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Questions tagged [shortcut-keys]

Questions about keyboard shortcuts: both which ones to use and how to create custom shortcuts.

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526 votes
11 answers

What are Unity's keyboard and mouse shortcuts?

In Unity, are there any pre-defined shortcuts, e.g. to open the dash or unhide the launcher?
491 votes
8 answers

How do I modify or disable the HUD's use of the Alt key?

A number of games, Emacs, and the terminal make extensive use of the Alt key. Can Unity be configured to respect this key, rather than launching the HUD with it?
EoghanM's user avatar
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284 votes
11 answers

How do I remap certain keys or devices?

I'm searching for a way to remap certain keys in ubuntu. i.e. I'd like to change PgUp to Home or PgDown to End. Does a built-in command or a tool exist reassign keys in Ubuntu/GNOME?
NES's user avatar
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247 votes
7 answers

Force alt + tab to switch only on current workspace in GNOME shell

I am looking for a clean and fast method to force GNOME in Ubuntu 14.04 to switch between active apps only on the current workspace when pressing the shortcut alt + tab.
daniel451's user avatar
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201 votes
8 answers

keyboard shortcut to switch between windows within an application

Is there a keyboard shortcut, or can I somehow bind a shortcut, to switch between windows within an application (similar to opt+~ on macOS)? Ideally, I'd like Alt+Tab to be unaffected or to be ...
Andrew M's user avatar
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200 votes
4 answers

Ubuntu 17.10 and later: can't change the input switching shortcut to alt+shift

When I try to set the default combo for switching to different language layouts in my keyboard from Shift+Super+Space to Alt+Shift I can't. I used to have this combo since Ubuntu 14 and even before ...
papajo's user avatar
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179 votes
3 answers

How to invert fn keys on Dell Laptop?

My Dell laptop (XPS 15z) has special keys on the F1 to F12 keys. If I want to disable keyboard backlight, for example, I must type Fn + F6. Is it possible to invert it? In fact, I don't often use ...
Gp2mv3's user avatar
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174 votes
9 answers

How do I delete my commands quickly?

I use terminal for almost all tasks. Let's say I have entered a huge command like this: sudo a-huge-command What is the easiest way to delete the whole command with a single shortcut, rather than ...
batman's user avatar
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171 votes
10 answers

Quickly place a window to another screen using only the keyboard

I know that using Alt+F7, I can use the keyboard to move the window around. I can also use the "Grid" plugin of Compiz to position quickly the window around my current monitor. The grid plugin doesn't ...
Dat Chu's user avatar
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165 votes
13 answers

How do I delete multiple lines in nano without affecting the clipboard?

I can select all file by going to the 1st line Alt+\, start marking the text by Alt+A, go to the last line by Alt+/ But there, I don't know which key to remove the selected text. Hit delete doesn't ...
Nam G VU's user avatar
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164 votes
13 answers

Unable to use IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts on Ubuntu

I am very new to Ubuntu, and I'm having a problem that I don't know how to get it fixed. I even tried looking it up on the web for answers, but maybe I don't know the right terms to search for it. I ...
Rodrigo Sasaki's user avatar
163 votes
2 answers

What is the "show desktop" keyboard shortcut?

I just upgraded to 11.10 from 11.04. Previously the shortcut to show the desktop was Super +D (same as in Windows), But now it is not working. What is the new shortcut?
aneeshep's user avatar
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159 votes
14 answers

How can I change what keys on my keyboard do? (How can I create custom keyboard commands/shortcuts?)

I want to change the key bindings on some of the keys on my keyboard. I want some to run commands and others to activate different keys. What applications can I use to do this? Index: ...
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.3k
158 votes
16 answers

How to make keyboard work like OSX System Wide?

I switch back and forth between two computers constantly: OSX Snow Leopard Ubuntu 10.10 I'd like to be able to make Ubuntu use the same keyboard shortcuts as OSX System Wide, for the following ...
brad parks's user avatar
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145 votes
7 answers

How do I set a shortcut to screenshot a selected area?

In gnome's screen shot program, the quick keys PrtScn captures the entire screen and alt+PrtScn captures the active window. Is there a way to script or set up the third capture option of a selected ...
Rick's user avatar
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143 votes
3 answers

How do I quickly switch between workspaces in unity?

I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 with Unity and would like to switch between workspaces with a keyboard shortcut. Is there any way to achieve this?
js-coder's user avatar
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142 votes
8 answers

What is the equivalent of 'Control-Alt-Delete'?

