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Questions tagged [remote-login]

a service which enables users to log in to Ubuntu remotely (from another system / device / location).

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90 votes
4 answers

Login SSH with .ppk file on Ubuntu Terminal

I have a production server. To login to the server I must use a .ppk file. How to login with Ubuntu Terminal and .ppk file? I tried this : ssh -i location/file.ppk username@server-ip but it is ...
Andhika Maheva Wicaksono's user avatar
31 votes
2 answers

How to change Gsettings via remote shell?

I need to automate desktop configuration via Puppet, virtual terminal or ssh. Unfortunately, invocation of gsettings via ssh or virtual terminal gives: gsettings set org.compiz.core:/org/compiz/...
Adam Ryczkowski's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

How to open the display from ssh login?

Is there any way to open the desktop display from terminal(ssh login)?
idiot's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Open server browser in local browser

When I ssh into my server and do my things there. How can I for example open a browser on the remote machine, and display it on my local machine, I run Ubuntu desktop on my local machine. On server ...
An0n's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Command-line control login remotely from another computer

I need a way to get command-line control of a computer remotely, from another computer. That is, I need a secure way to log in from another machine on the network using a terminal.
user1471's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Local ubuntu desktop cannot login after logging in remotely via Xrdp session

I login remotely to my PC (Ubuntu 18.04, XRDP 0.9.5) from my laptop (Windows 10) using windows remote desktop. Once I have logged in remotely to Ubuntu, I cannot login locally to it (for times when I ...
John Bolton's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

VNC for remote login with Wayland? -- 20.04

I've been running Ubuntu 20.04 for some time now. I had a remote machine set up so that I could VNC into it using x11vnc at the login screen if necessary using the Xauthority file at /run/user/125/gdm/...
b_laoshi's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Where does openssh-server get the "Last Login" information from?

Where does openssh-server get the "Last Login" information from? I recently logged in remotely from a Windows machine using SSH Secure Shell 3.2.9 and the reported last login was from a network ...
Andrew Shum's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

For new AWS instance, "Using username "ubuntu". Server refused our key."

I have been using Amazon EC2 instances in AWS. I have been successful connecting with WinSCP to a variety of instances, including Amazon Linux, Rocky Linux, SUSE, and CentOS 6, 7, and 8. All of ...
Eric's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Restrict SSH-login with public-key only to selected users

Using OpenSSH, I have enabled ssh-login to my Ubuntu 18.04 machine, call it Remote and my user account on Remote is called Remote-User. I have also made sure that login is only possible by means of ...
Orest Xherija's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Multiple user login via xrdp with separate session: How to do that?

I have been trying to set up a RDP connection using xrdp and have been having significant trouble getting a working configuration. When a user logs on, I need it to connect with a new session. So ...
prateek ojha's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to Remove Guest Session and Remote Login from Ubuntu 13.04

In the login screen, I see Guest Session and Remote Login. I don't want these option, How can i remove them from my system and login screen both.
Hrithik Roshan's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Remote login on Ubuntu 14.04

On Ubuntu 13.10 in Login screen there was an option for Remote Login.Where is this option in Ubuntu 14.04?How can I enable it?
und3rd06012's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I enable remote login in 13.10?

So far I have tried: checking the appropriate boxes in "Desktop Sharing," and then trying to log in using my email address from "Remote Login" at the login prompt on a different machine. It doesn't ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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3 answers

Ubuntu Server 16.04 - Can't login to SSH user even though password is correct

Edit: just so mods don't mark this as duplicate, I have seen pretty much all related questions and none of them have helped me. Let me just state before beginning that I am relatively new to linux ...
Alexandre Voloch's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to elimitate ssh login delay

i have a small (4 seconds) login delay on my 18.04 ubuntu servers, that drives me crazy: $ time ssh root@gateway exit real 0m4,066s user 0m0,015s sys 0m0,005s I've already checked the "...
Alexander Gaengel's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Use GNOME Remote Desktop before the very first login

I already read similar post, like this or this. I have a remote PC that I turn on from a remote place using a "magic" Wake On LAN packet though (so no direct access to it). I am currently ...
Nicholas Redi's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to connect my Ubuntu server to VirtualBox Ubuntu guest installation

I have a server machine running Ubuntu 14.0.4 LTS. I have installed exactly the same OS version on a VirtualBox guest running on Windows 8 guest machine. Both machines have internet connectivity. ...
Homunculus Reticulli's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Failed remote connection to University windows client [closed]

In my university we use Matlab, and to use it at home (to write the lab reports) we need to remote access the client with an RDP file. So, after searching for options I tried using Remmina to access ...
Ilan Kaboom's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to login to the MySQL in Ubuntu from Windows?

