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Questions tagged [remote-access]

the process of accessing a system remotely, over the network. eg via vnc or ssh.

166 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

gnome-remote-desktop: Couldn't retrieve RDP username: Credentials not set - AND MORE

After installing a fresh copy of Ubuntu 22.04 I attempted to enable Remote Desktop: I then went to another workstation (tried both Windows and macOS with the Microsoft RDC and with Jump Desktop) and ...
ylluminate's user avatar
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4 votes
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Sharing an Xubuntu / XFCE desktop remotely _and_ securely?

I want to access my Xubuntu desktop machine remotely, and see the same desktop as is shown on the remote machine's monitor. By default using both VNC and xrdp, one gets a new desktop session, and I ...
Peter V. Mørch's user avatar
4 votes
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Error when running "vino-preferences" on Ubuntu 15.10

I'm trying to configure and enable remote login on an Ubuntu 15.10 machine by connecting to it using ssh from Ubuntu 14 machine. On Ubuntu 15.10 machine, I've installed vino using the following ...
Whaaaaat's user avatar
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Remote desktop not passing all mouse buttons

I have a Logitech mouse with tilt wheel buttons. When I am using it locally on a system using Ubuntu 19.10 with the 5.3.0-40-generic kernel, it works as expected. When I connect to the same system ...
helzayat's user avatar
3 votes
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Why is netcat remote shell not returning any output on ubuntu 12.04?

I'm connecting to a server I have on my laptop, both are on the same vmnet and both systems are Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. In order to connect I use reverse shell from the web sever. First I start listening ...
Giladiald's user avatar
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1 answer

xubuntu desktop breaks on tightvncserver

I have a desktop PC I want to remote desktop to, I also like the concept of virtual displays, so no one can see what I'm doing as I do it unless they connect to the display (as opposed to the standard ...
rantsh's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop Sharing (VNC) encryptiom / auth problem

I know this has been discussed, but I can not find a permanent fix. I enabled desktop sharing, unchecked "manually approve every access", set a password, and I'm trying from the local network, or via ...
Bodo's user avatar
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How to disable Wayland on multiple users

I am attempting to disable Wayland on 2 users at the same time on my machine so I could remote connect using TeamViewer. I tried setting sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf to WaylandEnable=false on both ...
Roy Shiloh's user avatar
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Making Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 accessible from the outside?

I have installed Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 on my parents computer but want to be able to administrate it from the outside (install updates, fix issues etc). I need to view the main desktop (:0), not create ...
bmvanity8723's user avatar
2 votes
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X11VNC When open VNC connection my desktop is being kind of duplicated

Pretty new to Linux, so my question might be a dummy one. I have ubuntu 20.10 on raspberry Pi 4 (8GB) with Desktop environment. Installed X11VNC and spent some time configuring it. After few hours ...
MNikk's user avatar
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Access Ubuntu device from Windows 10

I am trying to set up remote access to my Ubuntu device (Ubuntu 18.04.2 desktop) from Windows 10. I tried xRDP but could only get a pale blue screen appearing. Also the device is set to auto-login so ...
AnoNunga's user avatar
2 votes
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configure error c compiler cannot create executables server while installing python in remote server

I tried to install python3 in remote server using wget tar -xvzf Python-3.7.1.tgz After that, I tried cd Python-3.7.1 ./configure --...
Bharath  kumar k's user avatar
2 votes
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Using sshfs on C accessed via A and B

The current set up I am working with requires me to ssh onto a machine C by first ssh-ing into A and then into B. Something like this: ssh [username]@[university].com # Machine A ssh [department] # ...
dstivd's user avatar
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how to login to a chrome browser in ubuntu via console

I have managed to install a chrome onto the ubuntu. I wonder how can I login to my chrome browser via console so I can trigger the remote desktop add-on practically remote desktop using chrome remote ...
Rıfat Erdem Sahin's user avatar
2 votes
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ssh through vpn working randomly

Sometimes I need to connect to my university workstation (Ubuntu 16.04) from wherever I happen to be at that time using my laptop (Ubuntu 16.04). To do so, I prepared the university workstation to ...
b-fg's user avatar
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Vinagre host key?

Does vinagre (Remote Desktop Viewer) has host key, usually it is Right Ctrl ? This is helpful to switch between remote keyboard shortcuts and host keyboard shortcuts. I use this program frequently ...
nexayq's user avatar
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unable to access to localhost remotely with ubuntu 14.04

I have an old PC that I have set up as a server. I've installed webmin and Plex Media and ssh server. The problem is that I could easily connect to these services in Windows 7 using firefox by just ...
Sidney's user avatar
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How to administer, manage & update 40 to 50 Kubuntu laptops?

