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Questions tagged [remote-access]

the process of accessing a system remotely, over the network. eg via vnc or ssh.

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Enabling remote access to ArangoDB web interface

I am currently experimenting with ArangoDB installed on my Ubuntu 18.04 server. One of the really neat things about ArangoDB is the nicely designed web interface it provides for managing the database....
DroidOS's user avatar
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Start application at start-up even without logging in

I have a small server (with Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop) that I leave at my parent's house while I live abroad. I use ngrok since I cannot add a static IP to their router, and I set it up so that it starts ...
wrong_path's user avatar
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Remote access solution for active and inactive sessions [duplicate]

I am running some Kubuntu 18.04 systems. I would like to to install a remote access software on these systems that allows accessing the systems from other Linux systems. Does a free software exist ...
Silicomancer's user avatar
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How to connect remotely to the Ubuntu CLI from a Mac?

I have a mac and I want to access my ubuntu Desktop's hardware remotely from anywhere to run some programs. I am aware of apps like teamviewer however I am only interested in using Ubuntu's terminal ...
b.d98's user avatar
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How to achieve perstistence with ssh keys using ssh-add

I'm trying to make my ssh keys permanent. I tend to use crazy passwords and typing it in every time destroys workflow. I have two keys, one with to a remote server and one for github. I would like to ...
W1ND_W4LK3R's user avatar
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Browse a website from my personal computer as if I were using my server

I would like to be able to access websites from my laptop computer as if I were using a limited-access server that is connected to my university's network. I want to do this to access scientific ...
Pedro Henrique Pereira Braga's user avatar
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Ubuntu mobaxterm that has drag and drop

I am using my pc to connect to the server with GPUs and need to do a lot of transfers. I used mobaxterm when on Windows. It has drag and drop which is very convenient. Is there a similar tool on ...
Kong's user avatar
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How to see activities performed from WinSCP on ubuntu system

I frequently connect to ubuntu machines from WinSCP to perform some file actions like copying or deleting files. But these actions do not get recorded in any of the logs(Not that i know of) of Ubuntu ...
Prototype's user avatar
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sh: connect to host hostname port 22: Connection timed out

I have trouble connecting to a server with ssh from ubuntu 16.04. I can't get to the address online either. When i try connecting through terminal i got the following error ssh: connect to host ...
tweety's user avatar
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Network manager opened by itself

I left my computer on overnight because it had some updates to install, and I didn't feel like waiting for it to reboot just to shut it down. However, when I logged back in this morning, the network ...
Larry's user avatar
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How to connect to my ubuntu VNC server from outside my network

How can I connect to my ubuntu pc running vncserver from outside my network? I can access it from inside my home network using (the address of the pc and the port I have opened ...
Laurence_jj's user avatar
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Access Ubuntu device from Windows 10

I am trying to set up remote access to my Ubuntu device (Ubuntu 18.04.2 desktop) from Windows 10. I tried xRDP but could only get a pale blue screen appearing. Also the device is set to auto-login so ...
AnoNunga's user avatar
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could not open remote file with libreoffice

I can't open any remote file with libreoffice. When to open files on remote folders(mounted by sftp), a error General input/output error while accessing (path of my file)/summary_counts.csv showed by ...
Lvyanhongkao Lv's user avatar
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Making all folders not readable to "others" - but keeping their original status regarding "write" and "execute"

TLDR: How can I change permissions of all folders in the computer such that, for "others", the folders loose only readability? In other words, they keep their status regarding "write" and "execute", ...
Jorget Millani's user avatar
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How to Remote desktop into UBUNTU 19.04 from Windows 10, over home wifi with sudo access

Any recommendations on how I can connect from Windows 10, to Ubuntu 19.04 over home wifi (but preferably from anywhere on the internet), and do a screenshare of Ubuntu desktop, and control the desktop ...
FlyingZebra1's user avatar
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Permission denied, please try again

I'm trying to connect to another computer in my house via ssh. Both computers have ubuntu and openssh installed. When I run the command "ssh username@ip" on terminal I'm asked for the user's password ...
holo gram's user avatar
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How to connect with x2go to remote desktop via public ip?

