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Questions tagged [shotwell]

Shotwell is an open source photo organizer designed for the GNOME desktop environment.

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77 votes
9 answers

Rotate images from terminal

I have a directory with a lots of images but they are in the wrong orientation. I want to rotate the images to correct the orientation (mostly ±90o). Using image (shotwell photo) viewer I can ...
pranphy's user avatar
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23 votes
2 answers

How to reset Shotwell to its original state

Is there a way to give shotwell a factory reset without deleting any of the original photos. I made a big mess of importing the wrong library followed by the right library and now have 30,000 photos ...
James's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

Shotwell can't access camera

When I plug in my Cannon 50D camera with a USB cable into my laptop (running Ubuntu 19.10) and Shotwell pops up. But when I click on the 'Cannon Digital Camera' entry on the left sidebar an error ...
cajomar's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Where does shotwell store its config files?

Does anybody have an idea where does Shotwell store its config files? The problem is: I made a new installation of 12.10, and decided to use a new hdd for the home directory. I moved all pictures ...
Zoom's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Is Face Recognition coming to Shotwell?

Are there plans for Shotwell to have face recognition and to categorize photos according to faces?
cortexuvula's user avatar
17 votes
4 answers

How to keep your photos in sync with Flickr?

I have a ~/photos directory where I keep all my photos. I'd like it to be automatically sync'd to flickr (with their recent generous expansion...) -- all pictures in this directory automatically ...
Damn Terminal's user avatar
16 votes
7 answers

How to organize/sort images by EXIF image data

I have recovered images from a lost partition and I need to sort them or put them into a folder by the creation date in the EXIF data of each image. I have installed digiKam and also shotwell but ...
Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez's user avatar
16 votes
7 answers

How do I make Shotwell regenerate all the thumbnails?

For some unknown reason all thumbnails are lost in my Shotwell, instead all icons are grey. The images themselves are all okay and I can open them all in Shotwell. There are only empty folders in ....
hultqvist's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

What's keeping Shotwell from replacing EOG?

I have noticed that Shotwell has a pretty capable image viewer but EOG is still used for opening image files, which means Ubuntu's default install has two apps for the same purpose. I wonder why ...
Bou's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to print multiple (and different) photos from Shotwell?

I know how to print multiple instances of the same photo, but I need to print 4 different pictures on one sheet. Does this functionality exist?
gal007's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

Can I export Shotwell pictures database saving all the tags?

I've imported lots of pictures into Shotwell and spent some time setting tags. Are those tags locked-in in Shotwell or I can export them (and import again or use with other software)?
Ivan's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers

Shotwell cannot mount device Error 53

I would report this as a bug, but I'm in my 50s and reading the bug reporting requirements would make me a bug specialist and take me about a week to insure I was reporting it properly. I'm an end ...
nn2013's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

How to view EXTREMELY large images?

I have a 1.8GB TIF image that I'm trying to open on my machine with Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS. I have 8GB of RAM and 2GB of swap space. However, I can't open the image on the stock Gnome Image Viewer (says "...
Michael's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Tagging photographs

I am trying to organize my photographs with tags. The last time I have been doing this was about three years ago, so I have a lot of pictures to organize. All of the photographs should have correct ...
Andrea's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How do I use my own folder structure with Shotwell?

I want to organize my photos as follows: my own folder structure, not date-based not in ~/Pictures automatically detect new photos in my folder structure (including in subfolders) do not create ...
lofidevops's user avatar
  • 21.1k
11 votes
2 answers

Why are my photos not being saved in Shotwell?

After cropping a picture in Shotwell, and rotating it, the original photograph has not been altered and is still the same. However when I go to the Shotwell "Library" they are shown as being cropped/...
Jonathan Read's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Why was F-Spot replaced with Shotwell in Ubuntu 10.10?

What are the advantages of using Shotwell? What are the disadvantages?
David Siegel's user avatar
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10 votes
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How to transfer an iPhoto Library to a file based structure and how to manage them properly?