I have a custom developed application presently running on about 40 Kubuntu laptops (& more planned). Every few months I have to update the application. I also have to run Ubuntu updates and a few ...
MountainX's user avatar
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How can I log into an existing remote session using FreeNX?

I successfully installed FreeNX server and the QtNX client. When I connect to the server, the screen does not reflect my current desktop on the server, but a newly spawned session. How can I have ...
Wayne Gregori's user avatar
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File manager (Nautilus) hangs or is ultra slow when listing contents of ssh/sftp server

I used to use File --> Connect to server to connect to my remote ssh a lot before 12.04/11.10. But now in a fresh install of 12.04, whenever I try to access the remote files, nautilus either always ...
NahsiN's user avatar
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Recovering from `error symbol grub_is_lockdown not found` on a cloud host

I rent a bare-metal server which, following a recent Proxmox update, started sporadically throwing errors at boot -- specifically error symbol grub_is_lockdown not found. Proxmox is built on Ubuntu, ...
Jules's user avatar
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Remote Desktop from Mac to Ubuntu stops working when I change rooms

I'm pretty new to Ubuntu, so forgive the noob. I have this odd situation when trying to remote desktop from my macbook to three separate mini pcs which all have Ubuntu 22.04. I set them up in my ...
crispybegs's user avatar
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Remote Desktop Ubuntu22.04.2 and MacBook M1

I have an Ubuntu 22.04.2 version installed over an old MacBook Pro 2011 installed. I'm trying to connect from a MacBook Air M1 and I can reach my Ubuntu computer and see the message Do you want to ...
MiguelAndreu's user avatar
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mdadm: error opening /dev/md?*:

I have a Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish system with RAID0 and LVM on 2x 2TB hard. After rebooting, the server ended up in initramfs: mdadm: No devices listed in conf file were found. mdadm: error ...
webster's user avatar
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When connecting with xrdp connection crashes/closes [from w10 to u20.04]?

If I installing xrdp and use Windows (I also tried different devices) RDP to connect it crashes. If I have Xfce installed it connects normally and force uses it over gnome/default envoirnment and ...
Janez Kranjski's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04. How do I set up a virtual/dummy monitor so that I can use NoMachine without a monitor plugged in?

I am running the NoMachine Client on my windows 10 desktop and my server on my Ubuntu machine. I want to use NoMachine to remote control this server but I can't unless a monitor is plugged in.
YepImStillHere's user avatar
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Remote debugging of java maven project on Raspberry Pi using Eclipse IDE: Handshake error

I am trying to configure the Eclipse IDE (2021-09 (4.21.0)) on Ubuntu 20.04 to remote debug java applications on a RaspberryPi. I followed multiple 'tutortials' (link1, link2). With the combination of ...
v3xX's user avatar
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Unable to install PCoIP Client

I am new to Ubuntu, and I am attempting to install PCoIP Software Client in Ubuntu 20.04. But, I am getting the following error. sudo wget -O teradici-repo-latest.deb
Extreme Technologies's user avatar
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Unable to remote connect to Ubuntu system after Idle time in local network

Running Ubuntu desktop (personal use) as a server to host applications (Apache2) and Files I usually connect to the Ubuntu system through Browser or WinSCP or SSH or WebDAV/CalDAV or from Android and ...
Ender's Code's user avatar
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Bash script how to run a command remotely and then exit the remote terminal

I'm trying to execute the command: ssh nvidia@ubuntu-ip-address "/opt/ads2/arm-linux64/bin/ads2 svcd &" This works so far except that it hangs in the remote terminal when "/opt/ads2/...
k.jbaili's user avatar
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0 answers

Remote SSH disabled after each reboot - Sharing

I have a desktop installation of Ubuntu 20.04 with X11. I have installed SSHD, and enabled Remote Login in the Sharing page of Settings in the Desktop. Then it works to SSH into the machine from a ...
Northern Brewer's user avatar
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Easy remote control for Ubuntu

All our workstations are Ubuntu 18.04.5. Currently, to connect from home, employees use X2GO. Problem is, there are complains about it crashing, getting stuck, being un-intuitive, and not having the ...
jessefournier's user avatar
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How to remoltly access my local home ubuntu machine from outside my local netwok usign VNC