I have two laptops. Using x2go I succeeded at connection from one to another and vice versa via local IP, e.g. in the field Host i typed for first and for second. Now, I'm ...
assertion9's user avatar
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Can't access server port from remote network

I've got Hetzner VPS with Ubuntu Server 16 (Server). I'd like to use it as HTTP-proxy from remote network and my problem is I can't access to proxy port outside Server. I use tinyproxy as simple http-...
Ilya Krigouzov's user avatar
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Independent remote GUI session

I have an Ubuntu machine at work that I often need to connect to, either from another computer in the same LAN or from home. I usually use SSH (optionally with X11 forwarding) but sometimes I need to ...
Mate de Vita's user avatar
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vino: no such schema of "org.gnome.Vino"?

This is more a follow-up question regarding this issue (e.g., Enable remote VNC from the commandline?). I am using desktop sharing of Ubuntu 18.04 (without vino server). For remote access from another ...
user276851's user avatar
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Elasticsearch remote access between two separate ubuntu servers

We are running a website on ubuntu 16.04 where we are going to use a search function that uses Elasticsearch. We plan to have multiple projects with each project having two indexes. For that reason we ...
Mert Alnuaimi's user avatar
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Why my rdp access to Linux consumes way more bandwidth than a rdp connection to a Windows 10 machine?

I have a first VM running Ubuntu 18.04 as a guest, and a second VM running Win10 as a guest, both powered by virtualbox. I have enabled on the 2 VMs the VRDP option to allow remote access. I can ...
Yahia's user avatar
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How do I remove another computer which has remote access to my laptop?

I visited a friend recently and he uploaded Linux on my laptop. He uploaded many programs from his laptop unto mine using a terminal. To do this he had to add a very long code from his laptop onto my ...
Codering's user avatar
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sshfs "reset by peer" after new installation of server OS

I'm trying to mount a drive from my work PC to my home PC using the command below: sudo sshfs -o allow_other [email protected]:/ /mnt/home-pc This command was working fine before. However, I've ...
matohak's user avatar
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How to open remote folders in Dolphin

We have multiple repositories on our server, that we can only compile and run on that server. I have a XUbuntu machine and on Thunar I mount the remote folder with ssh://[email protected]. Then, ...
a.sam's user avatar
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Connect remotely to Win7 from outside local network

I have Ubuntu 16.04 on my laptop and when I travel, I want to connect it to a Win7 laptop on my local network at home, using Remmina. I have successfully made the connection while both machines are on ...
user890375's user avatar
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configure error c compiler cannot create executables server while installing python in remote server

I tried to install python3 in remote server using wget tar -xvzf Python-3.7.1.tgz After that, I tried cd Python-3.7.1 ./configure --...
Bharath  kumar k's user avatar
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Using sshfs on C accessed via A and B

The current set up I am working with requires me to ssh onto a machine C by first ssh-ing into A and then into B. Something like this: ssh [username]@[university].com # Machine A ssh [department] # ...
dstivd's user avatar
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How to fix the "Connection failed with error: Failed sending banner ....." for ssh?

At times when the remote device is behind a VPN or is in local network, this error shows up: Connection failed with error: "Failed sending banner to ....@..........:22" This shows up infrequently ...
Alpha Omega's user avatar
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External connection from SSH [closed]

I installed on my Ubuntu 16.04 the openssh-server and wanted to access my pc remotely through the terminal of other networks, such as the university, for example, but I'm only able to access through ...
Gustavo Luiz Bispo dos Santos's user avatar
4 votes
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stay connected to wifi when all users log out

When I logout from my session, and no other user is logged locally, the wifi connection is stopped. I would like to keep it on, so that I can log on from a remote computer. How can I do that?
Ben2209's user avatar
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RDP without host machine unlocking

I would like to remotely connect to my Ubuntu from another Ubuntu machine. The problem is when I'm at the remote location and I log in via RDP, it also unlocks my host PC. I would like to log in as ...
user100000's user avatar
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Using Remmina to connect to a remote host

I utilize the RDP protocol by using the Remmina software in order to connect to a remote host. If I close the Remmina session utilizing the disconnect option, will the remote host continue its ...
Panagiotis's user avatar
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How to config ~/.ssh/config file to remotely access server inside domain

I maintain a server on weekly basis that is located inside a client company's network while connected via checkpoint network extender. I'm able o access with no issues using ssh [email protected]@...
Lucas Vasconcellos Czepaniki's user avatar
-2 votes
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does ubuntu 18.04 comes with xrdp?

