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Questions tagged [services]

Daemons are programs that constantly run in the background. They usually service requests. If you are asking about online services, please use a different tag.

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939 votes
9 answers

How to enable or disable services?

I read about how to enable and disable services in Ubuntu and it seems that there are different possibilities to manage them. The first method I found is update-rc.d to add new services to startup, ...
NES's user avatar
  • 33.3k
605 votes
10 answers

How to list all enabled services from systemctl?

How can I list all enabled services from systemctl? I know running systemctl command by itself lists all services, but I would like to only get the enabled ones.
oceanBT's user avatar
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449 votes
34 answers

How can I deactivate Bluetooth on system startup?

How can I deactivate Bluetooth on system startup?
Floqqi's user avatar
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333 votes
5 answers

How can I configure a service to run at startup

I have a daemon that runs fine if I start it manually with the service command: ricardo@ricardo-laptop:~$ sudo service minidlna start * Starting minidlna minidlna ...
Ricardo Reyes's user avatar
328 votes
18 answers

How to restart the networking service?

I tried to use sudo service networking restart and sudo /etc/init.d/network restart but they both crash the window manager and I can no longer use my keyboard for input into X. when I use the /...
waspinator's user avatar
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324 votes
13 answers

How do you restart Apache?

I switched from SLES to Ubuntu and now I want to restart my local server. In SLES I used: rcapache2 restart but this seems not to work in Ubuntu. How do I restart Apache?
Jai Puri's user avatar
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292 votes
2 answers

Difference between systemctl and service commands

systemd gives us the systemctl commands suite which is mostly used to enable services to start at boot time. We can also start, stop, reload, restart and check status of services with the help of ...
luv.preet's user avatar
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233 votes
8 answers

How can I make a script that opens terminal windows and executes commands in them?

I have three scripts I need to run when I start up my Ubuntu machine, they start services I use in my development environment. To do that, I manually open three terminals and type in the commands. ...
JSBach's user avatar
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209 votes
1 answer

How do I override or configure systemd services?

Many sysv init scripts used a corresponding file in /etc/default to allow the administrator to configure it. Upstart jobs can be modified using .override files. How do I override or configure systemd ...
muru's user avatar
  • 200k
202 votes
9 answers

Command to list services that start on startup?

Is there a command to list services that run on startup? I imagine it would involve parsing /etc/init.d/, and the various /etc/rc.* directories.
Eric H's user avatar
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187 votes
24 answers

Tips to extend battery life for laptops and notebooks

This question is present as a matter of historical interest. While you are encouraged to help maintain its answers, please understand that "big list" questions are not generally allowed on ...
177 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between "systemctl start" and "systemctl enable"?

I installed MariaDB server to my machine. While setting up, I was met with the problem of whether I should have it enabled all the time, as the documentation I follow suggests with these steps: sudo ...
Chathurika Senani's user avatar
154 votes
4 answers

Disable autostart for a service without uninstalling? [duplicate]

How can I disable autostart for a service without uninstalling? For example, I'd like to leave tomcat installed, but I don't want it turning on every time I restart.
C. Ross's user avatar
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154 votes
2 answers

How do you get a list of all starting services?

I know about the update-rc.d SERVICE OPTIONS command to add and remove services from startup, but how do I use it to get a list of all the services that are currently configured to start at startup? ...
Lance Roberts's user avatar
150 votes
5 answers

Chkconfig alternative for Ubuntu Server?

I've become very accustomed to managing service startups on Redhat/RHEL platforms using chkconfig though that doesn't appear to be the Debian/Ubuntu way - How do I update runlevel information for ...
Marco Ceppi's user avatar
  • 48.3k
144 votes
2 answers

What is the technical difference between a daemon, a service and a process?

I want to know that what are differences in behavior of a daemon, a process and a service running in Ubuntu.
krupal6022's user avatar
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140 votes
4 answers

Network service discovery disabled: What does this mean for me?

Every time at boot I get a message “Network service discovery disabled. Your current network has a .local domain, which is not recommended and incompatible with the Avahi network service discovery. ...
Nickolai Leschov's user avatar
123 votes
2 answers

What's the difference between "Service" and "/etc/init.d/"?

