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Questions tagged [plasma]

KDE's plasma Desktop Environment.

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75 votes
7 answers

What is a activity in KDE and what can I do with it?

In the top right corner of a standard KDE/Kubuntu installation you'll see this: But seriously, I seem to be unable to understand what those "activities" are and what it would enable me to profit from....
gertvdijk's user avatar
  • 68.4k
41 votes
1 answer

How to move, resize or remove KDE widgets since Plasma 5.5.5 (xenial) [duplicate]

Until Plasma 5.4.2 (wily) widgets could be unlocked and showed a side menu when hovering over them with the mouse. The side menu allowed moving, resizing and removing the widget. With Plasma 5.5.5 (...
Stéphane Tréboux's user avatar
35 votes
3 answers

How to deactivate all the desktop effects of KDE permanently?

I am aware that the shortcode of "Shift + Alt + F12" disables all the desktop effects of Kubuntu 15.10. However, is there a way to disable all those effects automatically and permanently in every ...
Ken's user avatar
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29 votes
4 answers

In KDE Plasma, how can I switch between virtual desktops using Meta + Tab?

I'm using KDE Plasma 5 right now, and I noticed that the keyboard shortcut Meta + Tab is used to switch between Activities, and Alt + Tab is obviously used to switch between windows. I would like to ...
Caleb Hawn's user avatar
22 votes
5 answers

Why is plasmashell using 100% cpu?

I'm running Kubuntu 16.04 with KDE 5.5.5 and I've noticed an anomaly in cpu consumption by the plasmashell process. Do you have any idea of the reason?
Alessandro Gaballo's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Konsole - silence in session 'Default'

Why is my Konsole generating notifications every 10 seconds after a keypress in statusbar "Konsole -- silence in session 'Default'". In "Configure Notifications -- Plasma" I can deselect ...
MKaama's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Where is Bing's Picture of the Day stored on my system?

In Kubuntu, I set the desktop background as "Bing's Picture of the Day". Some pictures are so good that I desire to store them for further reference. However, the pictures are not located within ~/...
Wizard's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How to trigger network-manager autoconnect?

Let's say that network-manager is connected to specific Wi-Fi network. When I click "Disconnect" via GUI from it then it never connects back. But when I close the laptop lid, then open it back (so ...
Te Ri's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How to restart alt+f2 dialog in kde after xkill?

The dialog that appears when I press Alt+F2 froze (what is it called? minicli?), I then proceeded to kill it by clicking it after running the command xkill, this was the message: xkill: killing ...
Trufa's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How to stop the icon jumping effect in kubuntu?

the desktop-jump-effect Do i need to use kcmshell5 for it? I am using plasma 5.5.5. and kubuntu 16.04.
stephen b's user avatar
  • 139
12 votes
7 answers

GTK+ in Kubuntu apps look bad

I have installed Evolution email client on Kubuntu 11.10 and it's not so cute as expected. Eclipse also looks bad. I have the GTK+ Appearance plugin in KDE System Settings and already tried QTCurve ...
piovisqui's user avatar
  • 241
12 votes
1 answer

macOS-like app switching in Plasma 5

In macOS, you can cycle through applications (note: not windows) by pressing ALT+TAB. However, when ALT+TABbing in Plasma 5, you cycle through all windows of all applications, which can get ...
w1lcezar's user avatar
  • 123
12 votes
1 answer

Can i get Task manager to show only icons?

In the Task manager widget of the Panel, can i get it to not show the application titles, but only the icons? I don't see that option when i go to Task Manager Options. So, in this example, i would ...
Digital Ninja's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Transparency Effects in KDE Plasma, not supported by color scheme

Using Kubuntu 17.04 with Plasma 5.9.4 I installed a few Themes like Maia and Breath, which usually can use Transparency Effects, for the Console Background, Application Dashboard and the Panel. The ...
Severus15's user avatar
  • 300
11 votes
2 answers

Nautilus won't launch in Ubuntu 15.04. What should I do?

Nautilus won't start. When I try to launch it from a terminal, I get the following messages: (nautilus:3344): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: g_dbus_interface_skeleton_unexport: assertion 'interface_->priv-&...
d3pd's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between kubuntu-desktop, plasma-desktop and kde-plasma-desktop packages?

I see they differ in size. plasma-desktop is a dependency of kde-plasma-desktop and it seems that kubuntu-desktop and kde-plasma-desktop are independent of each other. What are other ...
Aram Paronikyan's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

How to take a screenshot in KDE Plasma Ubuntu?

