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Questions tagged [qml]

Questions related to the development of QML applications on the Ubuntu environment.

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AeroThemePlasma does not launch and instead throws this error: Dependency '/usr/lib/qt/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/qmldir' is missing

I installed Ubuntu 20.04 and updated it to 22.04 and wanted to install a Windows 7 theme onto it, so I installed KDE Plasma and tried to run the AeroThemePlasma installer. I installed all of the ...
RockZombie's user avatar
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How to fix the error qmlscene: could not find a Qt installation of '' in Ubuntu Unity 22.10?

I compiled this app made for Ubuntu Touch in Ubuntu Unity 22.10. The app can be run with qmlscene %U /path/to/qml/Main.qml. When I run qmlscene, I get the error qmlscene: could not find a Qt ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
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Creating a folder from QML with /bin/sh -c mkdir

Hi I'm trying to create a folder from QML with a QProcess call: qproc.start("/bin/sh -c 'mkdir -p /tmp/x'"); It doesn't do anything. Nor does it return any error. From what I read, this ...
lvr123's user avatar
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Syntax Error on accessing JSON data in QML data from python youtube_dl

I have a simple youtube_dl function to access the youtube download links here, @QtCore.Slot(str, result=str) def getDownloadLinks(self, url): try: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({}) as ydl: ...
Abdullah AL Shohag's user avatar
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[QT][QML] Unable to use QTLocation and QTPositioning in my QML view

in my QT/QML project created with QT 6.1 and operating system Ubuntu 20.04 I would use the QTMapView. In order to do this, I tried to install QTLocation and QTPosition by using the following command: ...
Archimede's user avatar
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KDE Widget not loading- Netspeed widget

This is the error i'm facing... Error loading QML file: file:///home/conman/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.netspeedWidget/contents/ui/main.qml:45:37: Type CompactRepresentation unavailable ...
ConMan77's user avatar
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How to get a screen shot of a window from command line using window id

How to get a screenshot of only one window from the command line if I have window id? I want to show a preview screen like this for a specific window with qml and pyqt5. What can I do then?
Newtron Malayalam's user avatar
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How to make a lockscreen for xfce using qml without sddm lockscreen

I was trying to make a lock screen for Xfce and gnome using QML and python PyQt5. main.qml import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Window 2.12 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 ...
Newtron Malayalam's user avatar
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2 answers

How to hide running app icon from gnome panel QML PyQt5

I am working on a widget manager like conky in gnome. I want to hide only my ap my application icon(display all other running apps icons) from running apps or from here this is my qml file import ...
Newtron Malayalam's user avatar
4 votes
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Error with Qtcreator when running project "error: Unknown module(s) in QT: qml quickwidgets svg quick" [duplicate]

I have successfully installed Qtcreator 5.9.7 on Linux 18.04, checked by running example project. Now I am trying to run my old project, created on 5.7.1 on Desktop PC and getting the following error. ...
Chohan's user avatar
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3 votes
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QtLocation and QtPositioning not installed

I'm trying to develop a KDE widget that should display a map. At the moment I can't get the widget to load, because of the errors module "QtLocation" is not installed and module "QtPositioning" is not ...
Davide_sd's user avatar
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How to get SDDM themes working on Xubuntu?

My problem is the following : I'm on Xubuntu, and I use SDDM on xfce. I need to use SDDM because there is a theme I want to use on it, I've installed it in the right folder, changed SDDM.conf, and ...
FootFélix's user avatar
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Lock Screen date and time configuration [duplicate]

Just installed Kubuntu 17.04 on my computer. When the lock screen comes on the time is shown as am/pm while I want to have it in 24 hours format. The date comes as, which I wanted to ...
Cengiz ÇAVLI's user avatar
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Snapcraft qml module

I am making a simple application on qt/qml, but I can't make the application into a snap. snapcraft write error :Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: qml quick. my Source Code. My snapcraft ...
Andrey  Yankovich's user avatar
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Getting camera buffer using Qt with c++ and QML

I am new in Ubuntu touch apps development. my question is : is there a method to get a buffer or images from phone camera using C++. after that, i must process these images pixel per pixel and past ...
Houssem Merdaci's user avatar
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Is there a way to access filesystem from a HTML5 App in Ubuntu Touch?

