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Questions tagged [pastebin]

A pastebin is a type of web application that allows its users to upload snippets of text, usually samples of source code, for public viewing.

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23 votes
5 answers

How do I investigate boot and partition issues?

My machine won't boot or won't choose the right operating system when I choose it in the GRUB menu. What information do I need to provide in my questions so people can help me?
Jorge Castro's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

How to submit a file to without graphical interface?

My GUI does not work. I can only see a text terminal. I would like to send my logs to but I don't know how. Without a graphical interface, I am lost. Is there any way to submit a ...
January's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Do pastes made on Ubuntu Pastebin Service get deleted?

I had used Ubuntu's Pastebin Service to give the output of terminal commands as follow-up for the following question I had asked: Problem resolving many of the Web Pages However, now I am not able ...
Aditya's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

I would like to delete an accidental post I did on while using Bootrepair

I wanted to find out were the MBR physically is (I have a multiboot PC with several HD) and Bootrepair has done its job. I then discovered that beyond my control private information was send to http:/...
user236393's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why does Ubuntu Pastebin download-as-text link require an UbuntuOne login?

When I click on the Download as text link on the Ubuntu Pastebin it requires me to login to Ubuntu One. Why? I would like to grab the text with curl.
PLA's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How can I redirect the contents of a file to the pastebinit command? [duplicate]

Whenever I was to store something to show someone here, I run command-with-output | pastebinit. That returns the link to the paste online. For example: echo sometext | pastebinit gave me the link ...
Tim's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

output "script" to pastebin readability

How do I paste output from the script command (typescript; "man script") so that it's more readable? Script started on 2017-10-27 06:20:56-0700 ]0;thufir@dur: ~/IdeaProjects[01;32mthufir@dur[00m:[01;...
Thufir's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Setting up an internal pastebin server

I'd like to set up an internal pastebin server. Are there any ubuntu packages / docs for setting up pastebin as a server on Ubuntu?
Lorin Hochstein's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is there pastebin software for Ubuntu 14.04?

Pastebin is software that allows a person to save clips of code from many languages, or just text files, and share them with the public as read-only files. See Ubuntu 14.04 running as a ...
Bulrush's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How can I pastebin 2 commands?

When I try to pastebin 2 command like this: echo Merry && echo Christmas | pastebinit It only pastebins the second command, and gives the first as output: Merry
Tim's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Have I opened myself to a hack from posting terminal output here?

So, yesterday I posed a question where I supplied two dmesg | tail outputs, plus uname -a and ls -a /boot. It disclosed my system time and my username, (plus my VPN provider and other software). I ...
j doe will do just fine's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Pastebin Terminal Syntax

Just curious: If I'm pasting the output of some terminal processes—like the various commands one goes through to make and install a certain driver or application—into the Ubuntu Pastebin, what syntax ...
Brad Turek's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can't get my wireless to work on Toshiba-Satellite-C70D-B

I've read some of the previous questions and answers and have not yet found what I need. I have a lot of info, but don't know what to do with it. One thing that confuses me is I cannot "see" what ...
quazipseudo's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Is there a site to upload text files? [duplicate]

I would like to upload text files to a site so I can share with others. The sites that I use only allow pictures.
fixit7's user avatar
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