I want to list all services that starts with the letters lc-. Then I want to restart them.

How can I attchive this? I was thinking something like:

systemctl -l | grep ?? | systemctl restart ???


2 Answers 2


You can list the unit files with..

systemctl list-unit-files | grep -Eo '^lc-.*\.service'

-E means you are going to use an extended regex expression.

-o means you want only the matching parts.

'^lc-.*\.service' is the regular expression to get only those services that start with 'lc-'.

Then to restart all of them you can use wildcards in your command

systemctl restart 'lc-*'
  • @kos OP did ask for 'lc' not 'ls' as far as I can see. '^lc-[^ ]*' will capture lines starting with 'lc-' and omit the extra info after the first word. I've made the other changes you've suggested.
    – slowcoder
    Commented Jun 18 at 19:13
  • 2
    Note that restart is not limited to restarting already started/running units but will also start those which aren’t already started/running if they match that pattern.
    – Raffa
    Commented Jun 18 at 19:27
  • 2
    (Small nit: you don't really need to use -E as you're not using any extended regex feature)
    – kos
    Commented Jun 18 at 19:30
  • 3
    ... there's try-restart which according to the man page only restarts already-running units Commented Jun 18 at 20:09
  • 1
    Using @steeldriver 's last suggestion along with a pattern such as lc-*.service, to restrict the targets to only services as asked in the question, is the best way to tackle this and makes jumping through hoops the way I did in my answer unnecessary: systemctl try-restart 'lc-*.service'
    – kos
    Commented Jun 19 at 5:43

systemctl can filter by unit type and unit state on its own, not to mention it can print the output as a JSON file, which allows extremely robust parsing, so you could print only running services as a JSON file:

systemctl --type=service --state=running --output=json

filtering out elements whose unit key's value doesn't start with lc-, printing just the unit's name:

jq -r '.[] | .unit | select(test("^lc-"))'

passing the output to xargs -r + sudo systemctl restart (the -r switch will prevent xargs from running sudo systemctl restart in case no running service matching the criteria was found; note that valid unit names can't include whitespace per systemd's specifications so piping the output to xargs -r directly is safe):

xargs -r sudo systemctl restart

Putting everything toghether:

systemctl --type=service --state=running --output=json |
    jq -r '.[] | .unit | select(test("^lc-"))' |
    xargs -r sudo systemctl restart
  • sudo systemctl --type=service --state=running --output=json | sudo jq -r '.[] | sudo .unit | sudo select(test("^ls-"))' | sudo xargs systemctl restart jq: error: syntax error, unexpected IDENT, expecting end of file (Unix shell quoting issues?) at <top-level>, line 1: .[] | sudo .unit | sudo select(test("^ls-")) jq: 1 compile error Too few arguments.
    – Europa
    Commented Jun 18 at 9:20
  • @Europa You're adding way too many sudo and some of them are breaking parsing, just add a sudo before the systemctl command: systemctl --type=service --state=running --output=json | jq -r '.[] | .unit | select(test("^ls-"))' | xargs sudo systemctl restart
    – kos
    Commented Jun 18 at 9:23
  • 1
    @Europa "Too few arguments" is because there were no results for the expression "^ls-" ... You needed "^lc-" instead.
    – Raffa
    Commented Jun 18 at 9:37
  • @Raffa Thanks for implicitly pointing out the possible issue, luckily nothing would break if no service matches the regex in this case, but to be honest it's incidental, I didn't explicitly cater for that :) however they're also putting sudo inside the jq expression, so maybe there are services starting with lc- and the jq expression, broken as is, is breaking the pipe. On that note I have yet to figure out if they want to match lc- or ls-, they wrote two different things in the title and in the body of the question...
    – kos
    Commented Jun 18 at 9:45
  • You're welcome, that's a minor issue which is not your fault ... However, your solution is as accurate, controlled, and efficient as it gets IMHO
    – Raffa
    Commented Jun 18 at 9:56

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