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Questions related to the NVIDIA graphics and motherboard chipsets and the related drivers.

4 votes

Ubuntu no longer boots after reinstalling graphics driver

*nvidia will tell which nvidia related packages are installed. do sudo apt purge package-name on all of it, then do reboot and see if you can log in normally... … Install an older nVidia driver and see if that works (I'm using 470) if no; get back to the recovery mode root prompt and attempt to install e.g. version 470 of nvidia-drivers from there... type apt install …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes

Partial upgrade broke my system

sudo apt purge nvidia-driver-455 followed by the options to clean up what remains. e.g. … If that is not the case, try other nvidia driver packages, or even the nvidia-provided runtime (run it from the recovery console!), assuming there is a version that suits the hardware. …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes

Nvidia 384.111 driver upate: Login/password prompt disappears

nvidia-375 ii nvidia-375 384.111-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 Transitional package for nvidia-384 ii nvidia-384 … package for nvidia-opencl-icd-367 rc nvidia-opencl-icd-367 375.39-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 amd64 Transitional package for nvidia-opencl-icd-375 rc nvidia-opencl-icd-375 …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Nvidia 384.111 driver upate: Login/password prompt disappears

Using: sudo apt update .. brought in an update to nvidia 384.111 Next reboot made no login and password prompt appear, just the background image. …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

General last resort(?) RECOVERY MODE alternative for NVIDIA driver

e.g. what most answers in How do I install the Nvidia drivers? and many others aims at. …
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0 votes

General last resort(?) RECOVERY MODE alternative for NVIDIA driver

E.g. bash --uninstall or check dpkg --list | grep -i nvidia and use apt / apt-get to purge relevant portions of what is listed. Install the driver you DL:ed. … E.g. bash --install type reboot and press ENTER …
Hannu's user avatar
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9 votes

Can't login after Nvidia driver install v 14.04

Sadly, my experience is that: sudo apt-get purge nvidia* sudo apt-get install nvidia-current is not guaranteed to work. … cd /to/dir/with/ bash reboot I also recommend to update to kernel 3.16, as a means to bypass the numerous/imminent kernel 3.13 updates. …
Hannu's user avatar
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3 votes

Using NVIDIA drivers

Based on experience with driver versions labeled "testing", "edge" and similar, and also using the NVIDIA-provided binaries... Unless you have a VERY SPECIFIC reason to have the very latest... … . (*) Using NVIDIA binary driver ... e.g. the top two choices here: …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes

Ubuntu, boots to black screen

I would guess you need some form of nvidia driver. Type: $ apt install nvidia-driver- then hit TAB (twice?) ... and a load of stuff named nvidia-driver- will appear. …
Hannu's user avatar
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1 vote

Cannot upgrade / use Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu 22.04.3

try this: Hit Win/Super key and begin typing 'Update' - a pinkish icon named Software & Updates will appear - select or click on it. find the Additional Drivers tab and select any other than the "535" nvidia
Hannu's user avatar
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2 votes

How to choose default output port (boot screen) in a nvidia card?

Launch nvidia-settings either from a Terminal or from the Dash, then find and click X Server Display Configuration (the second line in the left side panel for me)... …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes

Every reboot alternatives for x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf and i386-linux-gnu_gl_conf are droppe...

Check here regarding uninstalling nvidia drivers, it is about "installing" but also contains how to remove what is present before that - might be you have missed something. …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes

Ethernet disappears after NVIDIA driver installation

( Hit the Super key (Win logo), type driver and click on the Additional Drivers icon. ) In the dialog; I expect there to be more than one NVidia driver... ... you might wish to try (select) something else … Rermoval: Boot in recovery mode and use apt to remove all nvidia related drivers. …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes

How repair nvidia driver to work?

There should be a set of nvidia driver versions available. Set a tick to the left of one that is NOT selected. Wait for it to complete, then reboot and see if things work better. … *nvidia.*' ... i.e. nvidia packages that remains installed. Note(2): $ nvidia-smi does not need sudo, normally(?) …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes

Nvidia driver 430 crashes KUBUNTU 18.04 LTS

Using 16.04 LTS here, running nvidia binary driver 384.130 without problems. Before switching driver, uninstall any separately downloaded nvidia driver. … (nvidia-cuda-toolkit is what I see in 16.04) …
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