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1 answer

Is the ~/.bashrc file user specific when I am connected to a remote system using Secure Shell (SSH)?

I am doing work on a remote computer using Secure Shell. I would like to add aliases to the ~/.bashrc file, but only if this edit applies to my user only. So the question, as the title states, is ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Bash script how to run a command remotely and then exit the remote terminal

I'm trying to execute the command: ssh nvidia@ubuntu-ip-address "/opt/ads2/arm-linux64/bin/ads2 svcd &" This works so far except that it hangs in the remote terminal when "/opt/ads2/...
k.jbaili's user avatar
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read variable value from xterm and export value in another bash file

I am trying to do a remote desktop connection between Ubuntu desktop and another Ubuntu system. I want to develop an application so it is necessary to use shell command. ssh -X or -Y username@...
Viral Nakrani's user avatar
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Remote access for bash

I am trying to look for an application that is a bash shell but can be remotely controlled, and instructions on how to use one. For example, I can control it in another computer using an address, say ...
The Holy See's user avatar
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How to run multiple scripts in remote machine

I have to remotely connect to a gateway (working on Linux platform), inside which I have couple of executable files ( and Now I want to write one script in my desktop ...
Siddharth Tiwari's user avatar
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Why is netcat remote shell not returning any output on ubuntu 12.04?

I'm connecting to a server I have on my laptop, both are on the same vmnet and both systems are Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. In order to connect I use reverse shell from the web sever. First I start listening ...
Giladiald's user avatar
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keyboard behaves differently under bash

When logged to other computer from windows under bash, putty maps keys properly but under other shells like sh or zsh keys like Delete are mapped incorrectly (to ~ character). Setting XTERM to ...
Rumca's user avatar
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15 answers

Can you set passwords in .ssh/config to allow automatic login?

I'm using Ubuntu 11.10 and ssh for connecting to many servers daily, so I put their parameters in the .ssh/config file like this: Host Home User netmoon Port 22 HostName Is there a way to ...
Netmoon's user avatar
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