I'm trying to adapt a html5 app written originnally for Firefox OS to Ubuntu Touch. There are various issues, like file system access, contacts access, notifications and others. I want to know if ...
user581329's user avatar
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Pyotherside for Ubuntu Touch Mendeley App

I am an owner of both the BQ M10 Ubuntu Tablet and the BQ Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Phone and I am very unhappy with the absence of a Mendeley app for these devices. For this reason, I want to code it ...
Sven's user avatar
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Creating simple login form using Qt creator without any QtQuickControls

I am new to Qt Creator . I want to build a simple form( example a Login form) with a submit button in qml but without using any import QtQuick.Controls. How to create buttons using Rectangle component?...
Sayli Jawale's user avatar
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Ubuntu Touch apparmor denials when making Http Post/Get requests?

I'm trying my hand at developing a native QML app for Ubuntu Touch, but when it comes to fetching remote content from my server to populate a list view, it fails with an apparmor denial. Here is my ...
Keefer Rourke's user avatar
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pyotherside cannot be loaded on Ubuntu 16.10

I recently updated from Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 16.10 and want to recover an old Ubuntu Touch App that I wrote using pyotherside. I have installed both packages qml-module-io-thp-pyotherside and ...
Sven's user avatar
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Is QtAudioEngine available for Ubuntu 16.04?

I'm trying to add sound to a Qt application on Ubuntu 16.04 with the Ubuntu SDK. The following QML builds but fails at run-time with module "QtAudioEngine" is not installed: import QtQuick 2.2 ...
James Rhew's user avatar
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How do I get the Reminders app to work?

I installed the Reminders app on Ubuntu Xenial (not Ubuntu Touch): sudo apt install reminders-app It doesn't seem to start correctly: Running against the production server using main qml file from: ...
Andrea Lazzarotto's user avatar
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How to create a cross-platform Ubuntu Touch app without qmlscene?

I have learned C++ and Qt to be able to create cross-platform apps. I have a very simple app built as executable that runs on desktop but I can't figure out how to make it work on my Ubuntu phone. ...
moldcraft's user avatar
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deploy Ubuntu SDK qml app to Windows?

I'm wondering if its possible to deploy an app made with the Ubuntu SDK in qml to Windows or Mac? and also to other distros which I think should be possible through a snap? Thanks
LittleDan45's user avatar
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Installing Qt 5.x on Ubuntu globally

Hello everyone! :) I need to install Qt 5 globally on Ubuntu to be able to use QML libraries like Kirigami. However, the wast majority of Google search results tell how to install it locally (as a ...
Ilya's user avatar
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U1Db QML API database on Application update

I have made an application in QML that uses U1Db qml Api (sdk 15.04.5). The Application create a database to save his data. The application is already loaded on Ubuntu store and available to the users....
userFulvio999's user avatar
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ListView model reload with U1db.Query

I have a ListView with his model coming from a U1db.Query The reading and saving operation form U1db works, but i need to update the ListView model when a new item is inserted in the database, to ...
userFulvio999's user avatar
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Running QML/C++ application build with CMake is unable to run from QtCreator or snap package

I am trying to get a QML/C++ application packaged as a snap. I am using CMake as a build system. The application builds fine and I am able to run the executable by double clicking on it. When trying ...
kicsyromy's user avatar
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content hub: make my app available to others

My app uses the phone's microphone to record audio. I need to make it available to other apps so that they can call upon it whenever they want to. Say email or a messaging service like telegram ...
user4641490's user avatar
3 votes
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Ubuntu SDK: Having difficulty getting images to work in 'QML only app' when deploying to armhf device

When I deploy my QML only program to the desktop using the Ubuntu SDK, images that I have placed in the same folder as Main.qml can be accessed and displayed correctly in the application using source: ...
pHeLiOn's user avatar
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No video shown in Ubuntu Touch QML app video player

I'm trying to play a video in an Ubuntu Touch QML app. The audio plays, but no video is shown. A minimalistic version: import QtQuick 2.4 import Ubuntu.Components 1.2 import QtMultimedia 5.5 ...
RSimons's user avatar
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Is qml from the terminal supposed to work on OTA-10.2

Context: Meizu PRO 5 w/ UbuntuTouch OTA-10.2 (unboxed today). Developer Mode, and a rw filesystem. Question, qml and qmlscene segfault, and have broken symlinks: phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ qmlscene ...
paul_h's user avatar
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Plasma 5.5.5 NetworkManagement Widget won't load the QML file

