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Questions tagged [plasma-5]

Questions related to Plasma 5, the current generation of KDE's Plasma desktop environment

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1 answer

AeroThemePlasma does not launch and instead throws this error: Dependency '/usr/lib/qt/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/qmldir' is missing

I installed Ubuntu 20.04 and updated it to 22.04 and wanted to install a Windows 7 theme onto it, so I installed KDE Plasma and tried to run the AeroThemePlasma installer. I installed all of the ...
RockZombie's user avatar
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How can I disable Underlined Letters in KDE Plasma 5?

I'm using KDE Plasma 5 on Kubuntu 22.04 and I've been noticing underlined letters in menus, dialog boxes etc. I find them distracting and would like to disable them. Does anyone know how to turn off ...
Al-Amin's user avatar
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Akregator weird bug (I dont get the same error log each time) - Kubuntu 22.04

I use Kubuntu 22.04 and I recently started utilizing Akregator to save myself browsing time searching for articles online. I've been having it set as a startup program for about three months now but ...
Emandudeguy's user avatar
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Cant install kdeplasma-addons using apt [duplicate]

I use Ubuntu Mate 22.04 on my computer and I installed the KDE Plasma desktop environment, I tried adding the Menu 11 and Menu X Widgets but they popped up with an error when I tried to open them I ...
Tomato Eater's user avatar
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Newly deployed Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, experiencing a non-showstopper nuisance error Qt: Session management error: networkIdsList argument is NULL?

I built a new server instance on Kamatera cloud. The release was stripped to the core, yet the install was superbly clean. Installed Firefox $ sudo apt install firefox Attempted to install NoMachine ...
Dennis Jorgenson's user avatar
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KDE Plasma 5.27.8 Taskbar Freeze

I am running into a problem where my KDE Plasma taskbar (example pictured below) freezes randomly every so often. The only way to unfreeze the taskbar (and get it to render in a current state) was ...
Edward Kennedy's user avatar
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Snap apps mysteriously crash on launch

Using Ubuntu 22.04, KDE Plasma. I'm experiencing very strange behavior of many (all?) snap apps, such as Firefox. They usually crash on launch, but if I try to launch them many times, eventually it ...
kirillkh's user avatar
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Graphics corruption inside some application's window

I have 3 monitors : my laptop's screen a screen connected to the HDMI port a screen connected by HDMI through an USB-C hub. I sometimes experience graphics corruption inside some application's ...
trent--'s user avatar
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KDE Plasma 5 thrashes while charging an Android device by USB

Plasma 5.24.7, Ubuntu Studio 22.04. My Android tablet that I use as a performance controller was a bit low on battery, so I plugged it into an open port on my USB hub and selected "charge only&...
jamshark70's user avatar
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KDE Plasma screen going dark even though screen dimming is disabled

My screen keeps dimming (or going blank) after several minutes of inactivity. Normally I don't mind, but the other night, I was giving a presentation and connected to a projector. If, for example, I ...
jamshark70's user avatar
2 votes
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How to show newly downloaded files in folder 'Downloads' in file manager 'Dolphin'?

Recently, I upgraded my Ubuntu Studio system from version 20.04 LTS to 22.04.1 LTS, and suddenly, newly downloaded files are not shown in real-time in the new default file manager named 'Dolphin'. To ...
Novice's user avatar
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How to mute ALL notification-sounds (e.g. notification-sound during emptying the trash bin)?

I just upgraded my Ubuntu Studio system from version 20.04 LTS to 22.04.1 LTS, and suddenly I hear different sounds during events like emptying the trash bin for example, which never happened in my ...
Novice's user avatar
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How to change shutdown delay?

I want to change the the shutdown delay from 30 seconds to 60 seconds This has some discussion but is 5 years old. Operating System: Ubuntu Studio 22.04 KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.6 KDE Frameworks ...
Al Lelopath's user avatar
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How can I achieve an automatic icon update on the dock panel?

I wrote a small bash script under Kubuntu 22.04 that establishes a VPN connection if not already available. It is started via Cron. As a small highlight, the Schript sets a .desktop file in ~/.local/...
Hardy Thiergart's user avatar
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How do I reinstall KDE Plasma without doing a fresh install

so I tried to customize my KDE desktop using Latte dock and some other tools, but then I didn’t like it because it started to break my desktop and a lot of bugs. So, how can I reinstall KDE Plasma ...
Abhishek Kamal's user avatar
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Kubuntu 22.04 Widgets Repostioning problem

I recently update Kubuntu 20.10 to 22.04. Every Thing is Fine except for the Plasma widgets. Kubuntu right now after update run on Kde plasma: 5.24.4 framework version: 5.92.0 Qt version: 5.15.3. So ...
Akash BIswas's user avatar
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Ubuntu Studio 22.04 forces keyboard layout to English

I type in 3 languages. Despite setting the switching policy to Global, every time when I switch windows, KDE forces the layout back to English, ignoring the last layout. How this behavior can be fixed?...
Shaul Reznik's user avatar
3 votes
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KDE plasma input method settings shows "Cannot connect to Fcitx by DBus, is Fcitx running?"