I've been managing server installations both on and off Ubuntu flavor for some time - I've become quite adjusted to /etc/init.d/ for restarting servcies. Now I get this message: root@tatooine:~# /etc/...
Marco Ceppi's user avatar
  • 48.3k
120 votes
4 answers

How to read "service --status-all" results

I need to identify the currently running services but I can't figure out the results of running service --status-all, I mean what does ?, - and + mean ? $ service --status-all [ + ] acpid [ + ] ...
Muhammad Gelbana's user avatar
101 votes
5 answers

How to successfully restart a network without reboot over SSH?

In Ubuntu 14.04 neither sudo service networking restart nor sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart do anything any more. They also both exit with code 1. Something has obviously changed (or half changed) ...
SimonJGreen's user avatar
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94 votes
7 answers

What is the difference between "service restart" and "service reload"

I'm trying to understand the difference between service restart [someservice] and service reload [someservice]. I understand that restart restarts the service whereas reload reloads the configuration. ...
nxzr's user avatar
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88 votes
1 answer

Difference between systemctl init.d and service

I am new to linux and have been testing myself using an Amazon Lightsail instance (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS). Going through the many guides I have came across, I see people using different commands to start/...
Waqas Tariq's user avatar
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78 votes
6 answers

take changes in file sshd_config file without server reboot

I changed the configuration in: /etc/ssh/sshd_config but the changes were only applied after rebooting the server. How to apply changes without a reboot?
Maxim Yefremov's user avatar
76 votes
2 answers

How to disable AnyDesk autostart in Ubuntu?

AnyDesk runs in Ubuntu startup and I couldn't find any setting in order to disable it in its settings. How can I disable AnyDesk autostart?
Benyamin Jafari's user avatar
66 votes
2 answers

How to start and stop a service? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What’s the recommended way to enable / disable services? Are there any other command to start stop restart service in ubuntu other than the below following. service --status-...
user7044's user avatar
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64 votes
7 answers

How do I restart the SSH service?

How do I stop/start ssh? I've tried /etc/init.d/ssh restart sudo service ssh restart sudo restart ssh I get errors every time.
mia_tech's user avatar
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59 votes
3 answers

Systemd service, Working Directory not change the directory

I created this script: [Unit] Description=test [Service] WorkingDirectory=/home/someuser ExecStart=/ Restart=always RestartSec=10 StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog ...
Roi Amiel's user avatar
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55 votes
7 answers

What to do after Failed to start Load Kernel Modules

I tried to upgrade my system from Ubuntu 14.04. My laptop froze for a few hours. Not even the pointer did anything. So I switched off by pressing the power button for a few seconds. This uncompleted ...
Francisco's user avatar
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53 votes
3 answers

What does bamfdaemon do?

I've googled for it, and there's very little info besides "bamf matches application windows to desktop files". Unity depends on it so it's difficut to remove, at least would be good to know what it ...
user1350992's user avatar
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52 votes
4 answers

What is a masked service?

I would like to understand what a masked service is and how to unmask it if need be. I have been trying to start PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 16.04-LTS using the command systemctl start postgresql.service. ...
Joseph-L-S's user avatar
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51 votes
5 answers

vivid - failed to connect to upstart: connection refused

Just updated via do-release-upgrade and now certain upstart jobs such as fail2ban and plexmediaserver will not start (have tried reinstalling) $ sudo service fail2ban start Job for fail2ban.service ...
matty87a's user avatar
  • 511
49 votes
7 answers

What does this docker log entry mean?

Some minutes ago my computer crashed because apparently my hard drive was full. After booting in recovery mode I then found out that my syslog file in /var/log was 64GB large. I saved the end of the ...
Philip Z.'s user avatar
  • 810
46 votes
7 answers

Why is chkconfig no longer available in Ubuntu?

