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Questions tagged [pdf]

Portable Document Format (PDF) is an open standard for document exchange.

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791 votes
25 answers

How can I reduce the file size of a scanned PDF file?

I have a 72.9 MB PDF file that I need to shrink to 500 KB or below. The file was a JPEG image that I had scanned and then converted to PDF.
tamimym's user avatar
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779 votes
21 answers

How can I extract a page range / a part of a PDF?

Do you have any idea how to extract a part of a PDF document and save it as PDF? On OS X it is absolutely trivial by using Preview. I tried PDF editor and other programs but to no avail. I would like ...
user72469's user avatar
  • 7,799
596 votes
15 answers

How to merge several PDF files?

There are a lot of software in Windows to merge PDF files but how can we do the same in Ubuntu?
Deependra Solanky's user avatar
564 votes
13 answers

How to convert PDF to image?

I have requirement of converting PDF pages to images. There is a background image with some text in my file, and when I save it as an image only the background image gets saved. Is there any software ...
Deependra Solanky's user avatar
433 votes
10 answers

Convert a directory of JPEG files to a single PDF document

I have many JPEG files in a directory, and I want to convert them to PDF and concatenate them together to make a single document. How can this be done? I would prefer using the command line, as ...
lovespeed's user avatar
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285 votes
27 answers

How can I highlight or annotate PDFs?

Currently I need to highlight certain sections in PDFs, or add annotations (comments/notes). These modifications would need to be saved. What tools are out there to do this on Ubuntu?
ssanj's user avatar
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281 votes
5 answers

Trouble with batch conversion of .png to .pdf using convert

convert /home/bill/TempScan/*.png myfile.pdf gives error message: convert-im6.q16: not authorized `myfile.pdf' @ error/constitute.c/WriteImage/1037. Any help would be appreciated!
bill-lancaster's user avatar
269 votes
16 answers

How to Edit PDFs?

I typically have two needs: Scenario A. Change a single PDF page. In this case I have a PDF but not the original source file used to create the PDF. I don't want to try to recreate the document from ...
snowguy's user avatar
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264 votes
12 answers

What PDF viewers are available for Ubuntu?

Every second e-mail I get suggests to download Adobe Acrobat reader, but doesn’t provide a Linux version. Which PDF Viewer are there available for Ubuntu? I’m fine with partial solutions, a ...
256 votes
12 answers

Extracting embedded images from a PDF

Before I started using Ubuntu I used Nitro PDF reader to automatically extract images from PDF files. Is there a PDF reader for Linux that does this? I would like to be able to extract images faster/...
1kb's user avatar
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253 votes
13 answers

How to open a PDF file from terminal?

I used to work on the Mac terminal before and I used: open file2open.pdf and the PDF file would be opened on preview or whatever my default viewer was. When I use it in the terminal in Ubuntu I get ...
yayu's user avatar
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189 votes
21 answers

Is there software that can fill PDF forms?

I have some PDFs which are actually forms, with fields to fill. Is there some software that can fill those fields?
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
180 votes
11 answers

Command line tool to crop PDF files

I am looking for an open source command line tool to crop PDF file just like we can do in Adobe Acrobat Pro. I have tried PdfTk, ImageMagick, PyPDF, and GhostScript—all with no success so far.
Rakesh's user avatar
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171 votes
18 answers

How can I install pdftk in Ubuntu 18.04 and later?

Is there any chance of getting pdftk working in Ubuntu 18.04? I need this for creating PDF files with a watermark in shell. Or, does anybody know a working alternative to pdftk to generate a PDF ...
WiKrIe's user avatar
  • 1,949
164 votes
15 answers

Create a single pdf from multiple text, images or pdf files

I have a bunch of text files, images and pdf files which I want to convert into a single pdf file. How do I do it?
AJha's user avatar
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162 votes
9 answers

How to remove the password from a PDF?

I have a password protected PDF file. I know the password but in order to share the file, I have to remove the password from the PDF and share an unprotected copy. How can I do this in Ubuntu with or ...
Chinmaya B's user avatar
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159 votes
8 answers

How to edit pdf metadata from command line?