I am using Kubuntu 16.04 using Plasma 5.5.5 and Qt version 5.5.1. I was running kernel 5.5.3 and upon upgrade to 5.5.4 the plasma widget for network management seemed to break. So I downgraded to the ...
Michael Knoll's user avatar
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QML MediaPlayer on Ubuntu Touch

Has anyone tried to play movie link (MP4) using QML MediaPlayer on Ubuntu Touch? Currently I can only get audio but without any video. Any help would be appreciated.
JTam's user avatar
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Go app won't compile in Ubuntu SDK

I'm trying to create a new Ubuntu Touch App with Go and QML using the template in the SDK. The application won't build and gives the following error. 17:41:47: Running command go get -d -u
Reuben Swartz's user avatar
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QT Creator cannot start ubuntu apps on ubuntu 16.04

If i create a new project with QT Creator (Ubuntu 16.04) QML App with C++ plugin (cmake) Framework: ubuntu-sdk-15.04.4-qml Desktop Unix-Generator (Desktop) ( CMake works without problems ) I start ...
JOnathanJOnes's user avatar
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Non-existent property tools in Page

I have a code which used to work but after I upgraded to (K)ubuntu 16.04 and the latest Ubuntu-sdk, it doesn't work anymore. I get error Cannot assign to non-existent property "tools". This is my code ...
JeCh's user avatar
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How to use PageHeader on Ubuntu Desktop

I am trying to create an application for my Ubuntu Phone, that should be run on my desktop machine (15.10), too. It runs fine on my Ubuntu Phone (OTA 10), but when I try to run it on my desktop ...
p0kR's user avatar
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I need Ubuntu.Components 1.3 for Ubuntu 14.04

Newbie here. Been an IAR baremetal embedded guy for years. Ubuntu transition is painful. I've installed Ubuntu 14.04. I've installed SDK and Qt Creator and I'm trying to build...anything. ...
Dubs's user avatar
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Get the sum of all values in a specific column of a ListView in QML [closed]

How have the sum of a column in a list view? By example the total cost : ListModel { id: fruitModel ListElement { ...
Jimmy L's user avatar
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QML unit testing: running qmltestrunner

I'm on ubuntu 14.04. I installed the Ubuntu SDK IDE. Running a QML App on my Ubuntu phone via the IDE works fine. I'm following this tutorial on testing
Osvald Laurits's user avatar
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How to download and parse a gzipped xml file with qml in Ubuntu Touch?

Currency converter tutorial is very useful in explaining how to download and parse an xml file through XmlListModel, but it seems it is not possible to parse a gizipped file in this way. How could I ...
lqskqs's user avatar
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How to control system volume with C++/QML?

Helo, I want to develop an app. It should control the system volume by day time. I have two questions: How to change system volume in C++/QML? How can I run my app as a service that will ...
ubik's user avatar
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Ubuntu SDK Error 'could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb".'

I am trying to write my first ubuntu app using the Ubuntu SDK but keep running into an error. This error turns up both with QML and HTML5 apps. I am trying this just on the template for both project ...
HighlandPirate's user avatar
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Why does XMLHttpRequest used in ubuntu sdk QML application produce "Object path cannot be empty" error

When I deploy my application to my Ubuntu phone via ubuntu SDK I get the following error: QNetworkManagerInterface::QNetworkManagerInterface(QObject*) nmReply "An AppArmor policy prevents this sender ...
simon roche's user avatar
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Ubuntu SDK IDE quits with Segmentation fault when running example code

I installed Ubuntu SDK from ppa:ubuntu-sdk-team/ppa on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64bit. Then I created device kit ubuntu-sdk-15.04 armhf. When I try to run with CTRL + R example below from: https://developer....
Fih's user avatar
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Issues with CurrencyConverter qml tutorial

I'm trying to follow the tutorial at which states, "Select the Projects > Ubuntu > App with Simple UI template and click ...
bhkolts's user avatar
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ListModel display and if it contains [closed]

I want to know how to display a list if it contains a character. Example: ListModel { id: fruitModel ListElement { name: "Apple" cost: 2.45 } ListElement { ...
Jimmy L's user avatar
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How to create and build snappy apps ?

I am very new to Ubuntu application development. I have to develop an application for snappy Ubuntu. Now I am confused about how to do it? So here are my few questions. Which language should I use to ...
Akshay's user avatar
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How do I develop a Ubuntu application using the Go language?

I want to develop some application for the Ubuntu platform. But I don't know C++. I can learn QML very easily. The problem is that the logic or process behind the scene in an application seems to use ...
Rahul Sinha's user avatar

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