I am new to Plasma and I don't know how to take a screenshot. From what I've seen there isn't any shortcut for that so I would like to create one, if only I knew how to do it.
KGBeast's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How do you change display resolution of VMware Player in KDE Plasma 5?

I installed the project NEON ppa in Ubuntu 14.04 to check out the new KDE in a VM. I can't seem to figure out how to change the display resolution. Its stuck at 800x600. Edit: I'm using vmware player ...
koogee's user avatar
  • 445
9 votes
5 answers

Disable KDE Launcher - Browser history integration

Whenever I search for something in KDE's Kickoff Application launcher, it also search in my browser history (both Firefox and Chromium). I already disabled Nepomuk and selected "do not remember" ...
cnkt's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Cancelling print jobs and dealing with printer

Where can I see printing jobs in queue? Sometimes even after restarting the computer, a print is not forgotten and when I turn on printer it begins to print some jobs from previous actions which I no ...
Minimus Heximus's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Changing opacity of inactive windows in KDE

Is there a way to set a customization in Plasma environment so that inactive windows will have opacity 30%? I know one can set specific titlebar colors for active and inactive windows . But I could ...
Minimus Heximus's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Kubuntu w/ backports == KDE Neon (At least in terms of KDE version?)

I had a question for any of the KDE fans out there - I have been seeing a lot of interest stirring up lately with KDE Neon and I really liked the idea of always having the latest/greatest version of ...
cP4n's user avatar
  • 275
9 votes
1 answer

How to enable fractional scaling of GTK apps in KDE Plasma?

While Plasma supports fractional scaling of Qt apps very well, the fractional scaling does not apply on GTK apps. GDK_SCALE=2 appname can apply a scale factor 2, but it does not work for fractional ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Sound volume icon (volume control widget) disappears from tray and Fn-F11/Fn-F12 keys do not work

After some time working with the system volume icon is no longer in the system tray and Fn-F11 / Fn-F12 do not work. Restarting plasmashell does not fix the problem. How do I restore it back without ...
Te Ri's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

LTS support for Kubuntu vs Ubuntu

I'm planning on installing Linux for my wife, and she's looking for a Windows-like experience. I was planning on using Plasma as her desktop environment. Kubuntu seems like a natural choice. What I'm ...
Dargscisyhp's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Minimize windows without them going black and white

I recently updated to KDE 4.10. Now when I minimize windows, the task manager shows them being black and white. I find this very annoying since I tend to find windows primarily based on colors, not ...
Mike's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Kubuntu 22.04 Thermal Monitor broken - cannot see CPU and SDD temperatures

I've just done the Kubuntu upgrade from 21.10 (impish) to 22.04 (jammy). Now my Thermal Monitor plasma widget, which used to show CPU, GPU, SDD1 and SSD2 temperatures only shows the GPU temperature. ...
nagelp's user avatar
  • 423
7 votes
2 answers

How to define a theme for specific application in kde plasma?

Just installed edraw and I have Breeze-dark theme as the global theme, but edraw looks like its not cooperating. Mostly showing white letters on white background. If I switch the global theme to just ...
user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Show the Task Switcher on the center of the desktop

I am working on KDE plasma 5. When strike Alt+Tab to switch applications, they are displayed on the left side of the screen. How could enable them to be displayed on the center of screen like in ...
Wizard's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Plasma 5 keyboard "Alt+1"

I use KDE plasma 5.10.1 . I use Alt+1 ... Alt+10 to change tabs in web browsers or konsole . my problem is Alt+1 not working in plasma desktop and i always replace /usr/bin/kglobalaccel5 to /usr/...
mah454's user avatar
  • 171
7 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between kde-standard and kubuntu-desktop and installing kubuntu

Sorry if you find the question to be repited, I have searched previous ones but refered to other specific packages and I don't really have the basic concepts clear, so I can't get to a conclusion. I ...
PolGZ's user avatar
  • 73
7 votes
1 answer

Change size of taskbar applet

I really love my task bar, but one annoying thing is the size of this applet (or how do you call it?): It shows only 5 devices, while I've got many more devices. I've got a very large screen, so I'...
Stephan Vierkant's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Quick way to temporarily disable notifications in Plasma/KDE/Kubuntu?