I need a command line tool for editing metadata of pdf-files. I'm using a Aiptek MyNote Premium tablet for writing my notes and minutes on this device, import them later and convert them to pdf ...
bdr529's user avatar
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120 votes
7 answers

converting epub files to PDF format

I would like to know the ways in which epub files can be converted to pdf in ubuntu. Any method, GUI or command line conversion is fine as far as my epub gets converted to pdf. Thanks.
palerdot's user avatar
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119 votes
4 answers

How do I convert a PNG to PDF with only the default packages on 11.10?

Openning a png file in ubuntu, I can see the menu item for 'print to file'. How can I do the same on shell? PS: I prefer installing no extra package, due to lack of root access. EDIT: the operating ...
Richard's user avatar
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103 votes
4 answers

Error during converting jpg to pdf

Each time I want to convert jpg file to pdf by this command convert *.jpg pictures.pdf I have this error message: convert: not authorized `pictures.pdf' @ error/constitute.c/WriteImage/1028.
Adon Naaman's user avatar
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96 votes
13 answers

How can I edit a picture into an existing PDF file?

I have a scanned PDF file which is an application form, and a picture which is the scanned version of my signature (for example, this one) and can be in any image format such as EPS or PNG. I would ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 25.4k
94 votes
10 answers

How to reduce the size of a pdf file?

I'm looking for a way in Ubuntu to reduce the size of a pdf (by reducing the quality of the images). I know that this can be done in Ghostscript by typing the following command in terminal: gs -...
Nicole's user avatar
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86 votes
14 answers

Which programs can I use to edit PDF files? [duplicate]

I know that there is a very similar question, but I'm not interested in highlighting. What I'm looking for is some tool in Linux to edit pdf files. I've tried pdfedit which did the work for me, but if ...
alxlenc's user avatar
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85 votes
4 answers

How can I convert a ppt to a pdf from the command line?

I have a folder containing a bunch of ppts, each of which I'd like to convert to an individual pdf.
James's user avatar
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84 votes
6 answers

Is there a better pdf to text converter than pdftotext?

I'm using pdftotext (part of poppler-utils) to convert PDF documents to text. It works, for the most part, but one thing I wish it did was to insert blank lines between separate paragraphs instead of ...
dan's user avatar
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83 votes
6 answers

Is there a way to convert a PDF file to ePUB format WITHOUT using Calibre

I'll tell you clearly and loudly: I don't like Calibre! So, how can I convert PDF to ePUB without it?
user59114's user avatar
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82 votes
7 answers

How can I convert an ODT file to a PDF?

Does anyone know how to convert an ODT file (LibreOffice) to PDF?
SoftTimur's user avatar
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79 votes
3 answers

How to install a "pdf printer"?

Is there a way to install a printer that prints to pdf? There's a lot of discussions about this in the web foruns, but none seens to work.
The Student's user avatar
71 votes
7 answers

Diff of two pdf files?

I'm looking for a good program to show me the differences between two similar pdf files. In particular, I'm looking for something that doesn't just run diff on an ascii version (with "pdftotext") of ...
krumpelstiltskin's user avatar
71 votes
6 answers

How does one fill and sign PDF documents on Ubuntu?

When using Adobe Reader on a Windows desktop, one can open a PDF and use the fill & sign option. This option does not seem to appear on the Ubuntu version of Adobe Reader. How does one fill and ...
Cheshie's user avatar
  • 815
70 votes
8 answers

How to "save" a rotated pdf file

I have a pdf file shown upside down. So I use Okular to rotate it and it looks good. The problem is, The next time I open it with other software, it's still upside down. If I open it with Okular, it ...
Peng Zhang's user avatar
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70 votes
5 answers

PDF to word conversion software?

Is there any free software available on Ubuntu that can convert a pdf file to a .doc file?
Vijay's user avatar
  • 1,735
67 votes
6 answers

Adding pages to existing pdf file

I have a PDF document with over 300 pages. I need to add 15 pages in between - after page 180. How can I do it?
Chethan S.'s user avatar
  • 2,864
66 votes
2 answers

imagemagick - convert not allowed [duplicate]

I have multiple *.jpeg pictures I like to merge into a single *.pdf file like so: convert Blatt1.jpg Blatt2.jpg Blatt3.jpg Blatt4.jpg out.pdf I am prompted with the following exception: convert: ...
n00b.exe's user avatar
  • 763
63 votes
11 answers

How can I add text and images (for example, a signature) to a PDF?