I need to export my old iPhoto Library to a file based structure similar to the format of shotwell. There are some possiblities: Just use the iPhoto Master folder Use Shotwell to import the photos ...
Sebastian Rühl's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

How to setup Shotwell for multi-user access?

Typical use case: A family notebook with multiple user accounts. How do I setup Shotwell so all users have access to the same photo directory and each is able to import photos?
Vilmantas Baranauskas's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

I want shotwell to open all .cr2 files in a folder and all its subfolders, what command line do I use?

Something like shotwell *.cr2 ./ That doesn't work, but basically I want to use shotwell to open all files that end with .cr2 and in the current directory (including subfolders) The context is that ...
user285884's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Shotwell does not copy, but imports files without copying

When I try to importing photos from my external harddisk into Shotwell, after disconnecting the HDD the photos disappear immediately. I saw that the photos had been imported into the database without ...
user65764's user avatar
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4 answers

How to remove duplicate imported photos in Shotwell

I've noticed that Shotwell has imported many images twice (e.g. from my camera SD card). Apparently the duplicate detection is buggy once a photo is imported, tagged and then re-imported. I have "...
seb's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Can Shotwell create a folder structure based on the event a photo is assigned to?

I have found here on AU and elsewhere that Shotwell can import files and organise them into folders/subfolders by date (yyyymm, yyyy/mm/dd, and so on). Can I import files, assign them to events, and ...
lofidevops's user avatar
  • 21.1k
8 votes
2 answers

Are there any webcam programs that save the date in the meta data?

I currently use Cheese, but it isn't really compatible with Shotwell because it doesn't save the date in the meta data - only the file name. I could run a command to get the file name and put it into ...
Tim's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How do I delete events in shotwell?

I want to use shotwell to manage my photos (along with other power apps like F-Spot and Digicam), for various reasons, but I have one issue. I can't figure out how to delete events. Is this possible (...
RolandiXor's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Shotwell, grouping photos by folder possible?

Shotwell lists photos based on when they were taken. While this is fine for single-day "trips" (ie Saturday at the park) it is awefull for photos taken in a lengthy trips (ie My month in Italy) as ...
Pomario's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to change Shotwell keyboard shortcuts?

I want to edit quickly lots of pictures in Shotwell. It already has some shortcuts, like ] for Rotate. However, I work on a Qwertz keyboard, where ] is typed as AltGr + 9, which means I have to hit ...
rumtscho's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What are these "_embedded.jpg" files that Shotwell created?

I have a bunch of these "_embedded.jpg" files alongside my other originals (RAW + JPEG). What are they and why were they created?
Greg Grossmeier's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Syncing iPhone with Shotwell

Is it possible to have Shotwell automatically sync with my iPhone so I have my picture library on both?
Joshua Waldon's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Can't veiw files/photos from iPhone on 16.04. Unmounting doesn't help

I have an iPhone 5s running iOS 11.0.3. When I connect the phone to my computer running Ubuntu 16.04, I select "Trust" on the phone screen, and it automatically mounts in Ubuntu. When I open the ...
Druscilla's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Convert png to pdf without using convert

I'm trying to convert, from the command line, .png files of screenshots created by scrot to pdf files. I can successfully do this within shotwell, but I'd like to do it from the command line. ...
Leo Simon's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

How to stop shotwell from scanning entire disk on startup?

Every time I run shotwell 0.15 (Ubuntu 13.10), it starts scanning my entire hard drive (according to ~/.cache/shotwell/shotwell.log) and displays "Updating Library." Is there a way to prevent this ...
DanB's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How can I restore a corrupted Shotwell db?

