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Questions tagged [signal]

Questions about signals, a kind of interprocess communication.

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9 votes
2 answers

Why does Ctrl + C not kill Python running in terminal?

I am trying to understand the reason why the whole Python process does not get killed when I press Ctrl + C inside and infinite loop or for that matter any Python function that I am running in ...
Ano.Smith's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What is the signal sent when the charger is unplugged/plugged

I would like to know which signal is sent to the kernel when I unplug my laptop. I need this information to make a program to switch my power mode automatically. I am currently on Ubuntu 23.10.
Stanislas Martin's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Make gnome-terminal request user confirmation before close

When you open gnome-terminal without any options and execute a blocking command (e.g. python3, vim or cat) and then try to close the window by the close button (i.e. x button in the title bar) or some ...
ynn's user avatar
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2 answers

Detect that the workspace has changed

I can change my current workspace in various ways, e.g. by clicking on some switcher widget, with some key combination, with a command in a terminal. Is there a way to detect that the workspace has ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Ctrl-Z equivalent for GUI Programs?

I often have to run the update manager on a slow connection, and while reading my emails, I meanwhile would like to surf for 2 minutes in the web, then have the full bandwidth again for the update ...
user unknown's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I tell how long for Watchdog to wait to stop all processes?

I have a server which is monitored by Watchdog, and experiences reboots occasionally due to faulty network hardware I am unable to replace at the moment. As I read, Watchdog sends a SIGTERM to all ...
nanofarad's user avatar
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How can I get yarn to use the right version of Node?

I am new to Node, JavaScript etc. and want to try messing with the code of Signal. For this I need a specific version of Node. I did this (on Ubuntu 16.04) using the following procedure: wget https://...
BlandCorporation's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Input signal out of range; Change settings to 1600 x 900

I recently installed Ubuntu 12.04 onto my HP Pavilion, in an attempt to make the desktop able to dual-boot Windows 7 and Ubuntu. I managed to get down to the last step, and finished the installation ...
Clayton's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

The report belongs to a package that is not installed

I have gotten the error message "The report belongs to a package that is not installed." Generally I would just ignore that since seemingly there is no problem except I got a crash report and then I ...
user71700's user avatar
3 votes
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No SIGTERM before SIGKILL/shutdown with systemd on Ubuntu 16.04

I ran across this problem while I tried to answer a question on Stackoverflow. On shutdown, Ubuntu 12.04 sends SIGTERM to all processes and waits at most 10 seconds before killing them with SIGKILL (...
code_onkel's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

remove Signal in ubuntu when you forgot how you installed it

i don't remember how i installed Signal desktop. i think i did it with ubuntu software. the version is v1.39.6 so i removed it with all the ways i know as if installed w/snap but it says here that ...
Johnny Bravo's user avatar
3 votes
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Bad WiFi reception on Asus Zenbook (Works great with Windows 7)

My WiFi reception on my Asus Zenbook (model ux31) is very weak compared to when I boot my Windows 7. I use both from the same location, and the reception on other devices (ex: my iPhone) is great. I'm ...
oferrotem's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to identify shutdown event in linux

In my Ubuntu application, I wanted to perform certain finalization for my application before the system is being shutdown. For that, I need to identify the shutdown event in my application. From what ...
Vipul Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Sending SIGSTOP or SIGCONT signals graphically (similar to xkill)

Question Do you know any tool/script to send SIGSTOP (to pause a process) or SIGCONT (to resume it) to a process by clicking on a graphical window generated by the process? Some context There is ...
GeekInDisguise's user avatar
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How do I make a app in Quickly and play a sound when a button is clicked in the app?

Is there anyway I can make an application in which a button made in Glade can be clicked to play a custom re-definable sound?
Joey Blanco's user avatar
2 votes
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After upgrade to 16.04, wifi signal strength jumps from perfect to zero and back

I upgraded from 14.04 LTS to 16.04 LTS on HP Z230. Internet connection worked perfectly under 14.04 LTS. There were no hardware changes. The computer connects to the router by a wireless usb device (...
AlwaysLearning's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Wifi apparently connected, but webpages won't load

I'm running the latest Ubuntu 14.04.3, and my issue today is that my Wifi connection sometimes becomes really slow, and eventually disconnects. I tried googling around to see if I can get any good ...
Jay Dough's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04LTS Four monitor display issue

