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Questions tagged [routing]

Use this tag when the topic is related to managing the paths that IP traffic will take. This includes subnets created by access points, and on the high end it could be multiple feeds coming through a Cisco unit.

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81 votes
6 answers

How can I make VirtualBox guests share the host's VPN connection?

Question When I start my VPN on my ubuntu desktop computer which acts as a router, the attached subnet loses internet connectivity, but is still accessible (LAN). Ideally, I would like to know how to ...
Programster's user avatar
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65 votes
10 answers

OpenVPN connecting but no internet access on Ubuntu 16.04 / 18.04 / 20.04

I'm trying to connect to a VPN using OpenVPN. I tried using network-manager with OpenVPN plugin and tried too in terminal with ovpn.conf file. Everything connects (it says connection established) in ...
Shantanu Shady's user avatar
61 votes
8 answers

How to set static routes in Ubuntu Server?

I have used Ubuntu since Ubuntu 8.10; today I'm working with Ubuntu 12.04 Server. I am having difficulty keeping static routes on booting. I would usually put the route commands /sbin/route add -...
Frank Allan's user avatar
56 votes
3 answers

How to make IP forwarding permanent?

I know that I can enable IP forward by echoing 1 to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward, but how can I make this permanent? By the way I want another method rather than start up scripts, is there any?
Hojat Taheri's user avatar
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32 votes
3 answers

Default gateway changing

I am using 3 ethernet interfaces on Ubuntu but when I restart, the default gateway is changing to a different interface. Each time I boot I have to change default gateway back to the eth1 by deleting ...
Baran's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

How to set up dual wired and wireless connections?

My laptop has both wireless and a wired connection capabilities. Can I connect to a router A using wireless and a separate router B using wired ethernet at the same time without having to switch back ...
Col's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

persist port routing from 80 to 8080

I use amazon EC2 instance which works via ubuntu. By default according security restrictions I can't bin my application to port 80, so I just bind it port 8080 and then set routing redirect from port ...
Ph0en1x's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

How to set routes for my vpn connection

In my previous question I was asking about setting up vpnc connection. I've installed network-manager-vpnc so now I can configure all this stuff right from network manager gui. I have got this pretty ...
fl00r's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Adding route on client using OpenVPN

So this is my setup. Laptop Running Ubuntu OpenVPN version 2.3.2 I connect to a OpenVPN server that connects to an off-site network. I get the OpenVPN client running and I can ping the VPN server. ...
Jocke's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

How to route all internet traffic through Tor (the onion router)?

Could you explain how to route all internet traffic through tor? I am using Ubuntu I really don't know how to do it. Actually I am using tor for twitter only, and I'm afraid of DNS leak. So I need to ...
user178493's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

How to toggle NetworkManager's "Use this connection only for resources on its network" option via command line

At my work we have some test machines that we run scripts on via ssh. During the test we want to only have the machines access the local network through their Ethernet connection, but then would like ...
user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Forwarding traffic between 2 interfaces

I have 2 VLANs connected to a 'router'. All the machines can ping other machines within their own VLAN and the router. The router can ping all of the machines. I am trying to get machines to talk to ...
Konstantin Tarashchanskiy's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How to tell what interface a TCP connection will go out on?

I have a server with multiple ethernet interfaces. What's the easiest way to tell what interface an outgoing TCP connection will go out over? The results of "netstat -rn" is greek to me, so if your ...
brooks94's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Set up permanent routing (Ubuntu 13.04) [duplicate]

I have 2 connections: wlan0 (gw: and eth0 (gw: My default connection is wlan0, but I wanted some websites load through my eth0, so I set up routing for those websites/IPs ...
Azamat's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

How to get rid of route?