I can not use chkconfig tools in Ubuntu 12.10 It's a very useful tools to configure the service to autostart or not. Why is it no longer available?
王子1986's user avatar
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45 votes
5 answers

How to resolve "service start-limit-hit"

I am trying to run a Node.js API as a service, but am running into problems. When running systemctl status servicename.service I get the following error: servicename.service - [Service description] ...
Matthew's user avatar
  • 583
45 votes
9 answers

How can I disable avahi-daemon?

How can I disable avahi-daemon and can you explain to me how it runs if it appears as a service but it itsn't in rcN.d? You can stop reading here. In fact, please do unless you want to TEACH a noob ...
Robottinosino's user avatar
44 votes
9 answers

apt-get upgrade auto restart services

I have an unattended script for installing servers. At the beginning of the script there is a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade --yes. The dist upgrade has a nasty user input screen at its end asking to ...
julian bechtold's user avatar
44 votes
1 answer

Which to use - systemd OR supervisor?

I have a plugin for alerting on elasticsearch. This is run manually everytime python -m elastalert.elastalert --verbose --rule example_frequency.yaml By this way have to dedicate a screen to ...
luv.preet's user avatar
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43 votes
4 answers

How do I restart dnsmasq?

I can't figure out how to restart dnsmasq. service dnsmasq restart dnsmasq: unrecognized service SOLUTION Restart the network manager (his parent) sudo service network-manager restart
Rucent88's user avatar
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43 votes
2 answers

What is the use of systemd-journal-flush.service?

It slows my system boot time. Can i disable it? What will happen if i disable it on boot? I am using Ubuntu version 18.04.
vivek's user avatar
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42 votes
6 answers

Reloading iptables

I made changes to iptables config file in /etc/iptables/filter in Ubuntu and want to reload them. I read the man page and also googled but couldn't find the information. Any help will be appreciated.
user avatar
42 votes
2 answers

gvfsd-admin daemon authentication forces me to restart Ubuntu - VERY annoying!

I installed Ubuntu 20.04 on a new partition less than a week ago. I have not yet gotten all the basic stuff to work. But now, from time to time, 20.04 pops up a small window saying "...
Henrik R.'s user avatar
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42 votes
4 answers

Stopping a postgresql instance

For the sake of educational purposes I have two identical instances of postgresql running on my machine. I can easily stop the service of the instance that is running on port 5432 like this : sudo ...
Beatles1692's user avatar
40 votes
1 answer

sudo service status includes bad;

$ sudo service cassandra status ● cassandra.service - LSB: distributed storage system for structured data Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/cassandra; bad; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (...
matanox's user avatar
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36 votes
6 answers

How to supervise and automatically restart a process?

I want to have a process which will be restarted if it crashes. I googled a bit and found that an easy solution is to use daemontools. I didn't understand how to configure it. What is the easiest ...
opc0de's user avatar
  • 487
35 votes
3 answers

What is the systemctl equivalent

I am converting a package from .rpm to .deb using this tutorial. However, to test and debug the application I need to run it. The programs readme explains to run it as a service with: systemctl ...
Marnaw's user avatar
  • 351
32 votes
5 answers

How can I remove modem-manager from boot?

I would like to remove modem-manager service from my boot, how can I do it ?
Postadelmaga's user avatar
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31 votes
6 answers

How to correctly add a custom daemon to init.d?

I've got a 3-rd party proprietary application server daemon which can be started and stopped by couple of command lines. I need this daemon to start when the system starts up and correctly stopped on ...
Ivan's user avatar
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29 votes
7 answers

How to make a jar file run on startup & and when you log out?

I have no idea where to start looking. I've been reading about daemons and didn't understand the concept. More details : I've been writing a crawler which never stops and crawlers over RSS in the ...
RanZilber's user avatar
  • 393
28 votes
8 answers

GConf Error: No D-BUS daemon running?! How to reinstall or fix?

After installing Konquerer and restarting my laptop i got the following error while trying to open, edit or access files as root from within Terminal (which is existencial for me). root@linuxBox:/...
v2r's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

How to run a program as a service (silent)?

I have a python based server which i start from the terminal. This particular instance of the terminal then gives control to the program, and the program uses it as a kind of logging window, until its ...
U2ros's user avatar
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