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Latex Workshop error: Cannot find LaTeX root file

I recently changed from Windows to Ubuntu because I'm learning to code. I used to write my class assignments in LaTeX using vscode and Latex Workshop. However, I've tried to set it up in Ubuntu and I'...
Alex Moreno's user avatar
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I am having issue while installing Flutter in Ubuntu 20.04

I used snap to install flutter, i.e. sudo snap install flutter --classic After when I run flutter sdk-path it shows the following. The same happened when I tried manually downloading the .zip, ...
Vishnu Shaji's user avatar
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Software Installation Linux: What does "utilities must be accessible via the system path" mean?

I want to install a software called MUMmer( on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine. The manual says that it requires some third party software to run successfully. I ...
ash14's user avatar
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Where is gambas3 installed?

I want to install the xt7-player-mpv video player, which was recently updated. It is not available for Ubuntu as deb and compiling it required Gambas3. That is available and can be installed with sudo ...
cipricus's user avatar
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My installation path is different with the documentation path, why?

Recently I'm installing OpenVino from scratch following this documentation : Install Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit for Linux* . Now after several steps, I realized that the output path ...
raisa_'s user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

How to know the path of a particular software?

Context: I'm trying to make an application automatically start when I login. For this I need to select the path for the application. Here are the paths I already looked into: /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/...
Ced's user avatar
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Zimbalaka: What is the full path to directory in celeryd.conf?

I am trying to install and run Zimbalaka (a Zim file creator for Offline MediaWiki in an app like Kiwix) in an Ubuntu Desktop 18.10. At a certain point, instructions tell to modify a line to contain ...
pdeli's user avatar
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configure error line 38: sort: No such file or directory

Using configure, ends with the following message: ./configure: line 38: sort: No such file or directory ./configure: line 35: sed: No such file or directory
qwr's user avatar
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Error while trying to install Nvidia drivers

Getting this error: Unable to find the development tool make in your path; please make sure that you have the package 'make' installed. If make is installed on your system, then please check that ...
user871932's user avatar
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Is there a package installer in which a i can choose where to install?

Since changing the installation path or directory of dpkg is not a good and risky idea I would like to know if there are any package installers in which I can choose to install where I want since my ...
sadad ali's user avatar
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Zip2john issue on ubuntu 18.04 LTS [duplicate]

Problem: root@ITSASECRET:~/src/john/run# zip2john : command not found I want to add that the srcript is in the directory. I also had a lot of trouble installing Rexgen as well as Bison and ...
Red's user avatar
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How can I install petrify and set it up?

I want to install petrify -- a tool for simulation of Asynchronous Circuits -- so I downloaded the file and in this folder there is an INSTALL file that says: You should define properly define the ...
Milad Sabri's user avatar
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If I compile and install my own Python from source and install packages, will it affect the system Python installation?

Say I compile Python 3 from source, configuring it with --prefix=$HOME/.local and installing it. Since $HOME/.local is in my path, and is preferred, now when I type python3 in my shell, I get my ...
orlp's user avatar
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Backup Ubuntu Software and Wipe Ubuntu

Hello I am new to Ubuntu. I Installed a bunch of softwares like Android Studio and JDK and other stuff. Now my ubuntu is messed up and It doesn't show the login screen and when I start lightdm and put ...
MohsenFM's user avatar
16 votes
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Is ./ (dot slash) a command?

Core of the question: The question arose while I could not install the software, so I am genuinely asking about ./ because I didn't know about it and the output "command not found" was confusing me ...
ubuntubu's user avatar
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Where is the golang-1.7 binary?

I've installed golang-1.7 on 16.10, but when I run, e.g. go version I get /usr/bin/go: No such file or directory. So I'd like to add the path to $PATH so I can use go 1.7, but I don't know where to ...
Seamus's user avatar
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Install java in a linux server without admin rights

I am using a cloud computing server were I don't have admin rights, for biology research which has java's version: user@server:~$ java -version java version "1.4.2" gij (GNU libgcj) version ...
Praderas's user avatar
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How to uninstall self compiled binaries? [duplicate]

I have been playing around with compiling some binaries. It all started because I wanted ffmpeg instead of avconv, now I just can't stop compiling stuff. I must find another hobby !! Anyway, I ...
hatterman's user avatar
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pip install --user means users cannot run application from Dash or terminal

I'm the developer of a Python GUI application. I'd like users of my application to be able to install the application using pip because not all of its dependencies have made it into Debian yet, and I ...
Damon Lynch's user avatar
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Anyone able to help me figure out what I'm doing wrong with installing Standard ML

I'm a bit lost. Typically getting something programming related working on Ubuntu is painless while Windows always a pain. Not the case this time around. I followed the instructions from here... ...
cpd1's user avatar
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add path directories for boost installation

I have installed boost_1.58_0 on my loptop's home directory. After some processes I faced to this message: The following directory should be added to compiler include paths: /home/acerv3-571g/...
Inzo Babaria's user avatar
2 votes
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Building and using a lib without installing it? (e.g. libcurl)

I'd like to use libcurl (a lib that handles HTTP connections) by linking it statically to a program I am writing. I am new to building programs from their source, so I have no clue on how to do it (i'...
Daladim's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Path is unknown when installing JustCloud

I am trying to install JustCloud on a new install of Ubuntu 14.04. JustCloud on Linux/Ubuntu says I need to run: sudo apt-get install rdiff librsync1 sudo dpkg -i ./JustCloud_64.deb before ...
J Harp's user avatar
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5 answers

How to find python installation directory on Ubuntu

I have just migrated from Windows environment. I have installed Python 3.2 in a separate directory. How can I get the python installation path in Ubuntu shell? Is there any way I can let the shell ...
avimehenwal's user avatar
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