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Use this tag if you have trouble booting Ubuntu or you have questions about the bootup process.

0 votes

need to downgrade to an older kernel in 22.04 from a live environment

Try the easier option first: Boot, hit ESC ONCE as the "BIOS" text appears, this should make the grub boot selection menu appear. … Look up the recovery mode option for the previous kernel, boot it, do "fsck" (make sure disks are writable), enable network, drop to root prompt, uninstall the failing kernel, do update-grub and update-initramfs …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes

Boot full of older images - need to remove for updates

Open a terminal (CTRL+ALT+T), then type (this is an EXAMPLE - and skip the \'es if you put it on a single line): sudo apt-get purge \ linux-headers-3.16.0-51 \ linux-headers-3.16.0-51-generic \ linu …
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1 vote

Newbie Ubuntu 22.04.2 on thumb drive "symbol 'grub_file_filters' not found"

That looks like something is broken in what you're attempting to boot... To ensure that you actually got the ISO in expected state... … Then make sure you get the ISO into the thumb-drive, and boot it. …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 answers

Ubuntu 22.04, delayed boot due to "r8152" NIC-driver problem?

I have Ubuntu 22.04.03 in a VMWare machine - just recently it began having a problem to boot in a timely manner. Approximately 40 seconds is spent on probing for a nonexistant(!?) …
Hannu's user avatar
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2 votes

Tried installing ubuntu on ssd failed

/root/ and swapfile are owned by root, not accessible for the normal user. Open a terminal and type ls -l / and you will see a lot of root root and drwx------ on some of them ...the latter is the chow …
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0 votes

Ubuntu - my computer boots to a blank screen with a prompt after Updates

A less invasive action to take as /boot/ is full (the most common cause as it seems)... Boot into recovery mode, then do... $ dpkg --list | grep -E "^ii. …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes

ubuntu failed to boot and just stuck

a: 18.04 is 'end of life' so not supported, updates are likely to fail solely because of this (unless you have Extended Security Maintenance, b: for a fully enabled …
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0 votes

Gave up waiting for root file system device...HELP

In general terms: Boot the install media in "Try ubuntu" mode $ lsblk in a terminal tells which disks the OS know about. Mount your installed Ubuntu's / disk ($ sudo mount /dev/sd.. …
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0 votes

Ubuntu does not boot, kernel panic - not syncung: Fatal exeption in interrupt

Make that ISO the primary boot disk for the VM, and the full disk a secondary disk. Boot, you should be able to access the secondary disk. …
Hannu's user avatar
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4 votes

Ubuntu no longer boots after reinstalling graphics driver

Boot, as the "BIOS" text appears, hit ESC once (If that does not work, try holding down either SHIFT key) ... that should make the "grub menu" appear. …
Hannu's user avatar
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3 votes

/dev/sda1 /boot is full

# re-creates boot menu edit This... … find /boot -type f -printf "%-16s %p\n" | sort -nr | head -n 20 ... will show you the 20 largest files in /boot
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11 votes

Ubuntu 14.04 doesn't boot any more, kernel panic appears

Do you see the boot menu? … sudo update-initramfs -u # remakes boot ramdisk sudo update-grub2 # re-creates boot menu As you have done that - assuming nothing reads "error …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes

make old boot drive a data drive - make it unbootable

To have it available at every boot, without the need for the above mount you need to find the correct settings to fill in on a single line in /etc/fstab (sudo nano /etc/fstab - to edit the file, in a nice … Either boot a "live disk" (e.g. Ubuntu install media in "try mode") with gparted present or do sudo apt install gparted from a shell/terminal. …
Hannu's user avatar
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0 votes

Ubuntu, boots to black screen

Assumption: You successfully installed Ubuntu, now getting "a black screen" when attempting a boot. Hit ESC once at the moment the BIOS displays disappears - do you get "grub menu"? …
Hannu's user avatar
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1 answer

GRUB_TIMEOUT=3 # Ignored?

Found linux image: vmlinuz-6.8.0-31-generic in rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_xxxxxx Found initrd image: initrd.img-6.8.0-31-generic in rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_xxxxxx Found memtest86+ 64bit EFI image: /BOOT/ubuntu_xxxxxx … Systems on them will not be added to the GRUB boot configuration. Check GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER documentation entry. Adding boot menu entry for UEFI Firmware Settings ... done $ reboot …
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