I'd like to be able to quickly disable and re-enable notifications in the KDE Plasma desktop (Kubuntu 19.04); essentially, a "focus" mode. Previous (4+ years old) answers - Is it possible to ...
Andrew's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Disabling capslock key in KDE

I assigned a KDE action to caps-lock key (so that cap-lock is a hotkey for that) hoping it will be disabled (a trick working for other keys). But it was not. Why this happens and how to find a better ...
Minimus Heximus's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to know what drivers and video card am I using?

I am running KDE Neon, there isnt an app called software and updates like there is in ubuntu. How do I know that im running not the open source driver and actually using my gpu?
tomkis's user avatar
  • 425
6 votes
3 answers

How to update to KDE Plasma 5.9?

I am new to the Ubuntu world. I have downloaded Kubuntu 16.04 LTS and it installed really nicely. Now, I see that it just comes with KDE 5.5.5. I have added the stable repo and am now having the 5.8....
Dolores Abernathy's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Wrong language displayed by SDDM on login Kubuntu 18.04

After hearing good things about KDE Plasma, I decided to give Kubuntu 18.04 a spin. I was impressed until it came to the long in screen. The biggest issue I had was the language of the date and time ...
Mark Lines's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Plasma 5.8 from backports: can't type into authentication dialogues!

I have this weird problem. I cannot type into the authentication dialogues. I mean those from kdesudo, or the one to open the wallet. The keyboard input just gets ignored. It works in any other window,...
Palantir's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

How to remove persistent favorite from KDE Menu in Plasma 5.x?

I have a problem with the KDE Plasma Menu. The favorite applications section has a "kate app" icon, and I removed it from favorites, but when I restart, the icon is still there. I don't know where ...
serhumanos's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Set new keyboard shortcuts for switching between desktop activities

Is there a way to set hotkeys for Desktop Activities in KDE Plasma: Meta/Win+Tab is good when there are only two activities; for more, I need a few more hotkeys. Is there a way to set new hotkeys for ...
Minimus Heximus's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How to install Kvantum

I'm running Kubuntu 17.04 and want to install Kvantum, but apparently there is no package. How do I do that? Maybe a PPA, maybe download a .deb file?
deshmukh's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Setting a command to be run when switching to a virtual desktop (or an activity) in KDE

Can a command be set to run when switching to a specific virtual desktop (or an activity) in KDE environment? I want to run a command for a desktop (e.g. desktop2) so that when I switch to that ...
Minimus Heximus's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do I change startup sound in KDE Plasma?

It's nice that KDE Plasma plays sounds on startup, but that awful click sound (or whatever they call it) is annoying. Anyone know how to change the startup sound in KDE Plasma?
Jeff Seale's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Can I use KDE Plasma Widgets in Gnome?

I would like to use some KDE Plasma Widgets but don't want to install KDE and don't want to lose my current Gnome setup.
deleted's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to get menu bar back after hidden in all KDE program windows

The top, "File, Edit..." menu is gone from all my KDE program windows. Not sure what I changed. I tried ctrl+m, looked in EVERY setting I can find for days but can not find a way to get my ...
Benzle's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Slow startup of Plasma 5.5 in Kubuntu 16.04

My recent Notebook (Intel i3-6100 with SSD) boots from BIOS to the login of SDDM within 8s. After entering my credentials it takes 31s (no matter if I have autostart of Firefox and Thunderbird). While ...
tardis's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Stop Alt from opening/searching menus on Kubuntu

I'm using Kubuntu and I can't for the life of me find how I can stop the Alt key from toggling my menu on each window. It's the feature that lets your search your menus with your keyboard, ...
Anthony Naddeo's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to install KDE Plasma without installing full Kubuntu Desktop?

I'm currently using Ubuntu 17.10 and I recently installed Kubuntu Desktop to get KDE, the installation succeeded, but my PC got messed up as it installed dozens of applications, modified the boot ...
Wraith's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How to disable snapd desktop notifications in KDE plasma (Kubuntu 22.04)?

I would like to disable the annoying desktop notifications from snapd (e.g. "Close the app to avoid disruptions") in KDE/Kubuntu 22.04 Plasma. I have looked in the KDE notification system ...
bmiller59's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Kde uses Gnome notification system instead of knotify

I tried to install kubuntu-active on the Kubuntu Trusty and it failed to start. So, I removed it and many packages has "active" in it name related to KDE Active. KDE runs ok now but one issue: It uses ...
عمروخضير's user avatar

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