When I open Input Method settings in KDE plasma and it showed "Cannot connect to Fcitx by DBus, is Fcitx running?" and I can't do any changes to input method since everything is grayed out. ...
Adrian0811's user avatar
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KDE Plasma Application Launcher is opening in the middle of the screen

I'm not sure what I did, but for some reason, my application launcher menu now opens in the middle of the screen. It only happens when I select "application launcher" from the "show ...
Matt West's user avatar
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Kubuntu switch two last language layouts like MacOS or Gnome

I use three different keyboard layouts. In Gnome and MacOS, switching between languages is conveniently implemented - when you press once Win+Space it switches between the last two languages, and to ...
Jonathan Grater's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How do I disable/remove Klipper in KDE Plamsa 5?

Klipper is frequently causing the system to hang on copy/paste actions. This is indicated by my taskbar being non-interactive on copy/paste. This will usually last for 10-30 seconds, or I will restart ...
no_one's user avatar
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How is it possible that I'm able to use plasma when I only installed lubuntu?

I just installed lubuntu dual boot with windows 10, it runs smoothly on my low end laptop. I'm confused though, when I turn on the computer, I get 2 choices Ubuntu (not lubuntu) or windows. And when I ...
Travis Fubu's user avatar
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2 answers

When i open kate from terminal, i get multiple messages so How do i get rid of those messages?

$ kate Icon theme "gnome" not found. Icon theme "ubuntu-mono-dark" not found. Icon theme "Mint-X" not found. Icon theme "elementary" not found. Icon theme "...
KUDEY's user avatar
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How to change the color of the scrollbar and slider in Kubuntu 20.4 systemwide

I want to change the colors of my scrollbar and slider systemwide. I already changed the width to my liking, but have no such luck with the colors. Looked around on this forum and searched for widgets,...
Joepie Es's user avatar
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kde panel blinks all the time when I move mouse over it fast in kubuntu 20.04

When I move my mouse fast it causes the panel to blink (rapidly disappears and appears). When I move the mouse slowly over panel it does not blink. Probably this is related to render of window ...
Vyacheslav's user avatar
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TigerVNC fullscreen is stretched and split across both screens on KDE 20.04. How do i get it on just one screen?

TigerVNC fullscreen is stretched and split across both screens on kubuntu 20.04. Looking thru all the "system settings" i don't see anything relevant. Not a problem on lubuntu 20.04. How do ...
gregrwm's user avatar
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Make KDE task switcher select a window on release of Alt+Tab

I've been using KDE for a long time. Always when switching between windows with Alt+Tab it would select the window where I release both buttons. The current behavior I have with KUbuntu 20.04 and ...
Artyom Kovalyov's user avatar
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KDE Plasma 5 Text Box Border Highlight Not In Correct Position

I recently added Manjaro to my setup that already had Kubuntu 21.04 and Windows 10. Kubuntu and Manjaro are sharing the /home partition, so I'm using the same user account on both systems. Everything ...
DarkBrave_'s user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Label "activities" in Plasma 5 desktop?

I've been running Plasma 5 as part of Kubuntu 20.04 since December 2020, and I've set up "activities" after reading suggestions that doing so helps with actual work efficiency (reduces ...
Zeiss Ikon's user avatar
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How to apply a color theme universally in Kubuntu 21.04

In Kubuntu 21.04, how can I apply a color theme so that it affects all (or at least most) components of the desktop? In the Settings, I went to Appearance -> Colors -> edit theme button -> ...
Fern Moss's user avatar
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Shortcut to show Bluetooth drop-down list in Plasma panel

Instead of clicking with the cursor the panel applets (widget and tray icons) in order to show their drop-down window with list/options I prefer sometimes to use shortcuts: Meta-B for battery, Meta-V ...
cipricus's user avatar
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KDE Auto Logout After Inactivity

How do I set KDE to automatically log out users after a period of inactivity? Reason: Shared server with many users. Some people leave themselves logged in to KDE for many days. Preferably want a ...
Bastion's user avatar
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Kate only shows up when I search for it, not in the application launcher (Plasma 5.21.4) [closed]

Recently, I've been messing with the KDE Menu Editor. I wanted Kate to show up in two categories, Utilities and Development. This caused Kate to show up two times when I searched for it, so I removed ...
ojbqa's user avatar
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KDE - Global Menu - Dual Screen

Hello askubuntu Community, I use a Plasma 5.21 setup that includes a global menu sitting in a topbar. It works perfectly fine, except when I move a window to the second screen. When I do that the menu ...
Michael Balzer's user avatar
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How to search for files with Krunner?

