I am trying to improve my b&w photography skills and have been advised by a few photographers that I respect to use Silver Efex Pro for post processing my images. Since this is a windows/mac ...
Charlie RC's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to move the view of a zoomed picture with arrow keys?

I use Image Viewer. Whenever I want to move the view on a zoomed picture, it takes me to the next picture and that is so annoying for me. Is there any hotkey or some setting that I am unaware of? Is ...
Ali Ammar's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Seeing System Operations

I would like to have something like this to be at the back of my desktop. At the right most of the desktop you can see the operations of the system and any other thing. How can I incooporate this in ...
Mwalughabura's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

CalDAV client for Ubuntu

I am looking for a functional CalDAV client for Ubuntu, preferably open source. I was originally looking for one that works on 14.04, and now on 16.04. Ubuntu 16.04 Following the advice of some ...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Best architecture for me

I've been using Linux for a couple of years now. My first Linux OS was Ubuntu, and since then I used Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Arch Linux, openSUSE and Debian. My computer specs are the following (really bad ...
Eduardo Cola's user avatar
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5 votes
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Playing BluRay discs

Things i Have tried. Playing Blu-Ray and HD DVD Video MakeMKV and DumpHD do not work. Playing Blu-ray using VLC Can linux play blu-rays VLC error. Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to ...
Neil's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Crosswords Generator application

I am looking for a crosswords generator similar to Eclipse Crossword (, which can be used in Ubuntu 14.04. Can someone please refer me such an application?
Subhadip Roy's user avatar
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Drop down terminal in Unity

I want to implement drop down terminal feature in Ubuntu 14.04 in Unity desktop environment. Is Guake suitable for Unity desktop environment? If not please refer me an app.
Subhadip Roy's user avatar
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Adding new words to Artha

I have installed the offline dictionary Artha and have the latest version. It is a good dictionary but sometimes I do not find meaning of certain words. Can new words be added to its database? If ...
Subhadip Roy's user avatar
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1 answer

BASIC programming language [duplicate]

I want to run some BASIC codes on Ubuntu 14.04 . Can someone please refer to the interpreters or IDEs which are available for running BASIC codes?
Subhadip Roy's user avatar
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2 answers

Any software for ubuntu 14.04 for doing mathematics algebric and functional graph problem with Calculus support

Searching for an all in one software for mathematics.
Tavinder Singh's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Least resources usage browser

I'm planning to have a ubuntu server with a kiosk on it that will run a long running program (ran on a browser using lot of JS animations). I want to let the browser/js animations use as much ...
kfirba's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

software suggestion for drawing software diagrams [duplicate]

i am new to Ubuntu. need a suggestion for software to making **ERD,class & level diagrams in Final year project
Zafar Ahmed's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Are there any good podcast clients for Ubuntu and alternatives? [closed]

I was really curious to know the answer to this one. I tried a little bit of search on the forum but there was not a question like this (although I may be wrong, and if I am, please direct me to the ...
Jotpreet Singh's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

Best alternative for WinMerge

I need to compare/diff/merge files in an easy way. In Dark ages when i'm a windows user I would use WinMerge. What alternatives for this are available in Ubuntu? The things I must be able to do: See ...
Miller's user avatar
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Is there still a free version of Landscape and what are the limitations and alternatives?

I have a couple of VMs running loaded with Ubuntu and it would be a lot easier if i could manage them all from a Web GUI. I did find this question How do I install Landscape for personal use? But when ...
Daniel Guldberg Aaes's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Redundant Web Server

I have an ubuntu 14.04 server that we use as our web server (apache). We have a public web site that is built on Drupal, uses a MySQL DB and we also have some files that are uploaded to our site and ...
robby's user avatar
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1 answer

Video "Analysis" Software

Is there any software that can run on Ubuntu that has video "analyzing" capabilities? I have a video from my security camera and would like to zoom in. I have tried OpenShot but it doesn't really do ...
NuWin's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there pastebin software for Ubuntu 14.04?

Pastebin is software that allows a person to save clips of code from many languages, or just text files, and share them with the public as read-only files. See Ubuntu 14.04 running as a ...
Bulrush's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Top incredibly useful Ubuntu programs [closed]

What are the best software in Ubuntu for different applications? I never found any such lists as we can see in the case of Windows. I think that'd be very helpful for new users. May be we can have a ...
Sooraj S's user avatar
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arkose alternative for trusty lts

arkose got dropped from the repos as it was no longer compatible with newer kernels: Bare LXC is a poor substitute, as it only offers a ...
oriol's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot Ubuntu desktop edition perform as Ubuntu Server Edition? [duplicate]

I found two separate OS Ubuntu Desktop Edition (like Ubuntu 14.04 LTS which I am using ) and Ubuntu Server Edition OS available. Server Edition is used to do the performance for hosting a Ubuntu ...
sigdelsanjog's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Things to do after installing Ubuntu 14.04LTS [closed]

I'm new to Linux and I just installed Ubuntu 14.04LTS on my machine (dual booted with Win8). Can anybody recommend me a list of important things to do and software to install? I have done "sudo apt-...
Surjodoy Ghosh D's user avatar
44 votes
7 answers

Ubuntu 14.04 Clipboard Manager?

