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Linux is the name of the kernel used in Ubuntu as well as other GNU/Linux operating systems. Use this tag for questions related to upgrading and installing kernels, compiling, patches, and kernel modules.

0 votes

Dead graphical environment on update linux kernel 3.19.018

a) boot into recovery mode - preferrably with the old kernel. b) clean up, i.e remove the new kernel c) try to ensure that things are ok. d) reboot Note that having e.g. … Nvidia proprietary drivers may require uninstalling and then reinstalling to make them work again after a kernel update. …
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1 vote

Change clock resolution to 1000 Hz

make menuconfig won't work. Might depend on a simple $ sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev. Furthermore I'm not convinced just a simple CONFIG_HZ_1000 will make you happy, there might be oth …
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1 vote

Error while installing or configuring packages: cannot stat '/boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-45-generic'

Short version of answer; Boot a selected kernel that you KNOW have been running well, then check the output of $ uname -a Make sure to keep that version of the kernel (linux-image... above) and do …
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0 votes

need to downgrade to an older kernel in 22.04 from a live environment

Look up the recovery mode option for the previous kernel, boot it, do "fsck" (make sure disks are writable), enable network, drop to root prompt, uninstall the failing kernel, do update-grub and update-initramfs …
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1 vote

unable to install kernel 6.5.2 in 22.04

Generally there is very little gain in hunting the bleeding edge kernel versions. … If you still insist, try following instructions here: Another alternative:
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1 vote

Ubuntu 22.04.4 unusable after getting kernel 6.5.0-25

My advice is to simply remove the kernel (or any other package) that doesn't work properly, wait for next kernel update and see if that one is behaving better (or find a new alternative for anything other … Important: Leave at least one kernel, one that you have verified to work. Not entirely sure how hard (even possible?) …
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11 votes

Ubuntu 14.04 doesn't boot any more, kernel panic appears

This prints the currently ACTIVE kernel name - the one you're using. … Generally there is no need to keep more than the latest working option / kernel in the boot menus. …
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1 vote

VirtualBox doesn't start any VMs on Ubuntu 22.04

Virtualbox uses a "kernel module" to do its thing. Just as the text says above, you haven't got the tools to create that module. …
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7 votes

What does 176 mean in Linux magic SysRq key

For interpretation of the SysReq value you need to convert it into binary, then check which 'bits' are 1 telling whether the corresponding function is enabled. Typing e.g. $ python -c 'print( bin(176) …
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0 votes

Just upgraded to the latest kernel version and the desktop stops responding

FWIW: If darexon's suggestion doesn't help, you might have something to try here: if dpkg --list | grep linux-image lists kernels in the 3.13.0 'series' with versions ending in -27, -29 or -30... th …
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1 vote

Which compiler i have to use to understand C behaviour exact behaviour

$ gcc -Wall -pedantic -o hw hw-no-return.c hw-no-return.c:1:1: warning: C++ style comments are not allowed in ISO C90 [enabled by default] // 'Hello World!' program ^ hw-no-return.c:1:1: warning: …
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2 votes

Syslog error: "modprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia not found in directory /lib/modules/5.15.0-37-...

My guess: You have more than one kernel version installed; this is an effect of that. Check for installed kernel-related packages with: $ dpkg --list | grep -E "^ii. … *linux-(headers|image|hwe|modules)" ... and compare to the output of uname -rv Only one kernel version is required, a kernel one step older might be good to keep, in practice; if there would be some kind …
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3 votes

Kernal panic on fresh 14.04 install on Barebone Brix Pro i5-4570R

sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-30-generic sudo update-initramfs -u sudo update-grub2 ... or if you have the "-24" kernel (or any earlier kernel … I've had trouble with all kernel updates AFTER -24. …
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0 votes

Recommended branch

Not an answer; a sidenote: $ apt-get install linux-generic-lts-vivid Will install kernel version 3.19 $ apt-get install linux-generic-lts-utopic Will install kernel version 3.16 - giving this result … References: ... these seems not reflect the above though. …
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4 votes

14.04 Dpkg Found kernel: /memtest86+.bin issue (freeze during update-grub)

After a lot of trouble, solved by dpkg --audit # and then dpkg --configure # for packages listed
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