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Error while loading .profile on ubuntu 20.04

Yesterday I have changed my .profile to include go path. And it looks like this: if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then # include .bashrc if it exists if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then ....
Javlon's user avatar
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Prepend folder to PATH

I want to append my anaconda folder to the beginning of $PATH so that I can use python and pip from Ananconda Here is my ~/.profile: if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then # include .bashrc if it ...
Pea Nguyen's user avatar
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What files are run when I log into the desktop?

I don't know how to phrase this to be clear. I'm not talking about terminals or shells, I know what the difference between login and non-login shells are. What I want to know is when I start up my ...
Captain Man's user avatar
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Add executable to Path

I know this question has been asked a hundred times but for some reason all the answers aren't working on my system. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 I'm trying to add the file activator to my PATH so that I ...
Charon's user avatar
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Problem with adding path using zsh

I added a directory modifying ~/.profile and adding export PATH=$PATH:/home/...etc etc. But I realized that using zsh terminal I couldn't use the recently installed binary until I logged out from zsh. ...
Andrés Parada's user avatar
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Problem in .bashrc

I try to edit .bashrc to view the C-compilers that I installed before. But after opening the new terminal I am stuck with strange error. I am unable to ls the files/directories and nothing works. It ...
HASSAN's user avatar
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How to organize scripts and tools under ~/bin in directories, but have them in $PATH?

I always have ~/bin added to the $PATH in my ~/.profile. As is default in Ubuntu. # set PATH so it includes user's private bin if it exists if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH" fi ...
berkes's user avatar
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how to modify another user's .profile from the recovery console?

Pretty much everything is in the title, really! ;) I installed a few components to compile go programs, and the last step was to add the go directory to the path. Being a total ubuntu noob, I added ...
Pinpin's user avatar
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Path not setting up for a setup

I am unable to add path of my omnet bin directory for the installation. During the installation i go to the omnet directory and enter ./configure which gives me the following errors WARNING: your ...
user12895's user avatar
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4 answers

How to log in after wrongly modifying path

I wanted to add a path so that the system could find some manually installed executable. However, instead of typing PATH=xxx:$PATH;export PATH at the end of ~/.profile where xxx is the directory in ...
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