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Questions tagged [paths]

Questions related to path in networking, file system and OS.

94 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Where is BLAS and LAPACK installed - the directory?

I am trying find which directory path BLAS and LAPACK are installed on. I tried: $ type libblas-dev bash: type: libblas-dev: not found Then: $ apt-cache policy libblas-dev libblas-dev: ...
Brendan Darrer's user avatar
4 votes
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underclock an old GPU with amdgpu driver

I have an old graphics card (saphire r9 270x pitcairn architecture) that keeps crashing when under maximum load. the preset stock clock is 1070mhz and it runs fine when underclocked to 1000mhz. I've ...
mangorilla's user avatar
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I have been using my machine with no issues, but when I want to add my custom path to default lookup paths for libraries I am not able to because LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not set (empty). So I copy my ...
DevBee's user avatar
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Setting PATH with two different TexLive versions

I have two different versions of TexLive: the Ubuntu binaries for TexLive 2012, which live in usr/share, and TexLive 2013 which lives in usr/local. As per instructions here, my PATH now looks like the ...
Gx1sptDTDa's user avatar
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Desktop file doesn't work

I'm trying to make a desktop file for vcvRack. I have the program and other files saved in ~/.Rack/. The program launches fine when I double click it or launch in from terminal using ./Rack. The file ~...
iHnR's user avatar
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KDE applications installed through plasma-discover not showing, must be launched through Software Center

KDE version: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Plasma Discover Version: 5.18.5-0ubuntu0.1 I rebooted my PC and afterwards, any applications I had previously installed through plasma-discover (https://userbase.kde....
Zachary Stewart's user avatar
3 votes
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Connect GIMP snap to gmic

So I have installed the GIMP snap, it works nicely. However, how do I get it to use gmic? Can I just point the plugin path to gmic, and where would that be?
Dustin's user avatar
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How to hide files and folders in PCManFM without changing their path?

I'm running Lubuntu 16.04 LTS and thus, use the PCManFM file manager. I want to hide some files and folders from the view that the file manager provides, but I can not use the .-prefix or any other ...
Wanderer's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Any inputs in the Ubuntu login GUI result in total freezing of the system

1. THE SITUATION As of about two days ago, upon attempting to log into my Ubuntu machine, any inputs in the Ubuntu login GUI result in a total freezing of the system. Prior to UN/Password being ...
h8rt3rmin8r's user avatar
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Help to open tibia on ubuntu 24.04. QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'

I'm trying to install tibia on my computer. I always receive the following error when I try to run the program. Can someone help me? input: sudo ./Tibia output:QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set,...
Docs aulas's user avatar
2 votes
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How do you get kate to show the path to each file it finds?

When using kate to search for a file or a folder, how do you get it to show the path to each item it finds?
Paul A.'s user avatar
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Start intellij from anywhere

I have recently installed Ubuntu and I'm a bit confused. I have downloaded VSCode and I can simply start it from my terminal using code. I downloaded intellij and tried idea and intellij but none of ...
Manas Prakash's user avatar
2 votes
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$PATH prolems in Ubuntu

I have an application named delphi in Delphi_Dp directory. Its PATH is /usr/kalyan/Downloads/Delphi_Dp I have done export PATH=$PATH:/usr/kalyan/Downloads/Delphi_Dp echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/...
Kalyan Reddy's user avatar
2 votes
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$PATH from /etc/environment overwritten

I'm upgrading a bunch of installations of 10.04 to 12.04. In 10.04 I used to define system wide env. variables in /etc/environment. It works, but not for $PATH that seems to be overwirtten. I don't ...
Paco's user avatar
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systemd PATH not working consistently

I have a very simple systemd service: [Unit] Description=throttle service [Service] ExecStart=%h/.local/bin/throttle --server Type=simple Restart=always RestartSec=3 [Install] WantedBy=default....
fbence's user avatar
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Latex Workshop error: Cannot find LaTeX root file

I recently changed from Windows to Ubuntu because I'm learning to code. I used to write my class assignments in LaTeX using vscode and Latex Workshop. However, I've tried to set it up in Ubuntu and I'...
Alex Moreno's user avatar
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Terminal is neither showing path nor working

The default terminal and the VS code Terminal are neither showing path nor working. I have updated the system, cleared the cache, reinstalled the terminal, installed the new other terminals, and saw ...
Sreyapashikanti's user avatar
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Add intellij to environment variables

I have recently installed Ubuntu on my system. I downloaded Intellij and CLion using Ubuntu Software. In order to open it from terminal I used the command export PATH=$PATH:./ this command ...
Manas Prakash's user avatar
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Where do I define LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that Apache can see it?