I'm looking for a program that saves the recent clipboard items (plain text would be enough) for Ubuntu 14.04. Thanks for any help !
jeff's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there anything that can let me run 64bit binary executable files? [duplicate]

Is there anything in ubuntu 32 bit 14.04LTS something light, that will let me execute 64 bit binary executable files? Architecture: i686 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Byte Order: ...
sadaf2605's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Best office programme for Ubuntu with Wacom support? [closed]

Which is the best programme like LibreOffice Writer which has the option to use a Wacom pen tablet to draw in between the text in Ubuntu 14.04? My main purpose is to take physics notes; I have tried ...
gunjan parashar's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Desktop Environment dilemma

I have a big dilemma. I'm using Lubuntu right now, but! I love the most Unity desktop environment, but it uses too much RAM. I love Gnome-shell, but LXDE uses much less RAM. Is there a Desktop ...
Unreal38's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the most appropriate git server for Ubuntu 14.04?

There is an old gitosis install guide at the Community Wiki where one of the opening paragraphs is the following: WARNING This guide is written for Gitosis, which has been out of active ...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
1 vote
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Software for organizing a folder

I have a folder with a lot of e-books and I want them to be organized in different categories both logically and visually. What I mean is to provide both a good way to access what I need easily and ...
Adam's user avatar
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Use RFID card on Ubuntu

I am presently working on RFID-based Java application. I am not able to use RFID reader on my Ubuntu 14.04. Can you please let me know if i have to install any packages or any particular cable ...
Dhaval Simaria's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Meme Generator for Ubuntu 14.04

I want free meme generator application just for fun. Is there any for Ubuntu 14.04. I have searched software center and Google but could't find it!
Freddy's user avatar
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Any good Focus Stacking software apart from Hugin +Enfuse

I been trying to find some good software to allow me to align + focus Stack pictures but seems like there is not many around any suggestions? using ubuntu 14.04 LTS
sebas's user avatar
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Why is there no Prolog compiler in the software center

How can I compile prolog codes in Ubuntu? I searched Prolog in the Ubuntu software center and it returns only jEdit.
Dante's user avatar
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How can I reset my BIOS using Ubuntu?

I need to reset the BIOS. I took a look into my laptop, but the CMOS battery and the jumper are covered with a lot of stuff and I don't feel like taking all of that out. So is there a way of resetting ...
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Downloading Ubuntu: wich version to download? [duplicate]

for a 32bit/2GRAM Dell Laptop, i'll be required to download the Ubuntu 64bit or the 32bit version? Looking forward for help, and thank's for the support!
Bén Hamza's user avatar
1 vote
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link 2 computer over the internet

I have 2 desktop computers and I would like to connect both of these computers together over the internet so I could access the information from one room to another. the computer with the files I ...
user281745's user avatar
0 votes
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Keryx Installation error [duplicate]

Dependency is not satisfiable: python(<2.7) What is the meaning of this error? And how do I troubleshoot ?
sigdelsanjog's user avatar
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5 answers

'Todo list' type of app for Windows AND Ubuntu?

I need some recommendations on a good todo list type of app that works on Windows and Ubuntu. I would like to keep track of my assignment's due dates across both OS.
Mo2's user avatar
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Is there a version of Indicator-Remindor for 14.04?

I'd like to use Indicator-Remindor, but it doesn't seem to be available for 14.04, at least not in the Software Centre. Is it available somewhere else?
Wilson F's user avatar
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after update from 12.04 to 14.01 touch pad is not working

after updating to 14.01 version my touch pad is not working. im using hp pavilion 17. my laptop is brand new, it came with 12.04 pre-installed ubuntu version. my wired usb mouse do work but the right ...
Arif Manzoor Chandio's user avatar
29 votes
8 answers

Native flac .cue splitter

I have some .flac albums I ripped as one big file to save some space (Lossless CD rips are roughly 500MB each). Now that I have more storage I would like to split them back to their original files. ...
Mark Kirby's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Run a web server from any directory

I am writing a small website, but I do NOT want to figure out how to install and configure complete LAMP stack to test the website from my ~/home directory. That will be completely disruptive and ...
etsnyman's user avatar
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Recommendation for a Download Manager for ubuntu? [duplicate]

I've heard about: JDloader, Uget , Flareget etc. But what are the pros and cons of these softwares? Which one would you suggest to me to be the most reliable and fastest? Thanks Jye
Jye Ramirez's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there any battery management software to work with a laptop plugged to AC power so as to save the battery lifetime?

I was used to remove the battery of my laptop whenever I worked with my computer plugged to AC power and to load the battery with the computer switched off so as to save the lifetime of the battery. ...
Charo's user avatar
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