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Questions tagged [pdf-bookmarks]

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19 votes
2 answers

Where are evince bookmarks stored?

Evince has the option to add bookmarks. My question is simple? Where is the information about bookmarks stored?
mreq's user avatar
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9 votes
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Create bookmarks in pdf

I've noticed that when viewing some PDFs in Evince some of them have a index in the left side of Evince where items are clickable. Well i want to build something like that for one PDF is that ...
Matteo Pagliazzi's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do I query the gvfs metadata for a specific attribute? [closed]

A nice feature in evince is that when you close the program and later reopen the same pdf, it automatically jumps to the page you were reading. The problem I have is that I often read ebooks on ...
Mathieu Comandon's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What freely available software is equipped for editing PDF Bookmarks?

I know of PDFMod, which I rather like except it has one flaw, I can't seem to be able to add bookmarks before pre-existing bookmarks (see the attached image if this is unclear). I've looked at this ...
Josh Pinto's user avatar
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How to convert a directory of jpg files to a pdf with filenames as bookmarks?

I have a directory of jpg files that are scans of my handwritten notes. How do I convert them to a single pdf file that has the filenames as bookmarks? (I eventually also want to add ocr. As ...
jm jm's user avatar
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Greek table of Contents created with pdfmod

I'm using pdfmod to create a ToC for a pdf, with greek characters. Although when I edit it greek characters are shown properly, when I save it neither Okular nor any pdf viewer displays them properly. ...
Αλεκος Ζαζόπουλος's user avatar
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LibreOffice not auto-bookmarking heading

I have an .odt document converted from .docx, which I am trying to convert to a PDF. I want to have an auto-generated table of contents using my heading references, but when exported to a PDF, there ...
Kye W Shi's user avatar
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