On Windows anytime the system hangs Ctrl-Alt-Del brings up the Start Up Manager, from which you can end the program or process causing the hang. Is there any command like this on Ubuntu?
Mysterio's user avatar
  • 12.1k
141 votes
23 answers

How can I specify the default save directory for gnome-screenshot?

Are there any sort of configuration options for specifying the default save location for gnome-screenshot, or is this hard-coded into the source code? It used to be ~/Desktop, which seems to have ...
trent's user avatar
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140 votes
3 answers

18.04 ctrl+shift to change language

Can I use Ctrl+Shift for changing languages? I can't set this hotkey for changing keyboard languages. At this moment Alt+Shift switch languages, but I can't see this hotkey in keyboard hotkeys list ...
Hayate's user avatar
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140 votes
15 answers

How do I open the Application Launcher on KDE with just the meta ("Windows") key?

How do I open the application launcher ("start menu") of Kubuntu with my Windows key? Similar to how the Start menu in Windows is opened. I don't want to use Alt+F1.
sushi2141's user avatar
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139 votes
12 answers

How to change screenshot application to Flameshot on Ubuntu 18.04?

I needed to highlight some text in my screenshots and I did not know how to do it with the default screenshot app. Flameshot is a solution. I installed it. How can I replace the PrtScr shortcut-key so ...
Pavel Lysenko's user avatar
135 votes
12 answers

How can I set default terminal used in Unity?

How can I set the default terminal used in Unity? I would like to use the Ctrl+Alt+T hotkey to start a non-default terminal. The default terminal is gnome-terminal. Where can I change the default ...
Regisz's user avatar
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135 votes
16 answers

How do I deactivate F1 and F10 keybindings in gnome-terminal?

How can I turn off the F1 (help) and F10 (notifications menu) key bindings? First one I need for screen utility and second to exit mc in console. There are no such key bindings in the Keyboard ...
Marko Kevac's user avatar
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134 votes
6 answers

What does "Ctrl + Alt + F12" do?

I accidentally pressed Ctrl+Alt+F12 and my display turned to black... I then had to make a reboot.. What did it do to my system? Also what does Alt+ F8 to F10 do?
user146550's user avatar
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127 votes
6 answers

Keyboard shortcut to move windows between monitors?

I remember there used to be a setting under Compiz that set a keyboard shortcut for moving applications between physical (but combined as a single xscreen) screens, similar to moving between logical ...
Andrew Bolster's user avatar
119 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX and GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub

I'm troubleshooting a fn-key brightness control problem on my laptop, so I'm wading through a lot of config options in /etc/default/grub, as you can imagine. However, it's raised a question for me: ...
analogyschema's user avatar
118 votes
15 answers

How to efficiently switch between several terminal windows using the keyboard?

Alt+Tab lets me only switch between windows belonging to different applications. I often use about four terminal bound applications at the same time (e.g. IPython, VIM, fish for system and fish for ...
Raffael's user avatar
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97 votes
7 answers

Selecting text in the terminal without using the mouse

I am about to press enter to run a command in terminal, but before doing that, I want to copy the command to clipboard without using the mouse. How? If you're somewhere other than the terminal, Ctrl+...
Strapakowsky's user avatar
96 votes
12 answers

iTerm 2 equivalent

Is there an iTerm2 (terminal application for Mac OS) equivalent for Ubuntu? Amongst the many features it adds the one I'm after is the "hotkey window", where you can overlay/hide a translucent ...
Dunhamzzz's user avatar
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94 votes
4 answers

How to use Alt+Shift to switch keyboard layouts?

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 13.10, with the new keyboard handling system. The little "switch keyboard" option does not let me set it to Alt+Shift. How can I get this keyboard binding, as I have ...
rtpg's user avatar
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94 votes
2 answers

Bash: delete word ahead of cursor

Consider the following bash command line, where ^ denotes the cursor location: svn commit -m very/long/path/to/some/file "[bug 123456] Fix the pixel issue" ^ I'd like to commit a ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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93 votes
4 answers

Shortcut to clear command line terminal [duplicate]

Is there a shortcut to clear the command line when typing in it instead of keeping backspace pressed for a few long seconds? I ask because I regularly use the Tab key to automatically fill in file ...
faizal's user avatar
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92 votes
6 answers

Howto to move window to another monitor on the left/right using keyboard shortcut?

I have always used Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Left/Right to move windows from left to right monitors. Installed Ubuntu 18.04 last week (fresh install) and it appears that this is not working anymore despite the ...
dgoosens's user avatar
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92 votes
3 answers

What does [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [e] do, while typing text?

