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Questions tagged [remote-access]

the process of accessing a system remotely, over the network. eg via vnc or ssh.

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5 votes
1 answer

How to set up vnc server?

I want to set up a vncserver on my machine. I need each remote user to start separate session - so they see the login screen after connecting, log in, and so on - without interrupting another users. ...
Rogach's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

How to automount a gvfs file system on logon

I configured a remote folder in nautilus. I always need this remote folder, so I created a symbolic link to it in my home folder: ln -s ~/.gvfs/remote_folder ~/remote_folder. Though, when I first ...
Pedro Rolo's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Installing Tomcat and more on a remote virtual machine [closed]

My university has setup an account for me on a Virtual Machine running Ubuntu. I am able to connect to the machine using WinSCP with the SSH address of the server provided to me. Now I would like ...
Prim's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How to remotely enable connecting to the main desktop

First let me state my problem I need to be able to remotely log into the main desktop. By main I mean this. I have VNC and NX setup. If I'm locally logged in I can then remotely connect to that ...
gman's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to install LogMeIn on Ubuntu Linux 10.04

I am beginning to use the remote access tool, LogMeIn, and I love it. I am currently managing a Windows 2003 server with LogMeIn, and now I would like to add another server which is a Ubuntu Linux 10....
DanielAttard's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Headless machine: Increase Remote Desktop resolution

I have a headless Ubuntu machine that I connect to with a combination of ssh and vnc. When I've got a monitor attached (which is rare), the vnc connection is the full resolution of the attached ...
Nathan G.'s user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How do I access an external drive mounted on a machine on my own network?

I've got one desktop computer Ubuntu 11.04 with an external USB drive mounted on it on the home WRT54L Linux network (, and when I arrive at home with my laptop, I want to be able to mount ...
719016's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

running two firefox instances -- one locally and another through ssh

I would like to have two firefox instances running at the same time in my laptop, one locally and another opening an instance through an ssh connection to another computer. If I just try to open the ...
719016's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to ssh to Live CD for remote recovery - root password issue?

Is there an automatic way to SSH to a machine that booted from Live CD? I have a remote server with a HDD issue and the ISP booted my machine from a Live CD. I can SSH to the machine (lucky has the ...
sorin's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Single administrator computer for systems with only regular account on network

How can I have systems with only a regular account with administrative tasks managed by a single computer? I simply want be able to add/remove software on all computers from a single system. ...
Oxwivi's user avatar
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27 votes
17 answers

How to copy/paste text from remote system?

I used to access a remote system via VNC viewer, but when I copy some text from the remote system and paste it in my text editor(local system), nothing happens. Do I need to install any additional ...
karthick87's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

How to access an ubuntu machine via VNC from the login screen?

I want to access an Ubuntu machine remotely via VNC. But I can access the Ubuntu machine only if the user is logged in. I want to access the ubuntu machine via VNC from the login screen itself. We can ...
karthick87's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

After restart, how can I ssh into my system?

I have restarted my system remotely, but now when I try to ssh, I get the message ssh: connect to host desktop.hostname port 22: Connection timed out And when I try to ping it: PING desktop....
David LeBauer's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Remote application in ubuntu?

I am using ubuntu for development. And I want to test my application on IE. So, instead of remote desktop I want to access IE as remote application from other windows machine. So the other guy whose ...
krunal shah's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

copy with ssh with port other than 22

How do I copy files from my local to some remote server which hosts ssh on port other than default (22). I usually connect to the server using ssh [email protected] -p 2000 Now I need to ...
Prabesh Shrestha's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do I remotely access my ubuntu virtual machine?

I have an Ubuntu Desktop edition virtual machine and I would like to access it via ssh remotely but if I'm not logged onto the virtual machine I cannot access it remotely via ssh. Only when I'm logged ...
user12657's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

NX/SSH remote access with Remmina

After many days and a lot of frustration, I managed to get freenx to work on my home server. I can connect to it with nomachine's linux client, but I want to use Remmina for this purpose. The problem ...
Niklas's user avatar
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5 answers

Simultaneous remote connections

Is there any package for Ubuntu which allows me to connect to remote computer without disturbing or terminating others who have already connected to that server or who are accessing the computer ...
user3215's user avatar
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66 votes
3 answers

How do I disable remote SSH login as root from a server?