This is from route -n command. Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface 192.168.1.x UG 600 0 ...
user633551's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Reproducing a set of ip commands in netplan

I recently upgraded to ubuntu 18.04 from 16.04 and am trying to figure out how to get my ip route and ip rule commands that I used to put in /etc/network/interfaces working under netplan. These are ...
Colton Myers's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Trying to enable IPv6 results in a "No route to host" error

I'm configuring a dual stack network on a KVM server using static IPv4 and IPv6 addresses furnished by my provider. I input all addresses, nameservers and gateways as required when installing Ubuntu. ...
Alessandro Menti's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Can't delete a route with gateway

I'm trying to set up my routes in a way that will allow me to connect to Vagrant box of Solum demo. My routing table contains, but is not limited to, following routes: $ route -n Kernel IP routing ...
Dragomok's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Network Manager breaks manual routes

I have Ubuntu 13.10, Saucy Salamander x64 running as a guest in VirtualBox (with Windows 7 as a host). I wrote this /etc/network/interfaces because I need to add a large number of permanent, manual ...
Reinderien's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

multiple NICs under ubuntu 18.04

How to translate what we had to do to have 2 independent stream of traffic on 2 or more NIC interfaces with the new + systemd-networkd? auto ens2 iface ens2 inet static address 192.168.5....
vigilian's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How is the loopback device implemented?

The loopback networking interface is a virtual network device implemented entirely in software. But how is this implementation actually accomplished and how do you manipulate it? As far as I ...
Skyo Livede's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Two Network cards and ip forwarding

I want to make "Ubuntu 11.10" act as a router. I have two LAN interfaces. Let's say interface A' IP is ; interface B's IP is How can I configure Ubuntu so that 172.16.1....
Isara Rungvitayakul's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

route table explanation

I'm a newbie. Recently I used the command ip route ls to print my route table. Here is the content: dev wlan0 proto kernel scope link src metric 2 I'm curious about ...
alexle85's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Understanding my route table

this isn't programming at all, but I've seen related topics so I thought why not. I am using ubuntu and currently trying to learn basic networking. I read a lot of theory, so I understand the terms (...
yotamoo's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to change default interface for internet?

I have a PC with Ubuntu server 18.04 installed on it and I'm trying to use this PC as a server. There are 2 interfaces involved here: To provide Its internet, I am using an android smartphone that ...
ali's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Use two networks at the same time?

I want to use Ubuntu 10.10 Server in a classroom, a computer lab whose bandwidth is provided by a local cable ISP. That's no problem, though the school network has an IP printer that I want to use. I ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu 18.04 as a router

Ubuntu 18.04. I have been given a requirement to use Ubuntu as a simple router. The Ubuntu box has 2 interfaces - ens33 DHCP, ens38 33 is outside, 38 is inside for my purposes. ...
Doug's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Sharing an internet connection through the Ethernet port

I have a small living room PC (Bohica, running fully-updated Ubuntu 10.10/Maverick) connected to my HDTV that I use for web browsing and media streaming. It connects via WiFi (wlan0) to my Fedora ...
user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to use netplan to create two separate routing tables?

I have an Ubuntu 18.04 host with two network interfaces on two subnets. I would like to set up symmetric routing so that traffic received from one interface is sent symmetrically out that same ...
Stefan Lasiewski's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Connecting to other LAN computers using their names [duplicate]

I have a LAN at home with my desktop and my laptop. IP addresses are allocated dynamically to both, so the IP number keep changing. I try to connect from one to the other using places->Server, and in ...
Charbel's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Configure NIC as dedicated VPN interface

I have a setup with two ethernet connections. I'm trying to configure it so that one of the interfaces (eth1) is configured for use with OpenVPN and is not a default route for anything. (Connections ...
Sam's user avatar
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6 votes
0 answers

Integration multiple internet connections ISPUnity vs Ubuntu Bonding [closed]

I have Ubuntu 13.04 with 2 ethernet cards and a WiFi card. I also have 3 ISP connections. I have to configure linux to use all 3 connections. My main concern is to increase outgoing bandwidth (FTP ...
Roman Podlinov's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Network manager no default route

This problem started about three weeks ago, apparently after an update. When I connect to a new wifi network, I reach local connectivity only; my laptop connects and receives an IP address ...
Stefan  Dawydiak's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Configuring routes so that vpn is only used for local resources

After searching far and wide for a comprehensive answer and trying out multiple solutions which didn't work I am turning to the community. I am using a VPN connection to access certain network ...
nixpix's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

openssh server is refusing connections by blocking or resetting

On a quite fresh install of Ubuntu 14.04 (machine1), I have openssh-server with a completely default config. When connecting from machine2 on the LAN, with an empty ~/.ssh, I get the following debug ...
quuxman's user avatar
  • 171
5 votes
1 answer

IPv6 gateway computer - How to set up routing?