I already knew that Ctrl+Shift+u would allow to type a character by giving its Unicode hexadecimal representation: an underlined u appears, you type the code and hit Enter. For example, Ctrl+Shift+u;...
Johannes Lemonde's user avatar
91 votes
9 answers

How do I "alt-tab" between windows using Gnome 3?

All of the references I've found for Gnome 3 keyboard shortcuts list that alt+tab switches between applications and alt+` switches between windows (some actually say alt+~, but I think they're ...
Joseph Hansen's user avatar
89 votes
4 answers

Keyboard shortcut for pasting on the GNOME Terminal

We use Ctrl+V to paste stuff from clipboard, but this is not working on terminal window. What is the keyboard shortcut to paste on the GNOME terminal?
DUKE's user avatar
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88 votes
4 answers

Moving windows from the keyboard

Is it possible to move windows from the keyboard itself without touching the mouse? I know I can do a Alt + Left Click and drag the window, however I am hoping there is something I can use to move it ...
user avatar
88 votes
10 answers

Keyboard shortcut for "open a terminal here"

How can I create a keyboard shortcut so that when I press F12 in nautilus (or desktop), I get a terminal in the current directory?
wim's user avatar
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86 votes
10 answers

Keyboard shortcut for "Lock screen" not working

I tried the combination CTRL+ALT+L or L but it is not working. But if I select the menu item Lock screen from the Setting drop down it works. Any thoughts on how to fix keyboard shortcut?
Forever Learner's user avatar
82 votes
11 answers

How do I remap the caps lock key?

In the the past I used to use xmodmap to prevent the Caps Lock button from working, and then tell Launchy to handle the key press instead. I can't seem to do this anymore. What is the best way to ...
user541686's user avatar
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82 votes
6 answers

How to open system monitor easily?

As stated above, is there a command to open system monitor?
C_B's user avatar
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81 votes
6 answers

How can I suspend using a keyboard shortcut, without administrator privileges?

How can I set up a keyboard shortcut that I can use instead of clicking this menu item? I have read about various terminal commands for suspending which I could easily assign to a keyboard shortcut, ...
ændrük's user avatar
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80 votes
1 answer

Using Alt+Tab in Remmina RDP connection

In Ubuntu 12.04, I want to use Alt+Tab in remote PC connected using Remmina by RDP connection. At this time, when I go full screen, this shortcut is always handled by "host" and not by remote machine, ...
Jiri's user avatar
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80 votes
8 answers

"ctrl+space" has been bound to invoke some input method and does not work in Emacs or Eclipse auto-complete

In Emacs run in terminal, ctrl+space is a standard shortcut key to select region. But under Ubuntu 12.04, it will invoke some input method for non-English language. I was wondering if I can reserve it ...
Tim's user avatar
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78 votes
19 answers

Shut down computer from keyboard

Is there a keyboard shortcut available to shutdown the computer? I know I can use the Power button, but I would like to be able to it from the keyboard. If such a shortcut does not exist already, ...
umpirsky's user avatar
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77 votes
8 answers

How to disable the shortcut Ctrl-Alt-Arrow in GNOME 3.8

I mapped Ctrl-Alt-Up/Down to open web-browser and email client but it didn't take effect. Ctrl-Alt-Up/Down still switch workspaces as the default setting of GNOME 3.8. I have tried log-out/log-in. ...
John Chain's user avatar
77 votes
11 answers

How to set custom keyboard shortcuts from terminal?

How to set custom keyboard shortcuts from terminal for different Linux versions? Basically I want to know where Linux stores the keyboard shortcut files and how it can be edited. On my research I ...
Anonymous Platypus's user avatar
75 votes
4 answers

new ctrl-period key sequence default in 21.10?

I just moved up from 21.04 to 21.10. I have the 1Password extension installed in Firefox, which uses ctrl-period keystroke to launch the password manager. I've been using that since... uh... 18.10? 19....
cabbey's user avatar
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75 votes
5 answers

How do I disable the Super key?

I want to disable the Super key, when I press Super nothing should happen. How can I do that?
emeraldhieu's user avatar
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75 votes
4 answers

Alt + F4 switches to TTY4

Since yesterday Alt+F4 is working unexpectedly on my computer. When I press those keys TTY4 is opened. Also, the application which is running on the GUI receives the Alt+F4 message. This is solved by ...
ig343's user avatar
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