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Questions about the management of software packages, in particular the APT and dpkg systems. Use this tag for general questions about package management, and also for questions that cover or compare different packaging systems. For specific package tools, use their own specific tag (like apt, dpkg, snap etc.).

2 votes

I am trying to install package fetch

You said in your question that you are "trying to install package fetch". fetch is a simple, flexible download tool built on the HTTP Fetcher library. There are other utilities out there that handle …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
2 votes

Error while installing libgraph on ubuntu 17.10

The default version of guile-x.x-dev in Ubuntu 17.10 repositories is guile-2.0-dev. guile-2.0-dev is also available in Ubuntu 18.04. Open the terminal and type: sudo apt install guile-2.0-dev If …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
2 votes

Find version of package on old ubuntu version

The release of gammu from Ubuntu 10.04 is version 1.26.1 that is available from Gammu 1.26.1-Download. To compile it you need some development environment for your platform and cmake (sudo apt install …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
2 votes

How linux command name are unique?

Type the command in the terminal to check if the package that installs that command is available from the default Ubuntu repositories. This example shows that command 'foo' is not found, and suggests …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
1 vote

Install software from an AUTOPACKAGE <*.package> on 18.04

autopackages from have been replaced by flatpak ("the future of application distribution") packages from Flathub. Flathub is the home of hundreds of apps which can be easily installed …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
2 votes

Which packages is installed by default in Ubuntu?

To determine whether a package is included by default in a given Ubuntu installation, search for the package name in the manifest file of that Ubuntu release. Examples Searching for the ubuntu-deskto …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
8 votes

How to install the latest version of one particular package

To install the power-profiles-daemon version 0.12 package from Ubuntu 22.10 in Ubuntu 22.04 run the following commands from the terminal: sudo apt update wget …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
1 vote

E: Unable to locate package lib-nl

Library for dealing with netlink sockets is named libnl-3-200 in all currently supported versions of Ubuntu. To install it open the terminal and type: sudo apt update sudo apt install libnl-3-200
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
2 votes

What is the Ubuntu archive manager?

The default application for extracting and compressing archives in Ubuntu is called Archive Manager.
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
1 vote

Are dependencies installed when I install an app from Ubuntu Software?

apt is short for Advanced Packaging Tool, the package manager for Debian-based distributions. Ubuntu Software installs the same dependencies that would be installed if you installed the same package w …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
3 votes

What package manager that upgrade incrementally beside snap?

Cupt (cupt) provides a console interface to Cupt library, which implements high-level package manager for Debian and derivatives. Cupt is written with flexibility and reliability in mind and uses dpkg …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
2 votes

How do I install a package found on ubuntu packages but apt-get cannot locate it?

You are running unsupported Ubuntu 14.04, so you'll have reinstall the OS. If you do reinstall Ubuntu, selecting 19.04 will make it easier to install PyGame (for Python 3), because it's included in th …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
1 vote

Can't install arm64 package

There are no download mirrors listed at Download Page for uuid-dev_2.27.1-6ubuntu3_arm64.deb on machines. The uuid-dev package for arm64 architecture appears to be unavailable from the official Ubuntu …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
1 vote

Do I need the package plasma-workspace on 18.04 with GNOME?

You don't need the package plasma-workspace in Ubuntu 18.04 and you can safely remove it with sudo apt remove plasma-workspace if you haven't installed any packages that have plasma-workspace as a dep …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
0 votes

18.04 apt-get install python3-netcdf4

Change directories to your desktop, download python3-netcdf4, and install it. Open the terminal and type: cd ~/Desktop/ apt download python3-netcdf4 sudo apt-get install ./python3-netcdf4_1.3.1-1_a …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k

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