How to access MySQL directly with MySQL ac but skip the Ubuntu login? As I PuTTY to MySQL server in Ubuntu, the first login is Ubuntu account. I would like to skip this part and login to the MySQL ...
Denise Wun's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to connect two personal computers using ssh? [duplicate]

I have used ssh before to login to a remote server connected via LAN. I have two personal computers running on Ubuntu. Is it possible to connect the two using ssh so that I can login from one system ...
user avatar
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2 answers

ssh welcome message is suddenly gone

When I log in into my ubuntu server via ssh the only message that I get is the last login Last login: Sun Oct 30 18:26:33 2022 from However, previously I got Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.1 ...
Nathanael Skrepek's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

VNC not working when Desktop Sleep [duplicate]

I need to use VNC client on an Ubuntu Desktop. When the machine is not sleep, I do VNC. But it is sleep, and I try to connect with VNC, it will say the machine is not up. Is there a method that allow ...
Nygen Patricia's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

X11VNC When open VNC connection my desktop is being kind of duplicated

Pretty new to Linux, so my question might be a dummy one. I have ubuntu 20.10 on raspberry Pi 4 (8GB) with Desktop environment. Installed X11VNC and spent some time configuring it. After few hours ...
MNikk's user avatar
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0 answers

Ubuntu Remote Desktop Failed: Login Failed for Display 0

Relatively new Ubuntu user here who's trying to learn how to setup a remote desktop. I've tried to do so on Ubuntu 18.04.4 to connect from a Windows 10 PC but I keep getting the same error "Login ...
Macroxela's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Login failed when trying to log onto Ubuntu 16.04 from Windows 7 using Windows RDP

I've seen this problem reported a few times for example this Ask Ubuntu question: Xrdp login failed but none of the questions had answers which worked for me - so I am raising a new post to try and ...
robbie70's user avatar
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3 answers

Ubuntu Server 14.04: How to keep the state in remote desktop sessions?

I need to prepare an Ubuntu server for concurrent use for 5 users. The idea is using this server from Windows 7/8 clients remotely, through "Remote Desktop"-like applications. At this moment I have ...
iamgin's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Remote Desktop connection getting black from ubuntu 13

I have installed xrdp in Ubuntu and while I try to connect the remote desktop from Windows 7 to the Ubuntu machine, the session is being connected but all I am seeing is a full black screen. Kindly ...
user241238's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Getting this error "puttygen: error loading `name.ppk': PuTTY key format too new"

I have a file name.ppk. I'm want to login ssh with .ppk file on Ubuntu Terminal. I have try this post Login SSH with .ppk file on Ubuntu Terminal but getting this error "puttygen: error loading `...
Shou's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
4 answers

Ubuntu 18.04: ssh won't let me login to another computer on my small home network

I have two laptops and one desktop computer at my home, all running Ubuntu 18.04. Openssh-server and ssh is installed on each of them. However, I am unable to login from one of them onto another of ...
Saul Lubkin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to turn off Remote login?

