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APT is short for Advanced Packaging Tool, the package manager for Debian-based distributions. It is also the most used tool for installing packages in Ubuntu. Questions about using any of the apt commands should use this tag.

2 votes

I accidentally purged python2.7, can you help me restore?

Open the terminal and type: sudo apt install python-all sudo reboot sudo apt install python-wnck python-gnome2 python-six libgcj16 python-tdb python2.7-dev python-pymysql vprerex python-vte gvfs-backends … texlive-music m64py python-ptyprocess python-jinja2 prerex texlive-full libgtk-3-dev arronax libjack-jackd2-0 libjack-jackd2-0:i386 python-pkg-resources libpulse-dev python-html5lib python-all python-apt
karel's user avatar
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3 votes

artful release does not have a release file

There aren't any packages for Ubuntu 17.10 in ppa:ehoover/compholio, so remove this ppa from your software sources: sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ehoover/compholio sudo apt update Download … sudo apt install open-vm-tools-desktop …
karel's user avatar
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1 vote

Installed a package with apt-get but cannot remove

emacs is a metapackage in Ubuntu 20.04, not a real package, so you can't uninstall it with sudo apt-get purge emacs To uninstall Emacs in Ubuntu 20.04 run the following command: sudo apt purge emacs-gtk … emacs-lucid emacs-nox Here are the partial results of running sudo apt purge emacs-gtk emacs-lucid emacs-nox in my Ubuntu 22.04 which show that emacs and emacs-gtk packages would be removed: The following …
karel's user avatar
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0 votes

0% [Connecting to (]

The router had a restriction on port 80 for the IP address defined for the Ubuntu laptop which caused Unable to connect to [IP: 80] errors when trying to run sudo apt update . …
karel's user avatar
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0 votes

Where does apt-get install get packages from?

To show where apt-get install gets a specific package (e.g. chromium-browser) from, open the terminal and type: apt-cache policy chromium-browser | grep $(lsb_release -sc) The results will be one or two … lines showing the exact update server mirror and the exact repository from which apt and apt-get in your Ubuntu downloads the chromium-browser package. …
karel's user avatar
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0 votes

Interrupted apt but no error

sudo apt install sosreport Then run sosreport. sosreport The output will be a .tar.xz archive located in the /tmp folder. …
karel's user avatar
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5 votes

sudo apt-get 'NOSPLIT Error'

The domain that you are trying to connect to,, has expired. Choose a new download server in Software & Updates. Search for Software & Updates in the Dash and open it. In …
karel's user avatar
  • 116k
2 votes

have an error about locating the package during the install

Open the terminal and type: sudo apt-get install libnet1 …
karel's user avatar
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3 votes

How does the 'apt edit-sources' work?

The results of sudo apt edit-sources in my Ubuntu 22.04 are as follows: Select an editor. To change later, run 'select-editor'. 1. /bin/nano <---- easiest 2. /usr/bin/vim.tiny 3. … As the output of sudo apt edit-sources says, nano is the easiest and most Ubuntu users would be more comfortable with nano, but advanced Ubuntu users might prefer to use a more full-featured editor such …
karel's user avatar
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1 vote

How to Install

Open the terminal and run the following commands: cd ~/Downloads wget sudo apt install . …
karel's user avatar
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4 votes

What to do if "apt" does not work but "apt-get" does?

apt install is available starting in Ubuntu 14.04. In Ubuntu 14.04 and later it is possible to use either apt install or apt-get install. Your apt package in 14.04 is not up to date. … The latest version of apt in Ubuntu 14.04 is 1.0.1ubuntu2.17 from the security repository and your version of apt is apt 1.0.1ubuntu2 for i386. …
karel's user avatar
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3 votes

How to know the usage of the command before I download through command

There is an Ubuntu website that has exactly that purpose. It's called Ubuntu Apps Directory. Just visit the Ubuntu Apps Directory website, and type the name of the app you want more information about …
karel's user avatar
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2 votes

Where can I find a list of packages that are default to a distribution?

Also the GParted partition editor is removed during the Ubuntu installation process, but it can be reinstalled in Ubuntu with sudo apt install gparted. …
karel's user avatar
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6 votes

E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock. It is held by process 2608 (packagekitd)

Ubuntu Software was already updating its software database when you typed sudo apt update for the first time after opening your laptop. … After process 2608 is finished running you can run sudo apt update from the terminal without getting a E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock error message. …
karel's user avatar
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1 vote

NO_PUBKEY error after the key was successfully added

On each server node, use the curl command to download the key, then store it in a safe place (default is /usr/share/keyrings): curl -fsSL | sudo tee … Install Kubernetes tools with the command: sudo apt install kubeadm kubelet kubectl Set Kubernetes tools on hold: sudo apt-mark hold kubeadm kubelet kubectl Verify the installation with kubeadm version …
karel's user avatar
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