I was expecting krunner (and maybe the other Launchers like Application Launcher, Application Menu, Application Dashboard) to find files the way Synapse does or even Whisker menu. For some time these ...
cipricus's user avatar
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Which KDE Plasma version should I choose

I installed KDE plasma on my Ubuntu 20.04 using kde-standard but I now I found out more options like kde-full and kubuntu-desktop. I want to know which option should I use to have the complete KDE ...
ubuntu-newbie's user avatar
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How to enable transcluency in Kvantum with fractional scaling?

I started using fractional scaling after switching to a HiDPI screen, and noticed that the transcluency in Dolphin, Gwenview are gone. I am using Kvantum. How to enable transcluency with fractional ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
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Plasmoid “Window List”: Increase size

I am using the window list widget. The window is pretty small though - I would like to make it taller. How is that possible? It seems there is no option to do that. Can I tinker in the code somehow to ...
Make42's user avatar
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KDE Plasma 5 Isolate audio to the virtual desktop of the program playing it

I am running Kubuntu 20.04 LTS with KDE Plasma 5.18.5 and I would like to set up my system such that any program playing audio may only be heard on virtual desktops where said program my be seen. As ...
MichaelB's user avatar
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Open the K Menu Editor from command line

I am using Excalibur as start menu. In contrast to other start menus, after right-clicking on Excalibur, there is no button "Edit Applications..." that would open the K Menu Editor. ...
Make42's user avatar
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29 votes
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In KDE Plasma, how can I switch between virtual desktops using Meta + Tab?

I'm using KDE Plasma 5 right now, and I noticed that the keyboard shortcut Meta + Tab is used to switch between Activities, and Alt + Tab is obviously used to switch between windows. I would like to ...
Caleb Hawn's user avatar
8 votes
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How to use KDE global menu with Firefox?

I would like Firefox to use the global menu on KDE Plasma 5.19 running on X11. The widget set for both GTK and KDE is Breeze. I am currently using Kubuntu 20.10, but also have machines running 18.04 ...
xiota's user avatar
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Black icons after reinstalling Kubuntu desktop

After upgrading from Kubuntu 20.04 to Kubuntu 20.10, I could not login as it just showed a black screen after boot. So I switched to command line and reinstalled Kubuntu desktop with sudo apt-get ...
lovesh's user avatar
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How to change shortcut to switch windows in Kubuntu?

Most of the shortcuts for switching windows are misconfigured here. I am using Kubuntu 20.04 with KDE Desktop. I want to reconfigure the shortcuts for changing windows. I searched possibilities for ...
SL5net's user avatar
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Where is the current KDE Plasma 5 theme saved?

I'm using KDE Neon with Plasma 5.20.0, based on Ubuntu 20.04 I want to switch to another theme while I still keep the old one so I can restore it later. Where's the current theme with all the ...
adazem009's user avatar
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Assigning a shortcut to send keyboard input, in Plasma 5.18 - never works,

I want to send a keyboard / character (to the active window). This never did what I intended. No input was sent to any application (qt/gtk/console). **steps (as per the documentation) ** open "...
Berry Tsakala's user avatar
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How to change SDDM login screen after sleep?

I tried looking at this question but it doesn't address my problem: How to change login screen sddm on KDE Plasma 5 I'm able to install new SDDM login screens (I'm using Kubuntu 20.04) using the ...
Norbert-op's user avatar
131 votes
12 answers

Problems with Chrome browser after suspending the computer on Ubuntu 20.04

Kubuntu 20.04, 64 bit GPU: Geforce GT610 nvidia-driver-390 Chrome Version 85.0.4183.83 Intel i5-4430, core 4, 4 thread , 3GHz RAM: 16GB Each time I go into suspend mode and then resume, Chrome ...
christianbueno.1's user avatar
2 votes
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KDE Notifications bubble it is shown as an square after upgrading to kubuntu 20.04.1

After upgrading to Kubuntu 20.04.1 (from 18.04) the notification display is shown in an square box. I guess this is not normal behavior. How can I fix it? Thanks
jorgetutor's user avatar
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Is KDE 4 still available? Or how to use the look of KDE 4 on Plasma 5?

I know the latest version is KDE Plasma 5, but I really dislike its look and I want to use KDE 4. I found that KDE 3 is available as Trinity DE, being a continuation of the old version. Is there ...
ITChristian's user avatar

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