I want to remotely access my home ubuntu machine using VNC. I have followed the link here How To Configure Remote Access To Your Ubuntu Desktop Now, I can remote access using the internal network. I ...
Heba Mohsen's user avatar
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Connect to remote Ubuntu laptop which does not load

I suspect the answer but still want to try. I have a relative who's got a laptop with Ubuntu. She just uses it for Internet browsing and she's not technical at all. Her laptop stopped loading. She's ...
foxy123's user avatar
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Browse a website from my personal computer as if I were using my server

I would like to be able to access websites from my laptop computer as if I were using a limited-access server that is connected to my university's network. I want to do this to access scientific ...
Pedro Henrique Pereira Braga's user avatar
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How to connect to my ubuntu VNC server from outside my network

How can I connect to my ubuntu pc running vncserver from outside my network? I can access it from inside my home network using (the address of the pc and the port I have opened ...
Laurence_jj's user avatar
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could not open remote file with libreoffice

I can't open any remote file with libreoffice. When to open files on remote folders(mounted by sftp), a error General input/output error while accessing (path of my file)/summary_counts.csv showed by ...
Lvyanhongkao Lv's user avatar
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How to Remote desktop into UBUNTU 19.04 from Windows 10, over home wifi with sudo access

Any recommendations on how I can connect from Windows 10, to Ubuntu 19.04 over home wifi (but preferably from anywhere on the internet), and do a screenshare of Ubuntu desktop, and control the desktop ...
FlyingZebra1's user avatar
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Can't access server port from remote network

I've got Hetzner VPS with Ubuntu Server 16 (Server). I'd like to use it as HTTP-proxy from remote network and my problem is I can't access to proxy port outside Server. I use tinyproxy as simple http-...
Ilya Krigouzov's user avatar
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sshfs "reset by peer" after new installation of server OS

I'm trying to mount a drive from my work PC to my home PC using the command below: sudo sshfs -o allow_other [email protected]:/ /mnt/home-pc This command was working fine before. However, I've ...
matohak's user avatar
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RDP without host machine unlocking

I would like to remotely connect to my Ubuntu from another Ubuntu machine. The problem is when I'm at the remote location and I log in via RDP, it also unlocks my host PC. I would like to log in as ...
user100000's user avatar
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Using Remmina to connect to a remote host

I utilize the RDP protocol by using the Remmina software in order to connect to a remote host. If I close the Remmina session utilizing the disconnect option, will the remote host continue its ...
Panagiotis's user avatar
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How do I RDP to Ubuntu14 from Windows7xpro remotely AND see the native desktop(open apps, process, etc)?

So I successfully installed an XRDP client using this post. But the desktops are all like VM desktop emulators and don't show the real desktop. Odd that I can be logged in on both RDP and direct to ...
Apsis0215's user avatar
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Access android phone via Ubuntu

I would like to connect my android phone to my ubuntu laptop in such a way that any phone calls or notification is shown on my laptop.For example I am working on my laptop and someone calls me on my ...
ABN's user avatar
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Remotely access postgresql database with FDW [solved]

I have two servers hosted at different locations, with Postgresql. I want to access to Postgresql data from server 1 (CentOS 7), by postgresql FDW from server 2 (Ubuntu 16). The problem is : psql: ...
Splendens's user avatar
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read variable value from xterm and export value in another bash file

I am trying to do a remote desktop connection between Ubuntu desktop and another Ubuntu system. I want to develop an application so it is necessary to use shell command. ssh -X or -Y username@...
Viral Nakrani's user avatar
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Mosh and ssh stopped working after connection through VPN channel

I've had absolutely no problem since I started accessing the remote university server via VPN last month, but today something went wrong and I can't fix it on my own. Here's what I usually do: I ...
Alex's user avatar
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Clementine remote

I am running Clementine 1.3.1 on Ubuntu 16.04 and I downloaded the remote app on my android. I did open port 5500 but I cannot get it to connect. I can ping the phone and the phone can ping the ...
theller's user avatar
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LAN casting slides / spreadsheet to an ubuntu projector

A VGA projector is connected to a laptop-docking-bay (LAN connected), that is configured dual boot with 16.04 / Windows XP I would like to boot into 16.04 to display the desktop of aLAN connected ...
gatorback's user avatar
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I would like to run my task on Ubuntu machine remotely along with its "local" user

I have Windows 10 machine and I need to run some tasks, actually compile tex documents, on a remote Ubuntu machine. This is my wife's machine and I want her to be able to work on her machine along ...
Yola's user avatar
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