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04. I have defined this in my /etc/profile file export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/ I'm trying to figure out where I define the above so that Apache can see it. Currently, ...
Dave's user avatar
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GCC C code compiling

I have a problem regarding gcc. Although I have a background programming in C, I have never actually used gcc. Until now that is. I have a Go program I am creating, that uses a library (Fyne) that in ...
witenitenz's user avatar
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Pip3 can't be "loaded" as a library/package, no matter what I try, after upgrading to Ubunta 18

The question was on Stack Overflow, but it is too Unix/Ubuntu-sepcific. My problem (see below where I have earlier posts) is that I can't get pip (or, more accurately, pip3) to load or work. APT get ...
eSurfsnake's user avatar
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Need a Universal Username for a .desktop file. Can someone help? $USER / $LOGNAME Don't Work. 18.04

Trying to create a .desktop file for a program and it requires a universal username path so instead of Exec=/home/john/ it's Exec=/home/$USER/ in .desktop files you need an ...
John's user avatar
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After removing sddm and lubuntu-desktop, my desktop environment is missing some environment variables

After removing sddm and lubuntu-desktop, and using startx to spin up a graphical interface with my window manager of choice (cwm), ~/.local/bin is not on the PATH anymore. I googled around and it ...
Dominykas Mostauskis's user avatar
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Is it possible for bash to recognize hardlinks or symlinks in $PATH?

Terminal, WSL For example, I currently have GHC's executable in ~/bin/ghc/bin/ghc, but my $PATH only specifies /home/user/bin. I have tried running ln ~/bin/ghc/bin/ghc ~/bin/ghc-usr, but bash still ...
schuelermine's user avatar
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"cmake --version" points to /usr/bin/cmake while "which cmake" points to /usr/local/bin

I am trying to upgrade cmake on my linux computer. Here is the command I used sudo apt purge --auto-remove cmake After downloading and extracted cmake-3.13.3.tar.gz ./bootstrap make sudo make ...
kkawabat's user avatar
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Can't launch Qt Creator in Ubuntu 18.04

My environment initially had qt4 and Qt Creator seemed to work fine back then. I installed qt5 and after that Qt Creator does not launch anymore. Qt Creator works fine in my virtual machine however. ...
LostDeveloper's user avatar
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IRSTLM path environment variable

I am trying to get IRSTLM to work. I have set the pah using: PATH=:/usr/local/lib/irstlm:$IRSTLM And then when I am tyring to run the function it is telling me that it is located in /usr/...
zefzhrtyts's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04: Log in problem when using prime-select intel and adding /usr/lib/nvidia-396 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH

I'm doing some computation with my GPU (GTX 970) so I decided to use my integrated card from my CPU (i7-4790K) to display my 2 screens, hence I used prime-select intel to do so. In doing so it seems ...
JulesD's user avatar
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gedit default directory and .desktop file

I have an icon for gedit in my launcher in Ubuntu 16.04. I had a problem with multiple icons in the launcher (see, e.g., Why are there two icons in the Unity launcher for Nautilus?), which I solved by ...
Marijn's user avatar
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How to give general users access to programs installed in another user area, not global directory

I've installed a package (according to the instructions) but noticed it didn't install the binary into the /usr/bin directory, but instead into the user area. What's the best way to give other users ...
babba_motif's user avatar
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pip install --user means users cannot run application from Dash or terminal

I'm the developer of a Python GUI application. I'd like users of my application to be able to install the application using pip because not all of its dependencies have made it into Debian yet, and I ...
Damon Lynch's user avatar
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Unable to add a path correctly

I have a folder: /usr/src/arm-linux-3.3/toolchain_gnueabi-4.4.0_ARMv5TE/usr/bin I can execute a command from here(I had to install the ia32-libs equivalenet on ubuntu 14.04) Now I tried to add the ...
Ron SV's user avatar
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Path to external HD in mame config file

