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Questions tagged [remote-access]

the process of accessing a system remotely, over the network. eg via vnc or ssh.

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Running script in host server from my computer and shutting down my computer [duplicate]

I'm very new to ssh and working with servers. I know how to make a connection to a server, and how to run a local script in a host server. However I always have to have my terminal open while the ...
Vladimir Vargas's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to get remote access from Windows to Ubuntu's laptop without additional networking devices?

I have two laptops and I would like to know how (if possible) to get remote control over Ubuntu's desktop from Windows (preferably Windows 10), but without additional networking equipment, for example ...
R S's user avatar
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Reasons why password could suddenly change

My password (which I use to log into my computer an average of 50 times a day -- due to lock screen) was recently and very suddenly changed. I was trying to install an image editor and the terminal ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

USB flash drive appears only in lsusb

I have a 64GB USB 3.0 flash drive that is not detected automatically. It only appears in the output of the lsusb command. Bus 004 Device 009: ID 1f75:0917 Innostor Technology Corporation The output ...
Silverghost's user avatar
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SSh: Access Denied, Windows 10 [closed]

I'm new to Linux in general but also even newer to the Window's 10 Ubuntu subsystem. I've been trying to set up ssh and so I set up a static ip address and logged into my router and forwarded port 22 ...
lehast22's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use Internet connection of a remote server in the local machine?

Is it possible to use internet connection of a server in our local computer as my local internet connection is too slow and the internet connection on my remote machine is too fast. Is there any ...
Ashish Kulkarni's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Xrdp - How do I connect remotely to an existing local session?

My OS is Ubuntu 16.04 (Unity), but I am using the Xfce4 (apt get xfce4) interface. I want to connect from a Windows 7 PC (using the standard remote controll) and from a Linux OS via rdesktop. I want ...
cerv21's user avatar
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0 answers

How to connect to a Windows PC from an Ubuntu terminal over the Internet?

I want to access my Windows 10 PC over the Internet via an Ubuntu terminal. Is this possible? (I don't want to use a remote desktop client, just the terminal.)
Mister Verleg's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Monitor multiple desktop remotely continuously

Scenario I have 3 BareBone system with following specifications (from SystemInfo page) that is used for some basic work in office such as Data Entry, SEO...: Intel Celeron CPU J1800 @ 2.41GHz x 2 3....
Himanshu Shankar's user avatar
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Can't find other port on ssh, other than 22 (i.e. - 23)

Using ssh remotely, I can ask my desktop at home (from school or wherever), but I can't access my server, also at home. When I'm at my home, I can access both when I'm on the wireless network, oddly....
Jacob Nowatzke's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to access ubuntu machine from another network

I recently installed Mattermost chat software on ubuntu. This Machine is sitting in our office on our LAN, i can connect to the mattermost interface http:IPADDRESS:8056 from any PC in our MPLS network....
Thomas M's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to run multiple scripts in remote machine

I have to remotely connect to a gateway (working on Linux platform), inside which I have couple of executable files ( and Now I want to write one script in my desktop ...
Siddharth Tiwari's user avatar
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Running tasks in remote server via SSH - life cycle?

Two related questions: If I ssh into a remote server and start a long running task in the foreground (:~$ ./my-task > out.log), will the process continue to run when my connection to the server ...
rodrigo-silveira's user avatar
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Restrict SSH user to one directory only

We have a VPS server with a prod and dev version of web aplication. Also there are two ssh accesses - users cst-prod and cst-dev. Problem is, some developers under me keep changing things in /home/www/...
Patrik Šimunič's user avatar
2 votes
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How can multiple clients access single remote desktop?

Is there any way in which multiple clients can access a single remote desktop? In case of XRDP, client can access a single remote host. But i want multiple clients to access a single remote host. If ...
CH325's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I access another computer's terminal outside the local network? [duplicate]

I would like to access the terminal of another computer that is outside my local network.
orschiro's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

Is an online Ubuntu terminal emulator available?