I'm trying to use a linux VM as an IPv6 internet gateway for another VM. I have a server installed for which I received the ipv6 prefix 2001:abcd:1234:5678::/64 (Note I edited the prefixes for privacy ...
Christina Korosec's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Hybrid wireless network repeating

Summary: I'd like to use two Ubuntu computers to extend/compliment an existing wireless access point. I have a network which currently looks a bit like this: What the diagram doesn't show is the ...
Oli's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Use a VPN only for some specific routes

I want to use a VPN only for some specific routes (so that the default route is not on the VPN). So in the Add VPN dialog I selected the "Use this connection only for resources on its network&...
Wizard79's user avatar
  • 161
5 votes
0 answers

Using Ubuntu 14.04 as router with iptables, clients can't go online. Probably DNS issue, iptables setting needed [closed]

CORRECTION 3: SOLVED! I needed to add the the official DNS server of my departement's VLAN as DNS to the clients. I've read through a large number of posts about iptables issues when using Linux as ...
zerweck's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to route all traffic through vpn adapter?

I'm using SoftEther, but that may be irrelevant. I have the following adapter: vpn_myadapter: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet6 [redacted] prefixlen 64 ...
David Kamer's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

IPv6 default route NOT being set netplan Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS

Am unable to configure the default route using netplan on an Ubuntu 18.04.2 system. The route works when explicit ip -6 route add ... commands are issued. Privacy extensions have been disabled: /etc/...
Sachin Garg's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Two hosts can't ping one another

I have two hosts in my network. Both are connected to my router. From another host, I can ping and ssh into both of them. Both have an excellent connection to all other hosts. However, they cannot ...
Jos's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to setup multiple WANs with load balancing?

What is the best way to setup multiple WAN's into a Ubuntu distro and load balance? I have two internet connections, one static and one dynamic and I need to combine and load balance them. I have been ...
jon3laze's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Routing and OpenVPN

O have small problem with routing and OpenVPN. After start of VPN connection all traffic goes through my OpenVPN server. But my server is behind ADSL router with 16/2 MBit Download/Upload speed. So i ...
UNIm95's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

ip route add -- Error: either "to" is duplicate, or "" is a garbage

19.04 The system boots without a default route. Then when I try to add a default route, there is this error. The error occurs even when I completely clear the routing table. The ip address is ...
Stephen Boston's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Route all traffic of a machine through another within a subnet?

I have two computers, both running ubuntu 12.04 64 bit. I need to route traffic of one computer through the other. computer A: (eth0) computer B: (eth0), (eth1), ...
N. S.'s user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu Server 12.04 as a router. Problem with DNS?? Or Routing table?

I have a virtualbox lab made up of 4 Windows 2008 R2 servers (DC/DNS,SQL,SHAREPOINT, EXCHANGE) that are configured with static ip addresses with NIC's attached to Internal network. Everything works. ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Trying to route traffic through a tunnel server error: "Nexthop has invalid gateway"

Short version: we have servers in another data center and we have an openvpn tunnel between them. For the first time, I need to hang server on a different subnet from the tunnel server and I'm ...
Scott Ricketts's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

Enable packet routing from network interface eth0 to bridge interface

I have a Ubuntu server connect to LAN (bond0), and an Macbook connect to LAN (eno1) There are another bridge create by brctl addbr br0 in Ubuntu, and there ...
王予智's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

My server does not forward packets between interfaces. What am I missing? [closed]

I'd like to get my Ubuntu 11.04 server to route packet between its two network interfaces. The two ethernet interfaces (eth0, eth1) work apparently well as such. Both have static IP addresses (192....
nhorst's user avatar
  • 41

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