On occasion I receive forms to fill in as PDFs intended for printing (these are not true PDF forms, they do not contain fields). I would like to type onto them, and perhaps add a scanned copy of my ...
lofidevops's user avatar
  • 21.1k
63 votes
5 answers

How can I convert a .tex file to a PDF via the command line?

Is there a package that contains a TeX to PDF converter/renderer available on Ubuntu 12.04? If not, can you recommend a tool for me to download from elsewhere that can do this that is simple to ...
triss's user avatar
  • 733
62 votes
6 answers

Is there a tool that can add a password to a PDF file?

I've found lots of info on decrypting PDF files, but none on encrypting them. What tool can do this for me? Edit: There are two good answers below, but in my specific case the PDF was a scan, not a ...
mfisch's user avatar
  • 3,663
60 votes
9 answers

Splitting a PDF page in two

I have a PDF file that was the result of the scan of a book. In this file 2 pages of the book correspond to 1 in the PDF. So when I see a page in the PDF file I'm actually seeing 2 pages of the book. ...
JGNog's user avatar
  • 789
59 votes
13 answers

How do I digitally sign a PDF with a S/MIME certificate?

I have already acquired a S/MIME certificate (a .p12 file) issued by an authority. Using it in Writer, I can digitally sign documents by following this procedure : How do I make a digital certificate ...
Agmenor's user avatar
  • 16.3k
56 votes
3 answers

How can I export a PDF from GIMP with each layer on a new page?

I have multiple layers open in GIMP. I would like to export a pdf that has each layer on a new page.
Morgoth's user avatar
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54 votes
9 answers

Is there a pdf reader allowing me to change background color of (arXiv) pdfs?

Its quite common that one wishes or has to read lots of PDF files which are intended to be printed, but since one would read them only once, and one wishes to save some trees, one reads them on ...
c.p.'s user avatar
  • 875
52 votes
7 answers

Converting DJVU to PDF

I want to convert a DJVU document into a PDF document, separating and preserving the text layer and the images while also keeping the structure from the DJVU. How can I do this in Ubuntu? (I will ...
hayd's user avatar
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51 votes
19 answers

Is there a better way to redact a PDF?

I had to print a couple of PDFs recently to send to someone, but I wanted to redact (black out) a couple small bits of text. A quick google search didn't turn up any tools for this specific purpose, ...
bstpierre's user avatar
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51 votes
7 answers

Search text within multiple pdfs and docs

I got a bunch of notes written by other students, but they are from an old textbook that didn't deal with everything in the same order, so I need to search through the notes for every chapter (each ...
Rabbit's user avatar
  • 794
51 votes
6 answers

Scan many pages straight into a PDF

Is there some easy to use program in Ubuntu that can scan many pages straight into a PDF file?
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
51 votes
5 answers

How to keep zoomlevel in Evince constant after clicking a link?

I really love how Evince works but this little thing is annoying me so much. When I select a title or a subtitle from the table of contents it shifts the zoom. On windows it was just easy as pie with ...
c.k.'s user avatar
  • 701
49 votes
5 answers

Rotate a specific page of a pdf file?

I have a multi-page pdf file, and I want to rotate a specific page 90 degrees clockwise, to obtain a new pdf file which has the same pages as the original pdf, but with this specific page rotated. How ...
a06e's user avatar
  • 13.4k
48 votes
11 answers

Is there any pdf viewer with dark mode?

Basically, I want a viewer which has a night mode or a dark mode so that I can change a pdf with a white background and black text to a dark background and light coloured text.
UbuntuLover's user avatar
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46 votes
11 answers

How to print a regular file to pdf from command line

In gedit, printing a file gives an option of printing to file where the file can be saved as a pdf. How can I do the same thing from the command line?
skypemesm's user avatar
  • 675
44 votes
3 answers

convert ps to pdf

How do I convert *.ps file to a .pdf file? I tried several links given by google search, but either solution is really old and does not work for latest versions of ps and pdf files, or they do not ...
hrishikeshp19's user avatar

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