I want to play around with some terminal commands from official Ubuntu packages, but at the moment I don't have access to an Ubuntu PC. Is there an online and free terminal emulator running, say, ...
user avatar
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Is it possible to manage non-gui nodes with a separate node with GUI?

Quick question: I have several Ubuntu non-gui instances running. My question is: Is it possible to setup a "Management Machine" with the the Ubuntu GUI - like you can do for Windows? I would like to ...
Charlie Echo's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to use my MacBook Pro to remotely access my PC running Ubuntu at home?

I have a nice PC that I built over the summer, but now that school has started, I want to able to access that computer (where all of my file structures for assignments are located) from any where on ...
Wesley Harmon's user avatar
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Access a secondary Xorg for cloud gaming

How can I setup a secondary Xorg that is only accessible via a connection (like VNC or Gaming Anywhere), in a way that it is GPU accelerated (will be used via LAN)?
simplegamer's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Share Webbrowser Screen

I want to show my webbrowser screen to a remote user. What I want: No installation on the remote pc. Installation on my side are ok My pc runs Ubuntu, remote pc runs windows. Remote pc should be ...
guettli's user avatar
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Connect on Ubuntu server 16.04 from windows via remote desktop

I am a newbie with Ubuntu and I am trying to connect to my Ubuntu 16.04 server from my windows machine via its default remote desktop connection. I was following the solution mentioned in this post: ...
Gjergj Jorgji's user avatar
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Lock file when editing in server

Our network has 1 server and 2 clients. Our web project is stored in the server, and we edit it from both clients. When one user is editing one file, the other user shouldn't be able to edit it at the ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Deluge can't connect to remote seedbox

I have successfully installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Deluge 1.3.13 (from deluge-team PPA) but I can't connect to my remote seedbox. I'm able to ping remote hostname. I can telnet remote hostname and ...
piktor's user avatar
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2 answers

How can i access others machine terminal through my machine? [duplicate]

is there any command or way to access the other machine terminal into mine to execute commands for other machine that is on the same network.
Mirza Hassan Ali Baig's user avatar
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unrecognized service when starting ssh

I'm trying to connect to a remote Ubuntu computer at work via SSH from my laptop running Ubuntu. At first, I just tried running: $ ssh work_name@work_machine But nothing happened. Searching for a ...
Meir Zeilig-Hess's user avatar
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How to setup media-server on ubuntu watch movies on mobile in local network and from internet?

I want to setup a media-server to store movies and videos in Ubuntu and play and watch them on a mobile device or a tablet. What i have to do to make that happen ?
Shantanu Bedajna's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How do I set up a server like this? [closed]

So I know this has been answered already, but I'm still not sure. What I want to do is, to have Ubuntu installed on my computer, and the have it set up so that I could go wherever, go onto a special ...
UltraLuminous's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How do I block myself from logging in over the weekend?

I'm wondering if anyone has ever written a cron script that blocks ones remote access (specifically a linux email server that I access via alpine on my local linux machine over an ssh connection) over ...
mikemtnbikes's user avatar
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1 answer

how to copy file or directory to remote machine using sftp

I used this command sftp [email protected] to start session with a remote virtual machine on the cloud and tried to copy files from my local machine to that machine and I used this command : put l1/...
Hamm's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Cannot connect remotely using ssh

I have recently installed an ubuntu 16.04. I have installed ssh server and the sshd service is up and running. I have some other PCs in the same network (windows, mac, ubuntu 14.06) and I can ping ...
Gonzalo's user avatar
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VNC connect to background user

Is it somehow possible to allow local VNC connection to background user to other people while I'm myself working as the main user?
Ilya's user avatar
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4 votes
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Error when running "vino-preferences" on Ubuntu 15.10

I'm trying to configure and enable remote login on an Ubuntu 15.10 machine by connecting to it using ssh from Ubuntu 14 machine. On Ubuntu 15.10 machine, I've installed vino using the following ...
Whaaaaat's user avatar
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1 answer

allow remote mysql access (through webmin or shell)