How do I turn off Remote Login? I don't want people to login to my computer remotely.
user217732's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

SSH service not responding

I have a headless Ubuntu running on a regular PC in my garage. I use SSH to access it. It's running a good handful of Docker containers, including dashdot which indicates the CPU is under normal load ...
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Allow Remote Users to Add/Remove Printers

This is driving me up the wall! I feel I'm so close, but I'm probably missing just one tiny detail. I have a Ubuntu desktop setup to be a CUPS server. I need to add printers via the GUI interface, ...
linad181's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

/etc/ not displaying system information for SSH logins

I would like to display some system information in /etc/ However, when I sudo pico /etc/ and add the following, it just returns plain text when I login user@box:~$ cat /etc/issue....
sn4ke's user avatar
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0 answers

Login via xrdp session doesn't register as logged-on user

When I open a xrdp session (xorg) to my Linux system and check for existing user logins via who or last, there is no entry for the xrdp session. Why is that? And is there a way to show current and/or ...
Albin's user avatar
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0 answers

No GUI to login, but can access remotely

We have a problem with some of our desktops, and I do not know what to do about it. The OS is Ubuntu 18.04: 5.3.0-51-generic #44~18.04.2-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 23 14:27:18 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 ...
Aa Aa's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Can't login to a remote server after uploading ssh key to the remote server

I tried installing ssh-key on a remote server. However I can't login into the remote server without using password My effort is described in this... How can I solve the problem?
saichand's user avatar
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0 answers

read variable value from xterm and export value in another bash file

I am trying to do a remote desktop connection between Ubuntu desktop and another Ubuntu system. I want to develop an application so it is necessary to use shell command. ssh -X or -Y username@...
Viral Nakrani's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Connect on Ubuntu server 16.04 from windows via remote desktop

I am a newbie with Ubuntu and I am trying to connect to my Ubuntu 16.04 server from my windows machine via its default remote desktop connection. I was following the solution mentioned in this post: ...
Gjergj Jorgji's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to use GPU for OpenCL from command line remote login

I use OpenCL accelerated math on my workstation which I can only access remotely via command line from Windows. I have no desire to have a VNC desktop or tunnel X through ssh. When I am not logged in ...
Jack Wasey's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Remote login program and disconnect

I'm not sure if this is possible, but I'm trying to run a program in remote login, and then disconnect whereas the program is running. More specifically: I have a Matlab program which ends with the ...
alvgom's user avatar
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1 answer

Access my ubuntu terminal form other computer

I having a Ubuntu 14.04 system in my office. I want to access the Terminal of my office system from home itself. I have enabled SSH and its is working fin with the local network connection in office ...
surendar's user avatar
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2 answers

Setting DEBIAN_FRONTEND remotely

Is there any way to set DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive when executing a script remotely via SSH? Doing so I get this error: sudo: sorry, you are not allowed to set the following environment variables: ...
Socrates's user avatar
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How do I login to connected drive that has Ubuntu installed

I'm running Ubuntu Live USB right now. My SSD has Ubuntu installed on it, but it's having boot issues. I want to login to this SSD so I can run some updates. I was able to do this yesterday but I lost ...
Philip Rego's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Reboot through SSH not back online [duplicate]

I am using Ubuntu 16 desktop, but I do plan to SSH into my machine just as much, if not more, than I use it as a desktop. I am noticing that when I issue an sudo reboot command while I am SSH'd in, ...
E.S.'s user avatar
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1 answer

How to let Chrome Remote Desktop run with encrypted /home before login

Background: I have a headless system put on a public place. I installed Chrome Remote Desktop on it, so that it can automatically launch several desktop applications after boot, and I can connect ...
user2686101's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Will ConnectWise work on Ubuntu?

Will ConnectWise work on Ubuntu 20.10? I downloaded a file called 'ConnectWiseControl.Client.jnlp' but I don't know how to run it as it's a text file. Alan
asharpham's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to use PuTTY to login MySQL account directly?

How to PuTTY access MySQL directly with MySQL ac but skip the Ubuntu login? I would like to skip the Ubuntu login to access the MySQL server with MySQL account directly by PuTTY. Thanks!
Denise Wun's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Grey screen background during logon

Earlier during log on my screen's background used to be purple,but now it has become grey in colour,is it OK?But can anyone tell me why does did it happen.And,how can I switch from Lubuntu to Ubuntu?...
saisanjeev's user avatar
0 votes
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Ubuntu 24.04 gnome-remote-desktop

So I'm not a IT person. I'm attempting to find a way that using gnome-remote-desktop to be able to log in from windows rdp client and reconnect where i left off without looking like a brand new login. ...
Andrei RM's user avatar