I'm trying to set the path to the rom directory in mame to an external HD, the line in mame.ini config is rompath $HOME/mame/roms this works for the roms in the HD but when I try ...
John S.'s user avatar
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ImportError: Ipython requires Python version 2.7 or 3.3 or above

I am trying to use ipython notebook. But when i execute ipython notebook, it gives me below error. I have both ipython 2.7, and 3.3. But even than it can not detect ipython 2.7. How can i append ...
khan's user avatar
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Sharing PATH across login mechanisms with modification support

I'm running Xubuntu 14.10, currently using lightdm. Let's examine two process trees: init───lightdm───lightdm───upstart───xfce4-terminal───bash and: init───lightdm───lightdm───upstart───emacs─┬─{...'s user avatar
1 vote
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Cannot find device path for USB Bluetooth adapter

I am trying to use a Bluetooth adapter (known as Broadcom Corp. BCM2046B1 USB 2.0 Hub (part of BCM2046 Bluetooth) in lsusb, see further below) under Xubuntu 14.04, but my system never recognizes it. ...
fredg999's user avatar
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javac cannot found, even after adding non-standart path to it in $PATH

Ubuntu 12.10, 32bit Problem too damn simple: I have a NTFS partition and unpacked from .tar.gz jdk on it. All I need from bash, is to see javac compiler, that is located in directory /media/mallniya/...
mallniya's user avatar
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MGLTools Segmentation Fault

I'm currently working as an intern for computational chemistry. One of the applications that we need is MGLTools which I installed using this website:
Jacob Isaac Delfin's user avatar
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Help repairing broken Python base on Linux with Miniedit-WiFi setup

I previously uninstalled Python3.12 (on which I had ran Miniedit-WiFi tool) and left the default Python3.11; however the following console-log error keeps popping out whenever I run a Python script on ...
Kayemba Luwaga's user avatar
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Pycharm does not launch from other directory even after editing .bashrc, .profile and .environment

I downloaded PyCharm, and from the directory where the executable is, it works fine, however, whenever I do sudo vim ~/.profile, sudo vim ~/.bashrc, and add export PATH="$HOME/pycharm-...
XXX's user avatar
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I am having issue while installing Flutter in Ubuntu 20.04

I used snap to install flutter, i.e. sudo snap install flutter --classic After when I run flutter sdk-path it shows the following. The same happened when I tried manually downloading the .zip, ...
Vishnu Shaji's user avatar
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Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for with symlinks

As per the Ubuntu documentation - the only way to permanently set LD_LIBRARY_PATH is by adding a conf file to /etc/ If I manually run export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/nextcloudapp/squashfs-root/...
Terence Eden's user avatar
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How do I use sudo on a script I made myself that is already in my path and executable?

How do I make a script that I made myself that I already put in my path and made executable usable with sudo? (Xubuntu 22.04.1.) The script is located here: ~/bin/myScript. When, from an arbitrary ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
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OpenSSL and includePath problem

I have been encountering this problem for a few weeks now, ever since I started working on my projects. There is a red line under all of my #include lines. Red lines under #include: I narrowed the ...
Bōltzmann O9's user avatar
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How to add browser cutable path in ubuntu

just trying out ubuntu, and installed a node/npm CLI application where we can run the command in the terminal. That command/tool requires us to specify the browser e cutable path every time when we ...
data 's user avatar
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When Dolphin finds a file, what is the path to that file?

When Dolphin finds a file, it does not indicate the path to that file. How can I find out what that path is?
Paul A.'s user avatar
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Error while loading .profile on ubuntu 20.04

Yesterday I have changed my .profile to include go path. And it looks like this: if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then # include .bashrc if it exists if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then ....
Javlon's user avatar
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Find the absolute path for the root of the codebase

I need to find the absolute path for the root of the codebase.... is that a way to get it out easily?? I have a website that runs on on EC2 AWS/Ubuntu written at 95% in PHP and is linked with plesk. I ...
Jack's user avatar
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VS Code: No PHP executable is set

I am busy with a Udemy course about WordPress. The course uses VS Code as text editor and I love it, but keep getting a "No PHP executable is set error". PHP was loaded as part of the Local-...
Johann van Vuuren's user avatar
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Can No Longer Drill Down to Subfolders in Wine

Some Windows applications such as Notebook++ that require access to files seem unable to open some subfolders. For example, I want to open /var/www/html/ and whether I use C: or Z:, there is no + next ...
DonP's user avatar
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