Spec: Ubuntu 14.04 webmin/virtualmin 1.791 I am using following code to test remote mysql database connection: <?php $db_host = "123.456.789"; $db_name = "database"; $db_user = "user"; $db_pass =...
shenkwen's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to securely ssh into a machine at home over the internet

I will be travelling shortly, and I have a machine that run runs a bunch of cron jobs etc. I need to log in remotely to check the results of the jobs run and to do some work on the machine. Here are ...
Homunculus Reticulli's user avatar
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Chrome Remote Desktop on 15.10

I have the CRD (Chrome Remote Desktop) installed on my Ubuntu machine, and I am able to "share" from it, and "access" from another computer. But I want to add it as one of my "computers". Whenever I ...
Noam Gal's user avatar
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connect / ssh as root using a script without everytime typing the password

Is there any way to connect or ssh using a script without everytime entering the password from my machine. I tried ssh key-gen available here , it is working but when I want to run something as ...
Chella's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Remote desktop access to Ubuntu MATE 15.10 [duplicate]

I'm a newbie to Ubuntu. My laptop runs Ubuntu MATE and I want to have remote access to it (like when I'm not at home). Can I access it from another machine running Windows? How?
Jay Kay Kay's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to get remote access to Linux interface

Hi I am trying to access my school Linux system remotely. I have downloaded Putty and now get a terminal where I can type command and run the scripts (remotely) that already exists in my school Linux ...
mee mee's user avatar
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1 answer

Destroy ssh tunnel if exists and create new one

I open a reverse ssh tunnel after the OS reboot (on office pc to a dedicated server). I put it into cron by @reboot / The ssh opens a port on server. My problem is : If the OS (office pc) ...
Oki Erie Rinaldi's user avatar
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Access to data on phone with dead screen?

I have an orginal BQ Aquaris 4.5 Ubuntu edition. Problem is the screen is now dead. There is still guarantee on it, but if I send it to BQ, they are forced to wipe all data due to EU rules or ...
Vedelgart's user avatar
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Unable to access remotely (LAMP issue)

I'm unable to access my home server remotely although it works fine in LAN. When I try to access it remotely using I get router control panel page and when I browse http://xxx....
mbnoimi's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Remote SSH command requires a terminal

So for one of my servers, most of what I do is edit files with vim. Is it possible to do something like ssh me@myserver vim ? When I try to do that, I get "Warning, output is not to a terminal", and ...
Ray Vinmad's user avatar
-1 votes
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Which is the most secure way to connect to the office network from outside? [closed]

For working remotely, I am looking for the most secure way of logging-in to office network from outside. Being a data center, the minute chance of vulnerability issues cannot accepted. Is open VPN ...
kiran bbnl's user avatar
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Vinagre XML bookmark password

We have a couple of machines that run on Ubuntu and have Remote Desktop Viewer (Vinagre) to connect to a Windows 2008 R2 server. I have edited the vinagre-bookmarks.xml file to add bookmarks. I wanted ...
Rick's user avatar
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1 answer

Remote Computer Access [closed]

I have used Logmein in the past for remote access for Windows. What application is recommended for remote access for ubuntu 14.04? Thanks
Clay B's user avatar
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Vinagre host key?

Does vinagre (Remote Desktop Viewer) has host key, usually it is Right Ctrl ? This is helpful to switch between remote keyboard shortcuts and host keyboard shortcuts. I use this program frequently ...
nexayq's user avatar
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Bacula Device "FileStorage" requested by DIR could not be opened or does not exist

i am trying to setup bacula to remotely backup my machine. My Configuration looks like this: Job { Name = "LocalBackup" JobDefs = "DefaultJob" } Job { Name = "RemoteBackup" JobDefs = "...
Marc Rasmussen's user avatar
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Remotely control a remote Ubuntu server

We have a remote Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS server with SSH, which we use for Selenium tests. I have to login to from the server's IP address, and confirm the verification code in my ...
Uri's user avatar
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Remotely install Ubuntu

I am connecting remotely to a laptop running windows 7 which I do not have physical access. I want to install ubuntu on it. The laptop connects to the router wirelessly, the ubuntu image has to ...
problemo's user avatar
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