Hello Ubuntu Community, I am looking to control my Ubuntu machine with a windows pc from work.
Daniel Radilla's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

how to change alias name in anydesk

I downloaded and installed anydesk (free licence) in Ubuntu 18.04: sudo dpkg -i anydesk_2.9.6-1_amd64.deb But it does not allow me to change the "alias" (change the number to a custom alias, like e....
acgbox's user avatar
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I’ve been hacked and Ubuntu has been loaded to a FTP server. Lost admin privileges. [closed]

I am having a very difficult time. I had Windows 10 on a laptop. Somehow I downloaded a virus. Since then I believe a hacker gained access to my computer through Ip4 and Ip6 or the Pinter Port LP2. My ...
Stephanie Vaught's user avatar
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RemoteApp on Ubuntu 16.04 [duplicate]

So I have been trying to use RemoteApp on Ubuntu 16.04 from my Windows PC, but I don't know how to open the .rdp file on Ubuntu. I have read to use FreeRDP, but haven't found instructions that explain ...
Spectre216's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is remote access possible when SSH and Telnet are disabled?

My SSH and Telnet are disabled. If someone on my home network has my root password of my Ubuntu workstation can he gain remote access to my PC?
justlinx69's user avatar
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Remote terminal into a ubuntu system via internet

I have this machine in a separate network which has connected to internet via NAT. My computer is connected to internet and to access that machine I use teamviewer. Now I am tired of teamviewer and ...
Ramesh-X's user avatar
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How To Install VNC Server On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS [duplicate]

How To Install VNC Server On Ubuntu 18.04 LTS ... How to access Ubuntu 18.04 from Windows 10 using Remote Acess ...
Decile technologies's user avatar
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Can I remotely access Ubuntu App on Windows 10 with support for a Desktop Environment?

Windows 10 now supports Linux apps such as Ubuntu, but there is no desktop environment. I'm wondering if there is a way to to support remote access to the Ubuntu app from the Windows 10 host PC or a ...
Steven Clark's user avatar
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Why [machine_name].local works when remote login is enabled?

I noticed that my 18.04 has "Remote Login" (Settings => Sharing) setting. When it's enabled you can SSH to the machine (ssh [machine_name].local). How does this work? How do the other machines ...
juzzlin's user avatar
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How do I RDP to Ubuntu14 from Windows7xpro remotely AND see the native desktop(open apps, process, etc)?

So I successfully installed an XRDP client using this post. But the desktops are all like VM desktop emulators and don't show the real desktop. Odd that I can be logged in on both RDP and direct to ...
Apsis0215's user avatar
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Are we able to remote access Ubuntu 16.04 with default setting?

Freshly installed Ubuntu 16.04, Desktop, AMD64 on a company computer, but forgot to enable remote access before leaving the office. With company VPN, I can ping the IP, I have root password. Am I able ...
Fisher's user avatar
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Failed remote connection to University windows client [closed]

In my university we use Matlab, and to use it at home (to write the lab reports) we need to remote access the client with an RDP file. So, after searching for options I tried using Remmina to access ...
Ilan Kaboom's user avatar
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MariaDB 10.0.33 Configuring MariaDB for Remote Client Access

I just keep verbatim the instructions in MariaDB docs but it does not work at all, and I wast a great ammount of time. MariaDB docs does not take into account this version in its documentation. ...
Joe's user avatar
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How to add an ssh key from other computer to my Ubuntu server [duplicate]

how can I add an SSH-key generated from a computer of a friend to my server? Currently I don't have access to his computer he just sent me his SSH key.
Kenny Horna's user avatar
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How to check remote session enabled?

If remote access session is enabled, I have to disable and later enable it. How to achieve this using Python code?.
Dinesh's user avatar
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Connect two Ubuntu Computers via ssh (internet)

Every tutorial I watched displayed how to connect two machines via ssh locally. But what if I want remote control via internet? I know that IP addresses which start with 192.168 are local and ...
mk1024's user avatar
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