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how to keep track of where I spend my time?

Is there any way in Ubuntu (11.04 to be exact) to keep track of how much time I spend on different web sites and in different applications? I think this might help me be more productive. I usually ...
Oleg2718281828's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Image Viewer - Automatically fill window with image

When I maximise an Image Viewer window, the picture stays the same size. In the view options none of them seem to make the image just fill the window. I can zoom in but that is quite irritating as I ...
Anake's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Remote camera security

For Ubuntu 11.04 I need an application that will monitor and record 4 CCTV cameras w/sound. Need playback of the recorded activity with timestamp. It should be able to control zoom and camera angle ...
Ringtail's user avatar
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1 vote
5 answers

Is there a program that can loop a youtube video?

I would like to loop this video from YouTube, it's OK if it reloads every time although it would be nicer (and perhaps illegal ) to cache the video. are there any suggestions on software that can do ...
Alvar's user avatar
  • 17.1k
0 votes
1 answer

I need an Open source Dreamweaver alternative [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Basic Web Development IDE/Editor like Dreamweaver? am using ubuntu and i need an Open source Dreamweaver alternatives i hope to fide software that help me to do my work ...
Osama_m2s's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What really light Ubuntu releases are there?

I want a really light Ubuntu release so I get as much as possible out of my computer. I will only use this one for gaming, that's why I need to get as much out of my laptop as possible. I want: Low ...
Alvar's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

How to transfer files from Windows 7 to Linux Ubuntu?

i have to transfer huge files(like 20GB), how can i do that without formatting my windows (NP if i format my Ubuntu)? Note: i'm using Ubuntu 11.04
Rev3rse's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a working version of Paint.mono for 11.04?

I'm looking for an Ubuntu 11.04 version of paint.mono Is there a package available for download? I found this on webupd8 but it only shows previous versions.
user30420's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How to install Samsung AllShare or recommendations for other DNLA Server options?

How can I install Samsung Allshare ( a windows app) on ubuntu 11.04? I have tried unsuccessfully using Wine. Alternatively, can you recommend other DNLA server options?
bojanbb's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is there a TI-82 emulator?

I have a blue TI-82 that doesn't have a computer input, and there for I have to code every program by hand. And on all tests I have to clear the memory so I don't have any programs installed (I could ...
Alvar's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Is there any social dashboard that's like Geckoboard?

I've got a netbook running Ubuntu 11.04, a secondary machine that I'm looking to set up as a personal dashboard, sort of like Geckoboard is for business analytics. I just want to see notifications ...
Gray's user avatar
  • 179
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1 answer

Apps that can control the charge/discharge of batteries

I will like to know the Pros and Cons of any program out there that automatically stops the charging of laptop batteries at certain percentage levels.
Mysterio's user avatar
  • 12.1k
2 votes
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Are there any lightweight XMPP server?

Are there any lightweight XMPP server that works well on Ubuntu Desktop 11.04; I basically wanted to learn, test and develop some small application that uses XMPP features.
user7044's user avatar
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Desktop search engine for 11.04

Just as the title says I'm searching for a great desktop search engine with nice Unity integration. Beagle used to be cool but for some reason it has been discontinued so it is out of the question. ...
Mysterio's user avatar
  • 12.1k
3 votes
1 answer

Built an ISO with remastersys but it doesn't boot?

I have installed remsatersys back-up from the interwebs, so i could have a custom ISO. Per the instructions on many how to i chose the option Backup on the menu. However when i reboot my PC to try ...
Ricardo's user avatar
  • 33
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1 answer

Twitter app that supports real time updating

Hi everyone i need a twitter client that fully integrates with the unity shell and is capable of providing real time updates for my mentions, direct messages etc when minimised
Mysterio's user avatar
  • 12.1k
18 votes
3 answers

Record Live Streaming

Is it possible to record live streaming from websites such as Ustream or any other similar website using Adobe Flash Player? I know that is possible to record the screen but the quality is not that ...
glarkou's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Bundle of important softwares [closed]

Is there any bundle of softwares to download in a package for free? I want software for everyday use and for general programming development. Edit Editor and other required programs to run PHP, C, C++...
Sourav's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

How can I make the background dark while watching video?

While watching videos on my desktop(not in browser) I want to make the background dark. For eg: In the above pic I want everything to be black except the video. I don't want to make it full screen ...
Vijay's user avatar
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What podcast/streaming tools are available?

I want to be able to do one or all of the followings: Talk to my computer and be heard over a network (Crazy O.o) Live Video Streaming (Watch a Video and share over network) Live Audio streaming (...
8 votes
8 answers

Available instant messaging clients

Am looking for an all-round Messenger for Ubuntu, especially one that supports Webcam, Voice Chat, Microphone, Drag/Drop support, File sending and other normal operations a messenger should have. I ...
0 votes
3 answers

Sum of text source delimited by whitespace

How to get the sum of each column from file like: 123 32 122 43 11 0 444 112 32 and give the result as: 610 155 154 in a simple command? It should be easy in Perl, but I'd like to know if ...
Lenik's user avatar
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4 answers

Which should I recommend, 10.04 vs 11.04? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What's the difference between a Long Term Support Release and a Normal Release? I've been running 10.04 for a while now. I use it for development purposes and recreation, ...
Steven Wexler's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

What user-friendly VPN software is available?

Other than the Network Manager applet at the Natty panel, is there any other user-friendly VPN tool available. One which has a GUI and can be easily setup. Ref. question : ConnMan not detecting ...
Arindom's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Any open source alternative to Roboform

Are there any open source apps for password management like Roboform in Win 7 or can Roboform be used in 11.04 64 bit? If so how?
Mysterio's user avatar
  • 12.1k
12 votes
7 answers

What virtualization software can I use?

I've used only VMWare on my Windows 7 machine, but I'd like to use something on Ubuntu. What software would you recommend to create other Linux and Windows virtual machines?
Only Bolivian Here's user avatar
25 votes
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Is there an offline dictionary?

Are there any off-line dictionaries available?
Sandeep's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is there a timer indicator? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: A simple timer app, similar to timer-applet On 10.10 I've used timer-applet and was pretty happy with it. After upgrading to 11.04 I can't find any way of using this timer. ...
bessarabov's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Alternative to Panflute Applet?

I use Audacious as my music player, and was using Panflute Applet to control the playback right from the superior menu bar. As I recently upgraded to Natty Narwhal, and it doesn't support applets ...
Diego Ponciano's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Disabling SMART Disk Utility Warning Message

The Disk Utility pop-up the same message so many times and too many at a time. The message is the same "Hard Disk Problem Detected. A hard disk is reporting health problems." The hard disk has ...
Stanley Poh's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to use my iPod nano 5G?

I have a 5th generation nano and want to know how I can edit my playlists, add music, remove music, etc. Also I read banshee is the default media player for 11.04, can it handle my question or do I ...
Mysterio's user avatar
  • 12.1k
7 votes
4 answers

Software for converting various multimedia file formats?

What is the best open source multimedia editing software around? An app that can convert mp3, mp4, avi, flv, etc into various formats
Mysterio's user avatar
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