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Set LD_LIBRARY_PATH for with symlinks

As per the Ubuntu documentation - the only way to permanently set LD_LIBRARY_PATH is by adding a conf file to /etc/ If I manually run export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/nextcloudapp/squashfs-root/...
Terence Eden's user avatar
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After installing youtube-dl on Ubuntu 21.10 with the instructions on github many applications, including default text editor, broke

A new user here, running ubuntu on version 21.10 impish. I was installing youtube-dl with the instructions on the github page ( $ sudo curl -L ...
Tomptp's user avatar
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Symbolic link not working

I tried to make a symbolic link between directories, but it's not working. I made a directory called C_drive and then did the following command: sudo ln -s this/directory/way/over/here/myfolder ~/...
JohnB42's user avatar
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How to link command to correct program? [duplicate]

I've installed a command called gsutil on my Ubuntu VM with the command sudo snap install google-cloud-sdk --classic However, when running gsutil I started an unrelated existing program of ...
Josh Friedlander's user avatar
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underclock an old GPU with amdgpu driver

I have an old graphics card (saphire r9 270x pitcairn architecture) that keeps crashing when under maximum load. the preset stock clock is 1070mhz and it runs fine when underclocked to 1000mhz. I've ...
mangorilla's user avatar
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Is it possible for bash to recognize hardlinks or symlinks in $PATH?

Terminal, WSL For example, I currently have GHC's executable in ~/bin/ghc/bin/ghc, but my $PATH only specifies /home/user/bin. I have tried running ln ~/bin/ghc/bin/ghc ~/bin/ghc-usr, but bash still ...
schuelermine's user avatar
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Add symbolic link or add to path? [duplicate]

I installed the latest version of Eclipse using the installer wizard. (I was following the instructions in the following link.) I can run eclipse from the command line as follows: $ ~/eclipse/java-...
I Like to Code's user avatar
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Using symlinks stored in /usr/bin that point to other folders to have them in path

I have a python script (which requires several other python files) in a folder, ~/Desktop/ufonet. I thought that by making a symlink (I tried both hard and soft) to that folder it would put it in my ...
Tommaso Thea's user avatar
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creating symbolic link and setting environment variables

I've compiled Gamit/Globk software from the source codes. The installation directory's path "/home/sorbilene/GAMIT". I need to create links and set environment variables to run the software without ...
deepblue_86's user avatar
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Use php command instead of full path with xampp installation?

I have Xubuntu installation and XAMPP installed on my PC, and everything works great. However, lately I am experimenting a little bit with Laravel framework and a lot of tutorials and people just use ...
lonerunner's user avatar