While I was importing photos from a SD card in Shotwell, my laptop has crashed (shutdown because of over-heating). Now, I can no longer launch Shotwell: $ shotwell ** ERROR:x86_64-linux-gnu/db/...
Yann Dìnendal's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Shotwell crop-dialog has disappeared

A while ago, I moved the crop-dialog (where you can edit what dimensions you want the crop to be), probably almost out of my screen. Now, whenever I press the crop-button, the dialog is nowhere to be ...
FMJansen's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Duplicate events in Shotwell

I've imported an existing collection of photographs into Shotwell, and it organizes them into different events by date in the UI, and stores them by Year/Month in the filesystem. This is great, just ...
iBelieve's user avatar
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2 answers

Can Shotwell create a folder structure based on the date the photos were taken?

All my photos are quite disorganized and I found this option in the settings dialogue to import pictures and create new folders using this pattern: /home/username/pictures/<year>/<month>/&...
c76c3r8c42b347r8's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to troubleshoot photo import failure with Shotwell?

I can't get Shotwell to import my photos. They are all normal JPEG files from digital cameras, about ten thousand in total. How to I continue troubleshooting this, and get all my photos back into ...
Tom Brossman's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to change the recorded date of a video?

I have 4 videos on my laptop which I took last year in April. But in Shotwell it shows me that it was taken in 23.04.1945. How to change this recorded date of the video?
Paul Woitaschek's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to Install Shotwell with Face Detection in Bionic Beaver 18.04 LTS

I'm transitioning from Google Photos and I really liked Shotwell's features. However, face detection/recognition is very important to me because of how I manage my photos. I viewed this blog post that ...
Riyaad Azad's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

image viewer: mouse wheel to move back and forward

In the gnome image viewer (3.2.0), I would like to change these shortcuts for next/prev image to use the mousewheel. I would also like to change it in shotwell if possible. Current the mousewheel is ...
wim's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How do I export a group of photos from Shotwell to a folder?

I wish to select photos from the default event directories, and move them into a custom event directory like shown in this tutorial. Then I want to export the group of photos to a specific folder or ...
naftalimich's user avatar
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1 answer

How does Shotwell detect duplicates?

Couldn't find any answers to this with google. When importing the same folder of pictures twice, Shotwell will skip duplicate photos. But how does it detect duplicates? If I import two different ...
Hubro's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does Shotwell have the X & Y positions inverted when using crop

When I try to crop an image with shotwell and select Custom Crop, the X and Y are inverted. I think it should be like this: the first number is how long the image is (X) and the second how high it is (...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How can I import photos with tags from f-spot to shotwell

I have about 5K Pictures with tags in F-Spot, So you can imagine the time I spent setting the tags.. And since f-spot will not be supported anymore by Ubuntu. As well as it has been replaced with ...
DeaDSouL's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How do I rename photos based on their shotwell titles?

I recently gave ~200 photos numerical titles in Shotwell which describe their sequences--001, 002, etc. But I'd like for this sequence to be the same in the filenames, too, so that when I open the ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 answers

'Photo editor' and 'RAW editor' in Shotwell

The preference menu in Shotwell allows the user to specify both an 'External photo editor' and an 'External RAW editor', but I'm confused as to why two external editors would be required. I'm not a ...
user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can't replace, remove or change desktop slideshow

A while ago I created a desktop slideshow in Shotwell I think. I wanted to change the slideshow. The pictures in the slideshow are not featured in the appearances menu under system settings. the demo ...
TMundo's user avatar
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3 answers

Shotwell with Dropbox

I import all my photos with Shotwell into a folder within my Dropbox so all the photos are available to other devices. However, most importing is done on Linux laptop and while photos are available ...
Jack's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How do I migrate shotwell tags to clean installation?

I have Shotwell installed in 11.10. When 12.04 comes out I will do a clean install as usual but I would like to not have to redo all those tags. Is that possible and if so how?
user32674's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Download picasa web photos without picasa

I am using Natty. I want to download or sync all of my picasa web photos on my disk. I know that using picasa I can do the same. But I do not want to use old (non - updated) version of picasa. (plus ...
Amey Jah's user avatar
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