I've been browsing the forum trying to find a solution to my specific problem but can't find anything specific. My graphics card is the Radeon R9 380 Sapphire Nitro. I have three DVI displays, one of ...
Israel Flores's user avatar
2 votes
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Disable "System program problem detected" for segfaults in my own programs

I don't mind being notified about system programs that SEGV -- I would actually like to report those cases, so this is not a duplicate of Getting “System program problem detected” pops up regularly ...
cat's user avatar
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Core only dumped upon receiving SIGQUIT

Learning about signals, I found out that calling the <stdlib.h> functionabort(void); in a C program, which roughly equals to raising a SIGABRT signal, doesn't create a core file on my Ubuntu 13....
Witiko's user avatar
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Unix Signal handling in Qt Embedded Linux [closed]

I have an application for the USB interface in Qt (Embedded Linux). When a pen-drive is inserted, the kernel sends a signal for that and I want to recognize that signal and I want my Qt application ...
Parthiv Shah's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Is there any conflict between nohup and mpirun?

I want to start a big simulation on an ubuntu desktop computer. I have physical (not remote) access to this PC. This simulation may take some weeks. The command to start the process is: mpirun -np ...
Naghi's user avatar
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1 answer

HDMI monitor not receiving signal after waking up from suspend mode

i have a problem that after I wake my ubuntu 18.04 laptop from the suspend mode, my HDMI monitor, which is set up a the primary monitor in the extended display set up, is not receiving the signal. I ...
newbuntu's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What do these Terminal Signals mean?

When I start to use a command to terminate an ongoing process, I can include a signal. What is the difference between the signal 9 and the signal 15?
user233233's user avatar
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SIGQUIT breaks the pipe

Linux ping utility can produce some statistics on receiving SIGQUIT without terminating. It looks like this: PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=45 time=...
Victor's user avatar
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Postgresql service stopping on its own in ubuntu server

In the postgresql log file, I found message: startup process (PID 1886772) was terminated by signal 9: Killed Although upon restarting service, postgresql database starts functioning normally. ...
sanjeev saunkhla's user avatar
1 vote
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What does it mean when ^\ doesn't work, but kill -9 does?

Recently, I've had a third-party program hang in a weird way. It stops taking input or output, and ^C and ^\ do nothing. kill -9 and killing the parent process do end it. What state could the process ...
Draconis's user avatar
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Signal messenger app not starting up

Over the past 2 weeks (after installing Ubuntu 18.04 from scratch) I have had problems on and off with the Signal messenger app. It sometimes doesn't start up at all. Uninstalling and reinstalling ...
obelix93's user avatar
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emit signal with custom type objects array parameter from c++ and receive in qml

I would like to emit a signal from a Qt C++ class which includes a parameter that is an array of custom objects (inherited from QObject) and receive the parameter in its qml slot, but i'm afraid it is ...
Roberto Mier's user avatar
1 vote
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Keep VGA signal sending when using VGA switchbox

I am trying to mimic the VGA projector setup I had on Arch Linux. I have three laptops connected through a VGA switchbox to an external projector. When I was using ArchLinux I used xrandr to start ...
paleajed's user avatar
1 vote
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Weak Wireless Signal - Atheros ar5008x drops connection

I'm dualbooting Ubuntu 12.04 with Windows Vista and while Vista handles the signal perfectly (4 or 5 bars out of 5 and never drops) Ubuntu shows 1 or 2 bars and drops the signal constantly if the ...
user117625's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

HDMI initially worked, no more and screen issues when try

Connected my System76 Lemur Ultra (Intel i5 3210M + Intel HD 4000) to my television. It showed up fine. After about 15 seconds, it abruptly disconnected for some reason with a "no signal" error on the ...
cc11rocks's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Wifi signal weak while on an HP Pavilion G6

I have just installed Ubuntu 12.04 LTS along with the standard Windows 7 on my new HP pavillion g6 (AMD). They both work fine but when I am running Ubuntu, the wifi signal strength shows low (...
Hub's user avatar
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0 answers

Old version of Signal persists after update

Upon installing the latest version of Signal (6.16.0) the old and in-operable version (5.54.0) persists. Normally with other applications, the new version is installed and the old version is ...
O. Kindle aka Owen Fisher's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does `/usr/bin/time` report the wrong exit status with format `%x` in case of SIGABRT?

