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Questions specific to 14.04 are no longer supported here and are supposed to be closed as off-topic. Fifth LTS (Long Term Support) release of Ubuntu, code-named "Trusty Tahr". Released on 17th April, 2014 and has reached its End Of Life (EOL) in April 2019.

0 votes

how to install microsoft office 2010 in ubuntu 14.04 without playonlinux or wine

If you need an MS Office compatible package, there are several versions available that are near 100% compatible, e.g. LibreOffice, version 4.2+ is available in the Ubuntu Software Center as 'LibreOffi …
Hannu's user avatar
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4 votes

Execute command in terminal an don't wait its return

Firefox 35 on Ubuntu 14.04 detaches itself from the shell, still printing errors though, to eliminate that output, try: firefox >/dev/null 2>&1 & The >/dev/null makes firefox's 'stdout …
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1 vote

Nautilus doesn't show the exact copy speed

The copying is likely to be cached and/or buffered (in memory) which is why you see the high numbers. To see "real" speed you would need to remove any caches and buffers, but the effect of it would p …
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11 votes

How to get back language icon that disappeared from my system(14.04)?

For Ubuntu 14.04: System Settings → Text Entry → Lower left corner: [v] Show current input source in the menu bar …
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0 votes

Display bug on resolution > 800 / ubuntu 14 on VMware

Please see - You're on Linux 3.13.0-29-generic -- as per the link, I suggest you downgrade to linux 3.13.0-24-generic (plausible fix), or check linux 3.13.0-30-ge …
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1 vote

Ubuntu 14.04 can't get nvidia-prime working

Here is a variant of the above, and a solution - for THIS case, possibly helping in the other cases too. SIDENOTE 1: if you do not run nvidia-settings with gksudo ... THE FIRST TIME (and do not hav …
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1 vote

Why do I always get this error when using 'apt-get' commands?

If you look at the results from this Google search result, you might get an idea of the cause of the trouble. I think this issue is due to some broken package and to clean out broken packages, I thin …
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11 votes

Ubuntu 14.04 doesn't boot any more, kernel panic appears

-- Boot menu, 14.04 LTS -- Ubuntu Advanced options for Ubuntu System Setup ... if not, try hitting ESC while the computer starts up... before and/or while "Ubuntu ....." is shown (if it is shown). … sudo update-initramfs -u # remakes boot ramdisk sudo update-grub2 # re-creates boot menu update 2015-05-17 How to use kernel 3.16 on 14.04 LTS …
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9 votes

Can't login after Nvidia driver install v 14.04

Sadly, my experience is that: sudo apt-get purge nvidia* sudo apt-get install nvidia-current is not guaranteed to work. Sadly it also is true that kernel updates and xorg or other graphics driver …
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1 vote

Add SCSI drive support in Ubuntu

Your disk probably contains partitions that do not mount automatically... By checking the content of dmesg | less ... you may look for what kind of action the addition of the drive actually tri …
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5 votes

Convert from one archive type to another using CLI

Basic Shell commands: $ cd $HOME $ mkdir tempdir $ cd tempdir $ tar -zxvf ../archive.tar.gz At this point you have a copy of the contents of archive.tar.gz in $HOME/tempdir/ $ zip -rmp password …
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0 votes

Ubuntu 12.02 32 bit printer program executable file cannot run properly in ubuntu 14.04 64 bit

There are at least two plausible major reasons for it not working: Software created for an older version of an OS, and you're trying to run it under a newer version, where the new OS has had numerou …
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3 votes

Kernal panic on fresh 14.04 install on Barebone Brix Pro i5-4570R

I run the first update and restart and then I get that log. Try this AFTER the update, before the restart. sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13 …
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0 votes

Recommended branch

Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS Release: 14.04 Codename: trusty Linux wkbox 3.16.0-46-generic #62~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Aug 11 16:27:16 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU … /Linux Neither of the above will leave 14.04 using the 3.13 series of kernels. …
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4 votes

14.04 Dpkg Found kernel: /memtest86+.bin issue (freeze during update-grub)

After a lot of trouble, solved by dpkg --audit # and then dpkg --configure # for packages listed
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