For security purposes my company wants me to not allow anyone to be able to log into our Ubuntu server as root remotely over SSH. We still want the root account to exist, we just do not want it to be ...
Rob S.'s user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How to print over ssh?

I have the following configuration: P == U ---------------- W P is a HP Laserjet, connected to U, which is an Ubuntu 10.04 desktop machine with a standard gnome setup from the live cd. I just ...
mit's user avatar
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0 answers

Free remote support applications? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Is there an equivalent to Windows Remote Assistance/iChat screen sharing? I'm using TeamViewer right now from my Ubuntu system to provide remote support for other Linux and ...
Ingram's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Use real browser instead of w3m on SSH connections

I am using Ubuntu as desktop and server OS. When I am logged in to the server via ssh on terminal and have to view a web-page (localhost) on the server I use w3m (w3m localhost). Unfortunately w3m is ...
Pit's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

How can I share my desktop using Skype?

I'm running Ubuntu Lucid Netbook Remix on my laptop and I need to be able to share my desktop for a Skype call. Does anyone know how to get this done?
spinlock's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

wakeonlan from remote host

I have setup wake on lan service on my server. Everything works fine on local area network: root@server$: poweroff user@local$ wakeonlan AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF and the server wakes up. AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF ...
takeshin's user avatar
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1 answer

Network Access: I can't access from

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 on my PC with IP every thing work fine, e.g. my web server is running and I can see http://localhost/ or properly. But the problem is that ...
Alexar's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How to enter the Default Keyring password via the command line?

Is there a way to enter the default keyring password using the command line? For instance: You have a remote setup of Ubuntu 10.10 thats set to auto login. You don't want to remove the keyring ...
Jerkofalltrades's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can't connect to desktop via ssh

Trying to setup a remote ssh file server (sftp) I've done it before but for some reason with ubuntu 10.10 I cannot connect to the assigned ssh port. I setup the sshd_config file to listen on a ...
Jerkofalltrades's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Volume control command

Is there a way to control volume of a remote system via ssh? we have a media center server and we want to remotely control the volume.
Jon Doe's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How do I setup a server remotely?

I can run (and have run) the install fine with a monitor attached the machine, but what I wish to do is setup Ubuntu server remotely (within my home network). I have a USB drive pre-loaded and ready ...
Switchkick's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

How to mount a remote (over SSH) directory to be available like a local directory (incl. in shell, not just in Gnome)? [duplicate]

I've got my files (mostly text/code, nothing of heavy like videos etc.) in a directory on a remote server which I can only access by means of SSH. Can I mount it on my laptop to use it seamlessly from ...
Ivan's user avatar
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3 answers

What protocols support screen sharing on Empathy?

I am trying to follow the directions here but so far have not found a working protocol so I was wondering if anyone knew of a working protocol that works?
TheXed's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Why is openssh-server needed to receive incoming ssh connections?

Why is it needed? can't I just give an address:port and just "connect"?
theTuxRacer's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Clean Install Of Ubuntu Server over the network?

I have an install of Ubuntu server, I was recently fooling around with it, and as all learning processes do, I messed a few things up. I would this box to be secure and reliable in the future, So I ...
myusuf3's user avatar
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36 votes
4 answers

What free Remote Desktop (server) solutions are there?

I know Ubuntu comes with a "Remote Desktop" option that appears to be a straightforward VNC server, and I'm trying to understand the alternatives. Here are the possibilities I've heard about so far: ...
3 votes
3 answers

Best way to remote restart Ubuntu from Windows machine

Background: I'm looking to put a series of Ubuntu machines into retail locations, they're being used as dumb kiosks to show a series of slides onto large LCD panel TV screens. Once installed, they won'...
robsoft's user avatar
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37 votes
2 answers

Disable password access through SSH?

I'm setting up a server for backing up my desktop box remotely. I want to prevent remote password access to the server, permitting only users with private keys (AKA my desktop box) to access it. How ...
Evan Kroske's user avatar
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