I'm using /usr/bin/time to report information about a set of benchmarks I'm running. The interesting data points are runtime, memory usage and the exit status. This works fine except when the ...
Stefan's user avatar
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1 answer

Notification when some input (stdin, file, named pipe) is available? [closed]

is there some mechanism to be notified asynchronously when input from a 'file' is available? I have a program that cyclically does its work. So far so good. But there also is a serial line and ...
M. Keith's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

half signal strength from wireless rtl8188ce lubuntu

I get super slow speeds (half the signal strength I get on windows) and an unstable connection. I ran this script and this is the info I get on Lubuntu 19.04 Kernel 5.0.0-29-generic. 02:00.0 Network ...
rachuko's user avatar
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0 answers

Which version of Signal Desktop is legit? [duplicate]

I saw both of these in the apt sources. Since this is a secure communications app, what is the correct source to use for Ubuntu? Searching for Signal, I see: And lower: With these details: Before ...
Mittenchops's user avatar
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Multiple repository errors when I try any APT command after trying to install signal [duplicate]

I am currently using 18.04. I wanted to install signal for desktop and I got this code from the site to install on Debian: curl -s | sudo apt-key add ...
fnordom's user avatar
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Upstart service killed by TERM signal, how to track that

I have upstart script as description "My API API" author "me@localhost" env MY_API_PYTHON_HOME=/opt/services start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] script mkfifo /tmp/my-api-log-fifo ...
Nilesh's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04, hdmi monitor: no signal in login screen

My main monitor is connected over HDMI and my second one over DVI. Both get a signal when the PC starts up, but the moment I get to the login screen the HDMI one goes dark, though it doesn't seem to ...
Spit Fire's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04 immediately terminates all running programs on restart or shutdown?

When I choose restart or shutdown in Ubuntu 16.04, it immediately terminates all running applications. I'm not prompted to save open documents or anything like that - and I've lost work several times ...
BeeOnRope's user avatar
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xvfb-run hangs on trap/wait in Elastic Bamboo's Ubuntu 15.04 AMI on AWS

I'm trying to run some headless robot/Selenium tests via Elastic Bamboo using Xvfb, on Ubuntu 15.04 in AWS EC2. It works if I run Xvfb manually and then run the test... export display=:99 Xvfb :99 -...
Ernest Mueller's user avatar
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Why does sudo prevent catching SIGTSTP (Ctrl+Z)?

This program is written to catch SIGTSTP (Ctrl+Z) and bypass its normal effect, printing a message and returning to its normal operation instead of allowing its process to be suspended: #include<...
cdbrkr's user avatar
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The UBUNTU Graphics Catch 22

Trying to use a Live DVD to run Ubuntu 14.04.1, I get the "Monitor signal out of range" error. I hit ctrl-alt-F1 to bring up the command line. I do sudo nano /etc/default/grub and remove # from ...
user2646827's user avatar
1 vote
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Weak wifi signal on Lenovo g series

I've just installed Ubuntu 12.10 on my Lenovo laptop and the wifi signal reception changed completely. I had Windows installed on it first and it had no problem connecting to my home network from my ...
joni's user avatar
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Send multiple kill signals to a process

Say I run a .sh process. And now I open a new terminal tab and I want to send signals to it, for that, I just use kill: kill -*signal number* *pid* right? But I want to send 13 signals at the same ...
C. Cristi's user avatar
0 votes
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How to pass SIGALRM to a program which finishes execution in milliseconds?

I have a C program which computes the first n prime numbers if n is passed as an argument. $ ./prime 5 2 3 5 7 11 The logic of the program allows me to enter into a desired function if I can give ...
hax's user avatar
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index out of range? [closed]

# load parameters file yml = yaml.load(open(sys.argv[1])) # imports for pkg, functions in yml['imports'].iteritems(): stri = 'from ' + pkg + ' import ' + ','.join(functions) exec(stri) ...
Sunu A's user avatar
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How can a Qt application be notified that the user's session is ending and provide it with opportunity to save its state before being terminated?

I am writing a Qt application and have run into the following problem: when the user logs out or attempts to shut down the machine, the application is instantly terminated without providing it any ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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