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2 answers

Ubuntu CLI, replace a long filepath/filename with a shortcut

I have a long path to some of my files and I don't want to type and/or use the Tab-key as much when using it with commands in the Terminal. So I want to add "shortcuts" to some of them (both ...
Ola Ström's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can we have multiple path/directories for fonts in linux?

Is there anyway to have multiple directories for loading fonts in Linux distros? Or loading the fonts from a directory inside .fonts such as .fonts/DIRECTORY? I have two sets of fonts, and I don't ...
Dolan's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

how to write a command to remove a folder, name includes spaces.? [duplicate]

How can I delete a folder with whitespace in its name, but without quoting the folder name? I also need to be prompted to confirm the deletion. I know how to do it like this: rm -ri /home/user/'my ...
Jay B's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

Symbolic link not working

I tried to make a symbolic link between directories, but it's not working. I made a directory called C_drive and then did the following command: sudo ln -s this/directory/way/over/here/myfolder ~/...
JohnB42's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

can relative path access more than one level?

I'm new to Linux and was wondering if relative path can access more than one level. For example: /home/john/Desktop/Myfiles/text.txt If i'm currently at ~/ can i jump to text.txt without having to ...
Anhtu's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

Why doesn’t `mv file /dir` move the file to a subdirectory of the current working directory?

I was in my /etc directory and typed the command me@mylaptop:/etc$ sudo mv MyFile.conf /openvpn I thought that would move the file into the directory openvpn which is a subdirectory of the /etc ...
whitelightning's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a package installer in which a i can choose where to install?

Since changing the installation path or directory of dpkg is not a good and risky idea I would like to know if there are any package installers in which I can choose to install where I want since my ...
sadad ali's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Zip2john issue on ubuntu 18.04 LTS [duplicate]

Problem: root@ITSASECRET:~/src/john/run# zip2john : command not found I want to add that the srcript is in the directory. I also had a lot of trouble installing Rexgen as well as Bison and ...
Red's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to change default ftp directory?

When I connect with FTP using a pem file it is connecting fine and by default, it is showing this directory: /home/ubuntu Now I am trying to change the /home/ubuntu directory to /var/www/...
Mr world wide's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

A strange path to the folder [closed]

I have a folder called DAT on the desktop. I am not sure what I did the folder disappeared. Using find command find / -name DAT 2>/dev/null. This is the output /home/t-gang/ /DL4PL. I mean what is ...
user1935724's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to edit the highest parent directory of a path while navigating

Noob question: Let's say I'm in: user@mj:~/var/www/html/mag/something/else/forever$ And I want to be at: user@mj:/var/www/html/mag/something/else/forever$ Mind the ~ I can achieve that with: ...
M J's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu 16.04 correct way to specify a directory / folder using terminal chown to recursively change ownership / permissions

OK - so I open terminal and I want to use chown to change permissions / ownership recursively. I want to use sudo chown -R username:group directory The folder I want to change permissions on is ...
kerry's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Where is BLAS and LAPACK installed - the directory?

I am trying find which directory path BLAS and LAPACK are installed on. I tried: $ type libblas-dev bash: type: libblas-dev: not found Then: $ apt-cache policy libblas-dev libblas-dev: ...
Brendan Darrer's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Using ls command with a 'path' to display contents inside of a directory

Okay, so I have three questions that regard to the title. How do I use the ls command with an absolute path to display the contents of a directory? For example, the /home/documents directory? How do ...
DefiledL's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Print a list of "full" relative paths of all the files present in a directory and in its sub-directories

I need to print a list of "full" relative paths of all the files present in a directory and in its sub-directories. I used to do this with du and grep: du -a <path_to_directory> | grep -Po '[0-...
kos's user avatar
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55 votes
4 answers

How to write the path of a folder with space in its name? [duplicate]

I can't figure out how to write the path of a folder that includes spaces in its name (in Terminal). I tried: cd /path/path/path/"A Folder"/file cd /path/path/path/'A Folder/file cd /path/path/...
Elian Kamal's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

How to show the full path of a file or directory in the terminal?

I need to know how the directory name in order to type it out in the terminal. How do I access the names of directories? Windows Explorer used to have a title bar with the full path. Can someone ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

directory creation problem

What is the meaning of the following statement : I want to install math system named GAP. mkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/lib/gap4r5': Permission denied Cannot create directory /usr/local/...
user40491's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Where is /usr/share/zoneinfo specified?

We are adding timezone support to our Ubuntu application. The time zone info on my machine is in /usr/share/zoneinfo. Is it always in that directory? If so, where is that specified? If not, ...
Donald MacQueen's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Deploying war files in tomcat6

I am using tomcat5.5 for a long on Ubuntu servers 8.10 and 9.10 and /usr/share/tomcat/webapps/ is the path where I place my .war files and access them on the browser over network. On a sytem I've ...
user3215's user avatar
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